10 Nasty Non-Knife (almost) EDCs: The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 514)
On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 514), Bob “The Knife Junkie” DeMarco looks at 10 nasty non-knife (almost) EDCs, including the Wingard Wearables DickPik, Revenant Corps Sharpie, Aaroneous Blades Razor, and the 1990s Kobuton among others.
He also shows off the Gentleman Junkie GAW Knife for June 2024: the Eutektik Trinity compliments of Liong Mah.
Bob starts the show with his favorite comment of the week, followed by his pocket check of knives: the George/Elishewitz EK Integral, ABW Slip Joint, the T.Kell Knives Agent-001, and the Jack Wolf Knives FIXedc (Emotional Support Knife).
In Knife Life News:
• Jack Wolf Knives Releases First Fixed Blade Knife
• Blade Show 2024 Production Knife Awards
• Blade Show 2024 Custom Knife Awards
• Boker Everyday Duty Knife from Solingen Line
Meanwhile, in his State of the Collection, Bob looks at the T.Kell Knives FLN, the Jack Wolf Knives FIXedc, and the Artisan Banjaara by Dirk Pinkerton.
Find the list of all the knives shown in the show and links to the Knife Life news stories below.
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10 Nasty Non-Knife (almost) EDCs. That's Bob's topic on the midweek supplemental edition of #theknifejunkie #podcast (episode 514). What's your favorite non-knife EDC? Share on XAutomated AI Podcast Transcript
The Knife Junkie Podcast is the place for knife newbies and knife junkies to learn about knives and knife collecting. Twice per week Bob DeMarco talks knives. Call the Listener Line at 724-466-4487; Visit https://theknifejunkie.com.
©2024, Bob DeMarco
The Knife Junkie Podcast
[0:00]Coming up, the June 2024 Gentleman Junkie Knife Giveaway Knife. I get a new one from Dirk Pinkerton and Artisan Cutlery. And then 10 nasty non-knife, mostly, implements for EDC. I'm Bob DeMarco. This is the Knife Junkie Podcast. Welcome to the Knife Junkie Podcast, your weekly dose of knife news and information about knives and knife collecting. Here's your host, Bob the Knife Junkie DeMarco.
[0:32]Welcome back to the show. My favorite comment from this past week was from Jason Scott 9606. He says, Happy Father's Day, Bob. Thank you, sir. And thank you for another great interview. I'm definitely going to check out Dawson Knives. They look awesome, and I love that they're a family business. I'm an Arizonan, born in Phoenix, and it's great to find out that they are from Prescott, Arizona. Arizona I've only been in the knife hobby about five or six years but it's always cool learning that so many companies are in Arizona and I didn't know it Medford M3 Tactical and Jack Wolf Knives and I remember from one of your interviews that Doug Ritter lives here yes indeed he does and how cool is that I mean well to me I find it cool part of what I love doing about these interviews on the podcast is meeting people finding out what their business model is Oftentimes family, I love that too But also just connecting In a wider way to where people come from And I'm always Proud and thrilled to find out that there's an Ohio Connection with various, Designers and makers That I like, well Dirk Pinkerton, one of them So I totally get the state pride So I'm glad you're finding value And having fun with the show Jason Scott, and thank you one and all Who watched and commented this past week It's greatly appreciated, all that said let us now get to a pocket check what's in his pocket let's find out.
[2:00]Here's the knife junkie with his pocket check of knives, Haven't been able to get this out of my pocket since I got it at Blade Show 2024. This is the Alan Alishowitz Les George Eck folder. It's an integral folder, and that's actually part of the name. George Alishowitz Eck integral folder. This is my first integral.
[2:21]And if you don't know what that is, that means that the whole handle, including the lock and everything, is milled out of one solid piece of titanium. Not put together with two sides and a backspacer or standoffs It's just one solid piece So it's difficult in terms of engineering And it's expensive in terms of materials and time on the machine, on the mills, Also, not for none, I'm sure it's probably somewhat more difficult to design Though I've actually asked that question of people and they claim it isn't.
[2:59]But you still have to figure out a way to get the action in and out of the handle without taking it apart. And here you can see gaps here, and you can see the action in there. You can see the pivot. That pivot is wide, so maybe it's something there. Maybe it's in the width of the pivot and those access points. I don't know. Not planning on taking it apart. This comes in two different blade shapes. One is a nearly fully flat ground with a slight swedge, and then this is their dagger ground, which is a bayonet style, meaning you've got two bevels, but one is unequal and a little bit shorter, the one on top. In this case, to accommodate that thumb disc and a place to put your thumb. This thing is so comfortable and it's echoing a very famous and...
[3:55]Well, a very famous combat knife from history, the Eck combat knives, daggers and clip points. And if you know those knives, you'll see all the references in the handle. The three large handle bolts, the four scooped chamfers on the side, the lines where you would have slots in the handle. Some of them were stacked leather. Many of them were stacked leather. Others were flat slabs of wood So very very cool Knives from history that I don't have I've always wanted an Eck I will get one someday But this in the meantime will do And man I love it It's also my first knife with that sort of flame Anno job So beautifully done, I bought it from the Alishowitz table, Alan Alishowitz And Les George were And Defiant 7 I almost said Deviant 7 Were all in one row so it was just.
[4:54]One beautiful knife, dagger, combat something or other, or exquisite custom fixed blade by Alan Lischwitz after another. So, very impressive, and I love that knife if you didn't get that. Next up, this is another one I love, and this is a pocket dropper. This has just been going in the bottom of my pocket, even horizontal like this. It's just the right size that it doesn't bother me. This is the American Blade Works slip joint. Does not have too much of a a fancy name but that's what it is and it's it's under it's about five about five and a half inches let's see yeah it's about five and a half inches overall and it just fits so well in the pocket it's nice and light it it's sort of a companion piece to the model 2 uh with that with that titanium milling that's so slick i love that i love the look of this thing just like i love the a look of the model two they remind me of well the model two reminds me of an of an old train and this not an old train like an art deco train poster i don't know that's sort of, uh weirdly specific but uh this kind of falls in the same camp for me a very very thinly ground hollow ground magna cut blade and um this is 6364 rockwell hardness um for the finicky uh and i'm not saying you shouldn't be i'm just not but for the finicky with with uh.
[6:22]He treats, we know that American Blade Works does it positively right. This has really good action, especially for a first slip joint. And what I mean by that is, like, I could see improvement coming in terms of crispness.
[6:39]But let me just say, for a first slip joint, it way beats the first attempt of Benchmade to make a slip joint. It's, like, way better than the proper in terms of its action. and well everything else but um you know so if a if if this lone wolf uh i.e michael martin of american blade works can come out with his first slip joint and and outclass a big company i know this was a few years back though uh but coming out with their first slip joint it's the sign of success i love this thing was only 150 bucks and a lot of people i bumped into shane edgy american American was the guy who hit me to it and I ran over and got it only 150 bucks. And then it went like hotcakes. He brought like 25 of them or something. And they sold like that. They are great. I love them. Can't wait to see more from from more slip joints from them. Next up on my belt, another one I haven't been able to get rid of. Not that I want to get rid of it, but haven't been switching this out for much lately.
[7:42]Except for the Nova two. And this is the T-Cal Knives Agent 001, my design collaboration with Tim Kell of T. Kell Knives, who is just awesome in every way I know so far. He's a great guy. He's a great business owner and entrepreneur, and he knows how to make knives so well. I love his knives. I've been a big fan of T. Kell Knives For a few years now It all started when Dave Of OG Bladeworks loaned me One of his knives and I was like oh yeah This is sweet.
[8:17]Very, very honored to do this collaboration with him. It was going like hotcakes at Blade Show, which was, it was so thrilling for me to see that I gave other knife nerds some joy with my design collaboration with Tim Kopp. And man, he just did, they just did a beautiful job making this. I have two of them with the double edge, one with the single edge. And this purple one is my baby. This is the one I carry all the time. I've got my logo on there And Tim Kell's Tim Kell Knives makers mark there Super sharp on both sides I mean ridiculously sharp And very ergonomic And you know I love the knife Another one I love is.
[9:02]Unexpected I'm going to say it It's not unexpected that I love a Jack Wolf knife But it was unexpected that Ben Belkin Would come out with a small slip joint knife I mean I'm sorry A small fixed blade knife and that I would basically be crazy about it. First of all, let's talk about the blade, and then we'll talk about the beautiful sheep.
[9:22]Three-inch blade, the same size as... I'm sorry, that's not... Yeah, it is. Just shy of three-inch. A three-inch sheep's foot blade, a full-height hollow ground like the Midnight Jack and the After Hours Jack, and this one here is stonewashed. Please forgive the writing on my hand. stonewashed beautifully very nice and thin a great utility knife short handle so overall six inches and that handle is for some three fingers for me it's about i can get four fingers on there on this last little slope there in the coffin handle on the back but like ben and like many i prefer a little fob on there and it helps in drawing the blade and it also helps in retention also you can come back on the blade a little bit if you need to. Um, this I have been carrying in my back pockets and I've been loving how it's breaking in the sheath here. Something you have to be aware of with this knife, uh, is that it's unlike, um, unlike say a bushcraft knife that has a pouch style sheath like this, where you just kind of, uh, put the sheath in and it doesn't, this is ambidextrous and you work very hard at making it so. Uh, but.
[10:39]You have to be careful not to jam it in too far. My inclination with this kind of sheath, these pouch sheaths, is to really push the knife in there. And because that's left over from walking around outside with a knife that doesn't have a strap on it, like I really have to push it in there and make sure it's, but you don't have to with this. And I made the mistake absentmindedly once of pushing this through the leather down here. It didn't didn't uh damage any of the um stitching or anything but just a tiny little bit of it poked out through there i was just kind of absent-mindedly pushing it into my pocket and that's what happened uh this of course is a uh like double black he didn't call it that but it's like a very black linen micarta i love it the color is excellent bronzed screws they're holding it all together and all meant to be a little bit smaller than an open uh slip joint So the handle is a little bit smaller, and you make up for it with this kind of lanyard.
[11:38]So this is what I had on me. What did you have on you today? I had the Alishawitz George Integral. I had the American Blade Works slip joint, the Decal Knives Agent 001, and the Jack Wolf Knives Fix EDC for emotional support. And let me tell you, it did bring that in spades. All right. As I take these away and put them away, way. Maybe you can think about what you're going to drop in the comments. Let me know what you're carrying today. Give me some inspiration. I've been actually lately thinking it would be awesome to have me a brand new Spyderco Military 2 like I was going to get myself when it first came out and then bitterly turned away.
[12:16]Thanks, BladeHQ. All right, next up, I just want to remind those gentlemen junkies and those who think they might want to become one what you stand to gain this This month, if you win, this is the Gentleman Junkie Knife giveaway knife of June 2024, the Eutectic Trinity. Eutectic, the affordable line, the high-value line, we'll say, of Liang Ma. We all know Liang Ma is a sought-after designer who has made some really great knives. The Eraser, that was his first one, came out with CRKT to a huge blitz. He's a former chef, awesome guy But designs great pocket knives and everyday utility knives His big famous one is the Is the Field Duty, I love that one I have it in eutectic form But this one is a really cool flipper Clip point, I love the shape of that blade Hold it upside down so you can really see the shape somehow For some reason, blade shapes always look.
[13:22]I don't know. They're easier to gauge when they're upside down for some reason. Love this knife. This could be yours. Gentleman Junkie, if that's what you are, go to theknifejunkie.com slash Patreon or you can scan the QR code on the screen when that comes up and it will take you right there and see what you get. Love to have you. If not, just keep watching and share the show with a friend. That always helps as well. Alright, coming up, we got Yeah, Knife Life News, four exciting stories, including the Blade Show Awards, coming up on the Knife Drinking Podcast. Among this week's specials at Knives Ship Free, RMJ was able to restock us with their Sparrow Fixed Blade. The full-tang Nitro V-Blade has a contoured G10 handle, and the Kydex sheath includes a detachable clip plate. This forged 52100 blade is fitted with a variety of wood handles, all hand-selected and stabilized by Lon Humphrey. He builds these pieces of functional art at his shop in Ohio.
[14:25]And the element by talented custom bladesmith and blade designer Jason Knight. This production, EDC The Element, is now in stock. Get these deals and other great specials from our friends at Knives Ship Free. Just use our affiliate link, thenifejunkie.com slash knifeshipfree. Support the show and get a great new knife at the same time. Thenifejunkie.com slash knifeshipfree. You're listening to the Knife Junkie Podcast, and now here's the Knife Junkie with the Knife Life News. Okay, first up on Knife Life News, you've seen the Jack Wolf Knives PIX EDC right here in my hands, But I want to tell you a little bit more, About this very unique Jack Wolf Knives release And As you can remember If you know Jack Wolf Knives It comes out, in a variety of handle materials and blade finishes this time we have a really cool radial pattern uh titanium with blue um screws and that is sort of evocative of the chris reed knives.
[15:33]Those old umnums on with the with the radial patterns uh you've got the black micarta which is great to see micarta coming back he said his uh his micarta fans are relentless and uh basically demanded it so came back with that beautiful purple um fat carbon and then you've got ultim and then at the bottom that's a uh traditional knives a traditional pocket knives exclusive in abalone so a really uh fantastic and beautiful looking knife there um what's more uh s90v as per usual and um everything else about this is unusual uh that that beautiful.
[16:16]Ambidextrous sheath and then the super super tight clip that was something very important to ben in designing this is that half of a fixed blade knife is the sheath really you do have to focus so much on that because people will not carry a knife if it's got a bad sheath it's a fixed blade so uh spent a lot of time on that making it ambidextrous and crushed it i love this knife it is now available as of this past friday if you're listening to this when it drops so go check it out check out the different options and uh see if any of them strike your fancy all right next up i want to talk about blade show awards uh that's always exciting to see, who won what uh when you go into blade show there's always a giant cabinet It's kind of a big square Lit up cabinet and you walk all the way around it You can see all of the knives that have been Entered in to win the various, Awards And so I just want to go through the first one I want to go through the production, Knife awards So let me get this queued up and I'll just read These off and it's not so Bad on the production knife end of things But when we get to the customs I will probably be butchering some Names so apologies in advance But.
[17:31]Overall knife of the year, the Spartan Blades Harsey Clandestina. And I will not editorialize except to say that that knife in particular is so sweet. I wish it were less expensive only because I'd get one in a heartbeat. A beautiful Harsey fixed blade design. American made fixed blade of the year The McNeese Knives Ridge Runner American made folding knife of the year The Protec TR3 and I believe That's a non-auto Version of that awesome knife Most innovative American design The Spectaco Paramilitary 2 Salt I'm not sure about that Maybe that's because they put, Magna-cut on a Parrot 2 and change the handle a little bit. That's a little strange. But anyway, we got Imported Fixed Blade of the Year, Giant Mouse, GMF-1. Imported Folding Knife of the Year, Lionsteel, Skinny. Most Innovative Imported Design, CRKT Fjall. Best, that's that corkscrew knife, how cool, by Princeton Wong. Best Buy of the Year, Civivi Yonder. Kitchen Knife of the Year, QSP, Kuretsuke.
[18:39]Knife Collaboration of the Year, Ketuo Knife and Ken Onion Buckhorn, Manufacturing Quality, Lion Steel Investor, Collector Knife of the Year, Pro-Tech Oligarch, PVK Automatic Knife of the Year is the Kershaw Livewire. That's a really cool out the front. All right, next up, I want to talk about the custom. And some of these I saw. I mean, I saw most of the production, but really cool to see some of the custom ones. And for me, Lurkwin. He's on here twice, Samuel Lurkwin, and he goes by Wardog Knives, I think, on Instagram. His stuff is incredible. All right, so again, forgive me for any sort of mispronunciations. This first one, best of show and best folder from Evan Nicolaitis, recently on the show, Esnick's Knives Angler. Do yourself a favor, look up that knife on Instagram, Evan Nicolaitis. It was stunning, and I didn't get to see it in person.
[19:43]And by didn't get to, I just didn't get to, but I wanted to. But that thing is amazing. Best of show contender, Jean-Louis Riegel with a Bowie. Best art knife, Fabio Barros with a dagger. Best Kitchen Knife, Jordan LaMoth, either with a Mojave or his last name is Mojave. Best Bowie, Samuel Lurquin. Best Collaboration, Superlative, that's Javi Garcia, Enrique Pena, and Jared Oser, three like luminaries for their cannibal phantom law. Best Damascus is Romel Fernandez. Best Fighter, Seth Lopez. Best Fighter Contender, Samuel Lurquin again. Best Fighter Contender, Seth Lopez. Best Fixed Blade, Harvey Dean Dogbone Dagger. Best Mac, that's Machine Assisted Custom Knife. I believe last year was the first time we saw that category. Sergei Shurigorov with the Midi-Q. Best Folder Contender, Vogt Knives Folding Tanto. Best Handle Design, Vogt Knives Persian Folder. Best New Maker, Bobby House. Best Sword, Vince Evans. Italian Chiavona, that's a cool sword. Best Tactical Folder, Dmitry Sinkovich Pike. Every Dmitry Sienkiewicz is awesome But this one is outstandingly awesome Best Utility Hunter.
[20:56]Dionatom Franco Jaeger Most Innovative Design Carlos Tieres with the TRS Thorn Best Miniature Rydian Gatrell Mini Barlow with Scrimshaw Best Slip Joint Rydian Gatrell, Lockback Riddler, Well, I want to congratulate Everyone who is on those lists And also just everyone who is at Blade Show They say that not they Who was it, Roosevelt?
[21:21]It's the man in the arena that counts The man or the woman, we have altered that For my daughters, but whenever anyone Is, you know Looks down at their nose at someone In a competitive field and says Oh, I could do better, well Are you doing better and are you there? These are the people that showed up And these are the people who won So congratulations, one and all Alright, last up in Knife Life News news, Boker. They have a new one coming up. And what's unusual about this is that we usually hear from Boker's Boker Plus line.
[21:54]But today, we're going to talk about a new knife that's coming out from their Solingen line. And just off the top of my head, this seems to me something to maybe compete with the Bugouts, you know, and the RSK Mark I and those kind of knives. Knives uh this one is the everyday duty knife or edk and like i said it's from their solingen line solingen germany uh where they you know originate from um the fr okay so the handle is frn kind of no that was unexpected beautiful chevron pattern though it's got a sort of crossbar lock it's a drop point comes in a drop point like you see there or a tanto in magna cut so cheap handle awesome steel that's that's the part that that makes me think of the rsk mark one uh because the rsk knives that's that's how they began uh life as a super steel on an inexpensive uh at the time reptilian handle so i feel like this is kind of in the same um a design envelope or something like that um i like the look of this one with the uh Yeah, but the Tonto blade, it's got a fold-over pocket clip, but not so deep carry, and that is spring steel, and this will be available soon. So if anyone gets this knife and...
[23:15]I'd like to hear. I'd like to hear if you get that knife and check it out. Is it, do you think, supposed to be an RSK Mark I Buster or something to compete with that knife or the Bugout? Do let me know. All right, coming up here in a second, we're going to do the state of the collection. I'll show you a couple of really awesome knives that have come my way, even since Blade Show. They were on order beforehand. They showed up, and I have them to show you here.
[23:40]Until then, sorry about that, be sure to check us out on Patreon, and also be sure to check us out on Thursday Night Knives, especially tomorrow night for the Gentleman Junkie Knife giveaway. Alright, I got it out. I had to make a reminder. Alright, coming up here is the state of the collection. The Shockwave Tactical Torch is your ultimate self-defense companion, featuring a powerful LED bulb that lasts 100,000 hours, a super-sharp, crenulated bezel, and a built-in stun gun delivering 4.5 million volts. Don't settle for ordinary. Choose the Shockwave Tactical Torch.
[24:18]TheKnifeJunkie.com slash Shockwave. And now that we're caught up with knife-life news, let's hear more of the Knife Junkie podcast. Podcast okay first up this is one that i ordered a while ago and these knives take a little bit of time to make but man is it worth the wait and it wasn't that long this is the t-cal knives fln this is the design collaboration with jared neve of neve's knives and it is meant to be a dedicated self-defense no doubt this awesome knife would do great at that of course it's a karambit you got the ring you got the sickle shaped blade and you have it set up for that edge forward in the hand in a natural fist without doing anything it fits so well this is a really nicely ergonomic.
[25:13]Karambit and um him to me is one of the few makers who makes very ergonomic rings on his knives whether it's the night stalker or this here fln the alignment of the fingers is always perfect it's not compromised and i feel like this knife you could get a bigger hand on for sure look you see all that this extra space you get a bigger hand on there and sink some pretty chunky fingers into this blade before you need to up the size of your karambit. Really nice handle, as usual, with the grenade grip. In this case, this is called the Blackhawk. It's a black and purple alternating G10. Sorry, brain lock there. Different from the Swirl, they have a lot of these Burl G10s too, where you have the two different colors, in this case also black and purple, but it's swirled together. It's not in rigid layers like that. I like both looks, especially with the grenade grip pattern in there. This is AEBL. Wait, yeah, this is AEBL and it is nickel boron coated. You can also get this knife in a black. I'm not sure if it's acid stonewall or acid. I'm not sure how it's blackened. It's not like Cerakote or something like that, But it's nice and dark And I think those are slick too.
[26:39]In terms of the nickel boron coating Just a beautiful knife So psyched to finally have this In my collection And then I set it up with the Discrete Cherry, Concepts clip This goes up on the belt like that And then I wear this on the front So this is my center line here And this is my belt, And it comes like this And the edge of my body is right there So it doesn't really print but it draws very nicely.
[27:06]In that reverse grip not for nothing this would make an excellent uh forward by the way forward grip you don't have to know how to use a karambit in in the traditional sea lot martial arts sense you can kind of hold it like this and intuitively claw away all you want um but just a great knife i i can't recommend t-cal knives uh strongly enough of course i'll tell you the best one they to have is the agent double oh one but then i would just be biased because i love everything they have especially the night stalker that's that's what really inspired the design of this knife was the night stalker so very enamored with those knives next up this is just for historical record uh i have the i just well recently since last we spoke on this show got the jack wolf knives fixed edc i'm not going to say anything more about it this is just historical record that this is new Putting it away and letting it rest This is a great knife, good office knife Really good office knife.
[28:06]And lastly here This is a prototype of a knife that was just released at Blade Show This is the Banhara by Dirk Pinkerton And it's part of the Nomad family, The Kaiser Nomad was a very popular up-swept Persian blade with a similar handle like this, but longer, more drawn out. I got to say, man, the ergonomics of this are awesome. There were big posters of this everywhere at Blade Show, and it definitely caught my eye. But having it in hand and looking at it in person is a different experience. This is a very...
[28:51]Very gnarly and interesting knife. Gnarly because it, you know, I always go back to the tactical, that upswept blade, but the point is not above the spine, which I like. And it's got a great belly and the ergonomics are just astoundingly good on this. In reverse grip, I mean, in forward grip and in reverse grip.
[29:12]But especially in forward grip to me. um where was i going with this uh well uh oh yeah so the difference between this which is that really curvy upswept um sort of middle eastern blade versus uh versus the main street for instance one of his very popular sheep's foot slash wharncliffe knives it just kind of shows Shows you the width and breadth of his design, of Dirk Pinkerton's design prowess. He's really good in a lot of different realms, including custom handmade knives, which I'm a collector of his stuff.
[29:52]But I love this new one, the Bonjar. And no doubt it is based on some fierce Middle Eastern desert fighting knives. Knives uh titanium of course with a really nice milling i like it a lot look at a little so oh and you got the classic dirk pinkerton jimping the little cup scoops out there all right so that does it for the state of the collection uh that by the way is not mine um but from this i mean it's a it's his prototype of the knife but uh no doubt the production version is is awesome Oh, by the way, I just have to mention detent optimized definitely for that finger flick and for thumb flicking. Really, really great for that.
[30:43]Okay. Artisan Bonjar. Alright, now I want to talk about a knife-adjacent topic. Things that I love that are not necessarily knives, but you carry them for self-defense as EDCs. They also might double as something else, but really that's what they're there for. And case in point, we'll start with a strong, strong contender for my favorite. And that is the Wingard Wearables Dick Pick. A funny name, but not a very funny tool. It is a very useful and deadly tool. Primary use for this is an elongated finger. If you ask Zach Wingard of Wingard Wearables, he loves spikes.
[31:32]And the main reason he likes that is because you can do all these things with a spike that you want to do with your finger or that you try to do with your finger. In this case, scratch, reach, poke, stab. And in this case back here, pry and pound and separate with this very sharp claw here. To me, of course, I think of this primarily as something I would use for self-defense. But when I carry it, lo and behold, I've never used it for self-defense. Knock on wood. But I have used it to take out staples. This is awesome for removing staples. I've used it to carb coffee cups. You know, you buy a coffee cup and the little tiny carburetor hole isn't enough to get a good solid flow of coffee into your maw. So I always poke a big hole in it. This is a great thing for that.
[32:26]Lots of real practical purposes For this thing But if you needed it in a pinch You could definitely go to town with it It's not my story to tell But I do know that this has been used In defense against an animal That was out of hand And worked to great effect So it is a serious tool To be taken seriously But it's not just for fighting It's not just for sticking And it's for all sorts of, all manner of use I know that it's used often as a scribe This is 420J, I believe 420J steel.
[33:08]Very cool knife, and I mean, a very cool implement here, and also a great Kydex sheath. The one thing I would do to this sheath, if I weren't carrying it in the waistband, which is what I do, is I would make this little scoop here a little bit tighter so that it's more of a hook, and then when pulling it out of the pants, if it was just loose in the pants pocket, you could draw it on the side.
[33:34]That's the Wingard Wearables Dick Pick. There's a magnum that's very large And there's a mini that's diminutive.
[33:43]Okay, next up This is one of my oldest things here Well, it's definitely the oldest thing here by far And this is a 1990s Coubaton I got this in 97, 98, or 99 At a Brooklyn, New York martial arts shop And I carried it for a long time All of my keys were on this for a long time when I lived in New York, and then they would reside in my back pocket next to my wallet. And I could pull it out. I had it all set up where I could pull it out with my thumb through the ring and then have it ready to go like this. And then also if you hold something like this with keys on the other end it can become a flail so i would practice hitting things with my keys back then i didn't have a car because i was living in new york city so i didn't have a uh a car key fob to worry about smashing if i had to hit someone in the face with it it was just keys and so i'd figure out which way the teeth were going on the keys and try and swing it that way um in my imaginary fights but you can see how much the The paint has worn off this thing over time. I like coubatons.
[34:55]They're just sticks. Sometimes they're called makiwaras. Is that right? Makiwara? Or maybe not. Or maybe that's a punching board. I can't remember now. But just a fist load, basically. Something to load in your fist, not only to strengthen your punch, but primarily to use in a hammer fist to just rain down pain on whoever dares.
[35:19]You know, to step to you. Really like the Kubiton. And this one, of course, I'm just attached to because it's old. All right, next up, this one I love, but I have a little difficulty with, and it's the size. I got to say, this is a 12-inch, when deployed, ASP, expandable baton.
[35:39]This one is an ASP. I have another one that's a cheapo, and I got to say I like that one better. But at the 12-inch level, or 12-inch size like this, I'm not even going to attempt to close it here, it does two things. It's really hard to deploy because it's so small there's very little leverage. That's why I attached this loop of paracord so I can kind of choke down on the handle and get a little more leverage to deploy this tight-fitting barrel out or tight-fitting baton out. As you go larger in size, like ASP is the expensive, awesome brand. My dad has a nice big one, and it works great. But I think as you get smaller in size, the physics of it are just hard because these are supposed to nest into one another really tightly and create a baton. And this is what Nancy Kerrigan got in the knees back then in the Olympics. This is what she was hit with, except larger. This is what cops carry. But yeah, and this 12-inch size, a little difficult. But I do love the expandable baton. I think with all these things, you have to be careful about your locality and that kind of thing. But, you know. Next up is the Revenant Corps.
[37:06]Sharpie and this thing is uh just a dream it's so cool it looks exactly like a sharpie and yet it isn't it's got a sharpened g10 um top right here so where you would where you would be using this to write it's got sharpened g10 instead of felt sorry that came out awfully awkwardly I chose this lavender-purple pen because that's not a color I ordinarily use. So it was recommended to me by the gentleman who runs Revenant Core to pick something that is not in my usual hair. So that, along with a ventilator pen, which I've made before out of a Bic, You can just kind of make it into a syringe Where you can easily pull out The ink and then the barrel Itself is, Carved at an angle Which makes it easier to stick it Into someone When you need to Now this, I have read.
[38:11]Anecdotes on Instagram Where people have been busted with these But it's very very rare As far as I know because, You know, it just, there's so much Going through the eyes of PSA that Something like this isn't really Setting off alarms Though I have heard that Someone in the know Kind of picked it out and said Yeah, you can't fly with that thing So if that happens and you actually Happen to lose it, it's just 30 bucks. Check out Revenant Corps They have awesome, like I said These sharpies, but also Really great G10 Self-defense tools Little pick-all things Little pick-all stabbies with The Tsukimaki rap and that kind of thing. Just really, really nice.
[38:58]Okay, next up, this is from Station 9, and these are so cool. Station 9 is known for creating weapons and tools, but mostly just weapons, that were used in World War I and in World War II by resistance and also by the various armies and that kind of thing. This right here is the SOE dagger. I say armies and that kind of thing. What I was getting at is they also have knuckle dusters from like the Austro-Hungarian Empire or Austro-Hungarian Army and other things that aren't just knives. But this one is the only knife in the list and it is Station 9. These tiny little lapel daggers were so cool, so handy. And they Of course in the old day they were leather sheaths But they would sew them into the pockets of their pants Or sew them behind the lapel of their jacket Or sew them into the inside breast pockets of their jackets So that they could remove it in a pinch And have a tiny little wicked sharp blade This one I like to have this cordage on Because you can kind of hide it in your hand And then you can flip it out and have it.
[40:18]Have it to bear right there. And that jimping, those lines of jimping are super, super rigid so that you can really grip tight and jam it into whatever you're trying to jam it into because it's such a sharp dagger that you can really get this buried into things. I used to have, we had last Last summer, someone brought over a watermelon that never got eaten, and I went to town on it, and this just did great. And then, of course, I walked on, and it started to get nasty.
[40:53]And then my wife was like, what are all these little cuts? And I was like, I don't have any idea what those are from, and she knew I was lying. But this and the other Station 9 implements are super awesome, so I highly recommend them. So next up, this is a razor, a common everyday razor that you can get at your local hardware store or anywhere. These just happen to be done up by Erroneous Blades. And he gave me one of these both years, last year at Blade Show when I met him and this year. And I really like them. I was talking with Fred Perrin, who is a self-defense expert, a former French commando, total badass. And this is what he carries when he travels. Of course, not one that's all fancy like this, but he'll go somewhere and pick one of these up and carry it around. He was showing how he deploys it right off of his leg. He'll just hit it on his leg and swipe your throat or come Come close. And I just like it because they are so bare bones. They are so down and dirty. And these happen to be really nice examples of it. Thank you very much, Aaron, for these. I do appreciate it.
[42:12]Yeah, so those are razors. You'll see a lot of utility razors. Knife companies like Civivi, like Riat, making these fancy utility knives and people need them people use them and so there's a reason why they're being made like this but i kind of like just the regular plain one that you get at the hardware store because you can have it on you and if someone you get busted with it it's like it really is a work tool as opposed to some of these other knives we have here on the table okay speaking of knives next one is sort of a knife i got this at the fudo forge table, Last year, and it is, I call it a scalpel. It is a little knife. Let me just admit. Jute cord wrap, I put on there and burned it. I love the look of burned jute cord wrap. And then this just drops in the pocket. I made a little tiny sheath for it, drops in there, and...
[43:13]Again, like the other one I was talking about, this will just grab onto the side of the pants, and when you pull it, it will, you know, it will just slide right out with it in hand, with the knife in hand like this. And, of course, I like to have it turned around for a little bit of that McCall-style action there, but you don't have to. And this also, by the way, this is a company, Fudo Forge, that makes really outstanding chef's knives, at least from what I can see. And these were little scrap knives they had on the table for 30 bucks last year. And they are so, this is so useful. It's so sharp. I, you know, when I was making this list, I almost forgot that it's a knife. I think of it a little bit more like that dick pick. It's kind of something in my pocket that I don't use much until I need it. And then, you know, throw it back in. This has a very primitive look to it, as far as I'm concerned, with that jute cord. But this next one is very primitive looking.
[44:18]Jute cord or no, and that is the Wingard Wearables Quill. This great knife, or gosh, I'm so used to saying knife here on this show. So this great implement here, it looks to me like a hook, like a South Pacific fish hook of some sort. But it's really a do-everything, again, sort of finger extension, albeit smaller than the dick pick. Yes, it works great as a weapon.
[44:49]Punch with it in your hand like this or do a hammer fist like this. You can do a lot of different sort of self-defense techniques with this little hook but i've carried this a lot and just dropping it in the pocket it gets used a lot again staples and carbon coffee cups and scribing things and scratching and and this thing just comes in terrifically handy it's also a great worry stone kind of item you know you can't help but have it in your hand and manipulate it move it around it feels good and then you have at the tip here a very sharp sort of diamond that can be used for lots of different things and then here you have this flat end that acts kind of like a pry to me the jute cord really makes it more easy to manipulate there's a larger There's a larger one and there's a thinner one. So there are different models of this. This is the standard one. And with that jute cord, it really fits the hand, fills the hand nicely. Yeah, I love this thing. Great to have in pocket.
[46:01]All right, next up, this one I made for myself. And I made a few of them and sent them out to people just as thank you gifts and stuff. But this is a G10 Pakal blade. So kind of a blade, but really a self-defense implement. Something that you can use forcefully against someone who's being forceful with you. It is a chisel ground blade here, a Pakal style blade. These edges are somewhat sharp. I wouldn't want to get swiped at with these. They won't hold an edge, but you can always make them sharp again with sandpaper. That's the cool thing about these G10 weapons or pokey things, is that you can actually use these for utility in terms of opening boxes and things that you would use your keys for, for instance. It's not going to slice any cheese or anything like that.
[46:57]Again, I added that jute cord on there for grip Just to give it a little bit of thickness The intention is to drop this in the pocket And then you can always just pull it out super easily One caveat about this sheet I made this for slip joints And my buck 110 So if I were to make this for true clandestine Or not clandestine, but non-permissive environment carry I wouldn't have a metal grommet there. I'd make a sheath without that and have it all be fabric leather G10.
[47:35]All right, last up in this list, this is a unique one. This comes from Bastinelli Creations, and I got this last year at Blade Show. It's a rosary, and here you've got what looks like, I like to pretend it's St. Michael, Or I like to think it's St. Michael And Slayer of dragons And it's a rosary And it's a rosary on Kevlar.
[48:03]Chord So it's strong enough that if you needed to You could choke someone with this Heaven forbid You're on your knees Your sword is in front of you You're stuck in the ground You're praying for safety in battle And then someone jumps you And it turns into a wrestling match Well, you can take this and and, And save yourself with it You can also swing it And use this saint as a sort of Flail.
[48:33]I'm not sure how I feel about this I've become substantially more I don't want to say Substantially more religious But I've become progressively more religious Since I've gotten this And I do love it It hasn't been blessed, I don't think Unless he had it blessed Just the thought of, you know, you're not supposed to really wear one around your neck, And And the thought of using a rosary as a weapon is a little twisted, but I got to say, I love it. I do.
[49:01]So there it is. That's the Bastinelli Rosary. We'll call it St. Michael. You know, I also have knuckle dusters. Those have been, I've loaned those out. So I don't have them here to show you, but I got them, the Spooky Pockets and the Station 9, austro-hungarian knuckle dusters all really really cool um but i do favor i love these kind of, knife adjacent little pocket edc slash weapon slash tools so do you let me know drop it in the comments below what kind of implements like this do you like to carry i know a lot of people carry picks of some sort spikes of some sort um and i think that that's pretty cool so let me know What I don't understand are the fidget things, But I'm sure there are plenty of things That people don't get about me So tell me the kind of things you carry Even if it's something I don't get like fidget And tell me why You know.
[50:04]Let me know. Let's start the dialogue. Alrighty, that does it for me this week. Be sure to join us on Sunday for episode 515 with Ben Belkin of Jack Wolf Knives, where we break down the process of designing and making this knife, the Jack Wolf Knives Fixed EDC. He's an old friend of the show. He's been on many times, and I always love checking in with him. He's one of the most interesting people we talk to here. hear and it's interesting to hear the tribulations of making of going from slip joint making to pixelate making all right that does it for me and jim who's working his magic behind the switcher my name is bob demarco and until i see you next time don't take dull for an answer thanks for listening to the knife junkie podcast if you enjoyed the show please rate and review at reviewthepodcast.com for show notes for today's episode additional resources and to listen to of past episodes, visit our website, thenifejunkie.com. You can also watch our latest videos on YouTube at thenifejunkie.com slash YouTube. Check out some great knife photos on thenifejunkie.com slash Instagram, and join our Facebook group at thenifejunkie.com slash Facebook. And if you have a question or comment, email them to bob at thenifejunkie.com or call our 24-7 listener line at 724-466-4487, and you may hear your comment or question answered on an upcoming episode of the Knife Junkie Podcast.
[51:29] Music.
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Knives, News and Other Stuff Mentioned in the Podcast
- Jack Wolf Knives Releases First Fixed Blade Knife
- Blade Show 2024 Production Knife Awards
- Blade Show 2024 Custom Knife Awards
- Boker Everyday Duty Knife from Solingen Line
- The Knife Junkie’s Patreon Group
Pocket Check
- George/Elishewitz EK Integral
- ABW Slip Joint
- Kell Knives Agent-001
- Jack Wolf Knives FIXedc (ESK)
State of the Collection
- Kell Knives FLN
- Jack Wolf Knives FIXedc
- Artisan Banjaara by Dirk Pinkerton
10 Nasty Non-Knife (almost) EDCs
- Wingard Wearables DickPik
- 1990s Kobuton
- ASP Expandable Baton 12”
- Revenant Corps Sharpie
- Station IX SOE Dagger
- Aaroneous Blades Razor
- Futo Forge Scalpel
- Wingard Wearables Quill
- Homemade G10 Pikal
- Bastinelli Creations Rosary
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