“Truck Knives”: Folders to Leave in Your Car – The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 460)
On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 460), Bob “The Knife Junkie” DeMarco looks at “truck knives,” or folding knives to leave in your vehicle, including the Gerber Paraframe, QSP Penguin, and Camillus Dominator, among others.
Bob is also going to be at the Texas Custom Knife Show in Conroe, TX, this weekend, Nov. 4–5, and would love to meet you. Get more details on the show and tickets at texascustomknifeshow.com.
Bob starts the show with his favorite comment of the week, followed by his “pocket check” of knives: the CJRB Large Pyrite, the C. Risner Cutlery Lake Champlain Barlow, the T. Kell Knives Nightstalker, and the Kubey Royal (Emotional Support Knife).
Knife Life News:
- Peña X-Series Sicario Folding Fighter
- Super Cool Serge Knife Based on Coveted Custom
- Vosteed Builds Thunderbird Around Trek Lock
- GiantMouse Flipping Hunter Design
Meanwhile, in his “State of the Collection,” Bob looks at the Kershaw Iridium and his new Ritter/ Hogue Auto RSK Mk1.
Find the list of all the knives shown in the show and links to the Knife Life news stories below.
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Truck knives—or perhaps called knives you keep in your vehicle. That's my topic this week on episode 460 of #theknifejunkie #podcast. What's your favorite truck/car knife? Share on XAutomated AI Podcast Transcript
The Knife Junkie Podcast is the place for knife newbies and knife junkies to learn about knives and knife collecting. Twice per week Bob DeMarco talks knives. Call the Listener Line at 724-466-4487; Visit https://theknifejunkie.com.
©2023, Bob DeMarco
The Knife Junkie Podcast
[0:00] Welcome back. I dyed my Benny's clip my carta I get the iridium from Kershaw and then we talk about great truck knives. Those are knives you leave in your car I'm Bob DeMarco. This is the knife junkie podcast, Welcome to the knife junkie podcast your weekly dose of knife news and information about knives and knife collecting, Here's your host Bob the knife junkie DeMarco.
[0:30] Welcome back to the show. My favorite comment from this past week was from LD 667. He says, Okay, you enabler I've been, looking for looking at that synergy for months. The synergy he's talking about is the is the Civivi synergy right here. Okay, you enabler I've been looking at that synergy for months timing has not been good or to order one. And actually, I put it out of my mind until you put it on screen in front of my face. So, now I have one on order. It'll be a stretch as my disposable income is limited, but as they used to say, the juice will be worth the squeeze. I enjoy your channel as well as Dave's, and I presume he's talking about this old sword. Thank you very much, LD, I appreciate that, and um...
[1:16] Yeah, you know, sometimes you gotta be careful. You don't wanna be irresponsible with family funds or anything like that, but sometimes there's just a knife that calls out to you and you have to go for it.
I just had one like that, and I waited weeks and I actually saved for it, and it's not that much, but it's something I definitely don't need.
I ordered it, it's on the way.
And it's not that expensive, so my whole point is I'm trying to be more mindful in my buying.
However, I can't be too mindful because then the channel won't exist.
All right, LD667, thank you so much, glad I could enable your habit.
All right, that said, I think it's time for a pocket check.
If you search Google for the best knife podcast, the answer is the Knife Junkie Podcast.
In my front right pocket today is the venerable and always awesome CJRB large pyrite.
[2:17] I'm a huge fan of this knife. I was a fan of the pyrite the moment I got it in hand.
I remember kind of quipping that it was soulless.
And then I kept flipping it and discovered its soul. It's got great, amazing action.
[2:32] Gave that original 3.25 inch drop point pyrite pyrite away to a friend and got the big one because I knew I'd want the 4-inch version. I love this knife. Slim, light, really amazing action. You can see all the weight relief on those internal steel liners there. Mycarta, I mean it is nice and svelte, but that big broad blade is the same width as, or same thickness, as the original small pyrite, so with the added broadness there's going to be added slicing of. I love the forest green micarta on this. Oftentimes with green micarta we'll see a more military olive type green. This has more blue in it, it's more of a jaguar British racing green sort of color. I love that knife. You can see as I put it down there that the liners are just slightly proud of the micarta. It's a nice look, it sort of shadow boxes, everything. So anyway, great knife, a big capable knife to have in your pocket with with no impact, you barely know it's there. Okay, next up in my pocket, I had it riding in my kniveship free leather slip, which I left upstairs, but.
[3:51] The Barlow, the big, big Lake Champlain Barlow from C. Reisner Cutlery, designed by Austin Jackson.
He is the interview this week. You gotta listen to that, what a great interview.
Great guy, continued a love of knives, and a company created by his grandfather and has consolidated that into traditionalpocketknives.com.
[4:16] And the knives he designs and the exclusives he has there.
What a great guy, and what a great knife this is. It's big, that's a three, it's like a three and a half, it's like a three and a quarter, I'm gonna have to measure it next to the Iridium.
Yeah, it's about a three and a quarter inch, 3.3 inch blade, that's big for a slip joint.
Full height hollow grind on this knife, very thin behind the edge, great double milled poles here on both sides, You can just pinch it right where those nail necks are.
You don't even have to put your nail in there.
It's more like, instead of a nail neck, it's like a finger fat neck.
You just put your finger in there. And since it's kind of like a jack wolf knife, since at the very top of the blade, at the spine, it's where that full height hollow grind is terminating.
So the edges are canted out that way, which makes a great surface on both sides Just a grip with the thumb and the forefinger there.
Rip and grip, as Jared Neid says. I love this Lake Champlain Barlow.
They also have it in a very tempting sheep's foot blade, which when I first saw it, I was like, oh, definitely the Bowie all day long.
And I love this Bowie, or this clip point blade, but I gotta say, I have been checking out the sheep's foot.
[5:40] And it is beautiful, and I might have to go there. Next up, on my belts, right up front.
One I carry quite a bit. I have a knife in the works with this gentleman, and I can't wait to see that thing come to fruition.
But a lot of it is inspired by, a lot of that design is inspired by this.
It's not a ring knife, but the spirit of this knife. This is the Night Stalker, and I would launch the Micarta off the table, but I'm not going to.
Great, great sheath. I mean, let me focus on the sheath for a quick second.
That is something T-Kel prides himself, Tim Kel prides himself on, and something he's known for in the industry, is his amazing low-profile sheaths that pretty much maintain the width of most average belts.
It's not very big.
And then he put this collaboratively designed T-Kel knives.
[6:36] And concealed carry DCC clips right here, DCC clips right here, and this thing rides beautifully horizontally, and set up so that you draw it with the ring.
But it's the Night Stalker, and this is the knife that basically reinvigorated my love for ring knives.
I've been very shy about them, I like them, but I've heard horror stories about people, degloving their fingers, which is a horrible term.
You know, we can picture the skin of someone's, It's the flesh of someone's finger coming off the bone, just like a glove, because they have a ringed knife on, and they're going at it in some sort of a dynamic situation.
Just sounds awful, deep-loving.
But anyway, this one is lined up very nicely so that you can have a full fist grip there, without it realigning your knuckles or anything.
And what a great little utility blade that is. utility blade, that is.
It's not that little, it's three and a half inches.
This one happens to be AEDL. I know they do a lot of ADCRV at TKEL Knives.
If you don't have any, you gotta get one. Get a teakale knife, just peruse the website.
[7:55] Oftentimes, they work in drops. The demand is bigger than the capacity to create at this point, which is a great problem to have because it means there's plenty of room to grow.
But it can be frustrating when trying to acquire a knife.
But this night stalker is worth the wait and worth the getting on lists.
And he drops them relatively frequently because he knows where his bread is buttered and that knife is a big part of it.
Love that bit, very, very sharp.
And then don't forget about the nickel boron coating that keeps it nice and slick and sleek.
So it will glide through whatever you're cutting and it will slip in and out of the sheath with aplomb.
So definitely check that out. Of course, I had an emotional support knife on me today.
My ESK was the Colin Maison Pierre CM design, designed Kubi Royal in D2 and a beautiful neutral micarta.
[8:57] I really like Jade micarta, I mean, Jade G10. I know a lot of people don't like it and I get it.
A lot of people don't like Ultim because they think it looks like urine.
I like it, I think it looks beautiful.
So, you know, to each his own. In this case, this Jade G10 reminds me, yes, of jade, a beautiful and sacred material, at least to the Chinese, ancient Chinese.
[9:27] Or maybe not even so ancient, but I studied a lot of Asian art history, and it's very, very interesting stuff, and jade plays heavily, and I think it's a beautiful material.
And so when you see something, when I see something that reminds me of it, such as this G10, I tend to like it.
So, especially next to the black, which I find sets off the subtle color of JG10 very nicely.
All that said, that's my own personal preference and stuff. This is an awesome knife.
[10:00] This one, I think, is the first CM-designed knife that became a production knife, and it's been a very good seller for KUBI.
They have a titanium version of it, which I must say I would love to have.
It's got a great front flipper, even for a left-handed 52-year-old man.
And, I mean, I'm not left-handed, but even in the left hand of a 52-year-old man, it works great. Great opening hole, really nice blade shape.
You've got some belly there, enough to do what you need to do, but it keeps the tip real low, kind of like a wharncliffe, well, a bellied wharncliffe, we like to say on the show.
And you'll never use it like this, but if you had to. It's great in pical reverse grip and regular reverse grip due to that.
Shape of that pommel, that gives you that asymmetrical shape to hook your thumb over and it works in either orientation.
Ooh, look at this! Unintentional green carry.
All three, all four of these knives are green.
[11:05] That's pretty cool. I don't usually do that and I wouldn't do that on purpose.
I like to mix things up, but kind of cool incidentally. So here we have the CJRB Large Pyrite in green micarta.
We have the Lake Champlain Barlow by C. Reisner Cutlery in Green Micarta.
We have the Teakale Knives Night Stalker in that, what is he calling that?
Green Burl, Olive Drab Green Burl.
And then we have in JG10, the Kubi Royal.
Such a sweet setup, I'm very excited that I was carrying all green today.
I wish I had known about this earlier.
Why does, I'm always the last to know, you know? Last born, last to know.
Okay, so next I wanna show you something that you can do with your Jade G10 knives.
I just happened to do it with one that was a black micarta.
I dyed the handles on my Benny's Clip, my Jack Wolf knives, excuse the sound, the Jack Wolf knives, Benny's Clip.
It's a great knife and they use great micarta, but this was one of those cuts, you have some in your collection that no matter how much oil you rub into it, no matter what you do, you can't get a nice color out of it.
[12:19] It stays that sort of white-ish color from the epoxy, not the blackish color from the dyed canvas.
So I decided to do something about this very important deal.
And it is now maroon.
I took some maroon Rit dye and put it in the boiling water, put some salt in there per the directions, and dyed the handles of my pennies clip.
I think it's turned out beautifully.
If you don't think so, don't tell me otherwise. All you need are a pair of eyes.
I'm gonna put this on some gray here so we can see the background.
Now you can still see up towards the first screw on the scale that epoxy is coming through there.
[13:07] But the rest of the micarta here has really taken that color nicely, And it looks really cool next to that blasted titanium.
I love my car, I love maroon, you know I love my car, I love maroon handles, and I just think it looks great on this knife, it really improved.
Well, improved it and personalized it for me. So I'm very excited about this.
I was running around, I had this boiling cauldron of Merlot color Rit dye boiling away.
[13:45] I'm like, what else can I dye? I ran downstairs and everything would require disassembly.
So I wanted to experiment, I've never done it before, I wasn't sure how it was gonna work, I didn't want to take apart all the knives I might want to die.
And I have, for instance, my Kaiser Mad Tonto. That could use a die job.
It's that black micarta, but it's not so black. It's more like just grayish.
So I'm excited about that. Check it out.
People have put up videos I will do the next time I die something, which could be over this next, well, probably the weekend after, this coming weekend.
I'm gonna do a tutorial because I was squeamish about it, but it's very easy, and it worked very well, at least with the micarta on the jackwolf knives.
[14:34] Okay, so the reason I'm not gonna be doing any dyeing or video making this weekend, at least in terms of dyeing scales, is that I will be in Conroe, Texas, cannot wait.
I will be there from Thursday to Monday, but the show is the fourth and the fifth Texas Custom Knife Show.
There will be live forging competitions, live cutting competitions in the form of blade sports, tomahawk throwing, tables with custom knives, and then Jay Nielsen and Doug Marcaida of Forstn Fire Fan will be there to test blades.
I will be there to emcee some events and to judge the knives in competition, and I'm really, really excited.
This is the first time anything like this has happened to me, so it's a great thrill, and it's an honor, and I'm really psyched, and Texas!
I'm really excited to be in that state. I've sort of idealized it for a long time, and haven't been there since I drove through it as a wannabe punker as a child.
[15:40] So, yep, I'll be there. I hope you're there, too. That's this weekend, November 4th and 5th, Texas Custom Knife Show. If you are there and you recognize me, by all means, come up and introduce yourself.
I love meeting new people. All right, still to come on the Knife Junkie Podcast, We've got some really interesting and exciting new offerings out there in the knife world.
And then we get to two interesting and exciting new additions to my collection.
That's coming up on the KnifeJunkie podcast.
Among this week's specials at Kniveship Free, the Kniveship Free exclusive Rogue River from LT Wright Knives is back in stock.
[16:17] This run features a Scandi Ground A2 tool steel blade. This thing was made for the woods, and as soon as you try it out, you'll want to find extra chores just to keep using it.
ZT-0006 is a beast of a blade built on CPM3V tool steel with a bead-blasted finish and protective clear Cerakote.
The handle features textured G10 scales with a steel guard and end cap.
And the mini bugout is an iconic compact EDC, and Knives Ship Free is having a special sale on the Alpine Glow and Seafoam colors.
This is a great deal, so grab one while supplies last. Get these deals and other great specials from our friends at Knives Ship Free.
Just use our affiliate link, theknifejunkie.com slash kniveshipfree.
That's theknifejunkie.com slash kniveshipfree. Support the show and get a great new knife at the same time.
Theknifejunkie.com slash kniveshipfree.
You're listening to the Knife Junkie Podcast, and now here's the Knife Junkie with the Knife Life News.
Thanks to AI Jim for that reading that liner. I think that's really cool.
I like knowing the specs.
I like that AI Jim is reading off the specs there.
That ZT0006 looks so badass.
All right, anyway, let's talk about four new really exciting knives coming up this week.
[17:35] Really exciting because each one of these from a knife brand that I like or watch from afar, but these are all ones that could bridge the gap and get me to spend my hard-earned money.
The first one is from Penya, Enrique Penya and the Penya X-Series. You'll have to forgive me, when I sent my notes to Jim, I did not put an Enya over the N in Penya, so that is my mistake.
But the Penya X-Series production knives from Enrique Penya, a lot of cool ones out there, But this one just takes the cake for me. I just I love the long slender profile here. This is called the Ciccadio the Ciccadio and that a Ciccadio if if I am not miss I am NOT mistaken is a, Sort of an enforcer a heavy a hitman maybe You know We've all seen the movie with Benicio del Toro and we all get the idea of what a Ciccadio is someone you don't want to Mess with that's for damn sure So this is a large and lean, and I might say long, front flipper.
And Enrique Peña says it's the culmination of years of knife making and design, which I think is cool because, he's been doing it a long time and is, well, obviously a master, and he also happens to be the personal hero of a number of knife makers that I know, so it's cool to see him.
[19:05] Feeling that strongly about one of his designs. You can see it again next to one of his others.
This is a fighter style 3.5 plus, so I'm thinking it's about a 3.7 inch blade.
I don't know, 3.5 plus is an interesting measurement.
But that's M4 steel, and people love M4 steel.
[19:25] It gets second billing, maybe not, maybe it's like a Sigma steel.
You know, it's quietly, it's a strong silent type.
You don't hear about it too much, it's not used too much. I know Blade HQ uses it for their exclusives often, but I think that adds to the mystique of this beautiful knife.
You got six different versions, number of different inlays, and different titanium treatments for that handle.
So, fat carbon are the inlays, ceramic bearings are the bearings, and they are available now, the Siccadio, with that cool, long, fighter-style blade.
Next up, this knife is also pretty damn beautiful, and since it's got a 3.5 inch or more blade.
[20:13] I'm very excited about this. This is the Surge Knife Co. Trope.
Trope, an interesting name, because this is not, you know, I guess the trope here is frame lock flipper, but the design itself is quite unique. Love the shape of this thing.
Now, this is based on a custom knife, a much sought after custom knife that he only did a few of, and they are, as Ben Schwartz of Knife News said, snugly tucked away, never to be seen again in private collections.
So this is a, you know, it's a real service, or I don't know, it's a real nice thing to do if you're a knife maker, to come out with something that is just impossible to get, but people love it.
And I love the look of this knife. Love that pinched handle.
Looks like a fixed blade to me.
And the sinuous blade is gorgeous. That blade is N690.
It's a modified hourglass Surge signature style handle.
[21:17] And well, this sucker is available now on the Surge website.
He's an interesting guy, Surge Panchenko. You know a lot of his very, very unique knives, both custom and production. He also started a watch company. I think that's cool. You can see that crossover in the Finch knife company, guys.
Spencer from Finch has his own watch company called Raven. So you can see that EDC market crossover thing.
For me it's exciting when it crosses over into watches.
All right, next up is from Vosteed. This is the Thunderbird, and we've seen versions of this in the past, but they're really building this Thunderbird around the trek lock, that's their button lock.
And I'm reading the article about this, about this, and they claim that it has three opening methods, but I count five.
[22:12] I count five opening methods. We'll get to that in, well, let's get to it right here, so I don't forget.
This knife, if you can look at it in the closed version, which I think we have on the bottom of the screen, it has, yes, five ways of opening it.
And we'll start with the low profile, inline, regular flipper.
And then you just go north of the pivot, you have the front flipper, and then you go due east from that flipper and you have the opening hole, that's three, and then east of that and you have the fuller, that's four, and then five, you can just simply squeeze that button lock and whip it out with centrifugal force.
So I like this view of it, actually it's a beautiful knife closed.
It's a really cool knife period, but I'm loving this thing in that button lock.
[23:06] Ways to open it, as I mentioned, it comes in this version, this sort of topographic G10 with, the G10 is with M390 blade steel, and then you can get the tie frame lock version of this with LMAX, kind of a cousin of M390. Cool that it comes in both, and I like that they offer LMAX, which you don't see too much of. The blade itself is a bit of a tanto, And it's kind of, to me, halfway between an Americanized Tanto and a Japanese Tanto.
I like the look of this Thunderbird.
All right, lastly, another knife from Giantmouse. I got to say, to me, they run together in my mind.
[23:52] They all have such emblematic designs because they're coming from Jens Anzo and Jesper Voxnaes of Denmark, and they have definitely very resonant design styles.
I mean, it's like a very thin line between them at this point. This beautiful knife, it to me looks a bit like a folding Nessmuk, that blade. It's the Jagd, or Jagd, which means hunter.
[24:23] Auf Deutsch. I got to get used to this, I'm going to be there soon. So this is a really ergonomic hunting knife that they've created in EDC proportions and EDC carryability. You know, it's a beautiful little 3.3 inch magna-cut, I'm gonna say it, nest-mook blade.
That looks like a nest-mook blade to me with that ascending spine with a spine-belly fat back.
[24:52] If you will, and then it drops down to a higher-than-center line point, and then you have a whole bunch of belly and a bit of straight to end it off.
To me, it's a fetching design.
I think it's actually quite beautiful. I find that all of their, all of the giant mouse designs, if nothing else, are beautiful.
[25:16] They don't tend to be unique from one to the other, to my eye, but this is where that breaks.
We see a lot of clip points from them and they do a beautiful job with them, but I think here with this Nesmuk style drop point, they've changed it up just a little bit, and yeah, I think you don't have to be a hunter.
You could be a Johnny Walker black label drinker exclusively and carry this knife and get good use out of it.
Now, if you're wondering why the scotch reference, I'm looking at a picture on screen here, and it's the knife sitting on a Johnny Walker black label.
So, you know, I think they're saying you don't have to be a hunter to use this jug, but if you are, you'll be happy you were.
3.7, 3.3 inches of MagnaCut, Flipper, opening hole, ceramic bearings, everything that we come to expect from them.
Look at that, that's a cool shot. That's a nice looking knife.
So you can get it in green and black canvas micarta or this orange G10.
And if you actually are using it for hunting, that's probably the one you wanna get.
Wire ambidextrous clip, available now.
Check out Giant Mouse, they're just crushing it.
And man, they just keep coming out with new knives. And you gotta believe that they're awesome.
We know they have great designs, and we know they're being manufactured in a great way.
[26:41] Great place. All right, still to come on the Knife Junkie podcast, we're going to take a look at the state of the collection. I have two new ones that I'm very excited about.
One new to me and one new to the world. Right here.
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[27:19] And now that we're caught up with Knife Life news, let's hear more of the Knife Junkie podcast.
Kershaw. Haven't been so excited about Kershaw in a while. And then this year, they popped out with a few that really caught my eye.
This one chief among them I actually bought and that is the Kershaw Iridium and I know a lot of you have probably already gotten your hands on this knife. It came out to some fanfare. People were very excited about it because well it's that amazing action on it. It's got an ambidextrous bar lock on it, and it is incredible. It's not your average Kershaw big box store speed safe knife. It is a beautifully tuned EDC knife on bearings with a really, really great, version of the axis style lock.
[28:17] So, finally got this, I think it was maybe, it was someone's video, someone showed that this had come out in black and I just loved the way it looked so much.
I popped it in my cart.
[28:31] This, I have been carrying a bit. This is a great light, this is contoured aluminum on the handle, so it's a great light, around the house carry.
I tend to find myself in gym shorts quite a lot around the house being active doing stuff and then when I can dipping into the man cave and maybe doing a couple of kettlebell swings whatever it is I like to I like to be around the house in light garb and this, is great for that and because you got a fully capable 3.4 inch blade that's a D2 there made in China, coated nicely awesome action if you need a little fidget but a great one-handed knife option.
[29:17] I'm really digging it. I know it's old news at this point, but I do recommend it if you've been on the fence about it.
I'd go for it. Look at that blade. It's beautiful.
Symmetrical spear point blade. Not symmetrical in the grind, but if you hold it up to the sky, it's pretty much right there.
You got some jimping on top. You got great thumb studs.
That coating is already starting to wear off here, but I don't care.
That's from some pretty stout cardboard.
And this'll be one of those knives that if it does wear out, that's cool.
I don't mind the coating wearing off.
Here, there's that little symbol down by the Ricasso. That means that's an in-house design.
It also means that the designers at Kershaw are a bunch of nerds, because they made their symbol look like, look a bit like a Star Wars rebel symbol.
Am I right in that? I guess I'm not. To me, every time I look at that, I'm like, is this a Star Wars knife? And then I realize, oh no, that's their symbol.
[30:20] So God love you. God love the nerds. I mean, we wouldn't be here if we weren't. All right, so this is the Doug Ritter auto rst mark one. Doug Ritter was on Thursday Night Knives two weeks ago, and announced and showed this off. It was really, really exciting that evening that very same night. Before I went to bed I ordered one, it showed up, and I'm so stoked.
Hogue, obviously, is awesome at making knives.
You might not know that their automatics are spectacular, and this is a perfect example.
You get all of that RSK Mark I design, let's do this left-handed, with a coil spring out the side action.
I've been carrying this one with the Iridium, kind of like when I got the Synergy and the Mystic, I carried those two knives kind of exclusively for a few weeks.
That's what I've been doing with this knife and the Iridium.
[31:23] Really, really loving the utility of this. It's, the RSK blade is so great with that really high flat grind.
The knife is nice and broad so that that flat grind is essentially, I don't know, it's kind of like a full height flat grind of a normal size blade.
But anyway, you got that broadness.
This is Magna-Cut, very excited about that, treated to 63-64, which is exactly the sweet, spot and the hardest you can get Magna-Cut before it starts getting brittle.
MagnaCut is the steel that brings you closest to an ideal balance of blade, or edge retention, resistance to corrosion, and toughness. Those are the three things that you're always trying to get, and one always suffers. MagnaCut brings us close to having them all equally on point.
[32:25] Is my understanding from Laron Thomas. So you can, I've noticed, you know, I used to complain a lot about the Hogue clips.
It seems they made this a gauge heavier, not due to my complaining, I'm not suggesting that, but I feel like it feels a little bit heavier.
Maybe the coating on there makes it heavier feeling, but great action.
And I'm actually using the lock, well, sometimes anyway.
Sometimes I'm using the lock, especially when open. I just feel like if it's there, why not?
I'm not so concerned about this popping open, but I'd hate for it to close in use.
Not that I've come close to closing it in use, but you know, I don't know.
That's just how I am.
All right, so that's the Ritter Hogue RSK Mark I. That's a KnifeWorks exclusive, knifeworks.com exclusive, as are all Ritter Hogue RSK models.
Whether you want the full-size regular with the thumb stud or the small version, or any of the G-Mascus versions.
[33:33] Man, there are a lot of them and they're beautiful, and you have to get them at KnifeWords.
[33:39] All right, okay, so let's talk about truck knives. Now, I don't have a truck, I have an SUV.
[33:46] I have a, you know, a truck is what I consider a truck is like a pickup or something biggish.
But I'm using the term truck knife because that's kind of in common parlance.
I feel like a lot of people use that term and it just kind of means that knife that you leave in the car.
Now, I have a few stipulations here for me.
For me, a truck knife or a car knife has to be easily replaceable.
It can't be too expensive. It can't be too special to me. And in not being too special to me, incidentally, they become special to me because they get a lot of use and then after a while, you're like, wow, this thing is really great.
And most of them have to lock because I do have a couple of non-locking options that I'll start with.
But the reason I want them to lock is because this is the knife that you leave in your car just in case you forget a knife and you're going somewhere and you need it, obviously you need it.
But it also has to do the duty of, say you get stranded by the side of the road, whatever it is, and you need to do some sort of heavy chores with a knife, and that's the tool you got in your pocket and you don't want it closing on you.
So most of these will be locking except for these first. Now I have had, I always have on station a slip joint in the car, as well as a lock and folder, as well as a...
[35:14] Medium-sized fixed blade as well as a large bowie these days. I've had my Leroy in there, but, for folders, I've always had a slip joint and that was originally for food prep for cutting muffins for my girls, on the way to school, that kind of thing.
But I'm going to show you two that I think would be excellent. Okay, so the first is, if you're going to have a non-locking not great steel blade, why not have two steel blades?
So, here we have the Rough Rider, here's a Trapper.
It can be any Rough Rider Trapper, this one is, I don't remember what series this was from, this was a gift to me from E.J. Hill, I believe.
[35:58] You have a nice hollow ground spade blade there. By the way, I like the angle at which they put the spade blades.
Oftentimes they're at accelerated cutting angles and we know what that's for, so why not make that job quicker?
So you have this and then you have a second, or the other main blade is a clip point.
These are 440 steel, 440, whatever the worst 440 is, I think, 440A I think it is.
And so it's a soft steel, but they're wicked sharp and they can sharpen up easily.
And it's a $12 knife, so if you lose it, it's not gonna break the bank.
But also, it looks nice. You get a Rough Rider, it's always gonna look nice, it's gonna have excellent fit and finish for a $12 slip-joint knife.
It's not too threatening if you're worried about that, if you get stopped or something, and you don't want something too threatening. But it'll get the job done for most of those things I'm talking about.
Except for the roadside cutting open your tire kinda chore, which I don't know what that is or if it exists, something like Scab would do in one of his test videos. You wouldn't wanna use that.
[37:13] For any other thing, this is probably going to hold you in good stead, and the reason I say a trapper is because you have two full-size blades, so that when one goes dull because it's not very expensive and it doesn't have very great steel, you'll have a secondary blade to use. to use.
The second of this non-locking type, you're gonna wanna get a couple of these.
[37:36] They are, right now, as I say this, I'm sure this will change very, very shortly, but you can get these for five bucks on Smoky Mountain Knife Works as they're having a cold steel sale.
But this is the Kudu Lite. This was a freebie knife when I ordered something else.
[37:56] From I think maybe Knife Center a while back, and I'm very impressed with this.
I got the Kudu Lite that had the ring, the ratchet lock, and it broke immediately.
This is a slip joint.
As you can see here on the top, there's this big contoured bar fastened down there, and it acts like a slip joint.
But it is extremely stout.
It's really, I mean, this is, And then with your grip enhancing the lock here by squeezing, this is a very stout slip joint and super inexpensive.
And that 34, four, five CR 15 MOV steel sharpens up very easily, is very, you know, gets really sharp.
You've got a GRN handle here. This would make a great car knife because of how cheap it is.
If someone busts in here, my car's been broken into numerous times, I used to live in Philly, it happened a lot, it even happened here once.
It wasn't broken into, I left the car unlocked, I remember how it happened, but they walked off with a cold steel Recon One, $100 knife, and I was the idiot who left it in there.
[39:13] So that's where this is coming from to a large extent, and this kudu would make a great folder for the car because you could buy a couple of them and lose them on purpose and you'll still have great knife in backup, or it's the sort of thing you could loan to a friend if they don't have a knife like that. Okay, so those are the only non-locking knives in this list. I chose Rough Rider because they're very inexpensive and in my experience pretty damn good. Plus, if you like how a knife looks, you can find one that looks pretty damn cool.
Kudu Light for its cheapness and size. All right, here's probably the most classic, of the truck knives in this list.
Yes, you know, the Buck 110.
The Buck 110 is a great, great pocket knife for not having in your pocket, as far as I'm concerned.
This is a knife you wanna, if you're carrying it on your person, you'll keep it in the leather pouch on your belt. It is heavy.
It's got integral brass liners and bolsters. So that's a big chunk of brass there.
And then you got this diamond wood, which is like particle board wood, basically, as inlays, a big steel spring and steel guts there.
And then that nice big 3.6 inch hollow ground 420 blade here.
[40:36] It's a heavy, heavy knife, but a great knife. It feels so good in hand.
All the contouring makes this handle feel soft and warm in hand, and the blade itself is so rock solid in that classic back lock handle.
It works really, really well. I love how, so this is a cheap Walmart Buck 110.
I know some of them come with the Boss Heat Treat, and then you can go on the Buck website and go down the rabbit hole, build your own 110, using all sorts of different materials.
And they have sportsman models, all sorts of different models featured on the show recently, a couple of different ones, but this is your basic.
Basic 110 and it's just a great knife. I'd like to quote Rob Bixby of Apostle P. He called this the original redneck of, tactical folder and Yeah, he's right. How many how many times was this used in a fight before?
[41:41] You know one-handed opening and and clip clips and and and you know being spoiled by the modern age, So yeah a great capable knife If I didn't mention it already, that's a hollow ground blade.
And though it's 420 blade steel, it's a worker.
This is a great knife. I have a cousin here, too, you might want, or it's a little brother, which you might consider as a car knife. That's the 112 Ranger.
I have one of those quick thumb studs on there.
[42:13] Two great knives, two heavy knives, both excellent for in the car.
A real, well this, a little bit of dark humor, but a real jackpot for whoever breaks into your car. No, that's not happening, is it? Okay, next up is from Off Grid Knives. It's the Off Grid Rapid Strike Rescue. As it's stand-in, because, well, I put that in my wife's car because we went out the other night, and I left it there, and now she's not here.
This was, well I should say, the Off-Grid Rapid-Strike Rescue, which is an orange-handled rapid-strike with a wharncliffe blade. That's their one assisted opening knife.
[43:00] That's what's in there currently. It replaced this. This was my car knife for a long time.
This is the Enforcer. And I guess any off-grid would be good because, well, not any off-grid, but many of them will not break the bank.
Many of them are under $100, some of them below 75.
They're all stout as hell made by Best Tech or made by another Taiwan manufacturer that's doing awesome work.
And some of them, like this Enforcer, even have a glass breaker. That's what originally had this stationed in my car door. I have a bunch of glass breakers at this point in my car, but you never know which one will be readily available in a dynamic situation. This one has D2. I also have a special edition in 1.34CM and Red Dawn Black and Red G10. Another thing I like about this as a car knife is the grippiness, that is a field of raised pyramids.
[44:00] G10 pyramids, otherwise known as Neuralink, I guess, and it really does grip the hand and the glove really nicely, and in any sort of emergency situation where you need a knife to get you out of a, whatever the situation is, you're gonna want it to stay in hand.
The last, or one of the other very main reasons why this was a good car knife and why the RapidStrike Rescue knife is also currently serving that duty, is the tip. The tip is low down on the design, below the center line, and you have here a flat, whereas on the RapidStrike you have a curved surface, but the point is can slip under things like seatbelts or clothing, but seatbelts especially. Now, this one is a little pointier right there. The other one is more curved so, that's you're going to have to use a little less finesse to get that under there but, the the overall profile of the blade is is good for slipping under things to cut and I think I think mostly of seatbelts when I think of that scenario.
[45:13] Great action on this so while you're fidgeting in the car you know at that stoplight this is a good one for that too on bearings and great great drop shut action. Let's admit you know we're all just people too, and we gotta pass the time at the stoplight.
This is on the higher end of this list. This is probably the most expensive knife in this list, yet it's still under $100.
Next one is very far under $100, and it's a knife that I hate.
But I'm gonna put it in this list for a couple of reasons.
[45:47] First of all, it's stout, it can handle itself in a situation, especially if you make sure it's sharp.
It's very common, it's very inexpensive, and you might even throw a party if you lose it.
And all of those things make this knife endearing, or if not endearing, at least a good leave-in-the-car knife.
It's the Gerber Paraframe. Now, everybody knows, you might know that I have a special dislike for this knife.
And you say, why do you have it?
And I'll say, well, I don't have a special dislike for this particular knife.
This was a gift to me from a really cool friend my wife's that I think is a great dude and he knows I like knives and he wanted to get me something for my birthday he got me this and to me that means more than anything just so happens that it's in the shape of a Gerber paraframe and, though I like to complain about this knife it does it would do the job well, it is all steel so you got a steel frame here frame lock that that is like got a 100% engagement there.
[46:55] Tip-down only, of course, but not so bad here. It does not affect my grip. I don't really feel it at all.
If anything, it actually bulks up the handle right up here where I kind of need it to bulk up because it's a thin framed knife, as you can see. On this blade, out of some mystery steel blade, it does have this belly. It is quite sharp. Now, I had the small version of this and and it dulls quickly.
[47:26] And that small version, that was like the first small locking knife I think I ever had, or at least that I EDC'd with other knives.
And that dulled out really quickly, but what does stay are the serrations.
So serrations are a good thing to have in a car knife for this very reason.
You might have a knife like the Gerber Paraframe that's not made of excellent steel, that bangs around in your car for years, that you never really sharpen, that gets dull, but still you have those serrations, you're gonna be able to do what you need to do.
So I think what I mean by do what you need to do is cut yourself out of a sticky situation, especially in a car.
Like for the fibrous, tough material of a seatbelt, this would be great.
[48:14] So Gerber Paraframe, it's not gonna win any beauty contest, it's not gonna win any Knife of the Year engineering awards, but for sitting in the car door untouched for months at a time and to be pulled out, for that burger you want to cut in half or that seatbelt you need to cut out of or whatever else, this will do you good and like I said, if you lose it, it's like 20 bucks or so.
Okay, next up, this is a modern classic. This is a contemporary classic, right here, and that is the QSP Penguin.
The QSP Penguin has come out now in a million different flavors, some of them exclusives at knife purveyors that we love, and others just variations on a theme that QSP has come out with.
But this is the first, and maybe the best, maybe not.
I don't know, I had the Penguin Plus, we gave that away. That was awesome.
Titanium and M390, I think, or 20CV. But this, with the blue jean, the denim micarta, and just the D2 sheep's foot blade is awesome.
And it's like 30 bucks in this configuration on Amazon, Amazon and you can buy it and drop it in the car door and you have an amazing.
[49:38] Knife for that world. It'll be there for whatever you need. Now something I do like about this as opposed to say the ParaFrame that came before it or some of the other knives in this list is that it's full micarta. So the handles are full micarta meaning if this is sitting in your car door and it is February and and you need to cut something, it's gonna be less cold on the hand because of that micarta.
The paraframe is gonna be, well, it's gonna be like picking up a piece of frozen steel.
Micarta has the softer, warmer feel to it, and this would be an easier thing to use just because of that material. I think the blade shape is really great because you've got all of the utility use of a blade.
Of a sheep's foot, that is the straight edge and then the straight spine and then this rounded off drop, but you have enough point to get some of the puncturing capability of a wharncliffe.
So in a pinch, I always think of all of these knives as also you forgot to carry a knife and you don't have one in your backpack, which never happens, but this is gonna be your knife for the day, so if that were the case, this would be a great option for that too.
[50:59] The QSP, it's not gonna break the bank, very capable and has many, many different flavors, to satisfy your aesthetic needs.
[51:10] Next up, this is a new one that you can find for $20 at Home Depot based on a classic Daryl Ralph DDR knives design. This is the Camillus Dominator.
The Dominator is the Daryl Ralph model.
[51:27] It was a big four inch Bowie folder. Loved that knife, always wanted a Dominator.
And I'm strolling through Home Depot and I saw this and then Camillus reached out to me.
Hey, you wanna check out our Dominator knife?
I'm like, hell yeah. So they send it, it's a $20 knife, just keep that in mind.
And it's been sitting around on this desk, for a couple of months now and it just gets a lot of use and I don't really clean it because, you know it's one of those knives that you don't baby, you just use it when you need it and this would be a great one to put in the car because, readily available, $20 at Home Depot. Some sort of mystery stainless steel that they say is titanium bonded, whatever that means, but it does pretty well, it's not bad.
You know, it's kind of like an 8CR, kind of feels like an 8CR13MOV, so you can use it for a while, it takes a great edge, and then you just gotta strap it back up, doesn't take long to get sharp, but doesn't take long to dull either.
One thing of note, in my review, I talked about that kind of awful-shaped flipper.
[52:42] I think it's awful because of how sharply it curves into the finger well.
It's just sort of, I don't know, it's uncomfortable.
That's what it is, un-ergonomic. And I mentioned that in my review, and the guys from Camillus, two great guys from Camillus I was dealing with, got in touch with me but that was part of the design and they had no rights to change it.
So that is part of the original Dominator design, a gun hammer style.
I remember it looking differently, but basically a gun hammer style of a flipper, commander, 1911 commander gun hammer style.
And they couldn't change it. So this is, if you don't like it, you can just take a grinder and take a little bit off there or whatever.
But in any case, this is a great one to pop in the car. Like I said, inexpensive and cool.
It looks cool and it's a fun fidget knife. I mean, it's on bearings.
Everything's on bearings now, you know?
That's a very low barrier to entry, the bearings now.
So in the car, you need that sort of fidget factor as well. All right, next up, this was my car knife for quite a while.
And whether you get this or any one of the many, many, many knives in the M16 series from CRKT.
Those would be great knives to put in there. Again, you have a good looking knife.
These are a Wes Crawford design. Is it Wes?
[54:09] Oh no, I'm sorry, Kit Carson design. Kit Carson's basically the guy who invented the flipper.
But this is a long-standing line of knives from CRKT, the folding M16.
This is one that has a military number on it. It was used, this one was bought at the PX for me by my brother-in-law, and I think the Marine Corps was using this knife for a while.
Now, it's just a US patent number, it's not that acquisition number, but I do know that this was officially being used by the Marine Corps.
It's a cool knife, it's big, it's a big knife for this. Those quillions work as, you can use them like a wave feature, when you pull it out of your pocket, you can wave the knife out.
It's got that secondary locks, L-A-W-K-S system here.
[55:10] And it is involuntary, you have no choice. I could take it apart and remove it, but I got used to just closing it one-handed just by using a different finger to disengage that lock and my thumb to do that.
But it's very stout and sturdy.
Definitely a good tactical option, and like I said, it comes in much smaller sizes spear point blade and tanto blade serrated non serrated so you have a lot of different options but a good and inexpensive knife to drop in the car pocket there the door pocket. All right next up also good for readable availability is the big box Kershaw speed safe knife and in this case this is the this is the Wesson this one is designed by Les George so not all big, box speed safe Kershaw's are the same. I say big box just loosely. I'm just talking about these knives that they insist on putting the speed safe in. I'm sure they sell very well.
You can buy them at Walmart and those big box stores. And they oftentimes have the steel frame lock so they're stout and sturdy. Your own grip fortifies that lock. And they have the speed safe So, you know, you can get into fidgeting with a SpeedSafe if you're not too much of a snob.
[56:39] And you get an inexpensive 8CR13MOV blade steel on all these, which again, dulls easily, but sharpens quickly. So, in this particular case, a very good looking knife.
I think a lot of the Kershaw Big Box SpeedSafe knives are pretty attractive.
They always catch my eye, and then I'll look at the blades deal and the fact that it's speed safe and whatever and I'll slowly, you know...
[57:05] Decide or quickly decide why I'm not going to get it, but I'm always drawn to their designs.
This one here is a really nice hollow ground blade, and of course, beautiful bayonet spear point.
So you can get a knife like this that is inexpensive from Kershaw, good knife, good design, sturdy, under, you can get these for under 30 bucks.
I'm not sure about this Wesson, but great option.
Drop it in there, and again, if you lose it, if it gets stolen, it's not the end of the world.
[57:41] Now, if this one was lost or stolen, it would be, well, it'd be close to the end of the world, because my daughter got this for me, and I love this knife.
But the RAT series, right now as we speak, buried deep in my survival kit in my car is a RAT 1.
This is the RAT 2. I was just looking at RAT 1s, that's the larger version of this, 3.7, inch D2 or Aus8 blade with the FRN handle, liner lock, tough, tough EDC knife, needs no introduction, everyone knows him.
You can still get them for 40 bucks or less on Amazon. I don't know why I don't have like 12 of them at this point.
But really great knife. Everyone knows how great this is.
Fully flat ground, super utility all day long with this blade, very nice ergonomics.
I never liked the looks of this knife, But, um, you know, like an ugly child, it is...
Oh, wait, wait, I mean, uh...
[58:38] Politicians, ugly buildings, and whores all become respectable if they last long enough.
And it's the same thing with this knife.
It's become good looking to me because it's that trusted, uh, trusted partner I know will always have my back.
And in this case, the black and the pink is very compelling to me.
I like black with pink.
Or if I'm gonna have a pink anything, I like it with black. Reminds me of Pinky Tuscadero, um, you know, Fonzie's girlfriend with the pink ladies that, Did I get all that right, or am I mixing that with grease?
Anyway, a great, great truck knife, great folding knife to keep in the car.
That is the, I'm sorry, that is the RAT 1 or the RAT 2.
Classic EDC folders. Okay, the last one here I just got, and this has yet to do duty in my car, which is good.
[59:31] No one should be doing duty in my car. It is a knife that I've wanted since it came out, but when it came out with the light version, I jumped all over it.
This is the $36 full-size SR1 light from Cold Steel.
I stress full-size because 36 bucks, man, pretty inexpensive for such a great knife.
Okay, so what makes this light?
[59:58] Okay, so SR means survival rescue, And the SR1 is an S35 and G10 knife that looks just like this or a clip point version that, sells for like, we'll say $150 or so by Cold Steel.
This is the light version, meaning light on materials. It is light also because it doesn't have any liners, but this is an FRN handle, stippled and textured.
And then this is an 8CR13MOV blade.
It is incredibly sharp, even though it has a bit of a stout grind, it's so incredibly, sharp due to that high relief edge there.
[1:00:38] Stout, thick blade, thick, thick lock, that's a triad lock.
So of everything I've shown, this is the strongest of the knives, definitely considering that lock choice, and it's full-size, you get a full grip on this, and any, any, any task you're gonna need to do, this is gonna be able to handle.
Anything that any folding knife is gonna be able to do, this is gonna be able to do better.
Really comfortable ergonomics here.
You got plenty of room, you got that Joe's giant hands with those big sausage fingers.
Yeah, this will accommodate you, look at that.
If I come right up there, I got a full, I could have a six finger hand, or a seven finger hand.
Look, if I come up to the choil there.
So, great work, and I love the idea of a tanto, just like I was talking with that off-grid wharncliffe.
I do love a tanto, also for similar reasons.
You've got an incredibly stout tip. You got that straight edge here, and then you've got something you can scrape with if need be.
So, an excellent, excellent all-around car knife, 36 bucks, you cannot go wrong in the SR1 light.
[1:01:53] All right, that has been my trip down truck knife lane. I hope you liked it.
[1:01:59] Let me know what you like for truck knives. In my car, I also have a number of other things, like I said, the Bowie knife.
I love some of the real inexpensive cold steels, like the Roach belly or the Canadian belt knife, or some of those sub $20 knives for in the car.
You just never know when you need a knife, and you never know when you want a fixed blade with you.
So do check that out.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for joining this episode of the Knife Junkie podcast.
Sure to join us on next Thursday night for Thursday Night Knives. Of course, join me in Conroe, Texas, if you can this weekend for the Texas Custom Night Show. All right, for Jim working his magic behind the switcher, I'm Bob DeMarco saying until next time, don't take dull for an answer. Thanks for listening to the Knife Junkie podcast. If you enjoyed the show, please rate and review at reviewthepodcast.com. For show notes for today's episode, additional resources and to To listen to past episodes, visit our website, theknifejunkie.com.
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And if you have a question or comment, email them to Bob at theknifejunkie.com or call our 24-7 listener line at 724-466-4487 and you may hear your comment or question answered, on an upcoming episode of the Knife Junkie Podcast.
[1:03:29] Music.
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Knives, News and Other Stuff Mentioned in the Podcast
- Peña X-Series Sicario Folding Fighter
- Super Cool Serge Knife Based on Coveted Custom
- Vosteed Builds Thunderbird Around Trek Lock
- GiantMouse Flipping Hunter Design
- The Knife Junkie’s Patreon Group
Pocket Check
- CJRB Large Pyrite
- Risner Cutlery Lake Champlain Barlow
- Kell Knives Nightstalker
- Kubey Royal (ESK)
State of the Collection
- Kershaw Iridium
- Ritter/ Hogue Auto RSK Mk1
“Truck Knives”: Folders to Leave in Your Car
- RR Trapper or Cold Steel Kudu Light
- Buck 110
- Off-Grid Enforcer XL
- Gerber Paraframe
- QSP Penguin
- Camillus Dominator
- CRKT M-16
- Kershaw Bigbox Speedsafe (Wesson)
- OKC Rat 1 or 2
- Cold Steel SR1 Lite

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