Carter, Edged Mindset: The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 493)
Carter from the Edged Mindset Channel joins Bob “The Knife Junkie” DeMarco on Episode 493 of The Knife Junkie Podcast.
He has had a channel devoted to knife and gun reviews on YouTube for some 12 years. Carter was originally known on YouTube as XIUXIU1313, but changed the channel name a few times before landing on Edged Mindset.
Carter’s taste veers towards the large, hard-use, high-end, design-forward folders, reviewing, showing off and comparing them to one another.
Find Edged Mindset on YouTube at, on Instagram at and the Edged Mindset Facebook page,
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Carter of Edged Mindset, a channel devoted to knife and gun reviews on YouTube for some 12 years, is the featured guest on episode 493 #theknifejunkie #podcast. Share on X
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The Knife Junkie Podcast
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Announcer [00:00:03]:
Welcome to the Knife Junkie podcast, your weekly dose of knife news and information about knives and knife collecting. Here's your host, Bob the knife junkie DeMarco.
Bob DeMarco [00:00:16]:
Welcome to the Knife Junkie podcast. I'm Bob DeMarco. On this edition of the show, I'm speaking with Carter from Edged Mindset, a YouTube knife channel that I've been watching through its evolution for about 12 years now. I initially tuned into his content when the knife video landscape was still kind of a barren place, but there his voice rose above the sparse chatter with honest and passionate takes on the knives I wanted to have. Carter's channel has covered other topics in the past, most notably guns, but knives have always been at the core, hence the name edged mindset. He features plenty of pricey, exotic, aspirational pieces, mostly folding knives, while remaining relatable with his winning personality and his abiding love for Emerson Knives and Cold Steel. Well, in my mind, this conversation has been years in the making, so let's get into it. But first, be sure to like, comment, subscribe, hit the notification bell, and download the show to your favorite podcast app.
Bob DeMarco [00:01:12]:
And as always, if you wanna help support the show, you can do so on Patreon. Just go to the Again, that's
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Announcer [00:01:35]:
Ever strop a knife again even though it gets no real use? Face up to what you are. You're a knife junkie.
Bob DeMarco [00:01:43]:
Carter, welcome to the show, sir.
Carter [00:01:45]:
Hey. Thanks for having me. I'm super super excited to be here. I don't get to talk about knives nearly enough to an actual person. My wife does not care. Nobody at work cares. So it's either just me talking to myself and a camera or this is the first time I really get to talk to someone. So really excited.
Carter [00:02:04]:
Really cool.
Bob DeMarco [00:02:05]:
Oh, that that is the whole genesis of this show. It's like, oh, boy. How much like, I think I've saturated the landscape here with my chatter. I better start talking to people who really, mean something to. So you have been, doing this a long time, and, your voice must be very familiar to a lot of people. You used to go by Zhu Zhu 1313. And, I mean, I never really thought about how to pronounce it, but those letters and the numbers were so familiar to me. I just wanna start from the beginning of your channel.
Bob DeMarco [00:02:38]:
How did you get your start? This at at this time, I just wanna remind people there weren't too many people. Nothing fancy, of course. And, and, oh, I his name escapes me all of a sudden. The guy used to have a banter back and forth with the kind of a skinny dude, cool, southern guy, I think. Anyway, well, I'll he'll his name will pop up. But, anyway, what was it like at the start for you?
Carter [00:03:03]:
It was just fun. I mean, that's all it was. Right? Because the the concept of, like, YouTubers and creators and things that it didn't it didn't exist at that time. So it was really cool because everybody making content were doing it because they just wanted to do it and they wanted to talk about the stuff they wanted to talk about. And that was it, man. I just started doing videos. Thanks to Jeff, AKA Cuddlery Lover. He's the one that it wasn't even so much that I loved his stuff that much, it was more I saw what he was doing and I was like, I think I can do that, I can do that.
Carter [00:03:39]:
I'm just gonna start doing that. So he's the one that got me doing it. And Metal Complex is the guy that brought me back a couple years ago because I left for a really decent amount of time, wasn't really doing anything. Because I'm getting ahead of myself. So, yeah, I always like knives, Always had a passion for them, especially like swords and crazy fantasy knives as a kid, martial arts, weapons. I remember when I was like 10 years old, my family couldn't afford to put me in like martial arts classes or anything, but I knew a kid whose family did. And so what he would do is he would take a bunch of us and teach us what he learned in martial arts class on a Saturday morning. And you can imagine because I grew up in a little coal mining town, so I can only imagine the quality of these lessons that are like secondhand from some guy in this little town teaching a 10 year old who's not teaching us, but we loved it.
Carter [00:04:38]:
We ate it up. We had this this catalog full of scythes and swords and throwing stars and all this stuff. And I would just pour over this magazine, wanted to save money to buy some of that stuff. So I've always loved weapons. And when I got older and I could actually buy some of this stuff, I just started collecting it. First I got into balisongs because I wanted something I could collect and also try to learn. And that's what brought me to Color Re Lover because I learned my first 5 balisong tricks off his videos. And then I moved into folders and then I started doing videos and it kinda just took off from there, and I just kept kept doing it.
Bob DeMarco [00:05:19]:
So you're, as I mentioned before, or maybe I I didn't quite clearly, but I really kind of, got hooked on you. I think it was in your Emerson phase, your first one, I don't know, years back. And, I gotta say, this is funny. I'm only really thinking of this now, but watching your videos and watching you open and close, and this is the this is the slow roll days. Like, everything
Carter [00:05:43]:
is just,
Bob DeMarco [00:05:45]:
watching you open and close a knife kinda taught me how to open and close knives one handed. Not that I didn't not that I didn't, but but, the the pass off from of of fingers when you're closing a, a liner lock or a frame lock. I was like, that's that's how you do it. It was always kind of a little like, put my finger's in the way, you know. So watching your video and, your videos and others at the time really got me, hooked in a weird way, because it's like watching people eat. It makes you hungry.
Carter [00:06:17]:
It's kind
Bob DeMarco [00:06:17]:
of a similar thing.
Carter [00:06:19]:
Yeah. Yeah. Man, appreciate that. That's really cool. I never really intended to teach anybody anything, so that's awesome whenever you hear stuff like that. I was just trying to have a good time showing the stuff that I liked. That was way before the drop shutty days, man. The idea of a knife drop shutting, I think if you had a knife that would drop shut back in those days, people would hate it because they think it's too dangerous.
Carter [00:06:42]:
It's weird how, how times change.
Bob DeMarco [00:06:45]:
Yeah. Yeah. I'm I'm interested, well, since we're there, and I don't wanna forget about that, what do you think of that? How do what do you think of this, evolution since, yeah, you were gone for a little while. And, you know, I do know that you love, washer knives a lot. You know? But how have you taken to the new stuff?
Carter [00:07:08]:
For the actual knives, like, I dig them. It took a minute, right, to readjust to them because I left doing knife stuff, like, right about the time that bearings and drop shut and all that kind of started to really take hold. I mean, it was there before, but it really started to take off, like, right when I left. I feel like I missed a a huge, critical part of the knife community. So I come back and Yeah, there was a lot that was different. And it took me a minute to get used to it and start to appreciate those. But once I did, I dig them and I appreciate them for different reasons compared to the slow roll washer stuff. I still love my Striders, I still like Emerson, But the new stuff's cool too.
Carter [00:07:51]:
The biggest thing that I struggled with was the complete abandonment of the overbuilt, big, rough knives, right? That's the harder one. Coming back, I've always struggled with small knives. It's not that I don't like them. It's just, it's more of a This is gonna sound weird. It's more of a money thing. Like if I'm spending a good amount of money, I feel like I need a lot of material there. I struggle with paying $900 for, like, a Roosevelt. Just a mental block.
Carter [00:08:21]:
It's not that it's not a great knife. I just struggle with
Bob DeMarco [00:08:24]:
it. Oh, man. I totally get it. I I totally get I mean, my tastes also veer towards the weaponry in the large, But, yeah, I I get it. It's like, well, why doesn't that cost it doesn't have as much material. Shouldn't it be but, you know and and and that's not exactly logical, but that's just not that this whole thing isn't exactly logical.
Carter [00:08:45]:
Yeah. It's not. And, and the reason why, like, I really got into knives and why I gravitate towards those kind of larger overbuilt category is because the knives I grew up with are really kind of the knives that are popular traditionals, little tiny folders, little flippers, things like that. And so when I got into higher end, mid level nines and I saw these big behemoth things that were completely different than anything I've ever had. It just kind of blew my mind. I had no idea something like that existed. So now that the smaller stuff is back in fashion, I just kinda feel like that's Those are the knives that I grew up with and I carried when I was really young, so they just don't excite me as much, I guess. But I definitely appreciate all the craftsmanship, the design, everything, everything involved with those.
Carter [00:09:35]:
I think it's great. And I think it's awesome that anybody's into any kind of none. So I totally support any of this stuff. I think it's great for the scene. And I feel like some of the bigger stuff is kinda gaining popularity again a little bit. Maybe not mainstream popularity, but some people are starting to pick them up. Like Maxace is doing a lot of really cool stuff with that. Really digging those.
Bob DeMarco [00:09:56]:
Yeah. That's what I was gonna say. Like, you've you've run to the refuge of Maxace and Microtech, I've noticed. Microtech has has some good, large size knives, and they're just so, oh, there's just something about those knives there. I don't know. Microtech's just really, get me going lately. That's that's my latest little sub collection, Jag. But, so I was doing some research watching your amphibian videos and your and your Stitch videos.
Bob DeMarco [00:10:22]:
But, yeah, Maxace, they are really, carrying that that torch, like, proudly. I love them. Yeah.
Carter [00:10:31]:
Yeah. Really funky stuff. Speaking of Microtech and Maxace, I think there's a lot of design language similarities. I think really, MaxAce kind of took a lot of the design stuff that MicroTech was doing and then applied that kind of more towards like the bigger Strider esque type knives and kinda created their own thing, which is pretty cool.
Bob DeMarco [00:10:51]:
So, speaking of Strider, Emerson, Chris Reeve knives, which I know you've, you've enjoyed also, it seems like earlier, you were more into the American knives. Now you you are just kind of more into knives in general. Is that is that a fair assessment? I've I've also seen a lot more fixed blades on your channel now.
Carter [00:11:13]:
Yeah. It's all over the place. I mean, that's, that's one of the things I've struggled with, having a YouTube channel and then also being, like, a passionate enthusiast. It's really hard to kind of mash those two things together because one doesn't really feed the other. Personally, as a knife person, I tend to get into a really narrow scope of interest. I like to support certain brands and I'll go into phases where I am just a Strider guy. And I wanna know everything about them, what they've made, the different variances. I've got my grails in mind, I've got my users.
Carter [00:11:48]:
But that's not very good for a YouTube channel, or at least if you're trying to get to a broad audience, right? Most people don't wanna hear you talk over and over again about the same brand and show the same stuff. So for a while there, I did try to branch out and broaden it. I wanted to feature more knives that would appeal to kind of a greater audience, hopefully, and, have a little more variety in my channel. But, I'm starting to sneak back into my old ways, and I'm kinda just I'm going back on a Strider kick. And, you know, I don't know. It is what it is.
Bob DeMarco [00:12:18]:
But I I think you've already developed a winning recipe. Like, I don't I don't think you need to change anything, People understand the obsessiveness, and oftentimes people want to go on that trip with you, whether they're gonna parallel it with their own. Oh, man. I'm really into Savivi's right now, but, I'm really digging these Strider videos. I know where he's coming from. Yeah. Like, I would say, like, you're you're kinda spelling out what it is. It is a bit of, you know, obsession.
Bob DeMarco [00:12:48]:
You get you get really deeply into one thing. And, yeah, I mean, it can it can also get expensive running a channel like that. So how do you manage, like because I I know that you have some very nice knives on there. Do you borrow knives? Do you buy knives? Do you have relationships with makers? How does it work for managing your channel?
Carter [00:13:11]:
Most of it is just self funded, unfortunately. I I have done a few things with some retailers. I sent me some stuff to check out. I received some cheaper nights just, hey, review this. You know, you can keep it. But I could count that on on 10 fingers that that's that's happened. Most of it is, yeah, I buy stuff and I sell it, right? So a lot of people think everything I show on my channel I always have. I only have so many at any given time, So my collection isn't super vast because to get new stuff, I sell stuff.
Carter [00:13:44]:
It's not the most efficient way to do it. That's one of the things I've been trying to to fix too is come up with a more reasonable way to keep getting new knives on my channel without sending me into the poor house, but still working on that.
Bob DeMarco [00:13:56]:
Yeah. Yeah. Especially for, you know, the kind of knives you like. Yeah. But I do find, that it's harder to sell the cheaper knives. It's harder to sell the impulse buy knives. So I could I could I'll I'll pick on Civivi again. I I come in and out of them.
Bob DeMarco [00:14:14]:
I'm like, man, they always have such cool like, they they take all the risks with Civivi and Sencut, and then they pass it along up to we oftentimes. That's what it feels like anyway. And so I I like the chances they take. So let me just buy this and see what it's like. And then you end up having a whole bunch of them. It's like you you give them away. You try and sell them, but people don't wanna buy them. They're so inexpensive and so good that they can just kinda drop it in their Amazon cart, get a brand new one, and I don't know.
Bob DeMarco [00:14:44]:
That's that's maybe that's, just the justification of someone who wants to hold on to everything. Do you do you find it hard to part with some of these knives?
Carter [00:14:54]:
Not not too much. I do have a lot of knife regret, though, because I kinda like I mentioned before, I'll bounce around between interests and, you know, I was into Microtechs really hard, like, I don't know, a year ago or something. But then once I kinda get out of it and move into something else, I don't have a problem selling those off until the next time I get back into microtech. And I'm like, why did I sell those? I had, like, so many awesome pieces. When I think back to a lot of the knives I used to have, I had some really cool stuff and I regret selling them. But I just gotta remember, yeah, I can pick on the ones I shouldn't have sold, but there's a bunch that I definitely should have sold and I do not have any regrets selling. So it's a give and take. You can't keep them all.
Carter [00:15:41]:
Just do what you can.
Bob DeMarco [00:15:43]:
So where do you stand on customs? You, seems like sometimes you're, you're forking out custom funds for some of the, like, high end production stuff you might be showing. Do do you have a feeling one way or another about custom knives?
Carter [00:16:00]:
I struggle with customs, to be honest, especially lately. I've seen so many issues people have had with placing orders with custom makers. It makes me leery to try to do that. I've seen a lot of well respected custom makers that I looked up to, go through hard times and and kinda things go south and their name gets tarnished and it's it's just a bad deal. So I kinda struggle on that front. And then I'm also generally just really picky with the machining and craftsmanship of the knife and with the way that modern production machining is going now, it's so spot on and perfect. It used to be that custom knives were the best way to get the best finishes, the cleanest production, things like that. But it's kinda switched now.
Carter [00:16:49]:
It's it's a weird it's a weird situation we're in where machining has gotten so good and so precise that it's kinda beating the hand built stuff in a lot of ways. But I don't know, man. I could talk forever about the custom stuff because it's changed so much. Back in the day, when I say back in the day, I'm talking 2010 to 2,000, whatever, 16 or so. Custom knives were crucial to the knife hobby because that's where all of the latest stuff was coming out of. This was when Spyderco didn't do titanium frame locks. Like, you couldn't buy those from production large production companies. Like, if you wanted that kind of style, acid stone washing and titanium and anodizing and all that stuff, it was all coming out of the custom side.
Carter [00:17:39]:
And if it proved itself in the custom knives, enough people were into it, then it would trickle down into the production knife companies and then it started making them. That's where early ZT came from, things like that. Lock bar inserts, bearings and knives that all came from the custom industry and then made its way into the production world. And I don't know if I'm just disconnected. I just don't see that kinda innovation so much anymore, which is sad. I feel like kinda the custom part of the knife community is kinda shrinking, which I don't love, but I'm obviously not doing anything to support it either per my own admittal.
Bob DeMarco [00:18:20]:
That's that's interesting. I hadn't thought of it that way, but but I think you're right about that. That is where everything was coming out of, and then it got it got absorbed into, manufacturing, which is obviously evolving at the same time and can take it and do it better. It's kinda like what AI is gonna do with us. Gotcha. Right right here soon. But take taking taking that, oh, ball bearings. Great idea.
Bob DeMarco [00:18:47]:
Oh, micro milling. Awesome idea. And let's put it into these, like, $1,000,000,000,000 machines and and watch what it can do, and and we'll sell it to you for $200. That's that's the other thing, the, the just the cost differential, now between customs and and, these high end Chinese and I'm talking about folders right now, and and I must admit I have experience with, fixed blade customs, but really very, very little experience with folders.
Carter [00:19:18]:
Oh, really? With with custom folders?
Bob DeMarco [00:19:21]:
Carter [00:19:21]:
Yeah. That's always been kind of my jam. I'm I'm just barely now trying to make myself get into fixed blades, sort of. I mean, I'm enjoying it, but I'm really kinda pushing to say, I gotta check this world out because I've been in the folder world so long. It's not all I ever cared about.
Bob DeMarco [00:19:36]:
So, now what do you look for in a in a folder? Like, we've talked about brand loyalty. I don't like to say it like that because I don't feel like it's that. You get obsessed with with, with a maker's style and build quality and all that kind of stuff. But but what do you look for generally in a knife? What's your wheelhouse, quote, unquote?
Carter [00:19:56]:
Something interesting. I mean, something funky, something not boring. And that's kind of my whole life. All around, I like things with bright colors, crazy design choices. I like things that take risks. That's what catches my eye. A lot of people will say, Well, that's gas station y, that's cheap, that's gaudy. I get it.
Carter [00:20:18]:
I get it. I like gas station knives too though. Like, I've I've I've been in gas stations where I see a knife and I'm like, man, if that was Magne Cut, I would be totally buying that right now. Like, I'll take that dragon handle, sign me up, that's awesome. That's usually what it is and I try to because I get a lot of criticism for that on my videos, right, all the time. Gas station knife. You know, that's that's cheap. That's garbage.
Carter [00:20:44]:
What are you gonna do with that thing? But I kinda just roll with it now. It is what it is. That's what I'm drawn to. Anything bold with a strong design language, bright colors, things like that, that kinda catches my eye.
Bob DeMarco [00:20:58]:
Yeah. The, I noticed while Jim was just scrolling on your page, the Midgard Messers, you've got some of those, German German behemoths. Yeah. For me, like, that's a that's a bridge too far for me. But, a knife like that, for instance, or we were talking before, you have a Phil Harvey, an amazing knife, but but not your average pocket knife. Do you carry all of these?
Carter [00:21:25]:
No, but not because I have some aversion to it. I just I have too many, and I I physically can't but I guess it depends on your definition of carry. So I've worked from home for the past, like, 3 years. So I only leave, like, the house a handful of times during the week. So I carry knives around the house, and I swap them out like all day. You know, I'll just grab a couple. Yeah. I'm on a I'm on a work call or something.
Carter [00:21:49]:
I'm playing with them and then I put them back and I grab some other ones. Go for a walk around the park, grab a knife, take some photos of it, that kind of thing. But yeah, when I do leave the house, I do carry just about everything. There are a few really expensive ones that I kinda hold onto as I just wanna leave them untouched, mainly because if I do need to sell them, I wanna make sure I can get as much out of them as I can. But I do try to carry everything that I have.
Bob DeMarco [00:22:18]:
What do you what would you tell someone, who's tempted? Because, you know, we can really kinda go down our own rabbit with this. But what would you tell someone who's tempted to be irresponsible in order to get some of these, prestige knives or, the kind of knives we aspire to have, aspirational knives?
Carter [00:22:41]:
Just be smart about it. Like, that that's what it is. And if you can't be smart about it, then just don't don't do it. Know know what the resale value is, buy it at that or below, and then you'll be good, right? Because that's how my whole channel was. Even if you go back to the original, I had a mixed rider Damascus blade with a Damascus front scale that I had. I bought that knowing full well I can't keep the thing. I had no business having it, but I knew I could get it, I could check it out, I could do some videos, take some pictures, and then I could sell it and get my money back. So if you think of it more, and this is gonna sound weird, but if you think about it more like the stock market, you're trading fiat currency for a physical asset.
Carter [00:23:26]:
The physical asset has a value that's deemed according to the marketplace. And as long as that's a fair trade, and any money that you lose when you exchange that again for fiat currency, you're you're willing to accept, then you're good. It's not that big deal.
Bob DeMarco [00:23:41]:
That is a yeah. Yeah. That's a clean way of looking at it. And and if you can do that, more power to you. I find them difficult to sell. First of all, like, unreliable in terms of where I sell and whether whether they're going to sell. But also, what do I have? Is it is it what what am I willing to part with, is more the the thing. And is that the really desirable stuff that people are gonna buy? That's that and then you end up with 100 of knives and, you know, eventually there's gotta be a reckoning and a and a a so now, you're my therapist.
Bob DeMarco [00:24:18]:
I'm just, like, talking about I I really do have to have to get rid of some some stuff. And, for a while, I was treating it like a museum, like you said.
Carter [00:24:27]:
Bob DeMarco [00:24:28]:
Anything interesting. Like, oh, oh, I don't have this lock. Well, do you need that lock? Are you gonna carry it? Or no one's coming and paying admission to check out this lock you're not gonna use. I I've run into a bit of that. Tell me about, like, what you see in terms of trends that okay. You were talking about, Zhu Zhu 1313. You stopped for a while. You came back.
Bob DeMarco [00:24:49]:
You did some other stuff, some q pews and some snakes or working out stuff. We did a lot lot of different stuff.
Carter [00:24:56]:
I did some snake stuff. Yeah. That was an old old hobby I was into. My wife, she put an end to that though. So that's no longer allowed. I feel the pull every once in a while, but I'm like, Nah, that one's a tough one though. It's a messy Bob. So I'm cool with staying away from that.
Carter [00:25:12]:
The QQ stuff, I've actually kind of really made an effort to just separate myself from that recently. So I've gotten rid of all of that content on my channel, which I've made the mistake of kind of mixing content on this channel way too many times. I've flip flopped and it's always been a little bit of a messy thing every time I transition from 1 hobby to the other. So finally, I'm doing it the right way and I'll do a different channel for that content and keep this one, the original channel, solely knife focused is the goal now.
Bob DeMarco [00:25:48]:
So when you were, not producing content, were you still collecting knives? Were you still thinking about them and kind of engaged the same way and just not documenting
Carter [00:25:58]:
it? No. Not really. I I really kinda just got out of the whole thing. And I had a young family, youngish family at the time. I was busy. I was trying to focus on career. I was trying to went on a health kick, you know, the the mid thirties health kick, doing that a lot. But I I held onto a few nights, but most of them I sold, unfortunately.
Carter [00:26:22]:
I wish I hadn't done that, but yeah, I sold a lot of them and kind of really distanced myself. I'm still wondering exactly why. I don't know why. I don't know exactly why I did that. But, yeah, I really kinda just washed my hands of the whole thing and stepped away for some reason.
Bob DeMarco [00:26:38]:
So what what inspired you to come back, in different forms?
Carter [00:26:46]:
Usually, what it is is it's, it's freaking YouTube, man. I remember, like, with the the QQ stuff, I had bought a new one and I hadn't bought anything in a long time. I bought a new one and just the thought popped in my head, Hey, you should do a video unboxing this thing. You haven't made a video in 2 years. You might as well, why not? And so I did and for some reason that video blew up. And then of course I'm like, Oh yeah, I gotta keep going. This is great. This is the ticket.
Carter [00:27:16]:
And of course, none of the other videos did very well. But I tend to go overboard when I get into these things. And that's usually what causes me to kinda step back and get away from it because I kinda need to say, You gotta cool your jets. And YouTube kind of enables me sometimes because it gives you that extra urge of like, I should get that thing that would make a good video. If I get this thing, I could compare it to this one. And that's good content. And it just gives you that little extra push to maybe do things you shouldn't really do. And, so sometimes I just have to say, I gotta I gotta step away from it.
Bob DeMarco [00:27:55]:
Interesting. Yeah. It's like a a dopamine hit, little dopamine. Oh, did you see how many it's only been up for 4 hours. What?
Carter [00:28:03]:
Yeah. Yeah. You think you finally cracked the code and that ends up not being the case.
Bob DeMarco [00:28:09]:
It's funny. I've experienced that a couple of times, never gone viral or anything like that, but I've had a couple of videos that have, you know, oddly blown up like, really? That one? You know, have just blown up weirdly like that. So when you returned to knives, knives, you were reengaging with knives. They were a new hobby again. Mhmm. What did you see, a, in the well, we'll get to that in a second. But what did you see in terms of knives, in terms of trends, in terms of things besides fall shut, and bearings that were exciting and new that that you kinda missed out on their advent?
Carter [00:28:52]:
Oh, yeah. That's that's a that's a good one. I mean, kinda like you mentioned before, a lot of the the Chinese companies, what they're they're producing both in terms of designs and quality really blew me away. A lot of the collaborations with these companies, with We, seeing knife makers so like Christiansen I'll just pick on him, Christiansen Knifeworks. Right? Seeing him do the collaborations with we with the, what is it, the Thug XL? Is that the one he did with them? I remember watching him when he was just grinding scales in his bedroom and he had the grinder set up to blow it out the window and that's what he was doing. He's what they used to call pimping knives. I don't think they call it that anymore. I think it's like this customization.
Carter [00:29:40]:
And then to see him, to come back and see him doing collaborations, like really cool designs as well as his own custom knife career. That just blew me away. Seeing all the new YouTubers too, all the new channels, Needz Knives, Metal Complex, like I mentioned before. None of these people were around when I left, or at least if they were, they weren't on my radar, I wasn't launching them. So that was really cool. And then as far as trends, kinda like I said earlier, it was actually a little more of a slight disappointment in some of the stuff I loved was now not only popular but kind of made fun of. That was a little hard pill to swallow, but I'm okay with it now. I just like what I like and it is what it is.
Carter [00:30:23]:
And those kinda knives always have a special place in my mind just because when I got in, right, and I try to run away from it and try to get into the new stuff a little bit more, which I am, Don't get me wrong. I do like the new stuff. I do like smaller knives. They just aren't the same as kind of the the stuff that I came up with. It it's just always gonna be what I think of as a cool knife.
Bob DeMarco [00:30:46]:
Yeah. You're old boomer knives. You're you're old triumvirate. Right?
Carter [00:30:50]:
That's what it is. Yeah.
Bob DeMarco [00:30:51]:
Strider. And, I always put Emerson down there as a duke below them because I've always loved, Emerson knives and and the designs and the, you know, everything behind it.
Carter [00:31:01]:
Have you seen, what Lucas is doing, his son? Yes.
Bob DeMarco [00:31:05]:
I have.
Carter [00:31:06]:
That is so cool. I'm really hoping he kinda carries that torch with the company.
Bob DeMarco [00:31:10]:
As do I. I I've I've only really seen or paid attention to, his folding Kukri. It's a flipper, and it looks like, you know, it looks just like an Emerson, I gotta say, or or a family resemblance, we'll say.
Carter [00:31:25]:
Oh, for sure. Yeah. He's he's taken all that, you know, the classic design language, and he's just hopefully moving forward with it. I thought, Forrest was gonna do that for Strider knives, but I'm not so sure.
Bob DeMarco [00:31:37]:
I'm not familiar. Well, Strider went through some strange, reconfiguration a few years back, and I think they declared that they were closed and then they were back opened in a different form or something. Do can you actually, clear that up? Do you have any insight on that?
Carter [00:31:54]:
Yeah, I'll do my best. I don't have super so if any of this is wrong, don't kill the messenger. But as I understand it, Duane Dwyer and Mick Strider started Strider Knives Incorporated, SKI. So that was the company that everybody knew that was producing production Strider knives. Then at some point, I think 2016, they decided to dismantle the company and go their own separate ways. The exact reasoning behind that, I've heard different things. Some of it I've heard is just a logistic thing. It was just too much to run that kind of a business at that scale.
Carter [00:32:28]:
And that Mick and Dwayne couldn't do their own custom stuff and they kinda missed just making knives themselves. And I've also heard that maybe they had a falling out. I don't know exactly why, but they split up. And so Mick just went off and did Mick Strider custom knives and started producing stuff under the performance moniker, which was being done right before Strider Inc. Disbanded anyways. And then Duane took off and he's doing his own custom nines, which they're both still doing today. But then somewhere along the line over the last few years, the mixed Strider custom knives side started to do retro knives, if you want to call them. So producing kind of the oldish style knives that they used to do under SKI, now branded as M Strider instead of Strider.
Carter [00:33:15]:
So there's some differences probably legally. But, yeah, that's that's as I understand it how things got to where they are now.
Bob DeMarco [00:33:23]:
Okay. Okay. I know the last, couple of, you've gotten a couple of new Striders recently, and that's, I wanna talk about that really cool one you just posted with the compound grind and those kind of Veth like serrations. But, Strider is one of those companies. There are a lot like there's a new guard and there's an old guard, and we're kinda straddling those in terms of eras right now.
Carter [00:33:46]:
Bob DeMarco [00:33:47]:
And, and I'm talking about knife YouTubers here. And and there are some who still like the Striders, the Emersons, the, you know, the the older knives we're talking about or the you know which ones I'm talking about. The pantheon of the classics. Yeah.
Carter [00:34:03]:
The boomer knives.
Bob DeMarco [00:34:03]:
The boomer knives. Yeah. Yeah. And then yes. Okay. And then there are the ones who like the fancy, colorful falsetti knives, which, by the way, I love too. I mean, it's if it's got steel, I'm I'm into it, basically. But, do you find that coming out with that kind of content right now is it falls on more deaf ears than some of the other stuff you've put out, like, say, when you talk about Microtech, which is sort of perennially popular?
Carter [00:34:32]:
Yes and no. I would say if I featured kind of the the new guard stuff, as you mentioned more, I would I think I would pull in a larger audience ultimately. But a lot of the people that subscribe to me are the people that appreciate, like the Striders and the Andersons and things like that. So So yes and no. If I publish a video, it seems to do about the same, honestly, for the most part. If I do newer stuff or if I do like Strider stuff, it's just different audiences of my subscriber base connect with it, differently than the the other side, I guess, if that makes sense.
Bob DeMarco [00:35:08]:
Yeah. Yeah. No. I I get that. I I just I cover so many different, kinds of, like, the weapons on the wall to to slip joints to everything that I'm always kinda like, who's watching this? Like, I I I must have a very random smattering, as opposed to to some channels that are really focused and and really excel because they're focused on, you know, one type of knife, you know, modern folders or whatever. I've been really excited about the, modern slip joints. I have them for a couple of years. Is is that on your radar in terms of something you're interested in digging into at all?
Carter [00:35:50]:
A little bit. I I got into traditionals years years ago. And then once again, when I came back and I saw kind of this modern interpretation of him, I was like, that's fricking genius. Like, that is the smartest move ever. What a smart idea. I haven't gotten a ton, probably because I had a vampire jack and it gave me the worst cut of my entire life. Like right I've got it on video. It's nasty.
Carter [00:36:20]:
And it happened like 4 months ago and it hit me right in the knuckle, like karate chopped right in my knuckle. And my knuckle still isn't right. It still swells up every morning. I can't close it. It's swollen and painful. So because of that- I'm sorry,
Bob DeMarco [00:36:33]:
I just laughed at your misfortune.
Carter [00:36:35]:
Because of that, I'm like, No more modern slip joint. No, I just haven't really jumped back into them too much yet, but I think they are pretty cool. And what a smart idea, genius idea. And some of the custom makers doing slip joints again is so cool, so beautiful. I'm so glad that they are getting their their time in the spotlight again.
Bob DeMarco [00:36:58]:
Yeah. I agree. I agree. To me, they go hand in hand with the overbuilt knives, that I like. They go hand in hand with the fixed blade knives. I like to carry a fixed blade too. I I I love the slip joints, especially in terms of small knives. I mean, I do like small mod like, you mentioned the root the Roosevelt.
Bob DeMarco [00:37:20]:
I I had that on loan for a short while. It was incredible. I mean, it was amazing, but I I knew that if I had that, I probably wouldn't carry it. If it's small, it's gotta be a slip joint, and I'll carry it. Everything else is, you know, more generous generously, proportioned. Something else that, is new, is influencer knives, and I'll just I'll say that I I don't like the word influencer. It's a little broad, but knife guy knives. Knives designed by guys like you and me who learn CAD and then have these, companies over there in China producing them.
Bob DeMarco [00:38:02]:
Every once in a while, something made over here. That's kind of an interesting leveling of the playing field and such. What do you think about all that?
Carter [00:38:11]:
I think ultimately I think it's really, really cool. There are some annoying things about it, but when I first saw that and I heard that that was happening, I thought how amazing that people with really smart ideas and designs are no longer beheld to, like, having machining background, having access to these things. Right? Like in most industries, the idea is that you focus on what you can contribute the most with. And so if you can't do that, if you're not a machining guy, you outsource it to somebody who is the best machinist. So from that standpoint, I think it makes total sense. Why should an artistic designer be somebody that knows how to operate heavy machinery? Or why should that be the default? But on the other hand, it does create a lot of noise. Like it seems like everybody's doing it and they're all very much the same And there's not as much excitement about it. Every time I pop into Instagram, I feel like I run across somebody else who's doing it.
Carter [00:39:14]:
And more power to them if they can take off and become popular. But it does kind of dilute a little bit of the specialness of new designs, in my opinion, compared to how things used to be because there was a a much higher barrier to entry to to make knives, whereas that's kinda been reduced lately, it seems like.
Bob DeMarco [00:39:35]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely has been reduced, and, I'm not I'm not thinking of anything in particular because, people I'm thinking of, I I like them all, but it it opens the door for a dilettante ish, if that's a word, design. It opens the door for it like, just kind of a a lame design that, that is, manufactured and engineered over there. You know, like, I don't know how we can make this ugly design, functioning knife, but we will figure it out, and we will send you a prototype. It opens the door to that. Now, that said, it's an expensive process, so I would imagine, people don't go about it that way.
Bob DeMarco [00:40:19]:
And like I said, the ones I can think of are all actually really good and they're enthusiasts who use knives and so they know how to design. They know what they want out of a design. I got to admit, the very first time I I I experienced that or saw that, come across, I was like, who do they think they are?
Carter [00:40:39]:
I'm like,
Bob DeMarco [00:40:39]:
they look nice. And then I was like, oh, well that's actually pretty cool.
Carter [00:40:43]:
Yeah. What I wanna know is if I design a knife on bronze phosphor washers with no lock bar insert, can I get somebody to make that knife overseas? I don't I don't even know. Like, is it like a a default that, no, if you're gonna have a knife made by us, it has to be on bearings and it has to have a lock bar insert and it has to have a ceramic ball detec. I'm curious if if anybody would take on that challenge.
Bob DeMarco [00:41:08]:
I I gotta say, I think you know who I think would? Because they did? Is Bestech. And I'll tell I'll tell you what I know about this. I I got this knife that I saw on, the recommendation of he he now goes by his, brand, Luck Knives. He he actually makes the knives, but he was NAF sergeant a little while ago and he he, just collected cool knives and he, declared, you know, I discovered a, like, a new, like, American handmade knife. I was like, what is this? And I watched it, and it was so cool. And I ordered it called the Mekong Delta Combat Folder, by a monk or by, Gooseworks. That's part of Resco Instruments, bunch of frogmen who make watches, and then they make these knives. And I put frogmen in quotes.
Bob DeMarco [00:41:56]:
I didn't mean to. They are, that, but it's part of the branding. That's so cool. You know? That we're all barefoot frogmen in our basement making knives. That's what I thought. And then and then, later on, discovered it was made by Bestech, but but they made a knife that has, and I have it over there. I wish I I'll show it to you when we're done rolling here, but they made a knife that actually has the feel of, like, you know, Strider meets Chris Reeve knives meets Swartan. And, it's hard to get because you have to order it through Resco Instruments, and they only have a limited amount.
Bob DeMarco [00:42:33]:
And I I think they do runs. But my point is the news is good. I think I think that they are willing to do anything, and and Bestech, I think they just knock it out of the park every time.
Carter [00:42:44]:
I've gotta check that one out. Yeah. I'm very interested in that. I I would kind of like to see a swing back to that. And that that reminds me of, like, when you asked about the things that I've noticed that's different from, like, the old guard or the new guard. Aside from just sizes and popularity and materials and things like that, Probably the biggest shift that I've noticed is a change from being ideology focused and company focused into manufacturing focus. Like back in the Hinderer Emerson days, when you got into those brands, it was above and beyond just the object, right? It kind of represented things that you connected with and vibed with in terms of what the company stood for, how cool the people were, if you liked them, if you liked their styling and what they stood for. They created a whole almost mythos, especially like Ernest Emerson, right, and all of his knife fighting and motivational stuff.
Carter [00:43:40]:
Like, it was above and beyond just the knife. And it seems like now that's gone, right? Now it is just the object and how well that object is made and manufactured is kind of what people prize the most. How tight are the tolerances? How well is it done? How thought out is where the placement of the v ten ball is so that you don't get that double step when you close it. That kind of stuff seems to be, the the bigger focus. And neither one's right or wrong. It's just it's just different. You know? That that was a big change that I kinda noticed.
Bob DeMarco [00:44:08]:
Yeah. And and that's kind of a cold, I I shouldn't compare it, but there's there's a there's something a little more humanistic and warm about the the first scenario, you outlined and something calculating and materialistic about the second. But, I mean, we're paying money. We should expect a certain, you know, amount of engineering and performance and design and all that. I'm not saying that and I am also similar to that though I find myself, Yeah.
Carter [00:44:45]:
Yep. Yep. Absolutely.
Bob DeMarco [00:44:47]:
So, in in the in the interim, when you were not, so much into knives, and you were into, pew pews, as we mentioned before, I I wanted to ask you, do you have any particular, favorite from that realm, that I don't know. I'm always I'm always kind of interested in that as well.
Carter [00:45:12]:
The in terms of, like, style or classification?
Bob DeMarco [00:45:18]:
Carter [00:45:19]:
AKs. AKs were always my favorite thing ever. And honestly, it was me in the pew pew world didn't always jive the best because my appreciation for them were derived mainly from their history, their design, their engineering, that kind of stuff, as opposed to necessarily the practical use of them. I shot, but that was never my primary driver. So with the AK 40 sevens, I got enamored with the history of the early ones that came into the country, produced once again, you know, speaking about China. Right? Some argue the very best, highest quality AKs ever produced came from China. When they first came over, nobody wanted them. They were considered to be the bad guy gun.
Carter [00:46:03]:
Nobody bought them. And now they're highly sought after, super collectible. And there's a whole slew of these kind of things. And there's, within the AK community, there's a huge drive to get as close as you can to the original Ismash, Russian made ones. And so a lot of people like the ones made in, where? I can't remember because they used the original machining and tooling that was borrowed from the Russians and that kind of thing. So once again, similar to how I I get really small scopes and into something, I just absolutely love that world because learning about every single importer that ever happened with this mark and then it came in here. Don't buy these ones because they had a bad heat treat. And, so I just really loved that whole kind of collector scene there.
Bob DeMarco [00:46:53]:
So how does the that collector scene compare with the knife collector scene?
Carter [00:46:58]:
It's, pretty similar. They're just harder to buy and sell. I mean, that's
Bob DeMarco [00:47:02]:
Oh, yeah. Right. Sure.
Carter [00:47:04]:
You know, a lot more hoops to go through to to get those. You can't just throw them on a Facebook group and say, Send me a PayPal and we'll trade. It's a lot harder to move and get new things. But other than that, it's very similar. They're after the same type stuff, right? They're after unique things. This one has this marking, this one has that marking, this one's made here, so it's more money, and we bid on it. And, it's a whole entire world, especially when you're looking at, like, eighties nineties rifles that that were coming in.
Bob DeMarco [00:47:33]:
Yeah. I bet, with the money involved too, it probably makes knives, look like the the junior partner because, yeah, I've I've always I've had to remind my wife from time to time, just be glad I don't collect guns or cars. You know? We'd be in the poor house now. Yeah. You know?
Carter [00:47:50]:
It's, man, knives can get pretty pricey. For sure, they absolutely can. That's another thing that's always of a pew pew. And I I never understood why those two things were ever compared. Like, if I have an expensive knife, you know, some of the top comments is, I could get this QQ for that or I could get 2 of those. And I'm like, yeah, you could buy a leather couch too. I mean, there's a lot of things you could do without money. And if if you need to do that, then, yeah, do that first and then come back the night if you want it.
Carter [00:48:27]:
If you don't want it, then just, you know, go get it. But, yeah, time and time again, that's a huge comparison people make.
Bob DeMarco [00:48:34]:
Well, the interesting thing, if you look at, say, KnifeRite's, Doug Ritter's organization, they've gone from let's see. They've changed, the laws in, like, 36 states, my own state included, where I I couldn't carry or own an automatic or sell it or make it or do anything with an automatic knife. Now I can hide it on my person. But he, it's just in talking to him about that comparison, you know, because people will compare knife rights to the NRA also. And, you know, like, it's the NRA for knives, and and he kinda takes exception to that, in a way. But but he was saying it's a it's a very different topic because he can really, make connections across the aisle, like, because everyone kinda grows up, or so far, anyway, everyone has kinda grown up with pocket knives, you know, bombing around in the woods, whatever. You know, most people who grew up as, you know, from kids had pocket knives and and they're sympathetic to that. You know, you might you might go to a a Democrat senator and say, Look, it's about pocket knives.
Bob DeMarco [00:49:47]:
He said that so many times, that the people who would have, turned down anything about guns would say yes to knives because, they see that there isn't a strong correlation.
Carter [00:50:00]:
Yeah. Absolutely. And I've I've always thought of knives primarily as cutting tools. I love the concept of self defense with knives, but more of kind of like an art form type thing. I would never really consider that a first line objective with knives. Obviously, if that's all you got, that's all you got. But, I've always considered them cutting tools first and foremost, wanting to separate one thing into multiple things.
Bob DeMarco [00:50:25]:
I do have a speed round. We're gonna get to, but but before we get to the speed round, I wanna talk about you you said you're you're trying to get, fixed blades more into your life, and and I sensed it's a little bit of an effort, but you like them and everything. Well, you know, you had the Jed Hornbeef, and I have the the necromancer, one of 1 of 3 that were made when the one that you were checking out was made, and, I am crazy in love with this knife.
Carter [00:50:55]:
So good.
Bob DeMarco [00:50:57]:
Well, how about this guy? You know? Jed Hornbeek, he's amazing.
Carter [00:51:00]:
He is. Honestly, he's the reason why I decided to check out fixed blades. Like, time and time again, people are yelling at me, you know, full tang or nothing, get fixed blades, folding knives are already half broke. I've been hearing that so much, but it was Jed Hornby. I'm trying to think of where I came across his stuff. It might have been just Instagram that I first saw his stuff and then later I saw your podcast with him. But yeah, so, so cool. I really, really like his stuff.
Carter [00:51:34]:
In my opinion, it's the perfect mix of utilitarian usability, but it's got enough flare to it. It's got enough cool stuff going on. And then he also offers different variances of it, right? He does some pretty funky stuff, but then he also does some pretty utilitarian traditional type stuff too. But I was blown away by just the quality. Yes. Really well done.
Bob DeMarco [00:51:59]:
Yeah. It's it's it's very hard to, show it in a video and express it. I mean, the way it feels in hand, and and, yeah, the quality of it. And it's not CNC. I mean, it's milled, but it's, like, hand milled. I don't know what you call it, but non CNC milled. My manual mills, like, this guy is very, very talented, and he's, you know, I I just wish he could make more. You know?
Carter [00:52:25]:
Yeah. And, in my opinion, his stuff is underpriced. So if you want it, everybody, go out and snag it because I think it's I don't think you're gonna be able to get it as easily in the future.
Bob DeMarco [00:52:34]:
I I think I tend to agree with you on that. And and he already, you know, as he said on on the inter within the interview I had with him, it's not like he makes big batches of things. He makes small like, very small batches, and he rarely revisits a design, which is, you know there are some that are current that are ongoing models, but frequently, he's just like, no. I'm done with that. And, like, I I'm panicking. Like, I want him to make more of these because, I want I want one within a longer blade size, let's see. But anyway, yes. I I'm very excited about him, and I it was cool to see that you have the Malvern? What's it called?
Carter [00:53:12]:
I have the the Malcop. I have the the necromancer and Malcop. Yeah. M a u l. What a clever name. And then I have another one too. I cannot remember the name of it. So I have 3 of his 3 of his knives.
Bob DeMarco [00:53:25]:
Okay. Oh, so you do have this one, the chiseled ground. Yeah. With the holes on the side?
Carter [00:53:30]:
Yep. Yeah.
Bob DeMarco [00:53:31]:
I was trying to figure out what those 7 holes were like, what what they they must symbolize something. But
Carter [00:53:37]:
Yeah, possibly. The other, the other new fixed blade maker that I'm really diggin' is Savage Creature. I forget the maker's name. Roger Pearson, I think is his name, under the brand Savage Creature. And he's doing a completely different style than Jed Hornbeek. But, he does more in the kind of Tracker Dan Blood DeMarco kind of style, but very Japanese katana inspired. So it has like a katana wrap on the handle. It's still ultimately just very simple kind of dark, heavy metal inspired type stuff.
Carter [00:54:12]:
Really cool. I'm hoping to get a a video up on some of his stuff here soon. I just haven't yet.
Bob DeMarco [00:54:18]:
Didn't don't you have a picture on your Instagram of a Pakal style knife by him?
Carter [00:54:23]:
I do. Yep. That's one of his. Yep. Out of the 3 I have, though, the other 2 are are much cooler than that one.
Bob DeMarco [00:54:29]:
Oh, man. Well, okay. That looks cool to me. I I'm a sucker for a Pakal, a well designed Pakal knife, and I absolutely love tsukamaki wrap. I think it's one of the the best grips out there. You don't need a guard. Yep. I guess if you have a guard, that's even better.
Carter [00:54:44]:
But Yeah.
Bob DeMarco [00:54:46]:
Alright. So, Carter, I like to end, all of my interviews with with, people who have knife channels with the speed rounds. We really get to, you know, get the full cut of your jib here, just in in in a one word answer. It's about 20 questions. Are you ready, sir?
Carter [00:55:03]:
Oh, man. Yeah. Let's do it. Let's go.
Bob DeMarco [00:55:05]:
Alright. Fixed or folder?
Carter [00:55:07]:
Oh, folder.
Bob DeMarco [00:55:08]:
Flipper or thumb stud?
Carter [00:55:10]:
Thumb stud.
Bob DeMarco [00:55:11]:
Washers or bearings? Washers. Tip up or tip down?
Carter [00:55:16]:
Oh, I strut tip up tip up. I wanna be the cool tip down guy, but I'm I'm tip up.
Bob DeMarco [00:55:22]:
Tanto or Bowie? Bowie. Wharncliffe or drop point?
Carter [00:55:27]:
Drop point.
Bob DeMarco [00:55:29]:
Hollow ground or flat ground?
Carter [00:55:31]:
Oh. Oh, I flat. Yeah.
Bob DeMarco [00:55:38]:
I won't hold it to it, but I got, full size or small?
Carter [00:55:42]:
Full size.
Bob DeMarco [00:55:43]:
Gentleman's knife or tactical knife? Tactical. Okay. Out the front or out the side?
Carter [00:55:50]:
Out the front. 100%.
Bob DeMarco [00:55:52]:
Alright. Cold Steel or Emerson?
Carter [00:55:55]:
Oh, why you gotta do that? That one's that one's not cool. I have to go Emerson, barely. Barely.
Bob DeMarco [00:56:08]:
Gotcha. Maxace or Microtech? Microtech. Milled titanium or spring clip?
Carter [00:56:16]:
Oh, let's go milled.
Bob DeMarco [00:56:19]:
Carbon fiber or micarta? Micarta. Button lock or crossbar lock?
Carter [00:56:24]:
Oh, crossbar.
Bob DeMarco [00:56:26]:
Finger choil or no choil?
Carter [00:56:29]:
Choil, baby.
Bob DeMarco [00:56:31]:
Custom or production?
Carter [00:56:34]:
Oh, man. Production. I think production.
Bob DeMarco [00:56:36]:
Form or function?
Carter [00:56:39]:
Form. I'm gonna get so much crap for that, but, yeah, it's form for me.
Bob DeMarco [00:56:44]:
I'm I'm I'm right here with you. It's an unpopular stance. And last, your desert island knife. One knife for the rest of your life.
Carter [00:56:51]:
I'd have to go with a even though I said production, I would have to go with a, MiX Strider Custom XL.
Bob DeMarco [00:56:58]:
MiX Strider Custom XL. Very nice. Well, that's it. You know, but it also kinda looks like a production knife we're all familiar with. Yeah. So that that almost that almost is keeping with, with both of your forexities.
Carter [00:57:12]:
Okay. Alright. I like that.
Bob DeMarco [00:57:14]:
So, out the front, I was a little surprised by, and, I was wondering where you'd go with Cold Steel or Emerson. That is a hard one that I would never wanna be at
Carter [00:57:23]:
Yeah. That that's a dirty question to ask somebody. That's a tough one.
Bob DeMarco [00:57:27]:
It is because it's like two of your favorite uncles started a knife company. You know? Your crazy uncle, Lynn, and your centered uncle. No. No. Lynn Thompson, by the way, super cool guy. I I finally had a chance to meet him, and, man, that was an experience, as has this. I've I've it's been a real pleasure meeting you and talking with you, Carter. And, Yeah.
Bob DeMarco [00:57:52]:
It's cool to put a face to a to a voice, at long last, and, I I look forward to, you know, keeping up the conversation.
Carter [00:58:00]:
Absolutely. Awesome. Thank you for having me, man. It's been fun.
Bob DeMarco [00:58:03]:
It's my pleasure. Take care.
Announcer [00:58:05]:
Knife themed shirts, hoodies, mugs, water bottles, and more, the
Announcer [00:58:13]:
If you search Google for the best knife podcast, the answer is the Knife Junkie podcast.
Bob DeMarco [00:58:20]:
There he goes, ladies and gentlemen. Carter from Edge Mindset, on YouTube and on Instagram. Do check them out. You'll be happy you did. Not only really great close-up, inter not interviews, close-up videos of really, really cool knives, the kinda compelling stuff we've been talking about, but also really great shorts, that you definitely, short videos, you know, YouTube shorts that you want in your feed because they're awesome, and they're frequently pretty damn funny. So check them out. That's Carter at Edge Mindset. Also, be sure to check out Wednesday for the midweek supplemental and Thursday for Thursday night knives, our livestream.
Bob DeMarco [00:58:56]:
10 PM Eastern Standard Time right here on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch. For Jim working his magic behind the switcher, I'm Bob DeMarco saying until next time, Don't take dull for an answer.
Announcer [00:59:07]:
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