These Knives Have Seen Action: Historical Blades from My Brother: The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 495)
On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 495), Bob “The Knife Junkie” DeMarco looks at historical blades in his collection, all gifts from his brother, that have seen action, including the Collins Machete, a Kris from the Philippines, and a US 1918 Trench Dagger, among others.
He also shows off one of the gifts he received from the Splitting Slices YouTube channel: a Victorinox Swiss Army 2.
Bob starts the show with his favorite comment of the week, followed by his pocket check of knives: the Microtech RAM-LOK Stitch, Jack Wolf Knives Midnight Jack, the T.Kell Knives MR-1, and the Divo Knives Pony Stout (Emotional Support Knife).
In Knife Life News:
• 2024 Batch of Kopis Designs L-Via
• New Tactile Knife Co. Folder Features SNECX Superlock
• Cool New Clip Point from Kombou and Bestech
• Civivi Starflare: Sleek New Wharnie Button Lock
Meanwhile, in his State of the Collection, Bob looks at several new knives including the Kissing Cranes Kris Stilleto, Teseract Tactical NF1, the Turner CNC Elvia V2 (on loan from Jocksknife), and the Kopis Designs L-Via.
Find the list of all the knives shown in the show and links to the Knife Life news stories below.
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These Knives Have Seen Action: Historical Blades from My Brother is this week's topic on #theknifejunkie #podcast (Episode 495). Share on XAutomated AI Podcast Transcript
The Knife Junkie Podcast is the place for knife newbies and knife junkies to learn about knives and knife collecting. Twice per week Bob DeMarco talks knives. Call the Listener Line at 724-466-4487; Visit
©2024, Bob DeMarco
The Knife Junkie Podcast
[0:00]Coming up, a special new thank you gift from Splitting Slices,
a new knife from a company called Tesseract, and these knives have seen action.
Historical blades from my brother.
I'm Bob DeMarco. This is the Knife Junkie Podcast.
Welcome to the Knife Junkie Podcast, your weekly dose of knife news and information
about knives and knife collecting.
Here's your host, Bob the Knife Junkie DeMarco.
[0:30]One of my favorite comments from this past week was about the word Tesseract,
as you just heard in the opener.
Salvador Dali did a crucifixion represented in a Tesseract shape.
And a Tesseract is a four-dimensional cube.
And so Salvador Dali did a picture of that.
We were talking about the Tesseract during Thursday Night Knives two weeks ago.
And I was wondering what the shape was, and then we looked it up.
And so thank you very much, MarcusG503.
Much appreciated. Another favorite comment was about the Lynn Thompson cold steel interview.
We still get a lot of views and comments on that one.
[1:13]APOP4RC says, Lynn made cold steel, in many ways, the ultimate knife manufacturer.
Couldn't agree more. With wild and creative enough stuff to get people excited
and curious about knives, and serious enough stuff to keep people as customers
long-term. What a fun company.
And I got to agree with you, AP. Fun is a great way to describe Cold Steel.
Among many other adjectives, fun keeps rising to the top because they challenge
us with cool new designs.
They excite us with historical designs that we all want combat versions of.
And they just keep coming year after year. So thanks one and all for the comments and the views.
Greatly appreciated, and we're excited to bring you more and more content every
week. All of that said...
Let us do get to a pocket check. What's in his pocket? Let's find out.
[2:07]Here's the knife junkie with his pocket check of knives. In my pocket today
was the Microtech Stitch.
I've really had a hard time bumping this one from my pocket.
This is the Microtech Stitch Ramlock with the aluminum handle.
Now, I had this without the serrations in the house not too long ago when it
was on loan from Jock's Knife. a good buddy at Cross the Shock.
And I remember saying, oh, it's great to experience this knife and to have it
and to know that I don't need to go get it.
Because that cutting edge to handle ratio, blah, blah, blah.
And then I couldn't get it out of my mind. And part of that was due to the fact
that my good buddy Dave, this old sword, Blade Reviews, sent me just a fun little,
well, what are you going to call it, a fugazi of an automatic version of a stitch.
So I had a chance to hold it in hand again and got hooked, and so eventually
got this. I've been carrying this a lot.
I got this and the Amphibian right around the same time. On paper,
the Amphibian is way more my style of knife, but I've just been carrying this one more.
I absolutely love it, and that blade is wickedly sharp, and I have a feeling
those serrations are really going to go the distance, especially considering I hardly use my knives.
[3:26]All right, All right, next up, this is from Jack Wolf Knives.
I'm, you know, I carry Jack Wolf Knives all the time.
I'm one of the lucky ones who gets a new one every time it comes out,
thanks to the generosity of Ben Belkin.
And also, he knows what he's doing. He gets it in the hands of people who really love his work.
And we can't help but blather on about how awesome his knives are.
Just so happens, he's got a sale going on, or Jack Wolf Knives has a sale going on.
In the month of april uh in lieu of a
drop they've got some of these actually available this
is the midnight jack uh probably uh well in
the top three of the slip joints and definitely
in the top two of the uh front flippers
because the after hours jack is like
a sized up version of this absolutely love that
sheep's foot blade that deep hollow grind and uh
what do you call it um that satin finish uh
so if you're interested in these knives and think that they're overpriced
or they're out of reach go check them out now they're 20 off and uh this this
was something i just got from an email sent to me so uh this is not a a paid
advertisement uh would that it were no actually it is paid in all these awesome
jack wolf knives i've gotten.
[4:47]Go check that out. I think they have the sharpshooter jack, not the gunslinger,
and they have the little bro, the boy's knife.
Probably my favorite size of slip joint. All right, next up,
on my waistband, I had the MR1 from T-Cal Knives.
I got to say, all these amazing fixed blade knives I have, I keep coming back
to the MR1 and the Night Stalker because of how easily they ride on the belt
with that awesome sheath.
That is why I designed my collaboration knife with T-Cal Knives to fit exactly
in that profile because I love it.
I love how it fits. It's the perfect size, and then with his super low-profile
sheaths and a discreet carry concepts clip, wearing this scout style up front
right in front of my belt buckle is just the most comfortable way,
seriously, the most comfortable way, but also the most accessible way for me
to carry a fixed blade these days.
I know people love pocket carry, lots of cool pocket carry options.
Actually, I have a new one coming to me real soon. It's Pocket Carry Fixed Blade
Tactical. That's awesome.
I can't wait to show it off to you guys from a new company.
[6:03]But this belt carry, I'm just hooked on.
And I've been, well, with this, I had a lot of sort of straight edge blades,
so I went for straight edge again.
End, and this one, Pakal, just because this was on me for a self-defense knife today.
So, a discreet package, perfectly sized, really nicely aligned ring.
On the end of that pommel, it allows you to make a real eight-fist without altering your grip.
[6:37]Also, with the spring and the lighter clothes coming out, I got the Arnie back
out, put it on a NATO band, though.
That rubber strap was starting to bug my hairy wrist. But I love this knife. I mean, love this watch.
It's so tall that when I have a lot of layers on in the winter, I tend not to wear it.
All right, last up on me today for emotional support was the awesome Pony Stout.
This is by Devo Knives, our good friend Colin Maison-Pierre and Kevin Johnson
of Lefty EDC, their company Devo Knives.
Devo because they're Devo's but male, so Devo's about certain things like detent and other things.
But what a beautiful beautiful knife
uh i really love this pony stout i'm
not sure about the stout the full size i haven't experienced
that i'm sure it's awesome but for me this this uh small size is perfect because
uh the regular stout is in that medium size category that i tend not to carry
as much i tend to go for the larger knives and the smaller knives and this is
about a three inch or so it's perfect size for the back pocket.
Deep hollow grind is very, very efficient for cutting.
You got that nice low tip and a really cool design.
That blade, I think, is very, very fetching.
[8:00]Gorgeous, gorgeous knife. So this has contoured G10.
I'm not sure if these are available right now. I think the Pony Stouts,
they tend to have because they're not as premium.
[8:13]They're premium knives, obviously, which are more drop-based, if I'm correct.
I don't know. Go to and check it out. All right,
this is what I had on me today, the incredible Ramlock Stitch.
I had the beautiful and classy Midnight Jack.
I'm sorry. Yeah, Midnight Jack from Jack Wolf Knives. I had the MR-1,
a tactical knife created for a Marine Raider unit by TKL Knives, and then the Devo Stout.
What did you have on you? Let me know. Drop it in the comments below.
Always love the inspiration of that.
All right, I just wanted to thank my good friend Byron Kennedy.
He's got a channel called Split and Slices. I'm going to put this sticker so you can see.
I love it. Pizza, I mean, pizza and knives Just about my two favorite things
in the entire world Well, let's start Let's go like this You know,
God and family Knives, pizza.
[9:13]Right? That's pretty much how it works. Blit and slices. Look at that.
I love that big K-bar hatchet cutting up that beautiful looking pie.
Looks like that pizza, by the way, has pieces of prosciutto on it,
which I really like. Kind of getting crispy around the edges.
Anyway, Byron, known to all of us, started his own channel and it's awesome.
[9:35]I love his shorts. I see them, well, I see them whenever they're posted.
And it's so cool to at long last have I have a voice and a face to a name,
a generous and fun name who's always a part of the chats at Thursday Night Knives.
Anyway, I heard he was starting up a channel.
Of course, I have the good fortune of having a channel for a little while,
so I get knives coming in and knives given to me, and I have a lot of knives.
So I gifted some to Byron to
put up to feature on his channel and you know
he thanked me with such an
incredible gift me and my wife I gotta say I got a package from Byron and his
wife as a thank you for those knives and for the support and I can't believe
how generous he was but you gotta check this out first before I get to this
I have to say they put in a beautiful pink pink bandana, some European chocolates,
I think from Belgium, and this really nice perfume sample that my wife is now
wearing all the time that smells really good.
Even my daughters have been walking around in her wake. What smells so good?
But look at what he got me.
[10:48]A Victorinox Swiss Army 2. Swiss Army 2.
This one is hard to find. And I think, and I need to corroborate with Byron,
with Byron but I think he got this in Europe on a recent
tour because this is a very hard knife to find
and I do know in like in Cologne for instance there's a Victorinox store where
you can go in and custom build a knife or buy knives that you can't really get
here in the states so look at this this is a Swiss Army 2 it's one of the 93
millimeter Alux models and it has a single spring like the the Swiss Army one.
However, it's got two tools.
So it's got the usual big blade, which, Byron, thank you so much for this. On one side.
[11:33]Bob DeMarco, it says. On the reverse side, the Knife Junkie, it says.
Thank you so much, Byron. This is such a classy thank you gift.
Totally unnecessary, but so appreciated.
I'm so glad you did. You didn't have to, but I'm so glad you did.
And then this. It's got that really cool Hawkbill pruning knife.
Of course, that's the reason I've been pining for this knife and somewhat publicly
for a little while since I got the Swiss Army 1.
And I gotta say Byron you listen, that must make you a very good husband,
I gotta say you listen, you knew and you got this for me, I really appreciate
it I wish all the luck to you and your wife who seems lovely and your awesome
channel Split and Slices, so please.
[12:23]Please continue with the success and thank you so much for this beautiful,
beautiful gift it will never obviously obviously
leave the collection but i have a feeling it's not going to leave the pocket
for quite some time all right still to come we're going to have a knife life
news and then we're going to look at the state of the collection get to our
main topic but before we do i just want to say uh if you feel like supporting
the show if you think what we do here is valuable and you want to,
sling us some ducats as they say as i say go to the knife slash patreon
and check out what you would get in return.
Again, that's slash Patreon.
Among this week's specials at Knives Ship Free, the Lon Humphrey Blacktail,
built in his shop in the woods of Ohio, these blades are forged from 52100 tool steel.
It's an excellent size with killer good looks and a spread of eye-catching handles to choose from.
Murray Carter and his highly skilled apprentices make some of the sharpest knives
you'll ever find, forging them by hand from laminated Sanmai steel.
[13:26]There's a new batch in stock, but they won't last long. And the Copus Elvia
is a lightweight, discreet field knife that weighs just 1.95 ounces in the sheath.
It's made in the USA, and it never stays in stock for long.
Get these deals and other great specials from Kniveship Free.
Just use our affiliate link, slash kniveshipfree.
Support the show and get a great new knife at the same time.
[13:52] slash kniveshipfree. You're listening to the Knife Junkie
Podcast, and now here's the Knife Junkie with the Knife Life News.
Well, if you didn't hit skip forward 30 seconds twice over this past minute,
you saw the first item of interest here in Knife Life News, and that is the
new Copus Designs L-VIA.
And so, you know, Kniveshipfree has been the exclusive dealer or carrier of the Copus Designs LVIA.
Now, the Copus Designs LVIA is a collaboration between Copus Designs,
who does a lot of cool little defense knives and also defense things like nuts
and shivs and different cool stuff.
They do a lot of really interesting design, like non-knife things that you can
see at their table at Blade Show. joke.
But now they have the Elvia out with that thumb scoop.
And this is not totally new to them, but it just so happens I have one in the house.
This is on loan from Jock's Knife. He just bought one of these from this very
drop we're talking about.
And this is the Copus Designs Elvia.
And if you notice, well, I'll show it with mine, Elvia, actually.
[15:09]So they've made a few changes here. The sheath is slightly different, a little less of a scoop.
That scoop is if you don't have a clip on it, you drop it in the pocket, just loose like this.
When you pull it out, you can hook this on the inside of your pocket and draw the knife.
So here is the knife. And man, no denying, it just looks super cool with that thumb swale on the back.
This is a Picol style self-defense fence knife, no doubt, but it is also a really
good utility knife, and that thumb swale really helps.
Just for reference, this is the original.
It is the same width 154CM blade steel and the same width FRN handle.
Mine just has a Tsukamaki wrap on it from Brightful War Knives right there,
but just an example of the difference.
Okay, so 154CM injection molded handle FRN, Ed Calderon of course is the,
Collaborator you can just see it's the same Thing with a little It's like they
touched the back of this one with a contact Wheel and took some out Really really
nice The thing about this Is with the sheath,
two ounces. That is two ounces of some of the gnarliest self-defense you're going to find.
And then you wrap that with jute cord or you do a Tsukamaki wrap like I just
had, but add a little bit of width, a little bit of grip, and it's even sure in hand and more.
[16:37]Of an EDC, less of a, what do you call it, undercover kind of knife.
But if you want to to keep it nice and slim and light
there you go so it's not usual it's
not a frequent thing that for a knife life news story i have the knife to show
uh that we're talking about so actually it's gonna happen lightning is striking
twice because the next story this is a very exciting one a new knife from the
tactile knife company you know tactile knife uh they sprouted out of tactile Turn,
pen company, tactile knife, debuted with the Rockwall, awesome flipper,
and then they followed that up with the Bear, also named after Texas County,
and the Bear is a clip point slip joint, and a great knife, and then they followed
on with a lot of other knives, some collaborations with Christensen Blade Works,
and Richard Rogers, and this is the newest one.
You know, the tactile knife, all made in Dallas, all made in the same spot,
a couple of things Things they have to go down the street to get,
but everything Texas made, everything USA made, can get pricey.
[17:45]However, they are releasing this, the Chupacabra, and the Chupacabra is their
first attempt at, no, I shouldn't say attempt.
This is their first less, more affordable knife.
This is coming in at $187, and it is worth it.
I mean, if you get rid of the entire thing and just keep the blade, that is worth the $187.
It is magna cut and exquisitely ground
it is a super thin i've been so i've had
this knife for about four days now and
i have been zipping i've been doing everything around the house with this knife
i've been carrying it as a full-time edc today was kind of the first day knocking
it out of the pocket as an edc but it is really really a great blade and it's
got some substantial Substantial blade stock,
but that nearly full-height hologram comes to almost a zero edge and then knocked
back with that relief edge. It is something else.
But what makes it affordable is that aluminum body.
It's got steel liners, an aluminum body, and yes, it's got the super lock from Snex.
You know Snex Tan? He's an Indonesian knife maker, or Malaysian knife maker,
who has cataloged a lot of his knife making pursuits and investigations on Instagram.
[19:15]I'm a big fan of his work.
[19:17]Savivi did a version of his knife in the vision using that same lock.
So the lock, you lift up, and it pulls out of a notch in the blade,
and there, it just drops. Super, super smooth.
So that's a 3.3-inch MagnaCut Sheep's Foot blade with a little bit of belly.
I love that blade, and I love the sharpening notch, or, you know,
the way the edge terminates. Jared Neve would approve.
It's got an aluminum handle, which keeps the cost down, but that super lock
by Snextan And it makes it ambidextrous, as does the pocket clip,
and makes it unique and fidgety, I've got to say.
If you use the thumb, there's enough ricasso there to drop on the finger and close.
This thing is super smooth. This drops tomorrow, by the way.
This drops tomorrow, April 11th, Thursday, April 11th.
So get ready. And look, the pommel, if you care, is perfect for a reverse grip. Perfect.
Just hook the thumb over the top of that pommel, and you're going into whatever you're thrusting into.
[20:29]What a great night. I'm loving this thing so far.
And this is the first time I've been able to mention it. So very excited about this night.
Go check it out. All made in Dallas. All made in Texas.
100% designed in-house and licensed Snacks Superlock.
All for under $200. That is a steal and a half.
If you ever have a craving, but a real desire to support an American maker,
and it's out of reach, this is becoming within reach. This is something you can save up for.
Many of us can save up for it. I can't speak for everyone, but check it out. I'm excited about that.
[21:12]Okay, next up, this is a cool one from Kombu. Kombu has been on the show a couple of times here.
He's an awesome dude, a Polish designer,
and he works exclusively for Best Tech and has created their whole bouquet line,
but also a lot of big, chunky, tactical, gorgeously sculpted designs and knives here.
Well, this new one is called the Serif, and look at that thing. Man, it is unique.
So a lot of his knives have a sort of organic feel.
[21:45]This one has sort of a tech feel to it with the angles and the lines and the
barely perceivable pocket clip, the way it blends in with all the milling and the lines.
3.66 inches of M390. Of course, that beautiful clip point blade.
I'm a sucker for a clip. And you have that sort of bullet-shaped,
bullet-contoured fuller for
opening and also for lightening the blade and rigidity. It is a flipper.
Oversized pivot collar is very, you know, that's kind of the central point of
the whole knife. Very cool and stylized.
Titanium handle, heavily sculpted.
And this will be available soon. In air quotes.
I don't know what soon means to Best Tech, but I have a feeling soon means in
the next couple of months.
I mean, they are definitely before Blade, so they seem to move pretty quickly on knives.
Speaking of a company that moves quickly on knives, the last in our Knife Life
News stories today, Civivi has a new one, and it's in keeping with their new naming convention.
[22:57]This one is called the Civivi Star Flare. So kind of a compound word having to do with astronomy.
We've been seeing that a bit with Sencut and Civivi.
This is a 3.2 inch nitro v
um one clip i gotta say uh
that is a pretty knife that is a really pretty knife of course i love the way
they always incorporate to see the branding is very discreet right on the pivot
and then any markings on the blade are microscopic for this 52 year old man
to read and i prefer that so they always look very um,
what's the word people use uh not clean
but um not generic but um well
you know what i'm saying no markings no billboarding i
love it aluminum body uh it's got that these lines that carry milled lines that
carry through the grip onto the knife i like that kind of that sort of thing
i don't have that on many blades but kombu the last designer we were talking
about does that in spades It kind of continues,
lines and milled, flourishes from the handle into the blade.
This has that and a button block.
Of course, I love aluminum handles.
[24:10]One concern might be how far back that finger choil is from the edge of the
blade, but presumably that little hump under the pivot is comfortable enough
for your forefinger to land on and to rest on.
As you do the light work, you're going to do with this 3.2-inch blade.
This is 3.45 ounces, which at first I thought, oh, that's nice and light.
But for a small knife like this, it's not that light.
Available next month. That's May 2024.
That's the Civivi Star Flare. Do check it out. It's a classy, classy little warning.
All right, coming up, state of the collection. We're going to see some knives.
My brother got me because I visited home and got to see, got a couple of gifts
from the past couple of holidays and birthdays and stuff.
[24:59]And then we're going to move on to a whole category of the amazing historical
stuff Knives, my brother, has got for you. Coming up on the Knife Junkie Podcast.
The Shockwave Tactical Torch is your ultimate self-defense companion.
Featuring a powerful LED bulb that lasts 100,000 hours, a super sharp crenulated
bezel, and built-in stun gun delivering 4.5 million volts.
Don't settle for ordinary. Choose the Shockwave Tactical Torch. slash Shockwave. so this
first one is a kissing cranes stiletto it's
not an automatic uh but it it's a
very very stout and nicely built
stiletto style knife kissing cranes uh out of deutschland i believe rostfrei
it says on there uh now this is something my brother got from a leather show
and when he says leather show he actually means gun show that's just code he
does a lot of leather crafting him.
But when he wants to go spend money on something that maybe he doesn't want
his wife to know about, he says Leather Show. So that's code.
Sorry, I just blew your code, Vic. Code for Leather Show is Gun Show.
And that's where he got this. A beautiful four and a quarter inch crisp blade
that fits into this beautiful stag handle.
From all accounts, this seems to be real stag to me.
[26:25]It's uneven and weird. And when you look at it from the sides, you see the pores.
I think this is real. And if it's not, it'll do to the real thing gets here.
It feels more like stag than stagalon, that's for sure.
And it's all uneven and weird. It doesn't seem mass-produced.
This one is a back lock. Most of the knives I know in this configuration are
bolster locks, so you just slide the bolster down.
[26:51]But in this case, it's a back lock, which is way sturdier in my estimation.
[26:56]And a really nicely sharpened crisp blade.
You've got three humps for the cutting, one, two, three, and then an upturned, upswept tip.
In the Filipino application and the Malaysian and Indonesian application of
the crisp, it's actually presented with that tip down.
So you get that snagging sort of hawkbill effect from the tip of the blade.
But this is sort of more of an Italian Western style stiletto with the wavy slamberge blade.
I guess it's more of a French style blade than it is a Filipino blade.
But it still has those waves. And everyone knows, whether you're French or Filipino.
[27:36]Those waves are like big serrations, so they widen the wound channel going in,
and they're also nasty on a slash.
So to me this is kind of a gangster's knife
this is this will fit in the classy assassin category
for me uh you know uh back of
the head or um you know uh liver shot with this and then keep walking through
the crowd that's what this is all about so thank you veto i love this thing
those are not brass liners that's some sort of metal probably steel uh with
a kind of a cheesy easy anodization on it, but I don't mind that.
The rest of the knife is so high quality, and none of that anodization or coloring,
whatever it is, coating has worn off.
And it seems to be a knife that has been around the block.
[28:27]So thank you, Vic. I love that thing. It is awesome.
[28:31]Next up, from the company we were talking about earlier, we were talking about
Salvador Dali, and that's the Tesseract.
This thing is so cool. So Tesseract reached out to me,
tesseract tactical they are a kansas
city-based company uh a a
consortium of designers you know
designers with their fine eye and their cool clothes and
their awesome mid-century modern furniture uh they designed this knife and had
it produced and i don't know where they had it produced but if i had to guess
i would say they had it produced by This is obviously an OEM knife.
This was not made in Kansas. It was designed there in Kansas City,
designed there and engineered there, labored over there in many ways.
[29:25]But the knife itself was OEMed somewhere.
And I swear, just from my experience, it feels like a Kaiser.
It is buttery smooth. I mean, the action is incredible. And there is no,
as Metal Complex would say, double clutch.
As soon as you release the lock, it is smooth all the way down.
There's no secondary bump up onto the tang of the blade for that detent ball. all.
That's S35VN and a very nice sheep's foot blade with a belly.
This thing is super keen, super duper sharp.
And if you will please forgive the term. And then look at this. The handle is great.
I mean, the liners, I believe, are stainless
and there's no weight reduction
in in there so it gives it a real solid feel but
not overly heavy you've got jimping all
the way down as far as my thumb can reach which is very very very welcome not
only for my thumb but also my forefinger in that sort of utility grip which
which is definitely where this knife accelerates not only in the blade but in
the grip look at that this is excellent for that,
On the handle you've got Nice thick liners and though there is No cut out for the lock bar At all.
[30:50]Easily disengages with the way it's cut out with that
slot cut out there so very easy
disengagement really nice flip great
drop shot action um a sturdy peel
ply uh black g10 and then you turn it on its side and it's got orange liners
it's so it's it's just a little extra bit of of lux there there and um so it
looks nice and and then look at that totally um they have a cool tesseract uh,
logo there on the blade and then they have their marking there on the backstop or on the um.
[31:26]Backspacer and then you see that cool logo again at the
tip of the clip which seems ambidextrous
yes there's a a um a screw
there and a screw on top you can take this off it's
a symmetrical clip remove that screw and have it set up for lefty so this is
a fully ambidextrous uh knife and also great opening on that opening hole so
i'm gonna do a close-up video of this i've had i've had it for a couple of weeks
now i brought it with me on my recent trip had a chance to use it a lot,
and uh i love it what have i what did i use it for mostly for food i was helping
my mom uh sue chef Steph, a little bit in the kitchen, whatever she'll allow.
She's very fussy in the kitchen. I don't like how you do it.
I don't like how you wash dishes. You get water on the floor, this kind of thing.
Like, yeah, but I could help you. You wouldn't have to be in here until nine
o'clock. I don't like how you do it, she says.
But she will let me cut stuff because she knows how much I love knives. So I did use this.
Great for vegetables. Not what you're probably going to use it for.
But this Tesseract NF1 is a really cool and impressive knife.
So do go check them them out.
I believe these are not on sale, but are now up for sale on their website.
When I got it, they weren't, and now they are. Tesseract NF1.
[32:47]All right, next up, this one is on loan from Jock's Knife. I'm a knife mule for Jock's Knife.
And before I send it along to him, I get a chance to live with it and check it out.
I never carry the knives that are drop shipped to me or on loan to me from my mule clients.
But I do get to check them out. And this is the new Turner CNC Elvia V2.
This is the large one. And I'm showing you it in the sheet because you can see
it looks like a dagger sheet.
But that's only because this is a fully ambidextrous sheet, which is so sweet.
You just pop this in wherever you want it, left side, right side.
[33:29]3 o'clock, 9 o'clock, right appendix, whatever it is.
[33:33]And no matter where you put it, this funky-shaped knife is going to go in either way.
So this is the large version of the elvia and
man alive is it ever sweet um
really nicely thinly hollow ground
m390 with a wicked wicked tip and
of course it's that fruit knife setup so uh
yeah you can use it for all sorts of edc chores um
and such but really it's intended
as a self-defense weapon in this pakal style
grip with the tip down and the edge in you get this wicked animalistic clawing
style motion uh if if you will way
more cannibalistic animalistic than
uh the karambit which faces outward and
requires a weird different motion uh that requires
a lot of training but the call style really just requires
you have that sort of uh adrenaline pumping and
and that your joints all work and you can grip the knife if you
can slash it into to someone and pull uh this knife
will work for you uh a cool thing about um
turner cnc is his
close affiliation with ed calderon uh ed calderon uh is is the um again the
collaborator on this as he was on the copus designs um elvia this one here um
you can since uh ed calderon is is not only into knife fighting.
[35:00]But he's into all sorts of different urban survival things, including how do
you escape a kidnapping?
How do you survive in a hostile urban environment with only a few little everyday items?
So this knife, you can remove those scales with one of the two pennies they
send you because those screws are meant to be unscrewed with pennies,
and you can stash goods inside the handle.
[35:30]So very, very cool. Excellent clip. Excellent sheath. Really amazing knife.
So an exciting, an exciting knife. Well, since I already showed you the LV,
I won't bother you with that.
But before we get to the main topic, I want to show you these knives.
My brother has gotten me kind of shore up the, what am I trying to say?
[35:53]Try to show you where I am in my collection of cool knives my brother has gotten
me so far, assuming he gets me more in the future.
I do want to talk about these t-shirts we have a cool new t-shirt this week.
[36:04]Sharp just like my knife and check this out this is another awesome design by
Jim just go to the slash shop and you can see page after page
of knife themed t-shirts designed by our one and only Jim and they are awesome,
so go check them out that's the slash
shop and remember each week we have a featured t-shirt
of the week that means jim is in his workshop busily busily
uh designing and working on these every week uh
to bring to you all right let's get
to this um i'm gonna go a little bit out
of order uh actually uh since this was
one this is kind of like this the end of the state of the collection
and we'll stay in order i don't
want to get too bogged down because i have a lot of similarish knives
here first one uh i got he got
me for my brother got me for my 50th birthday and there
was also a slip joint which is elsewhere he's giving me
a lot of other stuff new stuff but this is only historical blades mostly
american this one is a usmc mark ii otherwise kind of generically known as a
k bar this one is a camillus and was used was issued for the navy So you can
see USN right there on the tang.
[37:23]And then you flip it over and you can get through the.
[37:29]Rust there's a little bit of red rust there you'll
see camillus new york all right uh so
stacked leather handle this one has a sharpened swedge
and a dull tip uh so kind of a
menacing knife i mean this was uh one of
the ones from uh the the world war ii uh end of world war ii or korea era um
that had still had the sharpened swedge and was known as a fighting knife fighting
utility knife but fighting coming first on the sheath you can see the gentleman who owned this.
[38:04]Carved a feather i love that i love the
personalized touches on sheaths you'll see over and
over so i don't know
what the story is who can know what the story is
for this knife but it obviously got a lot
of use probably during conflict and
i don't know if that means fighting but probably opening crates and such
uh whatever you're going to use digging whatever you're going going
to use your tools for in that moment but also that the fact that it had that
that fighting tip on it um i don't know i i gotta say all of these knives i
can save this for who knows what they went through and that's part of what i
love about collecting historical knives is that they,
they saw things long before i was born and who knows what those things are,
so this is the first of two k bars i'll be showing you that my brother got me All right,
so the next one I got on my recent trip home for Easter, and I saw my brother,
and he's kind of given me gifts that he hadn't had a chance to give me over the past year.
This one, that's a sheath that he made. I just wanted to show off his beautiful
leather work. That's his maker's mark there.
But this, he got at a Civil War show, and he's got a sheath.
And you probably saw some of the shorts with it, but look at this thing.
[39:25]It looks like a swashbuckler to me. I mean, that is one hell of a Bowie. Look at the tip of that.
It has, if you're just listening, it has a relatively straight edge with a very
slight billet towards a very low tip.
And then it has an extreme dropping. And by the way, that's sharpened as much
as the, these are two apple seed edges, an extreme clip going down.
It's like a hawkbill at the end of the blade.
I surmise that, I don't know how old this is, but if you look closely at the
pitting on the blade, it seems pretty old.
It is a chunk of steel here.
Like I said, sharpened swedge, sharpened apple seed edge.
I wouldn't sharpen this up, but if you swung hard, you could hurt someone with it for sure.
[40:13]Look at those quillions, one facing down, one facing up, and what seems to be
a walnut handle with seven pins in it. Six pins in it, sorry.
But just looking at the quillions and that blade, I'm pretty sure that that
is a Confederate or Southern-style bow knife.
And the only reason I say that is because those quillions remind me of the quillions
I've seen on legitimate, or known to be Confederate bowies.
So that one up, that one down, little nodes on the end, and then that blade shape.
The only thing I've seen close to that in historical knives are Confederate.
[41:03]So that's what I'm going on. And like I said, my brother got this at a Civil
War memorabilia show, otherwise known as a leather show.
And uh so i i'm i don't
know it seems very old and it seems from the
south from what i can tell and look at that handle very
very much a working handle this thing
is totally menacing uh modern day version
of this i would say the uh off-grid cayman
uh has a similar vibe to that
sort of scimitar style bowie blade
so thank you vito i love this thing
and a crazy cool sheath he's very
very good with leather if only he'd apply himself
and quit his job and do leather full-time okay next up is the is a usmc medical
corpsman's knife and this thing is insane i mean let me show you the i'll show
you the blade and then we'll talk about the sheath look at the blade on this thing First of all,
there's a big D-lamb running down here,
but a big, heavy,
quarter-inch, spade-shaped slab.
I guess it's for...
[42:20]I don't know, amputating? I don't know what a medical corpsman would use this
giant, heavy, tipless blade for.
Obviously, that front with the swedge could be used as a shovel for digging.
This is definitely a multi-use tool.
A heavy walnut handle. I mean, this whole thing is super heavy,
and then this giant sheath with the metal shape and the super thick leather weighs a lot.
This is, let me just say, we are not descended from weak men here.
This is something that someone had to carry. This Sergeant W.H.
Harding carried on the daily, no doubt, whether on his belt or on his pack, it was weight.
It was a lot of weight, in addition to a heavy canvas uniform and a heavy medical
pack, and I don't know if they carried a sidearm, but all the other stuff,
he had to carry this giant knife on him.
So a pretty amazing tooling work, Sergeant W.H. Harding.
And the funny thing is, is, you know, my brother-in-law was in the Marine Corps,
and he says everything gets stolen, so everyone's labeling everything.
And that's a beautiful job of labeling.
[43:33]On the backside, you see 1976, and then some very not as well-done scratching.
Scratching looks like a kid uh probably the
grandson of wh harding i got
this and put his own name in there um on the
back side of the seat just a really uh amazing
and and special piece here not only because it's a piece of history and only
heaven knows what it saw but um but all the personalization um on it is pretty
cool also it's got this old leather fob i don't know how old that That is probably from 1976.
I can't imagine that would have lasted since, uh,
World War II. This thing is heavy. Holy mackerel. This is like at least three
pounds. So imagine that pulling your pants down.
[44:27]Again, strong, stout-hearted men carried that.
Next up, a Fairbairn Sykes Commando Knight.
This is the Fairbairn Sykes,
the very famous dagger carried by commandos for, well, for killing uh the enemy
that's all this thing is good for really um there are some of the markings there,
people fairbairn psychs people will know what that means uh
you can see how this was manufactured um kind of cheaply um this one in particular
i've seen others that are more fancy this one seems like it was just pressed
for action like some that i've seen it has a slightly bent bent blade that's
very sharp on the edge, zero ground down to the edges,
so this is a good slasher, and obviously quite, quite pointy.
I saw a great video, you can YouTube this,
you can search this on YouTube, but then it was a video taken probably in the
90s in a museum with an old-timer SAS guy with a beret on, and he was talking
about using this knife, and he said two Two things.
First of all, when you took out a sentry, you didn't stab this in the back of
his head or slice his throat.
You stabbed it into his throat and then punched forward.
Nasty bit of business, he says. And then the other thing was is that you didn't really...
[45:53]According to him, and he seems to know, you didn't really thrust with it.
You held it to your body, grabbed the guy, and pulled him into it.
I mean, that's what he described.
He seemed to know. Now, this little tether here is just so it hangs on the wall behind me.
But this was one of a couple of lifelong grail knives that my brother and I had.
And he is a generous and amazing man and bought it for me and didn't keep it for himself.
It has a really cool but old kind of falling apart sheath that they made that
were kind of optimized for sewing snugly to the body on uniforms or boots and other such stuff.
Stuff okay next up this is one that i just got from him and it's wearing a brand
new sheath that he got aftermarket very nice leather sheath but this is another
camillus mark usmc mark 2,
and i'm not sure who this was used by and i gotta say um well a couple of things
here uh the handle has been sort of restored it is a stacked leather handle
it's been uh nourished and polished and all all that, maintained over the years.
And the blade itself has been stripped of its bluing or parkerization.
I think it was parkerization.
But this is also an old one. It's got that sharpened swedge.
So definitely a focus on this being a weapon as the new.
[47:23]K-bars do not have that. You can see the Camillus tang stamp.
Kind of lightly done. And then those quillions, one up, one down.
[47:37]Look factory done, I got to say. They don't look like someone pounded on it, but it could be.
How do you tell? Well, I don't know. It seems like there would be more gapping
if someone did it themselves, but I am not sure.
But I got to say, I like it. it reminds me of the M3 trench knife where you
can push forward on the quillian with your thumb and then that bottom quillian
wraps around the forefinger so this was my Christmas gift I guess that we didn't
when I didn't see him this past Christmas,
so great great K-Bar who doesn't love a K-Bar I got a bunch of them now but most of them,
none of them actually will I use so I need to get a run of the mill current
day K-Bar so that I can take it outside and pretend to use it.
Okay, next up, this one is the only non, well, no, there are two non-American
knives in this, but they were brought back by GIs after World War II.
[48:35]I'm going to focus on the hilt of this one. This is the Barang,
but this is a very special Barang from the Moro tribe in southern Philippines.
They are Islamic down there and wicked, wicked fighters. First of all,
I'm going to show you this sheath, which is a very typical and beautifully done sheath.
I have it wrapped in Ceram Wrap wrapping right now because this reed wrap is
in need of repair, and I just haven't gotten around to it, honestly.
But I don't want it to fall off. Look at that beautifully engraved sheath there.
And then here's the blade.
[49:16]It's got a bit of corrosion and rust on the edges, probably made from an old
spring, wagon spring, or leaf spring of some sort.
Definitely this is an old one, World War II era at the very least,
so I'm guessing that was a leaf spring or wagon spring.
But the cool part here is that the hilt is, I haven't seen too many of these here,
is wrapped in a netting of
wire so it keeps the wood portion of the blade not only uh snugly fit in that
ferrule and i mean it's it's locked in there with some sort of natural gummy
resin but this is a mechanical connection on the outside as opposed to a pin,
and it's very rare i i haven't seen that too much at all and i really like it
it not only adds, like I said, a mechanical connection.
It's not just held, this handle isn't just held to the blade with a gum,
natural gum epoxy, but it's held on by those wires.
[50:25]But it also adds grip. And as you can see, it places for your fingers to rest
and for the palm of your hand to grip into.
So I have no doubt that this was a, I don't know if it was used in combat,
but this was definitely a warrior's knife.
This was used, or this was intended to be used in combat. No doubt about that.
[50:49]The thing about a lot of these blades and Filipino knives is that they're multi-purpose.
They're used for agriculture, for everyday everything, but then also for fighting and killing.
And the Moro's quite good at that.
This is their main one of their main swords
the leaf-shaped bronze okay next
up is now this one is definitely
old definitely old but i'm not sure if it's a fugazi or not i'm not sure if
it's a fake or not now just ignore this wire this is what keeps it on the wall
behind me but this is another one that my brother got me that is definitely
based on a confederate style um bowie knife which which can be easily,
this style knife can be easily found in research online.
It's got a very old bone handle with multiple pins and then brass sort of sunrise
on the pommel and the pre-guard there, pre-guard portion of the handle.
And an extra long bottom quillion with that downward-facing lobe and then a
shorter upward-facing quillian with the upward lobe.
A beautiful long buoy with a hollow ground blade. And now it's labeled stamped...
[52:16]Wj mackleroy and it says 1863
now that's what leads me to believe that this
is fake uh and macon georgia
on this side um i showed this to a couple of people and got some got some conflicting
answers but i'm pretty sure that
this is very old but not actually uh wj mackleroy from Macon, Georgia.
I just, something tells me it isn't because I've seen examples of this online
now and none of them are in shape like this.
So whatever it is, I love it. It's super stout. It's full tang. It is old.
[53:00]So kind of an old Fugazi is kind of cool too in its own way.
But I love the style of the Confederate booze.
A lot of them had that D guard. A lot of them have these upward-downward S guard lobed quillions here.
And that long clip is very, very fetching.
Carefully replacing these down. Okay, next up, this is a big one.
Again, this is something that
it's hard to believe that this was a part of someone's kit, but it was.
And nicely embellished leather here. you can see that I don't know how this
was done but it wasn't standard like that on a Collins machete but this is.
[53:49]Another big, heavy slab of a knife used in World War II, World War I and World War II, I believe.
This is a heavy walnut handle. This is a heavy, look at this.
So this is a quarter inch thick all the way down to this small apple seed edge.
Everything else is full width.
This weighs about five pounds. with the sheath, and this is for an engineer.
This was an engineer's machete.
So this was used to hack through a heavy brush.
[54:30]No doubt, if you were missing your corpsman's knife, you could amputate with
this, but this is not a fighting thing. I want to move this up here.
Very definitely heavily influenced by Filipino blades, though.
So you can see that from that very extreme downward swoop from the handle.
That extreme angle down puts the edge way forward of the hand,
kind of like a kukri, and really allows for accelerated chopping.
But man alive, you better be a colossus to be chopping with this for very long because it is heavy.
Again, as I mentioned before, we are not descended from weak men,
And I'm sure those who carried this were stronger than I in many ways.
But I got to say, it is a heavy, heavy piece of kit.
But you're going through the jungles of the Philippines and you need to build an airbase.
Well, this might be a very, very helpful tool.
[55:29]All right, next up is this beautiful Chris here. There's the sheath,
and then there is the blade.
Filipino Chris is less wavy, has fewer waves, and a less extreme undulation
to its wave than, say, an Indonesian or Malaysian Chris,
and then oftentimes has this long bit of downward facing straight up front.
Beautiful pommel on this one. This shape here for catching blades,
for mashing into people's faces,
and some such, this jagged bit here, that is to emulate an elephant's proboscis.
This thing holds it on there. I can't remember what that's called.
And then all of these gnarly bits back here on the backside of the guard are
for catching blades and also mashing into people's faces and just general pain.
I always thought it was interesting how this back portion of the guard angles
down because if you don't know what you're doing, you're likely to hurt your wrist with this.
But not if you train in Kali, I guess.
Very nice hooked pommel here. Beautiful hardwood and then wrapped in jute cord.
[56:51]Presumably. I don't know what kind of cord that is, actually.
Speaking out of school. All of
it held in with some sort of gummy natural tree-like epoxy resin in there.
And I'm going to go to the main camera here just to show you the curves of these blades are no joke.
Those are not there just to look cool or to be spiritual.
I know there's a connection to rivers and snakes and stuff.
Uh but really that that is meant for uh accelerated cutting on the thrust widening
open and then accelerated cutting on a slash because it's like a big serrated
downward hooked knife so um,
This was one that my brother saw me admire in his man cave. My brother's got the ultimate man cave.
And this was in there. And I was like, you don't collect Filipino blades.
[57:46]That's how cool he is. All right. Second to last here, one of my favorites.
Hangs on the wall next to me. I'm always busting it out.
This is the Western W49 Bowie.
And this sucker, he got at a pawn shop somewhere in Ohio. Ohio.
And it's got this weird bone handle. I say weird because I don't,
I can't tell what kind of bone it is.
It's sort of yellowed and, um, my dark imagination takes me to places.
Uh, but so anonymous bone handle downward pounded brass quillian.
These quillians are super tough.
I tried to pound it back and didn't want to mar, mar this.
So I've just kind of left it as is. But someone pounded that down I imagine
a biker owned this I don't know why but like a biker gang Biker guy owned this
And he pounded that quillion down Just for a little bit of extra protection
When he's fighting that rival biker gang,
Just a seriously Beautiful and cool,
Bowie blade This is the blade that Was inspired by the Marine Raider A Bowie
knife And has gone on to inspire other knives like the Cold Steel Wild West Bowie and you name it.
That Western-style Bowie here is very, very popular.
And the W49 is really the one that codified it.
[59:11]That hook handle um but this one here i love because uh it seems like uh this
didn't see wartime it seems like it saw like gang rival time or something i
don't know to me this was on the side of a harley davidson riding down the highway
somewhere in ohio ready for action the bad guy,
all right last up uh you knew what it was
gonna be you knew it from the start because you saw it here
the grail of grails uh here
it is the u.s 1918 trench knife
the one that was replaced with the m3 and then the k bar after it uh due to
the serious requirements for materials to cast these bronze spiked knuckle dusters
so here it is this was a knife that my brother and i wanted since we We were very,
very young and saw it maybe first on Rat Patrol or one of those TV shows or
maybe the Big Red One or some war movie.
And then we saw it in our diagrams group weapons book that we would pour over constantly.
[1:00:18]And he found this and got it for me.
That shows you what an amazing brother he is because, A, he worked hard and
could afford it, and, B, he gave it to me, his little brother. So, my gosh.
Thank you, Vito. I love this thing. Look at the points on this.
Last night as I was prepping this show, I was really looking at this and imagining...
[1:00:44]Just getting hit with this once in the face would just be a horrible, horrible experience.
And that's what this is for. This is for trench warfare, for hand-to-hand killing
of the enemy as brutally and efficiently as possible.
So double-edged blade, super heavy handle with those points is just as nasty as it gets on a knife.
And as cool as it gets for an historical American knife. as far as I'm concerned
and I would bet dollars to donuts as far as my brother is concerned.
So thank you Vito for all of these cool knives and thank you for coming on this
journey down the road of these awesome knives my brother has gotten.
I am a lucky man for many reasons and that is wonderful.
Be sure to join us tomorrow night for Thursday Night Knives and on Sunday for an awesome interview.
These are the heart and soul of the Knife Junkie podcast cast of these interviews
with the people who make these awesome things we are so obsessed with all right
for jim working his magic behind the switcher i'm bob demarco saying until next time.
[1:01:50]Don't take dull for an answer thanks for listening to the knife junkie podcast
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[1:02:35] Music.
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Knives, News and Other Stuff Mentioned in the Podcast
- 2024 Batch of Kopis Designs L-Via
- New Tactile Knife Co. Folder Features SNECX Superlock
- Cool New Clip Point from Kombou and Bestech
- Civivi Starflare: Sleek New Wharnie Button Lock
- The Knife Junkie’s Patreon Group
Pocket Check
- Microtech RAM-LOK Stitch
- Jack Wolf Knives Midnight Jack
- Kell Knives MR-1
- Divo Knives Pony Stout (ESK)
State of the Collection
- Kissing Cranes Kris Stilleto
- Teseract Tactical NF1
- Turner CNC Elvia V2 (on loan: Jocksknife)
- Kopis Designs L-Via
These Knives Have Seen Action: Historical Blades from My Brother
- USMC Mark 2 (Ka-Bar) Camillus, Navy – WW2 – Korea
- Confederate Bowie Knife
- USMC Medical Corpsmen Knife
- Fairbairn Sykes Commando Knife
- USMC Mark 2 (Ka-Bar) Camillus, Vietnam (?)
- Moro Barong, Philippines
- Confederate Bowie Knife (fugazi?)
- Collins Machete
- Kris, Philippines
- Western W49 Bowie
- US 1918 Trench Dagger
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