A Bunch of New Blades: The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 558)
On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 558), Bob “The Knife Junkie” DeMarco looks at a bunch of new blades in his collection, including the Emerson Knives P-Tac, Clinch Pick (with a Pinkerton regrind), and the AUX MFG Pocket Bowie XL, among others.
Bob begins with his favorite comment of the week.
In his pocket check of knives, it’s the Regiment Auto Lock, JWK Big Bro Jack, TKell Knives Nightstalker, and the Spyderco Delica (Emotional Support Knife).
In Knife Life News:
• Poltergeist Works and Real Steel: At It Again!
• Bestech Excentric: From The Minds of Kombou and TNT Knives
• RoseCraft Blades Releases a Sodbuster
• Unique Little Boker Fixie is Big Time Ergonomic
Meanwhile, in his State of the Collection, Bob unboxes a Unicorn Fisher Blades Beckwith Covert!
Find the list of all the knives shown in the show and links to the Knife Life news stories below.
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On the mid-week supplemental episode of #theknifejunkie #podcast (episode 558), Bob 'The Knife Junkie' DeMarco looks at a bunch of new blades in his collection. Share on XAutomated AI Podcast Transcript
The Knife Junkie Podcast is the place for knife newbies and knife junkies to learn about knives and knife collecting. Twice per week Bob DeMarco talks knives. Call the Listener Line at 724-466-4487; Visit https://theknifejunkie.com.
©2024, Bob DeMarco
The Knife Junkie Podcast
[0:00]Coming up, the Nova 2s are on the way. A very special unboxing of a Fisher Blades blade and a bunch of brand new blades I'm very excited to show off and talk about. I'm Bob DeMarco. This is the Knife Junkie Podcast. Welcome to the Knife Junkie Podcast, your weekly dose of knife news and information about knives and knife collecting. Here's your host, Bob the Knife Junkie DeMarco. Welcome back to the show. One of my favorite comments from this past week was from the man Dirk Pinkerton himself on the video I shot of his standoff, which is about to go into pre-order. Very excited about this. He says, thank you. I appreciate this a lot. Concept is the OEM, because in the video I couldn't remember. And he says, you are not old. You're just well used. And I appreciate that. Yes, I am well used. And sometimes you hear people say, well, seasoned to kind of keep things nice. But I think Dirk and I are about the same age. So well used will do. Thank you, sir. Well used. And this is also well used. This standoff is an amazing knife. Keep your eyes peeled on Dirk Pinkerton's Instagram and on his website.
[1:21]Pinkertonknives.com to make sure that you don't miss that pre-order. It's going to come in three different colorways, I believe, and it is one that you should definitely get and save up for. It's going to be awesome. All right, that said, let us now get to a pocket check. What's in his pocket? Let's find out.
[1:41]Here's the knife junkie with his pocket check of knives. In my front right pocket, I had the very cool Regiment Blades Auto Lock folder. The Auto Lock folder is based on Regiment Blade Low Viz. The Low Viz is a dedicated self-defense knife, and it has the finger ring for retention, and it puts the tip of the blade and the blade itself in line with your fist. So this is meant to just kind of punch with, similar to a punch dagger in a way, except this is a lot more versatile. This one also, the folders, have a double lock system. That's why it's called the auto lock. When Al Salvedi first had this knife made by Fox Knives originally, it had a liner lock, I believe. And the liner lock failed and almost cut his finger off. and his finger was through that ring. He was testing it out. He sent me the video. It's pretty nasty. So he went back to the drawing board and I believe got a different manufacturer. And so this knife here has a double lock. This is not a fidgeter. You will not be fidgeting with this knife, but that's by design. So you have to press in this button and then on the other side, pull this, back. So it's a double action there. And it just folds up like that. You can use it like a flipper.
[3:10]But what I prefer, I'm going to go to this main cam. What I prefer is what Al showed me. He draws it from his pocket and just hits it on the back and is ready to go. This is a really cool knife. I thought it was kind of gimmicky at first when I first saw it a couple of years ago. And after talking to Al and having it in hand, I'm 100% convinced I've been carrying this and its fixed bladed brother quite a bit. So go check out Regiment Blades if this is your kind of thing. Chances are it is because you're here.
[3:43]Next up, from Jack Wolf Knives, the beautiful Big Bro Jack. And this one is in that beautiful white bone cover. These covers here are a natural material, and this is the second natural material Ben Belkin of Jack Wolf Knives has had as covers on his knives. The first was wood, various different woods, and now he has bone. And the reason this is very interesting and exciting to me is, A, I love bone-handled blades. I love bone-handled slip-joint knives. but also ben was very asperious about using natural materials because these are manufactured overseas and he was concerned that the heat and humidity differences between the two places the united states and then all the different places in the united states and where they're manufactured, which i don't know because he's contractually obliged not to tell by the oem but i'm assuming it's China, that it would warp, it would crack, you would see instability in the natural materials.
[4:54]But through his experimentation and trial, not so much error, with the wooden-handled knives, he's moved on to the bone. I'm so excited. And I'm really thrilled that he sent me this one. I think Ben knows not only his customers, but his friends and buddies. And he knew I would love this. And indeed, I do. And by the way, super, super sharp knife. I mean, this is all jackwolf knives ship razor sharp, but this seems more razor sharp. Uh, another thing, a couple of differences about this in the first run of the big bro jack is this has a horizontal hand rub satin on the blade. It has, instead of a nail neck, a long machine, uh, um, what are they called? A long pole. Um, and then, oh, a giant sharpening trail here. And then as we move aft, you can see a Barlow style bolster that extends about one third of the handle length, as opposed to the normal size bolster that ended right about there on the other one. And triple fluting here, you got the blue anodized hardware, and of course that exotic bone material. I love it. I love it, and I'm so happy to have this one.
[6:09]Next up on me, kind of continuing the finger ring theme of the auto lock folder, I had, yes, the beautiful Night Stalker from T-Kell Knives. This knife started a lot. This was a turning point knife for me. I love carrying this. I carried this a lot. This is the first knife I ever carried regularly, horizontally, up front. And I do that now with many knives. And it also inspired the Agent 001. The Agent 001 fits in the same carry envelope, the same size. And that's why the 001 agent and all the other agents are so easy to carry. By the way, the Tomas Elas's 007 is dropping, so be sure to get on that pre-order.
[6:58]This is also a knife that brought me back to rings. I didn't like rings on knives for a long time, but this makes it so easy to draw. I'm going to go to the main camera again because it's sitting like this on the belt, and that really helps you pull it out. I'm not doing all sorts of crazy karambit stuff with it because that's mostly for show and can be very dangerous if you're not very good at it, which I am not. But as a pull, this thing is incredible. Also, in standard grip, it works just like a regular handle. When I have this in standard grip, I'm not putting my pinky in there, though you can, and it comfortably fits the fist. But I'm not such a big fan of putting the pinky in finger rings.
[7:44]Absolutely adore this knife, and I think you would love it too. All right. And lastly, for emotional support, I had my Delica. This is about, I don't know, 12 years old at this point. When my first daughter was pretty young, my wife got this for me. She wanted to get me a purple knife, and I said, oh, I know just the one. And I've had this ever since. Such a great little knife and such a great workhorse. And I just opened up my drawer of knives, one of my many drawers of knives, and it just jumped out at me. Maybe I get more sentimental during the holiday season because I'm a sentimental sap for sure. But then putting them next to each other, I see they're kind of similar. The Night Stalker and the Delica Blade have a lot of similarities. But this was named Sleepy Bear by my daughter when she was two years old. So Sleepy Bear it is now and forever. And that was in my back left pocket. So this is what I had on me today. What did you have on you? Drop it down in the comments below. Love finding out what all you classy ladies and dames, or sorry, jents and dames carry.
[8:53]And sometimes I find inspiration. Knives I may have forgotten about or thought I wanted to get at one point. And then you write it in the comments and I end up getting it. All right, next up, I just want to let you all know, Those of you who have ordered the Nova 2, a box of them are on the way to me. And this is the nerve-wracking part for me because they're not here yet, and they're in someone else's hands. And there are a bunch of these gorgeous, gorgeous Nova 2s, all with special serial numbers per your request. And that's a value I can't even put a number on. And I could put a number on it in one way because I know what I paid for them and I know what you're buying them for. But, They're beautiful handmade knives by my good buddy, Matt Chase. And they're going out to you, all you people that I care about. And I just want them to get here safely. And then the next nerve-wracking part is once I box them up and send them to you, then they're out of my hands again. But have faith. I have faith in the USPS. I know a lot of people like to dish on the post office, but they've done me great. So that's me knocking on wood. So the Nova 2s are on their way to me, and they will shortly be on their way to you. I'm trying to get them out before Christmas.
[10:17]This coming week, if you're listening to this as it drops or midweek, maybe I already have them, and maybe they're already on their way to you. You'll know because I'll send you tracking numbers. Next up, another hog tooth knife and another Nova. This is the Nova 1, and this is a post-exclusive Nova 1. And this is our Gentleman Junkie Knife Giveaway Knife for December 2024. The most special giveaway knife. We've given away quite a number of special knives to Gentleman Junkies. But this one here is extra special because it's a new look for the Nova II hog-tooth knives. Now, he forgot to put my logo laser engraved on it. So if you are a gentleman junkie and you're lucky enough to win this on December 19th, that's tomorrow, if you're listening to this as it drops, you will have the choice of having me send it to Matt to have my logo engraved on this side and then sent to you. If not, if it's not important to you, I totally get it. I won't be insulted. And I'll send it your way. But look at that beautiful bone linen handle. It has a very antique look. I asked Matt. It is not genuine antique mycarta, but it does look delicious. It looks like caramel to me.
[11:41]Beautiful bone handle. This is going to you if you're lucky, lucky, lucky gentleman junk. So keep your eyes peeled for that. I'm going to resheathe this. Swab it with alcohol and then send it to you. All right. Well, I think it's time to get to some knife news. But before we do, I just want to let you know that if you want to become a part of our crew over on Patreon and get in the works on the roster to win this, you can do so by becoming a patron at theknifejunkie.com slash Patreon. You can also scan the QR code right here on your screen and find out all that. We have three different tiers of support. That top tier of support, you get entered in to win this. So go check it out at thenifejunkie.com slash Patreon. Adventure delivered. Your monthly subscription for hand-picked outdoor, survival, EDC, and other cool gear from our expert team of outdoor professionals.
[12:41]Thenifejunkie.com slash BattleBox. You're listening to the Knife Junkie Podcast, and now here's the Knife Junkie with the Knife Life News. So, Jacob of Poltergeist Works and Real Steel are back at it again with a really cool one called The Spectrum. Now, I really like the design language of Poltergeist Works, lots of angles, and very comfortable. I've held them in my hand, never a custom, unfortunately, but I really like how they feel in hand, and I think they're absolutely beautiful. This one is no exception. This is a Pucco-inspired 3.39-inch Nitro-V blade on this Spectrum. It's got a thumb disc for opening, and then you'll look, you'll see that button lock. It's a very cool-shaped button lock. Now, it looks unlike any other button lock I've seen, except maybe on...
[13:39]Maybe on a microtech you might see something oblong and rectilinear like that but very very cool knife with the with the button lock and that very comfortable handle now i was talking it's not all angles as you can see that drop point blade is a pucco so you got a nice sweep on the blade and then also the finger well it's a it's a two finger finger well there has a nice curve but then it terminates with that long straight and you know what straight things do feel good in the hand. I mean, we were designed and evolved to carry sticks and throw sticks. And so though the nice curvy ergonomic shapes feel real good in hand, oftentimes you'll see that a nice angular handle, if the angles are in all the right places, is very comfortable. Now, this one is a little bit more rigid. That 4.56 inch G10 handle is not an integral, roll, but it's a two-piece handle so that the backspacer is not a third piece. It's just that each handle side is molded with half of the backspacer. So when you screw it all together, it's two pieces as opposed to three. So a nice strong knife from Real Steel and Poltergeist works. This is three and a half ounces and it's debuting at 80 bucks. And I'm taking that to be MSRP. So you'll probably find it for.
[15:04]Less at one of your favorite online knife purveyors. So the beautiful spectrum from Real Steel and Poltergeist Works.
[15:11]Next up from Bestek, this thing is gorgeous and weird, and it's called the Eccentric. So a good name for the knife. This is a design collaboration between Kambu, that's a Polish designer, Gregor Grabarski. He's an exclusive designer for Bestek. and then Tony Tietzel of TNT Knives. Now, this is an interesting design collaboration because oftentimes a design collaboration is someone drawing a knife and then the other guy draws his version of the knife and back and forth. But this one, they just kind of decided. Tietzel would design the blade and Gravarski would design the handle. So a TNT blade and a kombu handle, and they go together beautifully, if you ask me. A pretty complicated-looking knife, a lot of notes, but not too many notes for me. But you can see that that handle is Glebarski all day long, Tambu all day long. And I'm frankly unfamiliar with TNT knives, so I'm not sure if that is a TNT knife-style blade, but one can only assume. Very interesting compound grinder. I don't know if you see that S shape that delineates the straight from the upward-angled straight in the front of the blade, but very unique. I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before on a production knife anyway.
[16:39]That blade is 3.88 inches, so right in my wheelhouse. I love a larger blade like that. Compound ground M390 blade steel, and that's a flipper. We can't quite see the flipper. It kind of blends right into the forward portion of the handle there, which is a nice, a nice little touch for sure. Sculpted titanium frame lock, sculpted clip, 5.7 ounces and coming soon in three different colorways.
[17:10]All right, next up, an exciting one from Rosecraft Blades. Now, if you like Rosecraft Blades, you know they have a really robust traditional lineup. And they have just breached, broached, they have just broached the sodbuster style. And a sodbuster is a name that Case gives it, but that American single-bladed farmer's jack. We'll call it a sodbuster. So theirs is called the Overall Creek. Overall Creek must be a place in Tennessee or somewhere where Rosecraft hails from. They name a lot of their, I think all of their traditionals after rivers and creeks and bodies of water.
[17:52]This one is the first bolsterless, no bolster, traditional from Rosecraft Blades. Very good looking knife here. You've got a 2.9 inch bullnose. That's what you call this style of blade. But a 2.9 inch bullnose blade of d2 steel that's the go-to steel for rosecraft and it's got a flat grind and oftentimes you'll see a full uh full flat grind on a traditional like this and it gives it a bit of a more robust uh what do you want to call it it just makes the blade a little bit stronger a little more beef behind the edge and this one is not full flat ground there's a little of a shoulder there a very very handsome knife this one is one of two sandalwood versions this is the black sandalwood and then the other is a much lighter sandalwood very beautiful and then you have this crosshatch pattern etched into the handle not etched carved into the handle for gription yes it's nice and grippy but also for looks it looks beautiful and if you notice the The pivot here is a nice big pivot.
[19:03]And that's how this sod buster style of knife should be, because that bigger pivot is a stronger connection from blade to handle. And a place where you see this ignored is when Case Knives makes sod busters in a bone handle. The bone handle is a little brittle.
[19:30]If you install a very large pivot like that, you're coming too close to the ends of that bone, and it can crack there. So on a sod buster made by case with a bone handle, you'll see it's got a smaller pivot there so that the cutout isn't coming too close to the edge. So I like that Rosecraft has continued the tradition of a big old pivot on this American single-bladed Jack, a farmer's Jack. This one will be out soon. I've seen a number of knife fluencers. That's me. I made that up. Knife influencers out there have gotten these in their hot little hands. So Rosecraft has sent them out for some publicity. And they look sweet. And I'm a lover of Sodbuster. I got a couple of Case Sodbusters, and then I have the two GECs, the Bullnose and the Bull Buster. One's big, one's less big. And I love that style of blade. So this is one I'm looking forward to getting to.
[20:34]Rosecraft, I have some. I can't keep up with them. They have a lot of great traditional knives. I'd love to have them all, collect them all. But I don't. This will be one I'll get off my duff to get. So that is called the Overall Creek from Rosecraft. Lastly, from Boker, we've been seeing a lot of new Bokers come out. This one's called the Enki, and it makes me think of Enkidu from...
[21:00]Gilgamesh, the Epic of Gilgamesh. And he's a badass, if you don't know. A very ergonomic EDC fixed blade here, sort of karambitoid, and designed by Engelbert. I think his last name is pronounced Saja, but I could be wrong. But I love the name Engelbert. You don't hear it much. Engelbert Humperdin. If you remember him from the 70s, you probably don't. But he was a singer-songwriter. I like the name Engelbert. So this is super ergonomic. You can see from looking at it. I was talking about the Night Stalker and how you don't have to use the pinky ring or the finger ring. On this one, you are locked in, baby. You've got to use that finger ring because there's not much room to move. But that's the whole point of this. I think it's, you know, with that really deep finger choil that is much more than a half circle and then the full circle of the pinky ring or the finger ring, you're locked in there. So if you're doing camp chores, you're carving wood, and you don't want to slip, this is a great one. Really nice-looking contoured micarta scales there.
[22:10]2.28 inches of 440B. I've heard of 440A and 440C. 440A is all over, what do you call it, Rough Rider knives and those type of knives. And then 440C, we see a lot in buck knives and a lot of other knives. I mean, that was a super steal for a long time. But 440B, I'm not sure what the USP of 440B is, but that's what we got there.
[22:42]Beautiful contoured micarta handles, if I haven't mentioned it. And then that Kydex sheet. This one comes in at 3.67 ounces and is available now. Go check out your local Boker dealer. Boker Magnum line, by the way. Uh, man, that's a lot of words. All right. Still to come on the Knife Junkie podcast, we're going to look at, uh, we're going to unbox a new knife from Fisher Blades. Uh, but I do want to say that Jim has been busy in his workshop. He's like Santa and his elves. And he came up with a really cool, uh, t-shirt design that I hope he has at the ready. I didn't tell him I was going to promote this one today, but man, it's cool, uh, because he's a guy. It's another one that I coined, head on a swivel, fists on repeat, baby. That was a straight blast.
[23:31]And that's what this is. I once told my older daughter, she's a teenager now, and she's in high school, and she's doing more stuff on her own. And that was my advice to her when she was going out. Head on a swivel, baby. And I said, fists on repeat. And I was like, oh, that's cool. And it might not be cool, but to me it is. And Jim created this super cool t-shirt. And this is definitely going to be a stable in the DeMarco household. So go to theknifejunkie.com slash shop to buy this and many other cool t-shirts that Jim designs. And, you know, you can walk down the street and find like-minded individuals with a shirt like this. Oh, you like knives? Oh, you like punching? Here you go. So thanks a lot, Jim, for designing this. I love it, and I hope to see people out on the street wearing it tomorrow or the day after. All right, now let's get to the state of the collection.
[24:28]The Shockwave Tactical Torch is your ultimate self-defense companion, featuring a powerful LED bulb that lasts 100,000 hours, a super sharp, crenulated bezel, and a built-in stun gun delivering 4.5 million volts. Don't settle for ordinary. Choose the Shockwave Tactical Torch. TheKnifeJunkie.com slash Shockwave. And now that we're caught up with Knife Life news, let's hear more of the Knife Junkie podcast. All right, if you've watched the podcast that went live this past Sunday with Fisher Blades, that's Chaz and his brother, John Fisher, you'll know about this knife I'm about to unbox. This is one of their Unicorn Edition Covert, Beckwith Coverts. Here's the first Unicorn Edition Beckwith Covert.
[25:16]And so what they do with the Beckwith Covert, which is usually black on black with red lining, they do a unicorn edition where they change up the Cerakote and they change up the liners and the G10 color.
[25:31]And I love it. They're very collectible. And they do them in batches. And I think they only did a batch of 100 of the unicorn editions here. You can see on there, there's a little unicorn right next to the Beckwith Covert. I love that. I also have a t-shirt with that unicorn, and let me tell you, the girls love it. All right, anyway, let's open up this box. I'm going to use this Beckwith covert, which I know if Chaz is watching, it will make him bristle because this is not an EDC knife. This is a dedicated self-defense knife in this drop pocket sheath. They have another way to carry this, but this is the main way it ships. You have that drop pocket DCC clip so that it's always in the pocket. It's angled slightly so that if you're on the ground wrestling and you've got someone in your guard, you can still pull this out. I'm going to use this to open this box. Sorry, Chaz. But it does well as an EDC, sorry to say. All right, let's see who else. So this is the first, I believe, unboxing on this show. We've done unboxings on Thursday Night Nights, but never on this show. So if you're here, you're a part of history. So enjoy. All right, let me use this.
[26:49]What do you know? It opens boxes as well as attackers. All right. Now, they always add really nice gifts. And there's a French word for it, and I forgot what it is.
[27:05]Sorry, I should have done my research. But not only do you get this cool box, but you get some extras when you order a Fisher Blade knife. Now, you always get some beef jerky, which, by the way, this has saved my bacon a number of times, no pun intended. I have these when I receive these. I don't leave them in the box. I leave some of the goodies in the box, and I store it like a knife nerd does. But these I throw in my backpack or my EDC haversack, because that's what I'm carrying right now. And they've come in handy. If I'm at work and I'm out on a shoot and we don't break for lunch or we're breaking later for lunch, pull this out, you have instant energy and the power of the beast coursing through your veins. The beast, not the beast. But, oh, look at this. Oh, my God. Okay, so a lot is coming in here. Obviously, the knife is in here. We'll take a look at that in a second But you also get.
[28:10]A manual, a user manual, where it shows you how to carry and draw the knife. And also it has some vital targets in here, I believe.
[28:20]Anatomically vital targets to hit if you have to, heaven forbid, use this knife in a self-defense situation. I like on the back it says, figure it out. So you got that. And then a cool patch. I love these kind of morale patches. This will be going on my backpack. You get a U.S. Constitution, which is really good for everyone to have. You should have this. I believe that this also has the Declaration of Independence in it. But you should have this version of it. Read it. And that's, I believe, why they don't teach cursive anymore to young students in a lot of public schools, a lot of schools. I believe, because I'm a bit of a conspiracy guy sometimes, but someday you won't be able to read the Constitution. because it's written in script, and those guys all had beautiful handwriting. So learn cursive, but also learn the Constitution. This one is in regular print, so you don't have to worry about the script part if you haven't learned that. You get a sticker. Look at this. Unicorn poop. I didn't even know this existed, but it's a little sweet in there. They look like marshmallows.
[29:29]Okay, let's show off the knife. I love these little extras that they send. I think it's a lot of value added there, kind of like how Jack Wolf does it and some other companies, but really, really nice. Okay, so over there. Here you've got this really nice little cloth satchel. I love a good satchel.
[29:51]Oh, dude. Sorry. Oh, dude. I kind of stopped myself from finding out what this would be. I wanted it to be a surprise. I see a red handle. What is it? Where is this gold? Red, gold, and black. Wow. Look at that. Okay, so with this unicorn here, I don't carry this. I got one little scratch on it, and I'm like, I've never carried this. Because that's kind of, I have the black one that I can carry. And I also have the FTE version, which I can carry. But these I'm going to keep kind of pristine, being very collectible. But look at that gold. Oh man that is cool and you got black liners and red this i gotta say it's kind of christmasy or holiday ish um you know it's got it's got the colors both of christmas and hanukkah on here and i'm sure other holidays that people celebrate at this time of year new years and and such but that is so cool i don't i i can say without uh reservation i do not have a knife in this colorway. And I guess that's what makes this.
[31:05]A unicorn edition number 19 of 100 and this is batch number six they're a batch driven company meaning they release everything in batches so you don't have necessarily one knife that you can go and order at any given time it will be it will be a batch so that a for these very unique versions like the fde or the unicorn versions kind of make some collectible and special. The black stalwart version of these, which are always pretty much available, they can do all sorts of improvements as they go. Ah, so cool. All right, I'm very, very psyched about this. It'll look really nice in the case next to this one.
[31:55]And I want to say thank you to Chaz and John. This was totally unexpected, and it showed up on my doorstep with a little Merry Christmas. So I appreciate it greatly, guys. Thank you so much. I really like the Beckwith Covert. You might not like the colors of the unicorn, but you can go get the black on black, and it is a sweet. I'll say it. It is an EDC, but he calls it, they call it, an everyday defense. So it's kind of an EDD knife, everyday defense. Okay, we're going to move on and check out a bunch of new blades here, But I just want to urge you to download this show to your favorite podcast app if you want to listen on the go. Yes, it's a very visual show because we're looking at a lot of cool knives. But hopefully, with these golden tones here, I communicate a lot of information about the knives that you don't necessarily have to look. So please be sure to download this to your favorite podcast app. I think that's where we get the most action, actually, is audio. So go check it out over there, your favorite podcast.
[33:04]Supplier. All right. I got a bunch of new knives that came in recently in the past week. And a couple of them are not mine. I will tell you which ones. And most of them are not brand new to the market, but they're new to me and they're fantastic. I'd say about half of them are new. I'm going to start with this one. This is a new old one. And what I mean by that is this knife is a very popular knife from this brand. It went out of print for a long time and they just brought it back and renamed it. This is the Emerson P-Tag. And if you're an Emerson fan, you know this as the Emerson Persian. This is one of the most coveted Emersons for a long time. One of the most coveted Emerson production knives, I'll say, for a long, long time. It's got a longer than four-inch blade. It's about four and eight inches, and it's a stupendously beautiful knife. This was the knife that Ed Calderon, before he started having all of these LVs made from various makers, Emerson included, this was his, he wasn't necessarily deployed, but he was an anti-narcotics, officer on the Mexican side, and this was his knife, and he definitely relied on this thing. And his love of this knife got him to do a collaboration with.
[34:29]Ernest Emerson. This is proudly not made in China. That's a sticker that came with this knife. Nice, nice here. One of the few Emersons out there without the Emerson Wave pocket opener, and one of only two in my collection that doesn't have that wave. A gorgeous knife made right here in the States. I believe that's 154 cm because unless you're getting something very special from Emerson, that's the steel they work in. Happens to be one of my absolute favorite steels out there. You know, it's not the most new and gimmicky, but it works like a dream. You've got a V-ground blade with a chisel ground edge. And this is number 1565. And you've got really excellent single detent action.
[35:23]Since 2016, 2015, Emerson shifted all of their double detent knives. There was a detent up here always and then one back here. It was for safety, but you could still shake them open, so I never quite got it. They've gone to the single detent, and it works great because you can do this. You can just flick it out.
[35:44]I'm not sure if these are still available. When I ordered it, the black-on-black, which is what I was originally going to get, was not there. So they do have they did have the this about a week ago as you're listening to this some in stonewash and then they have uh their own finish and i can't remember what it's called but it's not doesn't float my boat so i definitely uh i'm very very excited to have this night now uh i just got it like yesterday as i record this i when i get in emerson i knock down the g10 a little bit with some fine sandpaper, especially on the clip side, but it doesn't hurt to do it on the show side either. It's so grippy. It's so kind of abrasive. It'll wear down over time coming in and out of the pocket, but so will the pocket. So I like to knock it down. All right, next up from Send Cut. Now this was sent to me from Send Cut Sedebe. I love those guys, not just because they send me knives, but constantly making really cool new designs. This one is a bit praxisoid. As people called it during Thursday Night Knives last week. But this is called the Scarnax. Scarnax say...
[36:57]If you're old enough, you remember Johnny Carson. He had a bit with a, he put a turban on and he would play a sort of clairvoyant called Karnak. So as soon as I saw this, I thought Skarnak's Karnak sounds the same. Really nice high height flat grind with a swedge on this thin 9CR 18 MOV blade. You have G10 and a liner lock. This is in a really nice, by the way, deep carry pocket clip. I love their pocket clips these days at Civivi and Send Cut. Send Cut, if you don't know, is the budget line of Civivi, which is the budget line of We Knives. So they're all under that same umbrella. And they're beautifully designed and really, really excellently made. So I'm very psyched about this Send Cut. This will go in my collection. I have a collection of Civivis and Send Cuts. I do move along some. I have a no-selling Emerson's or Hinderer's policy and a couple of other blades or other brands.
[38:02]This, I will, you know, I might move this along, but I do have a pretty nice collection of Savivis and Sencuts because they just keep making really excellent knives that look cool and are innovative. So very happy with this Skarnax. And by the way, just excellent action. And the the stem cuts are around the 45 dollar price price range or less and it's amazing what you get for that amount of money and coming from a brand you can trust you know what i'm saying you might see something that boasts all the same characteristics on amazon but you never heard of the brand so you're like not so sure this next one is from saviti so these two came in a package and this I love I love this knife it's called the neuro haptic, neuro I guess referring to brain and haptic referring to the, tactile or feeling things uh.
[39:02]Don't quote me on that. I just know haptics are, you know, how something feels, not ergonomically, but how it feels like when your thing buzzes in your pocket. All right, let me move along. You've got this really nice clip point blade with the fuller, nitro V blade steel and blasted. This looks so cool. And by the way, I'm a sucker for a fuller, especially when you look at it from this angle. You look at the blade from the front.
[39:29]I love how that looks right there. That's just not for nothing. This does have a swedge. The swedge is not on the clip. It's right along the spine. And speaking of the spine, you've got this beautiful downside thumb ramp jimping right here. And you see that on a few knives like the ZT 050460 or 450, I mean. And you see it on the SOCOM Elites and stuff. I love that. I like jimping on the thumb ramp. but on the forward portion of the thumb ramp, I love too, because it's a third point of contact. You're gripping, kind of pulling back, and that opposes the force you're putting into that finger choil, and really makes for an excellent, excellent knife. Excellent grip, I mean. Really, really nice flipper button-locked action, and yes, I've spine-whacked it because I'm a dork, and I didn't hit it with all the force of Zeus, but it really held up very nicely.
[40:33]Didn't fold under pressure and i can tell i can tell you're you're straining your eyes what is that is that is that is that carbon fiber on a civivi no this is not carbon fiber that is shred.
[40:47]G10 ever hear of shred g10 no neither had i but there it is i love it it's got a very cool look looks like shred carbon fiber oh and by the way you got that little horizon line here with the three dots milled in. That is a flourish I see on We Knives. It's kind of nice to see a tip of the hat to their parent company there. And then, of course, you have this really nice backspacer that protrudes for giving you a lanyard post or a lanyard hole there. And you see that extra hole in front of that tail end screw? That's so you can take the clip, very nice clip, and put it on the other side. It's not embedded. It doesn't need to be. It's so thin and it's got the flat screws, so you're good to go. I love this Neurohaptic. It's been kind of, I've been popping it in my pockets quite a bit, especially around the house, especially when I'm in my workout shorts and my jammies or whatever. It's nice and light and it's nice and big. That's a 3.7 inch blade. By the way, so is the Senpac, two nice big blades.
[41:56]Okay, I recently bought some knives off of Dirk Pinkerton. He was doing a house clearing. You know, he's got a very big collection of knives, and he was looking to offload some. And I was here for it. I was here to help him out. You know, I'm like that. I'm an altruist. So he sent me some pretty darn sweet knives, and he threw me an extra. And here it is. This is so cool. This is the Beyond EDC Slim. So we were talking before about the standoff. Well, here is another true wharncliffe. What's a true wharncliffe, Bob? What do you mean? I know you don't sound like that. You sound much smarter, but I'm saying it like you don't know. A wharncliffe really has that continuous curve from the ricasso area or the thumb portion of the back of the spine, and it has a continuous curve. Oftentimes we'll call things that are more modified sheep's foots, sheep's feats, we'll call those wharncliffs. But really, this is a wharncliff.
[43:01]Really, really nice knife. Now, Beyond EDC is kind of lying fallow right now. I think they're in a stage where they're kind of refinancing and sort of figuring out, refiguring things out a little bit. So they're not really producing new knives at the moment. But I believe they'll be back. I had dinner with a gentleman who, and he's been on the show, who ran Beyond EDC, runs Beyond EDC, and their other companies, Terramundi and Asymmetrical, and I know that they're looking to start back up.
[43:37]He used to work at Kaiser and started this company. A really, really nice Dirk Pinkerton design here. True wharncliffe. You got a little finger guard that pops up, and the flipper very, very nicely nestles within there. By the way, that looks kind of like a shark's fin. Pretty cool. Excellent flipper, and I love that you don't see the flipper when it's open, but you still get the benefit of a guard. This one has micarta handles and oh 14c28n and excellent blade steel and i've used this a little bit since i got it yesterday as i record this and man wharncliffs you kind of can't beat wharncliffs i if you like the way they look which is important to me you will love a wharncliff because it's great for anything, any sort of utility cutting. And it's great for, heaven forbid, tactical purposes. If you needed to defend yourself with a knife like this, you'd be in great hands. So this beauty is called the Beyond EDC Slim. Now, this next one is a Beyond EDC knife. And frankly, I'm not sure if it ever went into full-fledged production. This might be a prototype because I was trying to look up its actual name. But I'm just going to call it by its number. This is the Beyond EDC, BEDC-2106. And look at that.
[45:06]This reminds me of a... This is also a Pinkerton design. But it reminds me of the...
[45:16]I can't remember the name of it now. Escort. It reminds me of the Escort that he designed. So really nice looking drop point blade. Again, we were talking about Pucos before. I don't think this was Pucco inspired, but to me it looks a little Pucco-ish. And I love that flat grind. It's a saber grind. Goes up most of the blade. That's VG10 and a really, really comfortable handle. We were talking before when we were talking about poltergeist works, how angles can be very comfortable. This angle here is very comfortable in the hand, forces this kind of area into the palm, and makes it so that if you had to thrust this knife, it would be firmly nestled in the palm. This one's a bit of a thick boy, and I like that. It feels great in hand. You've got nice jimping, and then those half-scooped-out Pinkerton jimps here. Now, you might be asking, why are you showing me this if you can't buy it? This is a, you know, there are a number of knives like that in this list, and I'm just showing you this is for historical archival purposes until this is dusted off and remade. If you like this design, you can find similar Pinkerton designs like this from other companies. I love this man I love the way this feels.
[46:36]And it's pristine A very nice micarta there This next one is a special knife Because to me It is a sentimental piece And yep.
[46:50]Sentimental italian guy italian american guy uh this is from my buddy steve now steve reached out to me i won't tell you his last name he reached out to me because he really wanted uh my kubi flash i was like oh man you know no you don't you can go buy it on amazon i'm like why didn't the guy check amazon he got back to me he's like he was very very polite but he was basically like dude I wouldn't be asking you I know it's on Amazon but I like your particular flash and I have a collection of them and I want a black one with the with the partial uh polished blade or partial satin blade with the black hardware he was so specific about it I had to send it to him I was like at first I was like oh that's my blade show knife I carry that to blade show um and I was like come on Bob you're always talking about how you have to reduce and refine so why not just send it to the guy. So I sent it to him. And he said, Can I please send you something back? I didn't require it. Certainly, it was not a trade. It was a gift. But he very graciously sent me this. And it's a really nice looking knife. And it feels great in hand.
[47:58]I just haven't used it yet, except to open up one box. But most things can open up boxes. But I'm very excited to have this. It's from a company called Manikala, Manikala, and you can find them on Amazon. Chinese produced knife with a gorgeous grind. Look at that compound grind. It's hollow ground and flat ground. Hollow ground here, flat ground there. Reminds me of the Spanto grind from Rick Hinderer. You've got a thumb stud, nice jumping on the back. Then the spine is, I don't want to say crowned, but heavily chamfered. So very nice details there. But beautiful golf ball pattern milled into the G10. It's very comfortable and I would say fetching to the eye. I love the way it looks. Feels great in hand. That's 3.4 inches of 14C28N. And a very nice action here. Liner locked.
[48:52]And a deep carry pocket clip. Go check this brand out on Instagram or on Amazon if you like the way this looks. I can vouch for the quality of the build. I know that they have other models too. And this one is very nice and special to me. Thank you so much, Steve, for sending me this. I really appreciate it. You didn't have to do that, but I'm glad you did. You know, what can you say? I'm glad you did. All right. The Monte Carlo. Pardon me, guys. I'm getting over a cold, and the more I blah, blah, blah, the more it seems to kick back in. All right, so in this box of knives that I bought from Kirk was a knife that I've wanted for many, many years. I mean, like, probably 20. You saw a Kanto version of this in the first Expendables movie when Jason Statham pops the basketball of the guy who's menacing his ex-wife. And it's the Cuda Max. Look at this thing.
[49:55]Five and a half inches of D2 blade steel in an anodized titanium frame lock handle, a coffin-shaped handle with the swell center coffin shape, I guess you might call it. And this thing is just beautiful. This is designed by the late, great Daryl Ralph. And Daryl Ralph was a strong influence on Dirk Pinkerton and not just a strong influence but a friend and mentor in terms of knife making and I'm honored to be able to buy this one because I've always loved this damn knife I shouldn't call it damn I've always loved this blessed knife and always wanted it in my collection, I know that Dave of OG Blade Reviews also got one of these from Dirk. And Dave told me a very interesting tidbit about this. Now, I've always thought, what an amazing knife to wave out of the pocket. It's obviously five and a half inches. It's obviously something you could use as a tactical knife, as a fighting knife, etc. So waving it out using these quillians, this quillian right here.
[51:08]Would be the way to go but it's mounted the clip is mounted on the pivot side and dave gave me some very interesting information that daryl ralph reached out to ernest emerson saying uh do you mind you know do you mind that this thing can wave out of the pocket and and uh and can i you know would you mind if uh if we mount this on the other side and he said i'd rather you do that as an aftermarket sort of mod. That's when the Wave, I believe, was under.
[51:43]Patent. I'm not sure if it still is. So, Daryl Ralph thought, you know, discretion is the better part of valor, and he would just mount the clip there, but I'll have you know, I carried this last night to a Christmas party. A, because I know there are a couple of knife junkies there, and I got to show it off, but also, I just wanted to carry it, and Part of the night, I had it dropped in my pocket as if the clip were here. So I had it tip up against the seam of my pocket so that if I needed to pull it out, if some sort of a Christmas party fight broke out, I'd be able to pull it out and wave it open. I did not, and then after a while, I just used the clip like a normal person, and it worked out just great. But, man, thank you for making this available, Dirk. I'm so thrilled to have this knife, and I got it for a song, I'll tell you that. I did not pay much. I did not pay what I should have paid for this, so I appreciate Kirk's generosity as well.
[52:51]Beautiful titanium and D2 Kudamak. All right, here's another beautiful knife. This one is designed by a great, Mr. Williams. Let me show you this. So this is a CRKT version of the Williams-designed HZ-6. What is that? Hazukuri no Ken, I think it's called. That's Japanese for something. And look at that. Look at that handle. It just, it's like fully jimped with these giant jimps. I don't even know if you call them jimping. They're scallops at this point. And you have them on the pommel, too, which makes this great in reverse grip. I mean, this would be great in reverse grip without it, but right there, your thumb just finds purchase and digs in. This is obviously a Japanese-inspired fighting knife. I mean, there's very little else you would do with this. You're not going to go out and carve 10 stakes with it, if it's your only knife, and you're, Finding yourself in that situation, you might, but this is for one thing and one thing only. And it's built perfectly for that. This is a really, really nice CRKT. I have, incidentally, the very first Williams-designed CRKT, the Otanashi no Ken, I think it's called.
[54:14]No, no, no. It's the Hisatsu. I'm sorry, the Hisatsu. And that lives in our bar, behind a couple of bottles in case a bar brawl breaks out in my basement. I have that there. Something I really like about this is that really nice long swedge all along the top. It just adds to the penetrative capabilities of this knife. You got a G10 handle with those cool Xs, which sort of mimic the Tsukamaki wrap on a samurai sword or blade. And I'm really excited to have this. James Williams is a very, very spooky guy. Very nice guy. Don't get me wrong. Super nice guy. But you know that super nice guy who could kill you by blinking? Many, many different ways of doing it. He's been on the show. You might want to check it out. He's a very, very interesting guy. and an absolute adept Japanese swordsman and martial artist. He himself is not Japanese, but he's studied the Japanese arts for years and years and years and years and still trains and still teaches people and designs incredible-looking knives like this.
[55:35]And he's the first guy to make me aware of the fact that just because it doesn't hook down doesn't mean you can't use this in a Picall-style grip. He didn't call it that, but he said this would be an excellent knife for using tip-down edge in, and I believe him. It comes in a great Kydex sheath, by the way. Sheath this sucker up and get it over here. I'll show you another cool one that I got from Dirk. This one I was thrilled to see on offer, excuse me, because I've always wanted this knife and just hadn't gotten around to it. But this is the clinch pick. Yes, the clinch pick by Southern Arc. And this thing was designed originally, so, okay, I'm going to pull it out of its sheet, make sure it's oriented the right way so I don't slice myself.
[56:30]You look at this, you say Pekal-style knife. Yes, it is a Pakal style knife, but it was designed really to be used like in this grip, in this in this grip and to be worn on the belt like this. Why, you say? Because the gentleman who designed this is was a narcotics officer and would go undercover and do like drug buys and cars and stuff like that. And he had run into situations grappling situations in cars where he's sitting in the driver's seat, the guy's over here in the passenger seat and there's a tussle and he drew knives and, found it difficult to use them. You can see him talk about it but, Uh, this was meant to be pulled out. I'm going to come over here to this main camera, pulled out like this from your belt and then used in like a sweeping motion to clear someone's hands off of you. Uh, you know, someone's reaching over here. They got you like this. You pull it out. Boom. You got the edge right where you need it to cut. And you know, when you're in a car, you don't have room to be doing all sorts of fancy knife work. You can just barely tug this thing out of your hand and cut with it. Uh, coming back here, it's got a beautiful teardrop shape. handle. And this one, I think this is the second incarnation where.
[57:56]It's flattened out. I think it was fully rounded in cross section, the first run of it. There's the.
[58:06]Clinch logo there. So, interesting thing, when Dirk showed this to me in a picture, do you want to buy it? Hell yes, I said. He said, okay, but hold your horses. I'm going to re-grind it. So he reground this. Apparently, it was ground a bit like a crowbar. You know, it had a very, very oblique edge, which I'm sure works in a pressure cut situation. But he put this incredible little hollow grind on it. And, you know, it's incredibly sharp now. So this is my clinch pick. I can't wait to put an IVW band on it and put it on my belt. I'm going to start carrying this.
[58:45]Cool, cool little thing. You do have to be careful. It is a small handle, and you definitely want to avoid putting your thumb there. If it's reflexive for you to put a thumb on the spine of the blade, you'll want to be careful about that. And reoriented, it fits the hand really nicely, and you could use this as a self-defense weapon in any sort of grip. But definitely it was made initially for a regular sort of hammer grip which i find very interesting especially since i'm all into calls all right two knives i'll show them here we got the bless knives um this is the defiant now this is one of the one of the two knives in this listing that is that are not mine but they are incredible and just sent to me by Donald Bless, the knife maker, who happens to be a very, very nice guy, and he's going to be on the show. Very much looking forward to talking to him about these knives he makes. Makes these all by hand. So these are handmade custom titanium frame locks. That's the Defiant, and I'll pull out this other one, the Ripley, which is just, oh, this thing is so cool.
[1:00:00]This one has incredible action and an incredibly odd shaped, I'm calling it a modified wharncliffe or a modified sheep's foot. But this thing is razor sharp. No joke, like really, really, really crazy sharp. A couple of followers of this channel have a Ripley, and I've seen them. I can't remember who they are, though. I think Scotch and Things, well, it doesn't matter. Five Door, I think, has one of these. But they are so cool. And this titanium here is blasted and beautiful. You've got a nice, long, sculpted clip. And then you see that really cool micardo there? Well, that's also the thumb stud. He does the same thing here with the Defiant. Two really outstanding knives. It's very rare that I have custom folders here. I own two custom folders, I believe. Yeah, I think that's it. Two custom folders myself. So it's really nice to get my hands on custom handmade folders because it's just unusual to me. And I love that they're these unusual but beautiful designs. That's what's so appealing about Same But Different. This is the same in that it's a titanium frame lock folder, but it's a very different design.
[1:01:24]And I'm smitten. Thank you, Donald, for sending these to me. I greatly, greatly appreciate it. All right. Last one here in this list is one that I got last week. And we didn't have a supplemental last week, so I didn't get to show it to you. But you probably saw a lot of press about this one, including my own. And I love it. It's from Auxiliary Manufacturing and Michael Jarvis, and it's part of his new Coffin line. Now, you remember the pocket Bowie that came out last year, a very popular knife for Michael Jarvis and Auxiliary Manufacturing. And he decided to do an entire series based on that, all with coffin handle-shaped blade, either with G10 or with this beautiful Japanese wrap with the genuine ray skin under there and the epoxy impregnated lace. But all of the other knives in this line are that same small carry profile as the original pocket Bowie. So this is eight inches overall. He added an inch to the blade and an inch to the handle. So the others are all six inches long. Three-inch blade, three-inch handle. But.
[1:02:42]He asked if I wanted one. I said, yes, most certainly. And this is the one I chose. And I'm very grateful that he sent it to me. But I love that wrapped handle. And then you have this big, long, almost Persian-style bowie. The swedge is so long, it's almost a Persian. And it is just super wicked. It's AEBL, heat treated to 61.5 HRC. And it's got a wicked edge. And obviously, you can see it's got a wicked point. Pretty robust, three sixteenths of an inch coming up to you about within an inch of that tip. And by the way, the coffin shaped handle is so comfortable, whether it's the small three inch one, which is kind of a three and a half finger grip for me and a three finger grip for a lot of guys. But just the shape of it is so comfortable in hand. You're really locked in. And then, of course, I love it in reverse grip.
[1:03:42]Such an outstanding knife from Auxiliary Manufacturing. They might have a few left. I know that they've been selling like hotcakes. So go check them out at auxmfg.com. And that's where you can buy these beautiful, beautiful coffin handle knives. All right, guys. Thank you for sticking with me and checking out all these new knives I have in my room. I'm just thrilled as thrilled can be to have them all. So thanks for watching. Please join us on Sunday for an interview with the great Jesse Jarrose, a guy who's been in the knife-making game for 15 years.
[1:04:21]And you probably know his name. He's got a line with K-Bar, and he makes some exquisite custom folders and fixed-lade, but folders are really his bread and butter. So do check that out. Also, join us for Thursday Night Knives. If you're watching this the day it drops, that's tomorrow night, when we give away to one gentleman junkie this beautiful Nova One with bone handles. I'm sorry. Yeah, NoVA-1. That's it for me. Thanks to Jim for working his magic behind the switcher. Until next time, don't take dull for an answer. Thanks for listening to the Knife Junkie Podcast. If you enjoyed the show, please rate and review at reviewthepodcast.com. For show notes for today's episode, additional resources, and to listen to past episodes, visit our website, thenifejunkie.com. You can also watch our latest videos on YouTube at thenifejunkie.com slash YouTube. Check out some great knife photos on thenifejunkie.com slash Instagram and join our Facebook group at thenifejunkie.com slash Facebook. And if you have a question or comment, email them to bob at thenifejunkie.com or call our 24-7 listener line at 724-466-4487 and you may hear your comment or question answered on an upcoming episode of The Knife Junkie Podcast. Thank you.
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Knives, News and Other Stuff Mentioned in the Podcast
- Poltergeist Works and Real Steel: At It Again!
- Bestech Excentric: From The Minds of Kombou and TNT Knives
- RoseCraft Blades Releases a Sodbuster
- Unique Little Boker Fixie is Big Time Ergonomic
- The Knife Junkie’s Patreon Group
Pocket Check
- Regiment Auto Lock
- JWK Big Bro Jack
- TKell Knives Nightstalker
- Spyderco Delica (ESK)
State of the Collection
- Unboxing a Unicorn: Fisher Blades Beckwith Covert
A Bunch of New Blades
- Emerson Knives P-Tac
- Sencut Skarnax
- Civivi Neurohaptic
- B’yond EDC Slim
- B’yond EDC BEDC-2106
- Monikala Folder
- Cuda Maxx 5.5
- Clinch Pick w/ Pinkerton Regrind
- Bless Knives Defiant (on loan from maker)
- Bless Knives Ripley (on loan from maker)
- AUX MFG Pocket Bowie XL
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