Daggers – The Knife Junkie Podcast Episode 305
On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 303), Bob “The Knife Junkie” DeMarco looks at Daggers. Among the daggers on the list are the Arcane Designs Antimatter, Cold Steel Safe Keeper 2 and the TOPS Felony Stop. Find the list of all the daggers in the show notes for this episode at https://theknifejunkie.com/305.
Bob starts the show with his “pocket check” of knives — a Boker Smatchet, the Kubey Vagrant and the TOPS Rapid Strike. In Knife Life News, Bob reports on Bestech’s new Tanto called the Titan.
Meanwhile in his “State of the Collection,” Bob has shows off his Kubey Flash, Kizer Pelican and his new McNees Knives McKnucks.
Daggers! Love 'em. How about you? Well, daggers is my topic this week on the mid-week supplemental podcast (episode 305), plus my pocket check, Knife Life News and the state of my collection. Share on XThis is an automatically generated AI transcript -- there probably are some errors.
Welcome to the Knife Junkie podcast.
Your weekly dose of knife news and information about knives and knife collecting.
Here's your host Bob the knife junkie, DeMarco.
Welcome to the Note Junkie podcast.
The place for blade lovers to learn about knives and knife collecting and hear from the makers, manufacturers and reviewers that make the knife world go round.
I'm Bob DeMarco.
And coming up we take a look at a new cubie in my collection.
Bob DeMarco- 00:30
Best tech taps, new talent for a new tenant.
Oh, and then we take a look at daggers, daggers, oh daggers.
I will define what I consider a dagger when we get there.
I reference a book, a weapons book that my brother and I had years and years ago that I recently bought here.
And they refer to daggers in a very loose and open way.
I do not so we will get down to that in a while, but first let's do a pocket check and kind of apropos to this pocket check is something that's dagger like, but is definitely not a dagger.
That is my boker smatchet.
Bob DeMarco- 01:08
This match it was a 13 inch bladed double edged knife made for combat that for fighting it was not a utility knife.
It was made for fighting double edged given two Rangers and various special troops in World War Two.
I know a lot of a lot of those ended up in the South Pacific.
In any case, a classic blade and a reimagined by Boker Knives and Chuck could reduce chuckled rytis, an amazing custom knifemaker who every every knife is unique with this guy really, really cool stuff from South good writers, and this design a little bit off of his usual sort of Fair.
His knives tend to either be slender, very ornate automatics, or he does those.
Lose Switch Army knife automatically.
Like little automatics that looked like Swiss army knives.
Bob DeMarco- 02:05
Whoops, sorry about that really great action.
Very bad deployment on my on my side here, but this sort of big bold smatchet.
I just think he nailed it.
If you're going to take a big combat knife, a big double edged nearly short sword of a knife and turned it into a folder.
I think he did the design just right, but why do I say it's not a dagger?
It has a lot of dagger E elements to it.
It's got a symmetrical spear point blade that's a big part of a dagger to me, and it's got a a bevel on the top edge just as it does on the bottom edge.
Bob DeMarco- 02:41
However, naturally this is a holder and it is not a specialized folder and that is quite a broad blade, so it does not disappear in the handle.
You cannot make this a double edged.
Sorry, I don't know why I can't open this with my left hand, but this is not a dagger, it's a dagger like object, a beautiful blade.
I love this thing and actually here let me switch to my right hand so you can see how wonderfully it deploys.
Just a gentle suggestion from your thumb and it flies out on that bearing to it.
That's VG10 blade steel.
You can see checkered ritis is.
Bob DeMarco- 03:16
Makers Mark this was a gift from my good buddy Dave.
This old sword blade reviews look at this.
Sort of Art Deco clip.
I really like the design of that clip.
And then of course, the beautiful wooden scales.
I think this is Rosewood, if I'm not mistaken, rosewood, like the fret board of a guitar, really really beautifully done.
That knife also comes in several delicious colors of my car to.
Bob DeMarco- 03:47
Which, if you've ever had boecker my card a, they use really good my car to that tends to take on a nice petina so highly recommend that non dagger dagger like knife.
Very cool second knife on me today.
I'm a little cubbie happy because of my recent $40 high value purchase on Amazon, which I'll show you later in the state of the collection.
But I have been.
I've been digging on this Scooby here Vagrant I really like this little knife.
Another gift from Dave.
Geez, it's the Dave Show right here, but thanks again Dave really really dig this Scooby.
Bob DeMarco- 04:23
This is designed by Max Choke.
This vagrant comes in a number of different colors.
So that's G10.
That's a line I like.
I really like cubies.
Branded pivot, it's really nice anyway.
This model comes in a number of different G10 colors and two different blade shapes.
Bob DeMarco- 04:42
One like this, more worn Clippy with that's well on the top of the blade and Nice bellied wharncliffe.
I should say with a nice point.
But it also comes with a sheepsfoot that has a smooth domed, not domed, but a smooth curved spine.
Down to a more flat edge.
So yeah, kubi makes it really really good knife for quite a good price.
This is on bearings comes out with authority.
Very very smooth.
Bob DeMarco- 05:10
Very good detent on this knife.
Great jumping.
Very sharp Austin blade steel you don't see too much.
I've only actually seen Austin on holds deal.
I think on the whole.
I guess it's appearing elsewhere, but cold Steel really took advantage of the of the OS 10 as they did the OS 8. And then lastly, thirdly on my person today is one that I haven't worn in awhile, but this used to get a whole lot of airtime.
This is deep tops rapid strike.
Bob DeMarco- 05:41
Now I have this one double edged.
Very nice sheath and I I like these clips that they that they put on some of their tops knives.
Not a huge fan of that big rotating clip that they have it's.
It's it you can remove it, but it it also leaves a peaked sort of.
Well, it leaves a Mesa bulging out of the side of the sheath, and so it's basically if you don't use that rotating spring clip on one of those tops knives, it's it's even as well.
Just make another sheet.
So I was happy that this one did not come with that, but it also did not come with this.
Bob DeMarco- 06:15
I put this on from a felony stop or one of my other other Knifes.
So great sheath on this, but let's talk about this knife.
The rapid strike is a double edged knife here, and I I requested this one double edge.
You can buy it either way and I did modify the handle to make it smaller and less pointy on the pommel so it's easier to carry and end to use in this reverse grip, but I want to talk about the blade here, so this is a double edged blade and it's a straight blade, so you might think oh is this a
dagger and I would say no.
Now this this book of weapons, which I highly recommend by the diagram group.
It's full, it's a full history of weapons from Stone Age weapons to nukes, and it's got everything in.
Bob DeMarco- 07:03
It is illustrated in these incredible etchings.
An incredible line drawings.
Very cool book.
My brother Vic and I pored over this for years and years and years and years all throughout childhood and adolescence and I was very very welcomed.
I think my brother has the original and I found this Barnes and Noble or something like that.
Anyway, very good book.
They would say that this is a dagger.
Bob DeMarco- 07:26
I would not.
I would say that because it lacks symmetry.
It's not a dagger.
This is a double edged fighter for sure.
But not a dagger.
In any case, this is what I carried a fixed blade today.
Didn't remove it once until right about now and that's the way it should be unless I'm practicing drawing it.
Bob DeMarco- 07:48
And you know, playing in front of the mirror where no one can see I, I say do your kerensa like no one's watching and.
But I didn't not today, so these are my three knives.
I had the dagger like but not dagger Boker, smatchet, the wonderful cubie vagrant.
And then they also dagger like, but not a dagger.
Rapidstrike by tops, double edged.
Let me know what you were carrying today, called the listener line 724-466-4487, or leave a comment down below happily like taking in that information, and I find it inspirational.
There are knives like this could be vagrant, for instance that I would not have gone out of my way to get, but because it was donated by someone, it's but that's basically that's a tacit recommendation, and I took that recommendation and ended up being exposed to something I wouldn't have exposed
Bob DeMarco- 08:44
myself to, and really, really benefited.
So please leave a comment.
Let me know what you're carrying and maybe you get some of that from this show that would be great.
And if you do, if you get any information from this show that you think is valuable, whether it's from.
The interviews we do every week with knife makers and manufacturers and luminaries of the knife world.
Have you think that's valuable?
You like listening to those conversations or you like the other Knife content like this show or Thursday Knife Knives, which is always a blast.
Bob DeMarco- 09:12
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Bob DeMarco- 09:55
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That's the knife junkie.com/knives you're listening to the Knife Junkie, podcast, and now.
Here's the knife junkie with the knife Lifenews best tech Knives, man alive.
Do I like best tech knives and.
To be honest, I don't have any currently in my collection branded as best tech knives, but I have a number of outstanding knives like of aero engineering, synapse and several off grid knives that are made by best tag and they are really really good.
Bob DeMarco- 10:38
I think maybe because they were later to the scene than Riata.
We and right of they were looked at as the little brother on the on the block.
I think I think that that start does amazing work anyway.
Though I did, I did give the what was it called the best tech kendo that I had kendo?
It was a A A a tanto early on Investec very nice knife.
I think it was called the Tendo anyway I gave it to my buddy Drew who uses his knives hard and he gave it back to me broken like at the at the ricasso blade broken.
What did you do with this is like you know I don't know.
Bob DeMarco- 11:18
Opening up ammo cans or I I don't know what the hell he was doing with it but he did break that best egg but he was not using it the way it should be so bestech knives awesome is what I'm getting at.
Well, they they're tapping new talent for a knife that they're coming out with, called the Titan, and it is a fantastic looking tanto if you ask me.
And if you ask Ben Schwartz of Knife News, he'll tell you that this is a combination of American tanto with that.
With that very distinct secondary point near the tip.
And Japanese tent are where you have that forward edge.
In this case curve because it traditional Japanese tanto from tip to ricasso.
It's it's a gentle, it's a curve, not a facet like you see on Americanized tanto.
Bob DeMarco- 12:03
So this one.
Brings these both together and I think I think it's a really good looking knife and it's it's in the D2G10 setup here, and as you can see, or if you can't see this this product sample that best tech sent out in this photograph here has J G10 with the black blade, which warms the cockles of my heart.
I love that color combination.
I know a lot of people are turned off by G10, I mean by natural JG 10. It's a very polarizing material.
I'm on the side.
Of yes please.
And so I love the way this one looks, but also I think it's cool that they're there.
Bob DeMarco- 12:41
This is a a brand new untested designer named Keanu Alfaro.
Is that not a cool name?
Keanu Alfaro.
Pretty cool anyway.
This guy is a. He's a designer, product designer and I think he's done a beautiful job here.
I. I think that this guy must like knives.
He's not just a product designer, he must be a Knife, Jackie, but I do like this combination of Americanized tanto.
Bob DeMarco- 13:06
And Japanese temple that blade is 2.94 inches and I don't see a lanyard hole.
This is a maybe it's got a. Maybe it's got a little post.
How do you feel about about landlords?
I'm all for him or or fobs.
You know, I don't.
I don't actually carry my knives on lanyards, but a little little thing on the end.
Bob DeMarco- 13:24
I like the option on a small knife.
I don't like when I don't have the option like on this kooky vagrant.
I would love to put a little a little thing on their little paracord or leather fob on there because I love this knife and it means a lot to me.
I'd like to commemorate it with Bob.
They don't give me that option.
Come on people alright so anyway that's the best tech Titan designed by.
A dude named Keanu Alfaro and we're all looking forward to it.
Bob DeMarco- 13:51
Japanese tanto meets American, tanto coming up on the Knife Choking podcast.
We're going to take a look at my new kubi and then a couple of other new cool things that have come in here.
Maybe you saw me flash one of those cool things a few moments ago and then daggers, plain and simple daggers.
Love them all.
Coming up right here on the Knife Junkie podcast, and now that we're caught up with Nice life news, let's hear more of the Knife Junkie podcast.
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Bob DeMarco- 14:26
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It's been an exciting week here after.
Several weeks of very little USPS action at my door.
By design, I'm trying to save up a little bit here.
I did have a recent sort of break from that and got a couple of things because one thing you'll see you'll see at the end of the state of the collection was actually a drop I got in on a drop.
Bob DeMarco- 15:00
You know a a low number.
Output of a product I wanted and I actually got it.
That never happens.
So I'll show that off proudly, but first you know I was talking about that cookie Vagrant that I like so much.
Well, I decided I'd check out another kubi.
And through this I'm going to recent Amazon order and at $40 I I'm a little amazed.
I'm quite amazed at how awesome this and I did, OK?
Bob DeMarco- 15:25
This is the kubi slash and then it's got some numbers after it and I don't if if I have a name like Flash, I'm not gonna bother with the numbers.
Just by, by the way, there they did give you a lanyard hole on this big knife where I don't need it, but anyway, this is the flash all blacked out except for the flats on that beautiful worn bellied wharncliffe blade.
Ergonomic handle remains neutral enough if you need to.
If you need to change your grip but gives you almost a pistol grip.
However, the way it cants the blade, it doesn't give you that effect.
It just puts the point exactly where you want it.
For two things, utility cuts and four.
Bob DeMarco- 16:06
Knowing exactly where that point is, if you're thrusting it, this is a nearly four inch blade.
I think that's 3.84. It's D2 steel.
And of course G10.
I really like how they took this.
Branded cubie pivot that I was showing you before.
You can see that KB and they totally blacked it out with that matte black rest of the hardware is black.
Very cool something I was talking about on the Thursday Knife Knives the other Knife when I pulled this out, it was when Cubie first came out a couple of years ago, or at least came to prominence with some of my trusted voices on YouTube.
Bob DeMarco- 16:43
I was turned off by the logo.
Look, I I try, I try to.
I'm like a Seinfeld character.
I just try to find anything that can turn me off of a knife because I will buy them all.
I want every one of them.
So each knife that comes out.
I have to figure out why I don't want it.
Bob DeMarco- 17:00
And with Kobe knives, everyone is like, Oh my God, these things are awesome.
I really like the designs of them and they were inexpensive.
So you know what?
Stop me from buying.
Like 500 cubie knives when they first came to prominence was the logo, which you can barely see here.
Should have gotten the box out.
Actually got the box right here.
Bob DeMarco- 17:21
So this this logo it's kind of a kind of a skull with a beret and a star and headphones.
I was like what the hell is that that is?
They're mixing their metaphors here.
I thought it was cheese.
I was like, I, I don't get it, so that's good and it's got a skull and that's not my favorite motif so I don't need to bother with pubi knives.
That's you know, it's ridiculous, but it's a good justification that has stopped me from going broke.
I mean, that's a good system of justification anyway.
Bob DeMarco- 17:51
What do I like about this cubie knife?
It has outstanding action.
It's the kind of action that you first couple of times.
It wasn't this smooth and then after like 10 flips super smooth and then and then I'm checking the pivot.
Oh is there play?
Is it play play?
Is that why it's so sweet?
Bob DeMarco- 18:08
No, it's just super smooth.
1st 10 gets rid of the dust from packaging and then boom, you're you're in motion.
Really excellent lock bar access there.
You can see the jimps rise.
There from the clip side and then a little bit of a void here so you can easily grab it very nicely.
Jimp, but not in any harsh way.
I usually do not like jumping on a lock bar.
Bob DeMarco- 18:33
I prefer some sort of chamfered surface to sort of wedge your thumb in there, but this one feels really good.
It feels really good and it releases the lock.
It releases the blade so smoothly it that also made me feel a little suspicious.
But I checked it all out it all.
It's all just very nicely done and for very little money.
And if you follow the how does that work?
How can they do that?
Bob DeMarco- 19:04
If you follow it, it often leads to unpleasant places, so this is the conflict I have with buying knives like this.
But I'm not going to get into that right here.
What I am going to say is I am very impressed with QB knives and I'm happy to have this in my collection.
It might end up being a a giveaway knife at some point.
You know, it just bends.
Here's the thing.
Here's here's the White A that if it's a four inch blade usually.
Bob DeMarco- 19:33
Usually I'm not gonna carry it unless it's fancy.
I mean, I'll just say it unless it's one of the fancier knives that I really like.
If it's a 3 inch knife like this one, I'm much more apt to carry it.
If it's not fancy fancy, that's my, you know, you know what I'm talking about, so this might end up on the giveaway block at some point, but for now it's it's a really.
Really excellent knife, I'm gonna figure out.
See if it's excellent overtime and we'll go from there.
So that's the kubi flash.
Bob DeMarco- 20:05
Ironically named because of its due to its black quote, UN quote, murdered out appearance.
I don't like that term.
I'm not going to use that again.
OK, I'm gonna take a sip of coffee here and move on to another knife from a company that that is again killing.
It came onto the scene, killing it, and then I felt like.
Sort of.
I don't wanna say faded from you.
Bob DeMarco- 20:31
They did not fade from you, but for a couple of years there.
I felt like they they kind of dipped a little anyway.
It was Kizer knives not to leave you on tenterhooks here.
I got a new Kizer, knife and.
It is the Pelican mini and it is from my buddy hey Max round from France.
Jonathan Reynolds Dent the designer came Max ROM.
I've been following him for years on Instagram and then I had him on the show and I'd love his designs and then have recently gone on a tear I got.
Bob DeMarco- 21:03
I got the pre tattoo from concept knives in both the tanto and clip point and titanium handle and my car door handle.
That's two knives that's not 4I.
I got him in those two combinations and then I also already had the Pelican by concept, which looks different.
From this Pelican by Kaiser, but Pelican is a knife he's been making for years, and and it generally has this shape, and he's made Pelicans in tanto, and Pelicans in this sort of clip point, but a big part of that design language is this generous thumb Swale in the spine of the blade.
You'll see that across his designs.
It's an element that I really like because it it ends up creating this.
This double peaked double humped spine on both the tanto and on the clip point.
Bob DeMarco- 21:54
And it's a design element that I love ever since the first time I saw the Mac Vog.
Bowie knife in maybe Terminator two in 1991. I think that's the first time I saw that Knife, but here's a Brian Brown Raptor that has that double peaked clip point.
I I I just love that shape and the Pelican knives and K Max ROM knives with their ever present and generous thumb swell on the spine creates that look and so I've always been.
Compelled by his designs, this thing made by Kaiser is outstanding, I mean.
The blade is super thin, it's it's a nice.
It's a. It's a decent blade stock, but it it comes to a very thin edge.
It's a flat ground blade and just really stupidly sharp.
Bob DeMarco- 22:47
I I I I am.
Really happy that Kaiser is making such awesome knives.
I think they always were.
I think it was a perception in my mind about them slipping.
I don't.
I don't see why they would have.
I know that some of their designers broke off and made concepts some or a designer of there's broke off and made concept.
Bob DeMarco- 23:08
Another brand that I think is awesome.
I don't think that would have affected the whole Kaiser company, so I think maybe that is a perception I had.
But anyway, a really nice meikarta that showed up real Gray.
Which I love, because this one has started to take on Tina nicely and when you see the the Gray when you see the kind of the appoxee part of the.
Of the at the epoxy and the raw fibers of the meikarta, I always feel like that's the the kind of my car that's gonna take on patina the best.
Sometimes it doesn't.
Sometimes I just don't carry the knife enough and use the knife enough to create a petina in that my credit.
Bob DeMarco- 23:50
But I do love that.
The detent on this is pretty stiff.
I find it at first I found it kind of painful unless I had exactly the right angle on it with my with my right thumb with my left thumb.
Oddly, maybe 'cause it's on the same side of the lock it's it's harder to flick out, but easier to slow roll out and harder to slow roll out over here, but easier to flick.
I don't know and then and then middle finger flicking is catch as catch can with me, but I've been this has been a car knife.
For a week now I've been fiddling with it and breaking it in very nicely.
I I do recommend this knife.
Bob DeMarco- 24:31
I actually was kind of on the fence about it or I knew it existed and then it.
And then I my weird justification for not getting this one was that it didn't have a swedge and I thought it needed one.
Of course it doesn't, but then I saw Stella's knife obsession.
She's someone I follow on Instagram.
She got one of these and was flicking it and I was like oh, it's time and so she inspired me to get.
This and so here it is.
I really, really like this.
Bob DeMarco- 24:58
This has been my back pocket secondary a lot over the past week that I've had this.
Very nice knife.
OK, that's by the way that blade steel is N 690 CON 690. Is a a town is a steel used a lot by the Italian manufacturers it's.
It's German right bowler and or is that Austrian?
Geez, I shouldn't speak about stuff I don't know, but I seem to do it all the time, but it's one of the blade steels that Kaiser uses in their vanguard line and it's a good skill for a budget.
Steel alright, last but not least, certainly not least in the state of the collection.
Are these?
Bob DeMarco- 25:41
That's right, be nice.
So these are aluminum knuckles that I got from Jonathan McNeese McNeese Knives.
These are single billet aluminum milled knuckles.
I've always wanted Knuckles and Jonathan Jonathan Mcnees.
Besides making the Mcbee and the and the Mach 3 and 3.5 and the other cool knives he makes, he makes a cool self defense knife, double ring hooked self defense knife.
He makes a lot of cool little things aside from knives and when I saw this on his Instagram page I jumped at it.
And then I missed it.
Bob DeMarco- 26:22
And then he did another run and I got it.
And so to me, that's a that's a victory.
But this also starts and let's see so on the front of these knuckles.
It says be nice which I love and on the back it says.
Looking is not so.
This has started something I've wanted.
Brass knuckles forever.
Bob DeMarco- 26:42
For a long time they were hard to come by and illegal, and now who knows if they're legal?
I don't know, but I want some and and there are a lot of different historical designs of brass knuckles and I want some of the of the classic style.
This is kind of a classic style where you have the piece that fits into your palm and then the finger holes is suspended above it and so it opens up your fist but also presents those knuckles.
So this one in particular.
I find these edges a little harsh.
These corners a little harsh.
I took it out to our heavy bag and pounded on it a little bit and no doubt the heavy bag was crying and hurting, but my palm was not loving the experience either so these would be good with parrot gloves on.
Bob DeMarco- 27:28
For sure you know, like those tight black leather gloves you wear when you're going to do wetwork they put these on and and you get your information but but I like the be nice part of it because that's the thing if you ever have to put these on it means someone.
Being menacing and someone being a jerk and.
Well, they deserve to have that little imprint on their cheek.
If if they if they need to get it.
Of course this is me just playing.
I don't go out and get in street fights and I certainly am not hitting people with brass knuckles, but they're fascinating bits of of defensive kit and they come in some really beautiful designs.
And now with Instagram and just Internet in general and just the opening up of things and the loosening of some weapons laws, we can find these more and more and so.
Bob DeMarco- 28:17
I am.
Gonna seek some more out now.
Funny thing is we're driving around.
I was doing errands with my daughter.
And I brought this with and she's she's get a little walking in the different stores and she's like knuckles.
I'm like sure, just you know, put them in your pocket and she liked it.
So she wants me to get her a pair and I said not yet.
Bob DeMarco- 28:36
First of all, your hands are too small.
You know to make it work, but you know, maybe we can start with some G10 knuckles or some, you know, a GRN knuckles.
You can find those brass knuckles that are not made out of brass.
They just made out of plastic, but.
Anyway, I like.
I like these modern women I I like that they like their brass knuckles.
What can I say?
Bob DeMarco- 28:56
Alright, so Next up on the Knife Junking podcast, we're going to talk about something important.
We're going to talk about daggers as I as I discussed before I showed this weapons book.
I just I just wanna show you something real quick.
Let's see if I don't know if it'll fit under the knife can, but I'm sure I'm sure it will.
So this is a great book.
Just incidentally, you gotta check this thing out each.
Each chapter shows how different weapons work and and blows them up and shows diagrams and then talks about historical.
Bob DeMarco- 29:29
You know historical battles where certain weapons were used, that kind of thing, but I just want to I just want to read how they define dagorhir.
Daggers, one of the basic ways to kill or wound, is to stab the dagger is the simplest stabbing weapon.
It is short bladed, held in one hand, and while used primarily for thrusting, many will also cut in the manner of a domestic knife.
As one man, Basic weapon is found in all parts of the world and has been used since the Stone Age and you can see these various diagrams with different daggers.
But The funny thing is is that they list all of these as daggers.
I would say cinquedea a yes whatever this is.
It's like a dirt.
Bob DeMarco- 30:11
Yes this Chris double edged and symmetrical.
Yes, even though it's WAVY bladed.
Yes khanjar, no.
Whatever this is, I'm not sure what that is.
No and boyno.
In my estimation, I think that it's gotta be symmetrical pretty much and it's got to be double edged now you say.
But this Chris is not symmetrical, it's all of.
Bob DeMarco- 30:33
It kind of is.
It's kind of symmetrical, so I'm just going to.
I'm going to end with that kind of symmetrical, whereas the conjurer and what is this?
The double curved Persian or Indian blade, even though it's double edged, is not, so that's what we're going on here and then.
Also I I want to say this.
A dagger is also not this.
Here is a. A completely double edged, nearly near Dagger.
Bob DeMarco- 31:02
This is a loveless model, a loveless model.
What you call it, sub hilt fighter and you can see.
Or if you cannot see it, it has a long slender 7 inch blade.
And the bottom edge, the main cutting edge as it would be when held in the hand is that of a Bowie and then?
Or is that of a dagger, but the top edge is that of a Bowie, so it it runs parallel to the main edge to about 2/3 of the way towards the tip.
And then it takes a clip down towards the tip.
If you can detect that it's all sharp, so it's you know stem to stern sharpened double edged like a dagger, but it's not shaped.
Bob DeMarco- 31:46
Like Dagger, because it's not a symmetrical spear point.
That's how I'm defining it and.
Let's get on with it.
Alright, so this first one.
Is an out the front automatic.
This is a micro tech Troodon.
And it is not symmetrical.
Bob DeMarco- 32:05
It is symmetrical in blade.
However, the top edges serrated to me, it still counts because it's too sharp edges on a symmetrical spearpoint blade.
When you look at the handle happily it's not symmetrical.
I find symmetrical handles somewhat troublesome because my hand is not symmetrical and so I I do understand that it allows you to.
And symmetrical handle will allow you to turn it either way and make it work.
And with a dagger that's ideal right?
Because you have two edges that you're working with, but here I find that even though this is very asymmetrical.
Bob DeMarco- 32:42
And fits in the hand nicely like this.
It does also work perfectly, flipped upside down as a matter of fact, I prefer it that way because it puts the thumb forward on this jumping that should be.
That's generally on the lower side, where your forefinger is and then further back at the back end of this.
Actuating slide is another bit of jumping for your fourth finger, which naturally rests further back behind the pad of your thumb, so upside down, I think the the trodon and the Ultratech you'll see in a minute.
Work even better, but this to me is a dagger.
It is a great double edged implement.
This one is troublesome.
Bob DeMarco- 33:27
I gotta say, this particular specimen is troublesome.
You saw I just.
It just failed.
It it.
I do have to send this in.
Ever since I got it it's been a problem child.
I even bought it thinking I was getting a combat troydan which is an inch larger than this and thinking I was getting a great deal.
Bob DeMarco- 33:46
I rushed into the purchase but yeah OK so there it is the the microtek troid on I think their best looking out the front.
Incidentally, that's the small version of the large version that was used in John Wick 2. So OK, Next up is the Ultratech, now another microtek out the front.
It is not a common thing.
I did not preface this but it is not a common thing to find a dagger in a folding knife like before.
When I was talking about this it is not all that uncommon to find a dagger grind without a sharp edge on top.
To me that's just a tease.
Bob DeMarco- 34:32
I love this knife, but it's a tease.
A true dagger is hard to do because the whole blade has to Nestle into the handle.
The detent has to be tuned so perfectly so that it does not come out and you know it can be it can it?
It double s the danger.
It double s the illegality, so they're not as common.
And as we know, most people carry folding knives as opposed to fix as opposed to fixed blade knives.
So they're less APT carry a folding bed.
Bob DeMarco- 35:00
Alright, so here we go.
This one is such a beauty.
I love this Knife the Utah, not the UTI's.
The Ultratech is the full size 3.4 inch dagger blade with the sharpened top edge and the blackened bevels.
I just think they're Ultratech blades are gorgeous.
I I'm not a big fan of the drop point Ultratech Blade, but this in the Tonto are just gorgeous on the UTX not a fan of their other ten toes on the output fronts like the large like that rodent Anto.
I don't like the look at that.
Bob DeMarco- 35:36
But God, this thing is awesome.
So same deal with the handle.
It is not symmetrical symmetrical.
It is very neutral sticklike but it's not symmetrical, equally comfortable with the with the.
Siri today up.
Or down.
Because again, it gives you that option for a bit more of a natural grip here when you have it in standard position and your thumb resting up against the slide while your forefinger your whole hand is further back on the handle and your forefinger is not engaging, that bottom jumping at all.
Bob DeMarco- 36:14
So if you turn it over that that four finger jumping becomes the thumb jumping and the slide becomes the finger guard for the 4th.
And you can do that because the blade is double edged and symmetrical, well not symmetrical 'cause it's half serrated.
But you get it.
Gorgeous knife, this one has a very stiff action.
But very reliable action unlike the Troodon.
I'm going to send that road down to boarding school military school.
See what happens.
Bob DeMarco- 36:45
I think we have the kernel of something great here, but we just need to forge it into a cooperative.
Young out front.
OK, Next up is the.
I was about to say Arch Nemesis.
It is not.
I wish that were in this lineup.
This is the antimatter.
Bob DeMarco- 37:03
Also a beautiful folding dagger, but this one is not automatic.
This is one of the few framelock folders or just regular holding knives that lock that has a dagger.
Fully sharpened dagger blade hinderer makes the maximus that's one sharp by design.
Brian Neddo makes the arch nemesis my dream holder.
I love that.
That's one of my grail knives for sure and then.
Israel Bacchus and his company arcane Design got together, collaborated with something obscene company to come up with this a few years ago and WOW did it turn my head.
Bob DeMarco- 37:43
Manufactured by Riyadh and designed by by Israel and something obscene company Felix this is a fully symmetrical, fully double edged so you can get it single edged if you need to dagger that can waive out of your pocket with the Quillian course.
This being a dagger you have to be careful when closing.
You can't touch the back of that blade, but you can use the quillion on the top here.
Or you can just let that fine riat action and gravity take care of things.
Bronze and tumbled black anodizing.
On this titanium I think it is gorgeous and then it has this.
Bob DeMarco- 38:25
Cool science fiction inspired clip which.
If you've listened to any of the interviews with Israel, you know that he is very inspired by science fiction and and and ideas and theories about the future and space travel and all this kind of stuff so you can see a lot of futuristic sort of design flourishes in his work.
This actually, if you ask me, it happens to be his most.
Traditional design, because some of his other designs, like the Wharncliffe and the Tanto and his new clip point.
A hybrid.
They all look very futuristic.
This to me looks like it could go three.
Bob DeMarco- 39:07
It could be any any time this could exist in anytime throughout history.
Kind of.
Except for the execution, of course with the ceramic ball bearings and the and the titanium and all that.
The reason I opted for this model, they have a. They made one with a damasteel blade.
I did not for that 'cause it was way too expensive from for for my capacity at the time and then they had one with the black blade and this color handle or the black and the black in the black and they all looked cool.
I actually liked the black blade with this handle best until I realized that.
With this knife you would be getting this gorgeous and sumptuously beautiful machine, satin that I love that create does here.
Bob DeMarco- 39:55
So I decided to go with that because I figured this double edged quadruple beveled blade would be dazzling.
With that with that machine satin on it and I would spend hours gazing at its beauty.
A cool thing about this is that it's got that fuller right down the center, which which lightens it and adds rigidity.
Making it in cross section, kind of like an Eyebeam.
So that is a bit of old tech that you keep seeing in knives.
That's what's so cool about knives.
It's a straight line, just like you.
Bob DeMarco- 40:27
And just like I am a, you know the product of a straight line of successful breeding throughout history back to the caveman days.
Well, that Fuller is kind of the same thing, but Fuller worked.
You know, in the medieval days the Fuller worked in the days of Odysseus and and the and the bronze swords.
Fuller still works on this futuristic antimatter by arcane designs.
Love this thing alright, putting it down.
And moving on.
This next one is a design originally by AG Russell Knife, making legend, who died two years ago now, or a year ago.
Bob DeMarco- 41:05
Rest in peace, but he left a huge impact on the knife world and this is a very popular knife.
This iteration is by CRKT.
It's a single drop forged version of his fancier sting dagger.
So do you recognize this?
You might see the well.
This is a very popular Knife this CRKT version, but they the AG Russell version has their their different kinds but like polished black mikardo with a aluminum shiny aluminum bolster and just a lot of different.
Sort of really nicely dressed up versions of this knife.
Bob DeMarco- 41:45
This is what does it say here.
Let's see sting by AG Russell.
OK, it's forged 1050 and 50 steel.
OK so for a long time this was a bathroom Knife this one resided.
This was a gift by the way from my awesome brother-in-law James years ago, but this resided in the bathroom for a while, not in the shower but over by my shaving kit and anything in the bathroom that has a blade.
Has a red fob on it so that it can be easily recognized and brought to bear if need be.
You know the bathroom is a place where you're pretty vulnerable.
Bob DeMarco- 42:21
You shouldn't forget about self defense in the bathroom in any case.
I put this long one on because this knife in a thrust kind of requires you to go.
I'm I'm more used to holding a knife in this fashion where the spine of the blade lines up with my thumb.
But it it doesn't feel so secure that way.
This knife is more of a flat with your thumb in that depression and it locks in these two symmetrical swailes here.
Lock in the in the forefinger and then the **** of the the pommel kind of nestles in the thumb, and that's pretty good, but it still feels slippery to me even, especially if it's in the bathroom and there's condensation on it from the shower or whatever.
So I added this so that I could just.
Bob DeMarco- 43:12
Luke, my hand in there just like that.
It doesn't need nothing complicated, but just so I could loot my fingers in there just in case I needed to thrust this and my my hand slipped up.
It would.
It wouldn't be the end of my hand so.
You know is this born out of experience and necessity?
No, but it's born out of imagination and fear.
You know a healthy fear as well.
Bob DeMarco- 43:40
You know, heaven forbid, but I don't want to not prevail because I didn't have something in the bathroom to fight with.
Just in case.
I know you think I'm nuts and that's fine, but.
But it helps me pass the time anyway.
Very very great.
Very cool knife and a classic.
And it comes in this.
Bob DeMarco- 44:01
Thermal mold plastic sheet with with.
With nylon over it and you have two options you can carry it Scout style or.
Oh no, you don't have to even carry it Scout style.
You can loop it onto your Molly.
Oh, but The thing is, I always thought the retention on this was rather light, but then I met a guy at my old martial arts school who used to ride a motorcycle everywhere and he carried this on his belt and he had it rigged upside down on his belt.
And it never fell off, so it doesn't rattle in there.
It's pretty secure in there, but I always just thought it removed.
Bob DeMarco- 44:36
It came out.
It came out too easily, but apparently it's stout and sturdy enough to take the jostling of a motorcycle riding upside down on a belt.
The CRKT sting nice little dagger and it is it's pretty inexpensive and I think you can still find them all right.
Next up is a really cool kind of dagger that I only have this one of, but I recently mentioned I'd like to get a custom one of these.
Anyway, I'm talking about the vaunted push dagger.
This is the cold steel safe keeper and as Jim and I were quipping before we started rolling, there was a period of time.
Where all of the knives that Lynn Thompson named sounded like.
Bob DeMarco- 45:24
Peacekeepers safekeeper.
All combinations of these kind of things, and so I could never remember which one is which, but this one is the safekeeper too.
Safekeeper One was a double edged without with a void in the blade.
This one is a single edge.
What is this one?
Two 3 1/2 inches of double edged boss eight.
I believe that is just wickedly sharp hollow hollow ground, which really helps.
Bob DeMarco- 45:53
Like that article in that book was saying the primary function of a dagger is thrusting, but you can get some slashing and cutting if you handle the geometry correctly.
So some of my favorite daggers.
Have hologram blades and that hollow grind makes the blade thin enough that a slash is realistic.
Could pull off.
Otherwise if we going just for straight rigid thrusting, those edges are going to be oblique and you know you might split instead of cut.
If it's soft material, so this thing this was made in Japan very nice and this is an older one, this is when they first started first switched over from their leather sheets to cadets and for something like this a kydex is much much more welcome because it's more realistic per carry in my situation
though I rarely carry this.
Bob DeMarco- 46:50
I'll I'll I'll every once in awhile, I'll pull it out be like I should carry a push dagger, why not?
Create fixed blades all the time and I think push daggers are cool and I have this one, but this handle is the is the grippy checkered kraton that holds deal uses.
It's great to keep it in your hand.
Apparently it's great when wet and all that but.
You know, since I carry in the in the waistband, I don't like the way it feels rubbing against my my sculpted oblique's and I also don't like how it kind of tugs at my shirt because it's a rubbery material so I end up carrying this not too much.
At one point I thought about wrapping it in sports tape, you know?
Or you know that white tape.
Bob DeMarco- 47:32
But then I thought then I'll just look like a criminal then.
Then I just look like I'm.
I'm trying to, you know, I'm thinking I'm going to use this so I I avoided that.
So anyway, the push dagger.
The idea is it's in your hand.
You're gripping the grip like this.
There's no way or or it's very difficult to disarm.
Bob DeMarco- 47:54
A traditional.
Straight bladed knife.
You might be able to disarm in various ways.
This one is short, so it'd be very difficult to discern, but there might be various ways you can.
You can grab a knife out of someone's hand if you create pain in other places and, and you know, whatever.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Bob DeMarco- 48:12
This is all theoretical, from from, you know, practicing in a in a in a martial arts school, but theoretically you can disarm a straight blade much, much easier than you can this because you can't access that grip.
It's buried in there.
And then the only thing that protrudes from the hand is on unfriendly, so you would have to create a lot of pain elsewhere and maybe on the wrist and on the top of the hand and on the arm to to to disarm this thing to let so the person voluntarily or involuntarily.
Let's go as opposed to stripping it out.
So there are a lot of people people like the kerambit for that reason.
People like various other kind of knives that.
That are captured in your hand for one reason or another, thinking that it can't be disarmed.
Bob DeMarco- 49:00
Of course, anything can happen.
You could trip and fall and go like this and try and catch yourself and drop your push dagger so it's nothing is a guarantee, but no doubt in the hands of a ****** or someone who's used to fighting and has intention.
That is an awful, awful weapon to come up against.
OK, Next up, this is the only one.
That is not symmetrical in the blade, but it is, but it isn't.
This is a modern.
I'm going to call this a modern modified since since in the knife world we can just throw modified in front of stuff and be justified in whatever comes after it.
Bob DeMarco- 49:35
I'm going to call this.
A modified pistol grip dagger.
This is the felony stop.
A Laci Szabo design made by tops they still make this tops I love tops knives.
I love pretty much everything they do that I've ever held, and I love drooling over pretty much everything they make.
But I have a special soft spot in my heart for their smaller self defense knives.
They're very nasty and imaginative and really are optimized for Kerry.
Bob DeMarco- 50:07
And so I, I do love that about them and this felony stop was the first one that I fell in love with.
And so, so this, I contend, is a dagger.
It is a modified pistol, grip dagger, OK, pistol grip.
You see why?
That's obvious you've got this curved handle that that curves down from the blade in a pretty dramatic fashion.
And so if you're holding it in a Saber grip.
You get your holding this pistol grip in a Sabre grip like this.
Bob DeMarco- 50:40
You get that point forward in a way that allows you to get that point where it needs to be without having to torque your wrist at all.
And and so this to me would be an ideal knife for someone who's got a lot of firearms training because the grip feels kind of maybe.
Might feel natural to someone who's who holds a pistol.
A lot.
Great thing about this knife that has that thumb swell so you can put a lot of power behind your cuts.
Also when it's in reverse grip you can use that thumbs well for trapping your opponents limits.
Sort of acts as a as a weight as a way to capture right in this space.
Bob DeMarco- 51:20
Why is this a modified dagger?
Well, look at it if you look.
OK, if you cover up the the back portion of the knife and just look at the 1st 2 inches of that blade.
It is a symmetrical spearpoint blade.
The top edge terminates at that Swale to allow for different grips, but this is a dagger and and the reason I say modified is because the bottom edge is twice as long as the top edge, but it's for a purpose and and ultimately that front business end is symmetrical and spearpoint so I can test.
That this thing is a dagger, and so.
That's how I feel.
Bob DeMarco- 52:01
I love this knife as I do most of most of them, but this one in particular.
I know Laci Szabo has designed so many really interesting.
Come not combat, but self defense and tactical oriented knives.
One he's known for by name is the Szabo.
The Spyderco Szabo knife that big curve upswept.
Harpooned Persian blade thing is awesome.
I I happen to know that our buddy Stu at Stone and Steel up in Vermont has one.
Bob DeMarco- 52:37
They're hard to find and he's got one so you can look him up.
Alright so there is the felony.
Stop by tops next is another cold steel surprise surprise.
Do you love the cold steel and this one I had?
Gave away and then just recently bought another version.
Someone else is so this.
Here is the whole steel peacekeeper too, so the peacekeeper comes in came.
Bob DeMarco- 53:05
It's discontinued now.
Sadly came in two sizes.
It came in this five and a half inch bladed size.
And then it came in a 7 inch more classic size.
Combat Dagger I have the trainer for that and I want to get that one too, but I saw this one on the on blade form.
Someone was selling some old cold steels and this one was one I've always wanted to get back.
Gave it to a friend in Philly years ago.
Bob DeMarco- 53:35
The one that I had and.
Kind of regretted it the moment I did it, but he gave me a really great pair of American optical sunglasses, so it was a fair trade.
I still have those sunglasses.
Hopefully he still has the knife.
A very comfortable handle here.
This is that again that create on and this is an older knife now and I can't help but feel that the crate and starts to.
Breakdown it feels suspiciously tacky to me.
Bob DeMarco- 54:03
You know, just just to the touch, but you know.
What are you going to do?
Stop time?
The handle on this one is a little smaller, obviously, than the seven inch one I'm used to the seven inch because of the trainer that I have, so I'm used to a larger handle in this forward grip.
And you know, with a dagger you're pretty much limited in the forward grip through a Saber grip like this, or a sideways grip like this.
But you cannot do a Filipino grip where you're coming up and putting your thumb on there unless it's modified so.
I find this and the shorter handle on the dagger to be less comfortable in forward grip than in reverse grip reverse grip.
Bob DeMarco- 54:44
This knife is ideal.
It's the perfect size for my hand and for capping the thumb.
It's very comfortable you.
That guard is not only protrudes North and South but also east and West so you get a little action on the like Coke Bottle action on the side and very grippy.
I would feel very confident using this knife in either grip, but to me it's more comfortable.
In reverse grip.
Great thing about this knife.
Bob DeMarco- 55:09
Not only is the are the bevels hollow, this is a hollow ground quad ground knife.
They're their current budget.
Daggers are chisel ground which is also cool.
Has a flat almost convex side here and then the crowned double bevel on top.
But the great thing about this one is that all four bevels are hollow ground, so they get pretty thin behind the edge and then.
From Ricasso to about an inch or two inches behind the tip, it swells out.
It's not a parallel line it, and it's not a converging line.
Bob DeMarco- 55:44
It's a diverging line until it hits two bellies on the top and on the bottom and then come to that terminating point so those two bellies on both edges make this a much, much better slasher than if it had just straight edges or a or a diminishing edge to that point, so I love.
The belly that nature of the daggers that Lynn Thompson has designed my next a. I hesitated doing this episode because there's one I really want to get the type and I've always wanted the cold steel taipan and I will get that eventually and then I'll do a dagger update but love the cold steel
daggers for their bellied edges and so they they, they really maximize the blade for slashing and thrusting and and that's something that is, well, it's valuable in a dagger.
All right Next up.
RA One I was gonna say.
Probably the most beautiful but I really like this one.
This is the Spartan harsey dagger Spartan blades just out of North Carolina.
Bob DeMarco- 56:48
Makes amazing knives right there in in North Carolina.
And and bilharzia out of the Great Northwest has been designing the coolest tactical knives for quite a while.
You can spot his knives in museum.
He's got a nailed down design language.
Even when I look at this dagger, which not necessarily known for doing daggers.
But when I look at this dagger, I can tell it's a harzi not removing it from the sheep yet because it is in this.
Amazingly gorgeous Chattanooga leather worksheet.
Bob DeMarco- 57:21
Chattanooga Leatherworks is under the are MJ umbrella, PMJ Chattanooga, Leatherworks and American Tomahawk, all under the TMJ label.
I believe they are also out of North Carolina and or no, I guess Tennessee.
And just making amazing amazing stuff.
I love this sheet so gorgeous and this top part can be removed with these Chicago Bolts here and you can put a put some more discreet carry options on it.
If you wanted to carry this Knife and not for nothing 4 Dagger A4 a full size dagger this this might be just the most terrible full size dagger that I can think of right now.
Alright, removing it from the sheath.
I just want to look at the one.
Bob DeMarco- 58:10
But yes, OK, that's what I thought.
This is exactly 6 inches.
Look at this beauty.
This is a beautiful Knife.
Now you can see that those edges are parallel and then start to terminate towards the edge.
About 2/3 of the way there.
But these again.
Bob DeMarco- 58:29
Are hollow ground bevels though.
They are much steeper and less broad bevels because you have that very rigid raised spine.
That medial Ridge here, which has full thickness too right about there and then it tapers down to that edge, so this one is definitely a thrusting.
This one is optimized for thrusting.
That doesn't mean those edges aren't sharp, they are very sharp, very sharp.
However, with the length of the bevels.
And sort of the steepness of that.
Bob DeMarco- 59:05
You might get a little less slashing power than you would out of, say, the safe key.
What is east keeper Safekeeper peacekeeper?
But this thing I, I mean, I don't think you're gonna miss any performance with this.
It is just a. Words words fail with this dagger because to me it's just a thing that it's such a thing of beauty.
It's 35 V and you got William William Harzi signature there on the ricasso you've got about an inch there.
If you need to bring your finger up into the into the well here for whatever reason so it's not sharp right down there.
I appreciate that.
Bob DeMarco- 59:47
Sharp thruster, you've got an incredible Coke bottle handle.
This thing has me stultified you've got a really, really beautiful coke bottle handle and you as you turn it you can see that it's really nicely contoured but never does it feel unsure in hand.
Sometimes round handles.
Like if you've ever watched forged in fire, you'll hear Doug Mark.
I say this all the time.
When testing blades or any of them when testing blades, if you have around handle it's gonna turn and you're gonna lose edge orientation or it's more likely to an impact turn and you will lose a d'orientation.
This one is nicely rounded, but the contours.
Bob DeMarco- 01:00:27
On the spine of the blade around the Tang are are such that you have a very positive grip.
You always know where your hand is.
You've got this nice jumping for top and bottom here and then forward facing quillons, which I think are nice because they allow you to back that thrust with your thumb and your forefinger.
So just a beautiful knife.
These handle scales are clamshell down there and so that Thang is not exposed.
And a classic.
I now I need and this is a need and not a want, but I need the less jorde Spartan blades dagger and then and then I will be complete.
Bob DeMarco- 01:01:12
I will be whole.
Alright, second to last is an absolute classic, but not the absolute classic.
Here it is with the sheath.
Yes, it's the Randall Model 27, meaning 7 inch blade.
This is the Model 2 combat stiletto.
This is a knife I've wanted for years and years and years and years and years and then come but never even considered it.
A because of the cost and be because of the five year wait to get one made for you.
Bob DeMarco- 01:01:47
This is the exact configuration of this knife.
I always wanted stacked leather handles with a commando style handle.
With brass symmetrical quillons here and that 7 inch blade any longer, I think the 8 inch blades of might be a little bit too long for for being light in hand and that kind of thing and so anyway.
The way I got this was knifecenter they'll get shipments of Randall Blades and you got to jump on them because they go quickly, but if you like Randall knives, these legendary blades that you'll be sight.
This one has some of that.
Some of those same features as the Spartan harzi.
You have an unsharpened ricasso area that you can wrap your finger around.
Bob DeMarco- 01:02:35
I know that with.
There were there was a style of fighting with a Randall knife with a Randall clip point which has the clip sharpen where you would put the main edge up and have that clip which was sharpened there and you would bring your finger over the top and you get very nasty percussive gouging tearing cuts
when you use the back part of a Bowie like that.
And so I guess GIS learned that and there was a Randall style of fighting where you where you had the.
The Edge the main edge up and used that sharpened sweat.
You can take advantage of that same thing here with this with this setup.
And you can even thrust like this, because this tall brass quillian in the web of your thumb will stop you from sliding up onto that onto that blade.
Bob DeMarco- 01:03:26
And there is a generous bit of ricasso for that.
The blade itself is flat ground.
I don't know you know what?
I'm gonna I'm gonna recheck last time I checked I determined it was flat but no it is hollow ground slightly hollow ground and again you've got a nice bit of belly here for slashing so not quite as bellied as the cold steel blades towards the tip, but a nice rounded surface here.
Edge Edge profile.
I mean for slashing.
Just a classic classic, you got that nice long handle that works great in the Saber grip like this, so a classic that was born out of no doubt.
Bob DeMarco- 01:04:12
This last one and this is the truest classic of the classic.
This is the Fairbairn sites.
This is the Type 3 I believe Fairbairn Sykes, mass manufactured at this point in the war.
I believe it was 1943 and 44 that this.
Particular style came out.
My brother gave me this one.
It's a little rough on the handle here it was.
Bob DeMarco- 01:04:36
Seems like it was cast.
I'm not sure who the maker was.
At a certain point, these the the making of these went far and wide in Chef Field England.
But So what is this thing designed for?
It's designed for dispatching suckers, I guess.
I mean, look at it, it is a purpose driven weapon.
This is straight thrusting.
Bob DeMarco- 01:05:01
You can cut with that edge.
It's actually a very thin and sharp edge, and it's a diamond in cross section.
This one is a little bit warped.
But this is a a true to form dagger, where it is.
It has those edges that are.
It's basically a triangle, basically a long thin triangle and and it is meant for pushing past material past canvas and indo flesh.
And that's what this is.
Bob DeMarco- 01:05:31
It's a beautiful knife and it has led to the design of many, many beautiful daggers I. I greatly appreciate this one.
My brother has given me so many cool gifts in terms of historical knives.
This one rests on the wall of fame behind me and I wouldn't mind getting a few other.
Fairbairn Sykes daggers just to have and hold.
Alright, that's me.
I've come to the end of this dagger lecture.
I'll just run down.
Bob DeMarco- 01:06:01
I got I got 2 micro text I got a I got an arch nemesis.
Well that's another 40 and slip sorry I got an antimatter got a CRKT sting, a safekeeper, a peacekeeper, a felony, stop a Spartan harzi, a combat stiletto and affair brand sites.
Some of my favorite knives.
These daggers, hopefully here soon you'll see me with a couple others.
Like I said, I've had my eye on the pipe.
Taipan for I don't know.
100 years and so I think it's it's time for me to pull the trigger on that one and I would like to get the omerta by Boker and Jason Stout.
Bob DeMarco- 01:06:38
And then I've been eyeing up a bunch of customs on Instagram.
God help me God help me all right?
Coming up this Sunday.
Check out my interview with Dan Kessler.
What a cool guy.
Do you know who Dan Kessler is?
You probably do.
Bob DeMarco- 01:06:50
He makes these incredible Japanese swords and and the like, but he's really known for his kind.
He's a he's a champion blade sports guy and has designed some of the most successful choppers and one of my favorite creations of *** **** a 18 double edged shortsword chopper.
God amazing.
Anyway, check that out.
That'll be on the podcast this Sunday and then also be sure to join us tomorrow Knife for Thursday Knife Knives right here on YouTube.
You can also check it out on Facebook and Twitch and join the conversation.
Speaking of which, download us wherever you listen to podcasts right here to my.
Bob DeMarco- 01:07:29
Well, stage right all right for Jim working his magic behind the Switcher.
I'm Bob DeMarco, saying until next time I do implore you don't take Bill for an answer.
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Bob DeMarco- 01:08:00
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Knives, News and Other Stuff Mentioned in the Podcast
- Bestech’s New Tanto Called Titan
- Book “Weapons: An International Encyclopedia From 5000 B.C. to 2000 A.D.” (Diagram Group)
- The Knife Junkie’s Patreon Group
Pocket Check
- Boker Smatchet
- Kubey Vagrant
- TOPS Rapid Strike
State of the Collection
- Kubey Flash
- Kizer Pelican
- McNees Knives McKnucks
- Microtech Troodon
- Microtech Ultratech
- Arcane Designs Antimatter
- CRKT Sting
- Cold Steel Safe Keeper 2
- TOPS Felony Stop
- Cold Steel Peace Keeper 2
- Spartan Blades Harsey Dagger
- Randall Made #2-7 Combat Stiletto
- Fairbairn Stykes British Commando Knife

Let us know what you thought about this episode. Please leave a rating and/or a review in whatever podcast player app you’re listening on. Your feedback is much appreciated.
Please call the listener line at 724-466-4487 or email bob@theknifejunkie.com with any comments, feedback or suggestions on the show, and let us know who you’d like to hear interviewed on an upcoming edition of The Knife Junkie Podcast.
To listen to past episodes of the podcast, visit theknifejunkie.com/listen.
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