Paddy’s Potato Peelers – The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 397)
Stephen of Paddy’s Potato Peelers joins Bob “The Knife Junkie” DeMarco on Episode 397 of The Knife Junkie Podcast.
The Paddy’s Potato Peelers channel on YouTube is about knife reviews, EDC gear and craic – or enjoyable social activity; having a good time. He has been posting knife content on YouTube since 2017, and recently began a conversation show called Paddy and Pals Podcast where he and co-host Justin take a much deeper dive on the topic while offering up entertaining banter.
Paddy hails from Northern Ireland where he collects slip joint knives (and others) and waxes poetically about them on YouTube where he has garnered a devoted fanbase of followers.
Paddy and Bob discuss the draw of traditional knives — the natural materials, workmanship and connection to the past — and contrast them with “modern traditionals” with their space-age materials, builds and manufacturing processes. Paddy’s love of slip joints comes largely from the restrictive knife laws and social mores in Great Britain, where locking knives are allowed, just not outside the house. Accordingly, he has a small but refined collection of locking knives that even includes his “Grail” knife.
Also covered in the conversation is Paddy’s years in the Navy and time afterward spent solo camping where his appreciation and use of knives blossomed, setting the stage for his later “obsession” and the eventual birth of his YouTube channel. He talks about these personal pieces of his past with his usual warmth, whit and charm.
Like many in the knife world Stephen of Paddy’s Potato Peelers finds healthy escape in the knife hobby and sharing his love with other like-minded people and in doing so, he has created a burgeoning community of knife lovers in his own neck of the woods. If you haven’t yet, you must check out his YouTube channel and podcast and get to know him… you’ll be glad you did.
Find Paddy’s Potato Peelers on YouTube at and on Instagram at
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Stephen of Paddy’s Potato Peelers joins #theknifejunkie on #podcast episode 395 to chat about the Paddy’s Potato Peelers YouTube channel -- and a whole lot more. Definitely one not to miss! Share on XPaddy’s Potato Peelers - The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 397)
©2023, Bob Demarco
The Knife Junkie Podcast
[0:00] Welcome to the Knife Junkie Podcast, your weekly dose of knife news and information about knives and knife collecting.
Here's your host, Bob the Knife Junkie DeMarco. Welcome to the Knife Junkie Podcast.
I'm Bob DeMarco.
On this edition of the show, I'm speaking with Stephen of Paddy's Potato Peeler channel.
Stephen hails from Northern Ireland and exhibits all the signs of a full-blown knife junkie.
His channel features thematic videos covering every aspect of his amazing collection of slip joints, as well as other knives I've noticed recently.
And now Stephen hosts a conversational show called Paddy and Pal's Podcast for a deeper dive on the subject.
[0:46] We've talked in virtual person before on Thursday Night Knives, but I'm really looking forward to hunkering down and getting to the bottom of what motivates his love of folding knives.
But before we do, be sure to like, comment, subscribe and hit the notification bell and download the show to your favorite podcast app. And as always, if you'd like to support the show, you can always do so by going to Patreon. Quickest way to get there is to go to the slash Patreon. Again, that's the slash Patreon.
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Visit the Knife Junkie at to catch all of our podcast episodes, videos, photos, and more. Stephen, welcome to the show.
Thank you very much for inviting me. I'm really, really happy to be here.
And I didn't even say hello to Jim. I was engrossed in listening to his voice live.
And Jim, I'm very sorry for being so rude. Nice to talk to you in person.
Oh, well, cool. I'm sure he was. He's happy to hear that. Jim's the man and he keeps the lights on here for sure. He's amazing.
So, Paddy, before we get rolling into our conversation, I got to know about the name of your channel, Paddy's Potato Peelers.
Where did that come from?
[2:27] It came from me, my wife, and I think there was one or two of my daughters sitting in the front room.
And I said I was starting a YouTube channel, which was a bit of a hilarious sort of subject to them. I couldn't understand why, but anyway it just came into my head and I thought, what about Patty's potato peelers? And they just burst into tears. I laughed and I thought, right that'll do. I think it was as simple, it was so simple it's even really hard to remember. It just came out and it stuck. It's that alliteration, you know, the three P's, everyone loves it.
I still get it now when you do the GEC, you collect GECs, you've got the PPP, the Paris Premier, you know, it just, I get the Mickey taken out quite a lot, especially from, what do you call the old fella?
Oh, he used to do a lot of other GECs, he sells knives every week, what do you call him?
Oh, his name's... You're talking about Rob Bixby. Rob Bixby, yes.
Sorry, how could you forget his name? Apostle P. Every time he unveils a knife with PPP, he always says, Parry's Potato Peeler, which is my complete claim to fame.
That's awesome. All right. So, well, you're in Ireland, as I mentioned, that's where you hail from.
What's it like collecting knives in Ireland? Is it a permissive environment?
[3:49] It is more complicated than most countries because we're a nanny state.
If you know anybody who talks about knives, it's not, you know, for cutting your dinner, there seems to be this fear in knives. Now granted in the UK, and I think a lot of places know or know, there's an awful lot of stabbings going on with youngsters and teenagers. And I, can accept why some people would get frightened if you're living in a bad district and that there, But I lived in Northern Ireland through the Troubles, so I mean, I don't quite see it. I don't think the knife is not the problem, it's the people that are the problem. But it's a very hard concept to get across to people who don't believe they've got a problem. And I think that's the main part of it. It's that fear factor and then the government making things more and more complicated to collect knives or buy knives, to carry knives and it just all becomes, it's got to the stage and it's gone on so long the chances of change and I believe are next to nothing unless something.
[4:56] Radical comes out, I can't think of any way you would change it. So we're restricted to knives under three inches that are non-locking. Now this is the very strange thing, you can have knives, you can have locking knives that are over three inches as long as you don't take them out of your house. Which I can never understand why that is going to help somebody who's going to use.
[5:19] One of his knives to take it out. I mean the kids take a kitchen knife out, they don't take a 400 of Enza, I had to go and stab somebody. But it has got to a stage now where I've got over the anger of it, I've got over the disappointment of it, and you just have to accept wherever on it. If it's a law, it's a law. You just have to accept it. And you get more gnarly like it and it doesn't change.
Well, you got to be aware of the waters you're swimming in and know why they're like that.
Even here in the States, we are a permissive environment for knives, more or less, depending on where you are. But still, there's a media that works on our fear here. And yeah, they'd love to get knives as a part of that, you know, part of the gun conversation, that kind of thing. But I've been getting knives in the hands of people I work with. I'm doing my part to reduce that fear around here. I've never seen a knife jump out of the drawer and hurt someone.
I've never seen a knife fight. I grew up at the time when there was riots on the street.
Got up and down and armored cars up the street, never seen a knife fight.
[6:27] It's not a very big place. Yeah, it's somebody sits in a wee desk and has nothing to do for the rest of the afternoon, comes up with a solution to a problem that was never there.
So do you have compatriots around you who collect knives as well? Is there a community there?
Yeah, it's growing. And this is the wonderful thing about it. And it's only started growing since I went back to slip joints. I seem to have gathered this half a dozen to ten people in the north of Ireland itself and I've met a few of them now, which is an unreal experience, is meeting somebody that's on YouTube. I'm very close friends with a fellow who I do a podcast with.
[7:12] He just lives about 10 minutes away. Me and him spend a couple of afternoons a week or a couple of bars in the evening, you know, and we just sit and talk knives. And it's like, do you know, it's like giving a junkie a big pile of coke and say, go and have fun. It's on us.
And that's exactly that feeling. And I'm not making fun of it. I'm an addict myself, but it is. It's that feeling that you get up, oh, this is amazing. Because I love talking about knives, like all of us. Yeah. You know, it's interesting that you say that because I've met a lot of people in the knife world who for whom knives have been a remedy to some of the some of the more addictive issues they may have had in the in the past and um you know i'm sure i could count myself among them in one way or another you know yeah uh just the the the enthusiasm of the people that you meet who are also into it it's so wholesome you know even though they're knives it's so wholesome and it pulls you down a positive road.
It really, really does, especially for me.
What am I talking about? 34 years sober now.
[8:22] And I've also gone through the death of my son with suicide.
I mean, getting over alcohol was one thing. My son was a completely different thing.
I would end up at places I never thought I could ever get to.
But you see, when I found knives, it was the first time in years, that I actually had something where I could talk about and I didn't have to think.
And that has been exactly this way for six years now. I do believe it gave me something that I think...
Get other things out of my head. I could just concentrate on that for a podcast or a video I'm watching. And it was amazing in the beginning, the release that can give you. So yeah, very much.
And we all have, I'm not saying mine to be terrible, but I think we all have little demons somewhere. And when you find something that eradicates them demons and keeps you in a healthy place, this is perfect. Hang on to it. For you, what is it about? Have you thought about dissected what it is exactly about knives that has a grip on you?
[9:25] Um, have I thought, if I thought it wouldn't cost me a fortune if I found out that secret, I just haven't found it. I don't think there is a secret. I think it's one of them things, like any hobby, like cars or whatever you get into. Once it's in your head and you feel the the pleasure and the pain of being a knife collector and being a YouTuber.
It takes you away from the world.
Like when I played golf for three hours, I walked around the golf court, all I thought about was golf.
With my knives, I could come in and have 10 minutes here and there.
I can have an hour, it's not so. I don't have to dress up to go out in the rain.
I just sit in my wee room and I can be quite happy with a pile of knives in front of me.
And I'm thinking of topics for videos.
You know, I thought about this recently. I'll come home from work sometimes.
I noticed this on Thursdays before my live show where I'll be riled up about whatever I've been listening to in the news and I'll think, you know, it'll be heavy on my mind.
And then once the show starts, all of that goes away.
You know, sometimes I'm like, oh geez, I need to talk about this or that.
And I'm like, no, I don't. People are not tuning in to hear about that.
They're tuning in to not hear about that.
Yeah, definitely. I mean, it really is. And it's such a simple concept.
As you buy a knife, you test it, you carry it, or do whatever you want to do with a knife.
[10:52] And then you buy another one.
[10:56] There's no great complicated secret. That's the way it is. You buy a knife.
Like I bought a beautiful Sub-Enzo the other week. It's what I've wanted for ages.
And it's a real, I'm not gonna say grail, I've only got one grail I keep saying that but it's one of the it's my highest end knife that I've got and I adore it.
And I've spent the last two weeks trying to think of things bad I could say about the knife because everybody says they're wonderful or everybody says they're rubbish. It's so difficult sometimes to find a different angle to come to review a knife. I don't do a whole lot of notes.
[11:33] My thinking is sitting with a knife in front of me having a look at after use, having a look at it and just what do I get out of that knife and I would rather find the good things than the bad things because if the things are that bad I wouldn't have it on my channel to start with, you know what I mean? I would just get pass it on and get a knife that I can say good things because there's an awful lot of people out there, designers, makers, that's their living and I don't feel, that I really need to get into lambasting something just for the case of it. Now that's just me, plenty of people do it and I watch their channels, I love the way they do it, people have a lovely way of doing it sometimes. But it's just not my form. I want this to be my happy space. Yeah, yeah. And right, I agree. It's only every once in a while do I feel like it's, valid to bring up the real negatives of something. If something's dangerous, of course, you have to mention that. Very much. But I like this happening a little bit more and more, for me now, but I know with other big YouTubers, people will send them knives for advice.
Okay, here's my prototype, what should I change?
And I like the idea of that sort of private connection in that private.
Well, in my opinion, this, this, and this, and then you can aggregate all of that data and then make your fixes without having it be a big public spectacle.
Yeah, I sort of get, but you're a bit of a knife maker as well, Bob.
You make a nice... I... I'm sorry.
[13:03] I think the joy of making a knife is making the mistakes before you get to what you actually think is a knife to show somebody. And in your head you've got a good knife, you just want to confirm.
[13:13] Should I be the one to say, oh that was a millimetre better, it would just make your knife perfect.
That would drive me insane. I'd rather put it out and have it flop, do you know what I mean?
[13:24] Everybody's different. Look, that's what's so lovely. This knife world is just fast.
But I've gone through so many ups, downs, arguments. I have a big mouth and get myself in trouble lots of times. It's just me. You get the real person. You know what I mean? But most of the time, when I have knives in front of me, I'm happy. I'm joyous. I get a new one. Should it be 10 pound or 400 pound? If it's good, it's good. That's it.
Yeah. I had someone comment on a Walmart knife. I went out to lunchtime. I needed a fix. I got a a real cheap $6 knife and I talked about how I was surprised what you could get for six bucks.
Yeah. And someone commented like, I'm unsubbing. I can't believe you're showing off this crap.
And I was like, you'll see everything here from a $6 knife to as expensive as I can possibly get and everything in between.
Exactly. And that's what it should be. I mean, that Walmart knife that came out with an Axis lock, that looked a fantastic knife.
I just couldn't believe it.
So I mean, yes, look, I might not ever carry it. I might not ever use it in real, but I would keep it in my collection just to show what you can get for six months.
You know, right before we started rolling, I mentioned to you, and I think this is probably a good place to bring this up, because I think you and I are similar in that.
We have pretty big collections that are the show no sign of slowing down. I mean.
[14:50] It's very hard for me to sell knives because they're in my hand. I'm like, well, this is a great knife. How do you evaluate a knife? What are the things you're looking for that make it worth buying and worth keeping to you? Bob, I'm going to upset you badly here.
I was exactly the same as you. I had hundreds of knives. I don't even know. I never counted them and hundreds. About two years ago, I made that leap in I can't keep all these knives here. If I want to get better knives for the channel, I'm on a pension. I don't have a whole lot of, I'm comfortable. Don't get me wrong. I'm comfortable. But I don't have that huge amount of money. So two years ago, I started the let go of knives. And it is the most cathartic thing I have ever done in my life. It was difficult to get started. But you'd see once I got started, and I realised, look at the money I just, I can get this, I can get that.
[15:44] After I got down to where I wanted to, I mean I'm under 200 knives now, which is amazing from what I had, because I used to get Chinese manufacturers, they sent me six a week, some of them didn't even make channels but on boxes, because I couldn't get them away.
So when I started selling, oh it's such a relief, it's another game. And now I'm now picking the the knife that I want, whereas for years I was picking knives for the channel.
And that is a nice relief. And yeah, to be honest with you, my, my watchers have gone down.
I get about half as many people now watch my videos than when I done locking knives.
And I know it doesn't matter in the slightest.
The other ones have stared along and you see them every now and then.
I'm happy with that because I'm happy collecting knives that I like.
I want to bring them out. The excitement is genuine. I'm really happy to get them.
[16:38] Locking knives I have a box here there's about 15 in it and I have a couple of scrappy ones lying about the house all over the place and in bags but I have 15 knives that I just rotate and each year I buy a new budget knife, that replaces last year's one. It's great. It gives you another lease of like an expensive one. I had to sell an expensive one to get an expensive one so I might not have wanted to let the one go that that I did, but it just makes sense after a while.
To me, to me, Bob. Well, no, I mean, don't get me wrong, I have sold knives, but far fewer than I intend to, because when I'm away from the collection, you know, I'm off at work or something, I'm like, oh, I could get rid of that whole bottom drawer.
And then I go home, open that bottom drawer, I'm like, yeah, but.
Yeah, three finger, thumbs up. Yeah. Exactly. And I get that too, Bob, I get that as well.
And again, there's no answer. You'll do it when you're ready.
It's like getting married. When you find the right one to do it, you'll get there.
Oh yeah, yeah, exactly.
And you know what? I've never regretted getting rid of that zero tolerance Rexford that I thought was so awesome.
You know, I've never yearned for it since.
So I think I just have to do it. Yeah, and there's a few, right?
There's quite a few I could take back, quite readily take them back again.
[18:01] Now that I've got people over here in Northern Ireland, I can sell them to local people who find it harder to get some knives.
So that's great, you know, I can pass a bundle off, you know, where they'll get a good, really good price for a bundle of knives that they would pay much more to get it delivered from America.
Okay, so you posted a video yesterday as we're recording this, that really, man, I didn't even watch it, frankly, I haven't watched it yet, but it got me envious, not envious, it got me jealous almost immediately.
And it's all about Great Eastern cutlery barlows, of which I have not.
I have a decent Great Eastern cutlery collection, but I have no barlows.
[18:41] Well, you might want to re-edit it, that wasn't me. That wasn't you.
All right, well. That was what do you call them?
Oh, he gets one of the Jackal's knives as well. He's a jujitsu teacher.
Oh, knife thoughts. Right, right. Knife thoughts. He had all the GEC Bardo's.
Okay, okay. Sorry about that. My mistake. No, not at all. You said you had watched it, so...
Yeah, right. Right, I would have known immediately when I heard his voice.
But no need to edit that out, but you do have a good number of Great Eastern Cutlery knives.
And I love Great Eastern Cutlery knives, and you also mentioned Jack Wolf knives.
So I want to talk about those two as they relate to one another.
But first of all, with Great Eastern Cutlery, what is it about those knives in particular that make you really want to collect them and get more?
Everything about them. I mean, I've got Jack Wolf knives now that are really sort of three times the price at least.
As most of my GECs, you know, and I love them knives too, but there's something about the GEC, the amount of hand finishing that goes into them. Now they're not completely handmade anymore, and they're using modern day machinery. So I mean, yes, we call them traditional, and they're as traditional as we've sort of got, with the hand made that goes into them.
[20:10] I love the fact that they're quite hard to get. Now, if you imagine how hard to get over in America, of the Ark. Imagine what it's like over here. I invested so much time in my collection of GECs that they become, it's like they become the fabric of your collection. They have to because it's so hard to get.
[20:30] I love bone, I love wood, I love all the different styles and patterns that comes out of GEC because they are older traditional patterns. Yes you'll get the modern ones like in everything but they're taken from older patterns and I just enjoy the older style of knives. I've started buying now old American knives like Shrade, Oldtimer, I've been getting more case knives and I'm really enjoying that older class of knives. That is my passion. The jack-of-nice is my modern side of my head and I nearly put them with my locking knives and that modern sort of collection. And it's great because I have them separated, do you know what I mean?
I can go with my old traditionals and can sit and stroke them all day long.
[21:17] My chair, I always have a knife to fondle, which is quite sad, but I do. I love sitting with a pocket knife and just fall. I'm not a flicker. I had a wee period of that, but it just, it really didn't do anything for me when I cut myself too much. So I love it. You know, there's nothing like getting a lovely old GEC with a beautiful bone on it and sitting at knife time. It's like a worry stone. This is my worry stone. And that's the joy I get out of it. And it's the touch in the field with them and when they go discoloured after you've cut your steak with them, everything about it just...
I think I went over the top there. How about you? No, no.
It is a passion. It really is a passion that's lovely. Just everything about it. I don't have to confuse them with higher end ones like Jack Wolf now. They're completely separate. In my, head, they're not even the same genre. Do you know what I mean?
Yeah, I do actually. Well, I think of it the same way. Something about the GECs that I like is that that they seem like artifacts.
[22:20] You know, they're made now, but they seem like, they seem like they could have come from my grandfather's little chest on his dresser.
And then when I look at the jack wolf knives, which I positively love, they are modern traditionals.
I know that's a weird thing to say, but with the materials and the level of fit and finish and all of that, they, to me, they fill a similar, They fill a similar need of in terms of non locking knife.
But but the the natural materials of the GECs and the case knives.
Yeah, they separate in my collection as well.
What have you found about case knives now that you've started collecting them a little bit more?
I know that they are polarizing.
[23:08] Yeah, I think they're polarizing. And the only reason they're polarizing is that so many people, just accept what they get. And I think that's, you know, you've got the diehard case people will not have anything said bad about case. But I've had a couple that were absolutely blooming shockers, do you know what I mean? They were horrendous.
Now, I didn't get a stack of them. I've got about 16 GECs and at the minute I have a a bite and I've only started in case I've got a bite.
[23:38] 12, 14 case knives, but every single one of them knives, you could give to anybody and say here have a look at that. They're well made, their bone is beautiful, their dying is beautiful. I mean, yes, their blade steels are not fantastic, but to be honest with you, this is where people fall down. A traditional knife does not have the M390. This is a knife that's made for, you know, was made for like farm laborers, builders, people who were doing things with their hands. They wanted something that they could cut with but also when it went blunt they could get rid of a bit of stone in the hearth and give it an edge again. You can't do that with M390 but you can with a lesser steel and that's the other joy of them. They are so easy to keep up. You don't have to be a genius. I mean you get one of them in spite of co-shark makers. That's all you'll ever need the rest of your life. You know what I mean? Or the landscape's even cheaper and it works exactly as in. But so yeah, there's everything about it, and it's the history I think is the main thing. You think of what we use now, this N390, go back a hundred years, it was a buck 110 or something, with an HC steel that wasn't hardened the way these modern ones are. I mean.
[24:51] It was just bog standard steel. And to be honest with you, you think that people crossed America, And that's what they would have had for their food, for making things, repairing things, you know, building structures. I just, that history is the joy of it.
[25:09] Yeah. And I would say that the modern marketing machine has, in my mind, I'm not going to put this on anyone else, but in my mind, it has turned steels that were always fine, always serviceable, always good steels, it's turned them into butter in my mind. Like, oh my God, if it's not M390 at 60, It's going to just like, yeah, it'll just bend when I use it.
But we forget, you know, steel is still steel, even if it's 420.
But the whole thing about it, Bob, is learning how to sharpen.
I'm a nagger for people to learn how to sharpen. My friend Justin, he does a podcast with me.
He couldn't sharpen a knife. and he's got himself one of the...
[25:49] These new super sharpeners, what do you call them? KME or whatever? Work sharp.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. So I have a work sharp here and I use this for reprofiling.
It's amazing for reprofiling. You get that first edge that's nice, it's even all the way up. And then I just hand sharpen after that.
Because I never use a knife enough to get it to go blunt. I can't remember the last time I blunted a knife.
Me too. unless I cut a steak against a plate and yeah.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, I do that regularly, but I mean, I just hold it and it comes back again because they use carbon steel. So my steak knives are beautiful, but there's simple steels that are easy to just bring back again.
[26:35] Getting back to the case, I have noticed, and I wanna see if you've noticed the same thing, straight across the board, all of their models, beautiful, like you said, bone and natural materials, but especially their bone and the way they dye them, and the different series they come up with are outstanding.
But I've always noticed that the CV line, the chrome vanadium, they're 1095.
I think they put, it's much more limited than the stainless steel lines that they have.
They have so many different, but I have noticed that they put a little extra effort into those CV knives. and they seem to be a step above.
Have you noticed that?
Definitely, I love their CVs normally good. I don't know that it was always 10.95.
I would have put the case knives that I've got maybe 1075.
[27:27] Do you know what I mean? I just wouldn't have put them up that high. They're more like the steels that we've got over here in the UK on our Penn Knight, the older Penn Knight. But they've now started to bring out the CV, not the CV, they're bringing it out and they're not calling it CV, but they're calling it 1095. They actually have it on the blade. So I think it'd be a great one for Pete to do, Cedric and Ada, to get the old CD and the new one with the 1095 and do a cup test with him. I love Pete's cup tests. I have them. And just him, he himself, he's awesome. He's a tit.
[28:10] Before, you mentioned a grail knife and I jotted that down because I wanted to come back to it.
You said you only have one grail. What would that be?
Benchmade 940. But what's even more about this? This knife was, when I first started, was I... People say it all the time, but I would have thought 50 pound about going on a knife was outrageous. That was just a stupid price. But Jeff Jewell, who taught me how to sharpen via YouTube, watching his videos on the phone, asking him what I'm doing wrong, what I'm doing right. And he sent me this. And I don't know whether you'll ever remember, Bob, but I danced around my living room on a video, like a little excited school girl when I got this. I was so happy.
But the first thing that got me was because I'd never seen one over here. I didn't know anybody who collected knives but when I came and I opened the box and I looked down into the wee box and I seen this.
[29:15] Tiny wee knife. Because I've been so used, I had the Gansu one that imitated it, but, it was about an inch and a half taller, wider, thicker, heavier. And this totally wee thing came out. And it was surprising just how much I went, oh, that's small.
Was it disappointing?
Oh, absolutely not. Absolutely not. But do you ever look up something, you look up a knife in a late night and you see a knife and it's adaptable. That's perfect for me. That's my hand size. You order it and it comes and it's about this size. I have done that repeatedly. I never check the sizes of a knife. I really need to do it much more often. I did. I once got my Microtech Troodon out the front double edge. It's a mini and when I got it, I was so excited that I found a deal. This was on Bladeforums, you know, secondary market. I was so excited and proud of myself for sleuthing it out and finding a deal. Like, no one sells a Troodon for this. And then when it showed up, it was like, oh, I didn't read. It's not a combat Troodon, you know. And actually, it's still one of my favorites. It's, I wouldn't have gotten it if I had known. But, you know, I got it. And And well, that's a good thing because, you know, I do get sort of prejudice about size.
I look, oh, it's got to be three and a half to four and that kind of thing.
[30:42] I got this one this year which is the small one, the 945.
[30:48] I absolutely adore this. I carry this more than I do my 940 now. It's smaller and there was no need to have a smaller 940. It's small enough. This to me is my swap over from these knives to this.
[31:06] This is smaller than a GEC I would carry, but I just love it because it's pocket knife size.
And I think that's where I'm at with most of my collect. It's things that I can just put in my pocket and are comfortable, I don't have to do anything special to carry them or have a super duper clip. I'd rather have something in a slip and in my pocket. But I love the smaller version of the 940, which, you know, I never thought I would ever want the smaller 940. Yeah. So is that how you carry? You just drop in a slip and... It's illegal to carry that out in the street because it's got a lock. Yeah. But I've got an old man's memory. Sometimes my memory doesn't keep up with with the, with the laws.
What I'm supposed to do.
[31:52] I just old age deuterite. Yeah, well I'm getting the gray in my beard too.
I'm going to start using that excuse. I'm going through gray, white and, gray, white and it's starting to fall out.
[32:03] I had no idea I couldn't carry this, sir. Yeah, exactly. And who's going to stop a silly old man sitting in a park carving a stick?
I don't do anything that's going to make a knife scary.
And if I'm sitting in a park, I'll have a puck in it. have that and I'll have a pocket knife but that's if I want to break a big twig I might use that to cut it you know but I'll have a pocket knife to sit and but let's jump.
Yeah. So it seems like you've done good missionary work in your community for getting people to like knives and you've gotten knives in their hands. What about your family? What do they think of your knife obsession?
That's exactly what they're thinking is, I'm obsessed, I spend too much money on it, too, much time on it, is there nothing better I could do?
My simple answer is, no, I'm retired. I'm playing unfair. It's my hobby and I'm sticking to it.
So they're all, they all take a mickey, I don't need to be honest with you, they can't understand it.
My boys never had one of them interested in knives. I tried to get them to come in and have a chat with me, but nothing, not interested.
And now my grandchildren, I've got two of them that are slightly interested, but the older ones now, there are 20 that joined the Navy on their way, the older grandchildren, they never got interested nice until they went to join the Navy. One of them joined the Navy and he wanted a sack.
[33:26] To take with him. So I gave him a nice brand new sack there and he's quite happy, but they're no interest. Well, that's a good place to start.
Swiss Army Knife is a great place to start. You never know he might return from the Navy with a slightly better understanding of why it's so important.
If he uses it, if he uses it, and that is the biggest part of telling, getting somebody into the knife community, you can give them whatever you like. You can give them a $500 knife, but if they don't use it, it stays a $500 knife on a shelf, and they'll never get the love knife.
So I mean, it's getting them to use it, it's getting people to tell, look, just carry it in your pocket because you'll find reasons to use them and that's when they become useful.
[34:09] Same as a flashlight. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Are you a flashlight guy? You know, I have a about 10 maybe a flashlight, but that's going back six years, which is a lot of them I gave away because companies send you the review until I got completely bored with flashlights. I only need 100 lumens for anything. You know, this is where it becomes or I become irrational because I like to, well, I'm going to use an expression from your side of the the pond, but I like to take the piss out of people on Thursday night knives about torches.
It's not a movie, it's a film. It's not a flashlight, it's a torch. I'm like, what do.
[34:50] You need that for? More than 100 lumens? Then they'll come back and say, well, why do you need 20 bowie knives? I'm like, well.
It is. It's another part of that EDC side seems to be coming so popular now. These fidget things that Lefty has. I gave things like that to my children when they were in a pram.
I don't get them. I have to say I still have one spinner that I got from a company years ago, it was a titanium one, and I still sometimes get it out when I'm sitting at the desk and give it a wee twirl. I got to give it to Lefty. He really did resurrect the fidget thing, you know, because I thought it came and died a quick death pretty much, but he persists and he finds some pretty exotic ones.
[35:40] Look, I think Lefty is one of the best newcomer YouTubers because he doesn't take himself seriously. He has put in effort to get them knives and make them a great job of it, but he's now selling underpants. He's actually doing underpants on his channel. He can sell To me, he's the perfect YouTuber.
If you want to sit back and just watch somebody, you know, it's like a Duracell battery, you wind him up and he goes to the next thing, gives it 100% and moves on to the next thing.
He's fantastic.
He's one of the few guys I can listen to and don't even have to watch. You know? Exactly.
[36:20] So the whole EDC thing, you know, I guess knife adjacent gear that's collectible, you know, we were talking about case knives, they're imminently collectible because they keep giving you the same but different, the same but different. How are you on this EDC thing, besides flashlight, which is kind of a necessity, a lighter or something to make fire at some point, not knives, of course, but how do you feel about the whole EDC thing?
[36:49] Like, I'm going to be really honest, I think I'm just a bit too old for it. What goes into my pockets, we've gone into my pockets for years and the thought of adding something else in just, my treasures will fall off if I keep putting things in them, you know what I mean? I need braces.
Well, actually, this is an interesting point because I'm a little bit older than a lot of the EDC guys on YouTube and it's a similar thing.
I think it's good for young, and I'm going to say, well, men and women.
It's good for young men and women because they're growing up now in a time where self-reliance is not pushed so much. Yeah.
And they're looking at, you know, everything happens virtually.
And so the more prepared physically in the real world or excited you can get people about that, the better.
When I was growing up, you know, it was kind of like, that was a given.
We didn't have all that stuff. I know I sound like an old guy now.
We didn't have all those things. So what was exciting were gadgets, mechanical gadgets.
It is just a genuine truth that when we grew up, we were out in the forest, we were building forts, we were playing cowboys and Indians and you had to make your own bows.
You didn't go to the shop and mommy bought you one. We didn't have the money for that.
So you went and you made them. My dad taught me how to make bow and arrows.
[38:09] So there was a sort of things that you got used to having things that were useful, as you rightly said.
And a knife was always the first one you wanted.
You have done quite a bit of, if I'm not mistaken, I mean, what do you call it, caravanning?
Yeah, I had a motor home for years and then we've now got a static. But I used to bushcraft as well, I camped a lot by myself because my kids didn't like that either. So I used to go by myself up to the woods, spend a night up there or two nights and just have a fire build something, like a chair and then sit down in the hammock, cook my dinner and videoed it. It was very strict, I was very basic with videos, it was just turn it on, here's what it is.
But I enjoyed that.
[38:58] Again, it's that thing of getting out and doing something that just takes your mind away from everyday life.
When I got knives, I was getting to that age where I had to stop doing it.
I was getting into hammock.
I was nearly going to have to ring the wife up to get me out of it again.
I loved all that. I suppose I do like even sports. My last lot of sports was golf and things like that.
It was very one side. It was just you against whatever. I quite like that.
I played rugby all my young life. So it was nice to get away from that gang mentality, you just be able to be comfortable with myself.
I mean, there was times in my life I couldn't sit in a room by myself, without feeling anxious or the thoughts, bad thoughts would come back.
[39:46] Knives is that other side of this that we don't like to talk about, but it's just so true.
It gives me, I can go in and sit in a room for eight hours to not miss a single soul and be very, very happy.
[39:57] I don't get to do that very often, but I do, I could. Yeah, I think that's ultimately what hobbies are about.
I remember my grandfather, I come from a very artistic family and it all comes through my maternal grandfather.
And I remember being young and kind of sitting down and drawing for like maybe 10 minutes and then getting up and running around.
And I remember him saying, you're gonna need to kind of basically hunker down on the hobby.
Bobby, you need a hobby. I remember him saying, I'm like, I got hobbies. I like to draw.
He's like, you can't sit still for more than five minutes. You need a hobby.
And only as I get older, do I realize how true that is. He used to say, cause he loved to fish.
Say a fisherman never gets in trouble.
You know, the idea being you always have something to do. If you if your hands are idle, you can always go fishing. And in this case, it's if your hands are idle, you can always make a knife video.
You know, that was another one of my sports fly fishing that took up later on in life.
And I loved it. I love getting in the rivers and catching wee half pound brownies up and down a river all day, sitting watching the birds. It was just again, it was that something that took me away.
And I think every man, probably especially because a woman seemed to be able to just.
[41:18] Compartmentalize everything. I'll do this then I'll do that. I don't have that ability.
I have a head that's all over the place. So when I'm doing a sport or I'm doing a hobby, that gets all my attention and makes me sit and do it.
Yeah, you're right about that. I mean, I don't know if I can say that straight across the board about all women, but all the women I know and work for and with, yeah. You know, it's like, like I've been told that I clean the house impressionistically, a little bit here now, a little bit over there, a little bit over there.
Eventually it all gets done, but you know, going room to room seems to be a difficult thing.
That's funny. I was hoovering today, Bob. And I get the hoover, I was getting the hoover.
And it wasn't working and I'm going, Sally, the hoover's not working, right?
It's not picking up. Keep going, come here, see this.
My wife comes in with that look on her face.
Stephen, your 64 year old, is it full up? Is there something wrong with it that way? Check it.
I've never done that. So she just grabs it, takes it away, fixes it and give it back to me and I'm happy then with it.
Yeah, yeah, look at the lines. They're all so straight, you know?
And then I get weep, did you move the poofy?
No. Move the what?
The poofy, food stool. Oh, okay. We call it a poofy.
[42:38] Okay, so I know you've been making the videos. I want to talk about the podcast that you do. But.
[42:45] First, how do you determine, like, do you make videos on any sort of schedule? Or how do you determine when and what you're going to do? Is it just kind of like what grabs your attention, what you're most excited about at the time? It's usually when I walk in here, like.
[43:01] I always used to say the Saturday chats was I come in the Saturday, I would get a stack of knives out and I would just sit and look at them and then try to pick topics that I might use during the week but I'd do one on Saturday just a chat on something that I'd picked up on while I was having a look at them but during the week I'd just get up in the morning, I'll have my breakfast, I'll sit, I'll do whatever wee chore Sally has for me and then I just pop into the room and whatever I pick out sometimes I can have 50 knives out on the table and not find anything that's come into my head about making a video. Because like you know, after six years of doing this, hey, I've done quite a lot of videos. I'm trying to think of something that's new is impossible anymore. I just can't do it. I don't have that reach. So I just pick a couple of nice, then I'll get maybe a comparison and you just sit there and it comes to your head and you do it.
I don't script anything. And all that's because I'm rubbish at photography. I can't take it in.
I've never played a video game in my life. I don't have anything in common with these people that can slick everywhere.
And my podcast is only working because I've got Justin now. He knows what he's doing.
Much like you're Jim, he is my Robinson Crusoe and he even talks as well, which saves me something else.
He's on big wages, man, you.
[44:18] You're paying him big for this? No, no.
No, I'm kidding. Yeah, that whole concept of, geez, what am I gonna talk about this time with knives?
But you know what I've noticed is that, well, first of all, I'm always surprised that I do come up with something because.
Because it's not a static thing like you said you you're always you know every time you walk into the room you're re-engaging so to speak with the knives and things do pop up, but you know what else is great is this, Thriving community also gives you ideas. Yeah, I'm surprised by people who put out videos every single day.
[44:59] You know like tabletop full-length tabletop videos every single day and they come up with something new something new Some of our favorite voices have, you know, that's their living, you know, not too many, but so, you know, they have to come up with stuff. And I'm shocked at the creativity.
[45:17] Absolutely. It's not something I would never want this to be my living, because it's so important to me as a hobby. And I mean, Bob, and most of my, I never even asked for subscribers anymore. I didn't really all the time, but I don't ask.
If I've got people that are watching my videos, I'm happy. And, you know, over the years, I used to be getting higher numbers, maybe twice as I have been getting now.
And it doesn't bother me because I have enough friends in the community now that I talk to and watch my videos.
It makes it worthwhile for me.
So I mean, I don't think I'll change. I think I'm too old to change.
I'm not a very good reviewer anyway, but at the best of time, I just throw a knife on the table and talk what I think of it.
[45:59] That's what it is. And another wee fella just started up in the UK yesterday and I was able to help him get started and give him a few tips.
And seeing the joy in doing that and getting people in the UK, the more I think you get involved, the more it's going to become, the more other people are going to see it and realize that it's nonsense making this silly decision on my age just based on what the government tell you.
Oh, I could not agree with you more on that.
And then in terms of numbers and your numbers fluctuating or whatever, and then settling in once you've settled in, I think that that's indicative of this.
I think people tune in because they like, for instance, you, not necessarily even your knives or what you're going to say. That's what drew them in.
Oh, he talks GECs a lot. I love that.
And I like that he shows them up close. eventually, you know, you tune in to someone like you, or me, because they like you or me. For instance, cutlery lover, who's.
[47:02] Been on the air longer than anyone almost three years. I love him. He's just such a cool dude. And he could talk about hot sauce and I'll watch it. He can talk about weight loss. I'll watch it. Yeah, I just like him.
Yeah, he wouldn't have been mad last year on silver coins. He had me distracted on silver. That I switched off on.
Yeah, well, I mean, you know, he's got a lot for everyone, but it's really his personality eventually, and his voice. You get used to someone's voice and it's nice to hear, you know.
Bob, your personality, I think, sort of reflects your nice collection too.
[47:37] I'm an older person, but my love, my proper love is older knives. Now, geez, they're not older, they're brand new, but they're that older style of knife. I would never go out with a seven inch fixed blade on the side, even if it was legal. I just wouldn't do that because it's never been in my psyche. I don't need to wish for it, whereas other people, young people would love to be able to do it. It's not something... So I've sort of come down in size.
[48:10] And I've sort of come down in expectations, you know what I mean, of what other people want to see.
I just do what I do and I've helped people that like what I'm doing and it's marvellous. It really is. See, once I... We put an awful lot of pressure on ourselves when we first come around. I must be good. I must do this. What am I doing that he's not doing? Trying to copy that. And that's right.
That's how you get on in anything. You copy, take what you like, put it back out if you don't like it, try something new. But I think once you get past that stage, you're the most comfortable person I know behind the microphone in the whole YouTube community. You sit back and it's like, under your shirt, sit back, clothes on. You have that personality that just you want to listen to your talk and it's effortless. It looks as if you're not putting any work in it, but I know you're you're putting work in it. And I know Jim's good work in it. But for the person who's sitting in front of you, who you're trying to engage with, it's just, oh, there's Bob, he's a good lad. I go on his channel, I'll get my name read out. I can get what my carry is. And for people who don't have YouTube channels, that's a big thing, getting their name called out, getting their daily carry called out. I think that's something that's maybe neglected by a lot of us, where you hit on that.
And now everybody's doing it, what are you carrying with you? But I think you were the one that and they should really started that off.
[49:29] And you've got people coming to you because they got that where they never got another channel.
So I just, and I knew, I'm the worst in the world at the minute.
I go and watch videos. I forget to subscribe. I forget to do comments.
Because in the nighttime, I'll maybe watch 15. And I'm trying to get them all watched before I go to bed.
And I say, I'll definitely go back and do that. Never do it.
No, no, no, there are too many videos. Yeah.
I've got so many people that I knew the community that I watch your videos, if I was to start answering every question, I would never get to bed at night at all. I'm a bad sleeper as it is. So yeah, you and Jim, I think, have got a, fantastic. I'm getting that feeling with Justin, although we're very much ad hoc.
But you see the bouncing off each other and the crack that we have while we're doing it, that's worth it.
Money couldn't buy that.
So what are you learning from that end of it? You know, it's different. It's conversational as opposed to you just waxing poetic alone in a room.
Yeah. What are you getting out of the podcast?
And again, I'm meeting, I met somebody who I hadn't met, but I've known for six years on YouTube.
He's commented on my videos for six years.
I've met him when we talked, we text and all. But he came on my podcast, Tony Meador, I don't know whether you know him, do you? Oh yeah, yes, I know, yes. His collection now is very, very high end.
[50:56] We had him on the podcast last week and he says, well, what should I bring on? He'd never been on a podcast, never been on YouTube. And I says, I want the most expensive, luscious looking night that you have. Bring them on and let me see them. Because if I want to see them, other people are are going to want to see them. I can see 500 Civivis, I'll still not get excited, I just won't.
But he came on last week and if he'd get a chance to go back and watch it, he was a gent to talk to.
You'd swore he'd done it all his life and he has some of the most beautiful $3,000 knives sitting there with all the bells and whistles. I would be frightened to take it out of the box, but that's me.
He's not, he loves it, it's what he, he's in retirement too, he's got a bit more money he ever had, so he can just invest in them. And they are just so lovely to watch and see what other people like.
I have never had nice envy of knives that I've wanted that other people had, but I've never been envious of them. If that makes any sense.
Oh yeah, sure. You know, that's why I said jealous and not envious before.
Envious means I want it and I don't want you to have it.
[52:06] Yeah, no, I'm quite happy. I'm sorry, you said $3,000 knife you show. Is that like a fixed blade art knife?
No, this is a folding knife and there was numerous of them. He brought about six knives out and, and they were all over a thousand.
[52:25] Some of them were way over. You should go and have a look. So I will. They're like a piece of art.
You're an artist. And when you see a knife like that, you have to look at it artistically, not how much it costs. Not what you think that's crazy. It's a piece of art. And the workmanship that goes into some of them knives is truly astounding. And then you get to talk to somebody like that who's got them. And I was saying to him, how long does it take these boys to make these knives and he says do you want to know something? Someone can make a whole one in a day and others it takes months to make one you know to get it and I just I love finding that sort of thing out that somebody has the ability to do something like that in one day when you see them you'll understand why it's just so yeah I'm getting an awful lot and we're going to meet more and more people and we're going to do it from something I'm going to get this three fellas just started, he's in the second video, second day, I'll get him on in a week's time. There's a lovely person to start with. What do you want to get out of it? You know, he already collects knives, but it'll be nice to see what he's looking for. Oh yeah, and that's a little boost, you know, that's also getting him, you know, kind of, it's like throwing the kid in the pool. Okay, now you can swim. That's great. Yeah, and I got an awful lot of help when I came around, so I mean.
[53:44] You can give a tiny bit back of what I got.
I got far too much, but it really set me on the way.
Now do you ever have the urge or desire to make knives yourself?
Are you a tinkerer or a handy guy?
No. Not whatsoever. It's never, never. I would love to design, I'm saying design one.
I will get one done by Ashley Harrison over here, who's my favourite knife maker.
But he's the son, him and his father own Arthur Wright knives.
[54:18] And Ashley makes customs on the side. Not only running a factory, but he makes these in his spare time. I've got numerous knives off him. He's a custom maker, but these are knives that are traditionally made by hand. He does a whole lot from start to finish and he makes them in the more simple materials. It's C70, you've got 1095, 01 tool steel. All is custom under an 01 tool steel but it's not hardened to its highest ability because it's meant to be a work knife even though it's a custom. Now if you'd ask him he'd maybe go and get you that certain steel but that's not him So I just let him pick the steel that he thinks appropriate. Again Bob, I'm probably never going to blunt it, but he has made me some. My favourite working knife was a knife that cost about, would cost about 120, 130 pounds, handmade just for me. This is the only one.
[55:18] Oh my goodness. That is just beautiful. That is beautiful. All hand made.
Is that camel bone? What is that? What kind of bone is that?
No, that is just ordinary bone died. Just white bone died. That is beautiful.
It's beautiful. Look at that shield. It just, everything.
And it's a heavy knife because it's thick bits of bone.
It's a heavy knife. It's got a good spine. It's a working knife.
And that's what his Arthur Wright and I's.
[55:44] They're never gonna be the best fit and finish in the world because they make too many too quickly. And it's for work, it's for farmers. They're all in farmer shops, you know, you'll get them. Not just farmers, but you know, working men, they go in, they buy a cheap knife, it's, you know, 25, 30 quid. They buy it, they use it, they blunt it, throw it away, get another one. The next time they're in there. But this is one of my favorite work knives ever. Arthur what? Give me that name again. Arthur Wright and Son, they're an old English company. Arthur Wright and Son, okay. Because when you first mentioned I said, oh yeah, yeah, but then I was thinking, I think I was misremembering because you've featured a number of knife folders from Great Britain that are not, that I am not so familiar with and that maybe are not so common over here. There's another one that's made by him. Look at that. Is that not beautiful?
And these are too fully. You'll not see any joints or anything in the shell at all. It is Absolutely perfection. And watch this back spring. You'll like this, Mom.
[56:51] Look at that. If you're only listening there is beautiful file work on this slip joint spring on the back. There's file work on the brass liners but then up the center on the spine of the knife I don't know if you can see that it's like a you know a holly leaf sort of going up. Yeah.
It's like a leaf that is done by his father. It's chased with a hammer and chisel. He does it free hand right up the back of the spine. Unbelievable. It is so beautiful. You can see that right up the center. That's all done by hand. And there's not, I can't see a flaw anywhere. It's beautiful.
So this is obviously one of the custom ones.
Yeah, this is, yeah. But I'd asked, I'd asked Ashley, I knew his father done this and he does it on one of the, I think it was Senator knife. He does it for the company. But I asked him, would he do this, especially just for me on the night fast he was making me and he done it.
So I was over the moon to get the father and son together.
So being in Northern Ireland, have you have you formed special relationships with any of any of the makers, in Great Britain that that that has yielded anything in terms of like?
[58:05] We don't see too many YouTubers, too many big reviewers from over there. No, no.
Well, I've made a, with Ashley, I'm very close with a couple of shops, especially a shop now that sells the jack-of-nives over here.
I've made a great relationship with the father and son that own it.
And I'm hopefully going over to England next, this year, the end of this summer to visit.
They've invited me to the factory, me and Justin, to go over and get a factory tour, which I would just love to, because this is an old factory with old machinery.
It would just be an absolute dream of mine to get lost in it.
[58:42] That would be nice. But there's not a lot of knife makers that make slip joints in the UK.
There's lots that make fixed blade and bushcrafts a big thing over here, which I was into first of all, which again involves a very important knife. But it's not so important that it has to cost 500 pounds. My Mora lasted me for 15 years. Again, the sad mathematics of knives.
Yeah, exactly. I had a Mora and I had an open hell. The Mora did all my woodwork, the open hell done my cooking and fancy stuff. And that was it. And I had a, I was so different.
I had an old cleaver from my kitchen, which I still use to this day for chopping firewood.
Oh cool.
One of the best knives ever. It was a heavy big cleaver. It was great for de-limbing branches and doing whatever. I never had a posh hatchet.
See, that's what's cool. That is a very frontier attitude, you know?
I'm gonna take this cleaver, I'm gonna butcher my meat with it, then I'm gonna chop down this tree, then I'm gonna make kindling.
I love it. My wife still doesn't know it's hers. Oh. Oh. I wanna keep it under that.
I know she's one of the Knife Junkie Podcast's biggest fans, so I'll keep it under.
It was one of the good ones I took out of the kitchen.
[59:59] I don't know what happened to it, darling. I have no idea. All right, Patty, as we do when we're wrapping up a show with a reviewer, someone such as yourself who has a channel, I like to do a speed round so I can really get the cut of your jib just from one answer questions here.
So are you ready, sir?
Go ahead, man, I'm ready. Okay, and if you've been enjoying this conversation, which to me has flown by, and you no doubt are, please be sure to maybe check us out on Patreon because there will be more conversation with Patty up on Patreon.
And so that's my incentive to tell you to go over there and check it out.
Oh, I've got some gossip, Bob, as well. What's that? Wild gossip.
Oh, yeah, I can't wait to hear that stuff. Become a Patreon member.
I didn't think Lefty could do that.
Yeah, yeah, oh, I can't wait to hear this hot take.
[1:00:53] All right, so first, fixed or folder? Folder. Okay, traditional or modern?
Traditional. Half stop or no half stop?
Mostly half stop. Okay, flush it half stop or doesn't matter?
Couldn't give a monkey. Ha ha ha.
Clip point or spear point?
Ooh, flip. Oh, that's a terrible question you have. Done some work in it. I have to pick one.
I'll go for the aesthetic day clip point. Okay. Multi-bladed or single-bladed?
Single-bladed. High-carbon or stainless? High-carbon.
Light-pole or heavy-pole? Heavy-pole.
I'm quick. Modern materials or traditional materials? Traditional.
Okay. Lanyard hole or not?
That really mattered. Not probably then, yeah. Probably not.
Yeah, you don't see it too much on traditionals, but the back pocket and the some some models I do like it on, Yeah, yeah, I have a couple I like it on you know especially the GECs. I like a, Lanyard on the big GECs. Oh, yeah. Yeah, okay, so, GEC or jack wolf knives.
[1:02:16] No, I don't like you I'm sorry, it'll have to be GEC. That is my, you know, it is. GEC would be it.
Okay, one more of this style question. Case knives or rough rider?
[1:02:36] Case. You can explain that. Jigged bone or smooth bone?
Jigged bone. Okay, micarta or carbon fiber?
Ah, that's difficult because in...
I'm going to say carbon fibre because, I don't have many of either on traditional knives. So I'm going to go to my other higher end knives.
I would definitely go carbon fiber.
Okay. Second to last question, form or function?
[1:03:18] It should be function, but to be honest with you, form sometimes can be good.
Welcome to the club, sir. And then lastly, what is your desert island knife? And all I mean by that is you have to get rid of everything else but keep one knife. What would that be?
Tender or slippy. And I know it's not a locking knife, but I don't care. It's the knife that I would take and feel comfortable using anywhere. And it's just a beautiful knife.
I have always wanted to get my hands on one of those. And it's unexpected and great to hear you say that. Yeah. Look, honestly, I've never seen a knife that's been designed for anybody who's scared. If I hold down here I can still get four fingers, right? I close the knife, it can't get me.
If I go up to the choy it can't close at all. So it's the most safe slip joint that Hendricks spent so much time getting that right because to close it there is nearly unheard of and it doesn't hit you. Look at that gap. That was something you took a lot of time making a knife right and I love this knife. It's thin enough that you can use it for food prep and stick enough that you can use it for everything else. So there we go. Oh man, now I don't like you because you just put in my mind that I have to get one of those. I'll tell you what, they have the prices dropped out of it.
I would get one now. I've seen them going. I've seen them going. 200 pound?
[1:04:45] On the secondary market and that cost me 300 a few years ago.
Okay well I'm gonna have to check that out because I love my Hinderer knives and I need a slip joint companion. Paddy, Stephen, I want to thank you so much for coming on the Knife Chunky podcast. It has been a long time coming and I'm so glad we finally made this happen.
[1:05:04] And I would love to see you in my podcast now that you're on camera. We'll definitely get that made, I would love to see it. The one thing I'm going to ask you to bring with you is six knives that you would treasure as in your fighting knives.
Because a lot of people don't see them. I would love to hear, I've heard you talk about them and the passions in you.
So that would be great if you do that. Sorry, I'm talking on.
I would love that opportunity. That sounds not only to be on your show, but to show off those knives on your show. That'd be so awesome. Amazing.
All right, Paddy, thank you, sir. I'll check in with you in a minute.
All right. Thanks everybody for watching. Subscribe.
Do you like the sound of the alphanumeric combinations M390, 204P and 20CV with bristle at 8CR13MOV and AUS-8?
You are a knife junkie. Probably worse.
There he goes, ladies and gentlemen, Stephen of Paddy's Potato Peeler.
Talk about someone who's easy to talk to, man. I feel like I've known him for years and I can't wait to go on his podcast now.
So I'll, when that happens, you better believe I'm going to broadcast that far and wide here.
So you'll find out when that is.
Be sure to join us next week for another great conversation.
And of course, Wednesday for the midweek supplemental and then Thursday, Thursday night knives, 10 PM Eastern standard time right here on YouTube, also on Facebook and Twitch.
Not that I've ever video gamed.
[1:06:29] For Jim working his magic behind the switcher, I'm Bob DeMarco saying until next time, don't take dull for an answer.
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[1:07:17] Music.
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