Sheeple-Friendly Knives – The Knife Junkie Podcast Episode 209
On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 209), Bob “The Knife Junkie” DeMarco covers a new CRKT Ken Onion release and a movie knife from the 1990s in Knife Life News as well as unveiling his pocket check knives for the day — the Bestech Malware, the Pro-Tech Strider and the Cold Steel Culloden.
He also looks at four knives in his state of the collection, including the Pro-Tech SBR Fixed Blade, a Kansept Knives Main Street (w/ mislabeled blade), an impulse buy he now regrets and a loaner from a friend, as well as covering his top “Sheeple-Friendly Knives.” What are Sheeple-friendly knives? Check out the podcast to find out!
Sheeple-friendly knives. What are they? I'll explain and tell you what I think are great sheeple-friendly knives on episode 209 of #theknifejunkie #podcast. Share on X
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Knives, News and Other Stuff Mentioned in the Podcast
- CRKT Releases a New Ken Onion and Revamps an Old Favorite
- Movie Knife: 1997’s The Edge – Lyttle Lockback – Once again, a pocket knife saves the day
- The Knife Junkie’s Patreon Group
Pocket Check
- Bestech Malware
- Pro-Tech Strider
- Cold Steel Culloden
State of the Collection
- Pro-Tech SBR Fixed Blade
- Kansept Knives Main Street (w/ mislabeled blade)
- Vulture Equipment Works Cholera (on loan from work Friend
- Schrade Dagger (regret impulse buy)
Sheeple-Friendly Knives
- Victorinox Mountaineer (?)
- Finch Runtly
- Ritter Hogue Mini RSK 1
- CRKT Minimalist
- Kershaw Launch 10
- Gerber Quadrant (Bamboo)
- Case & GEC Traditional Slip Joints
- Spyderco Delica
- CRKT Pilar (in this case, 3)
- TRM Atom
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