Summer Travel Knife Purse (A Tribute to Scab) – The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 426)
On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 426), Bob “The Knife Junkie” DeMarco looks at his summer travel knife purse (a tribute to Scab), including the Cudeman Bowie, TOPS Wild Pig Hunter and the Off-Grid Grizzly among others.
Bob starts the show with his favorite comment of the week, followed by his “pocket check” of knives — the Microtech SOCOM Elite, JWK Venom Jack, NoVA-1, and the Wingard Wearables Quill (Emotional Support Knife).
In Knife Life News:
- We Knife Announces GTC Design for Release This Year
- Gotta Get This Kershaw
- Vulpex Knives Adds First Design to Bestech Corral This Year
- Remarkable Bronze Age Sword Found in Germany
- Give to Knife Rights During the Ultimate Steel!
Meanwhile, in his “State of the Collection,” Bob looks at his new Artisan Xcellerator.
Find the list of all the knives shown in the show and links to the knife life news stories below.
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On the mid-week supplemental episode of #theknifejunkie #podcast (ep. 426), Bob looks at his summer travel knife purse (a tribute to Scab). Share on XThe Knife Junkie Podcast is the place for knife newbies and knife junkies to learn about knives and knife collecting. Twice per week Bob DeMarco talks knives. Call the Listener Line at 724-466-4487; Visit
©2023, Bob DeMarco
The Knife Junkie Podcast
[0:00] Welcome to the Knife Junkie podcast, the place for blade lovers to learn about knives and hear from the makers, manufacturers, and reviewers that make the knife world go round.
I'm Bob DeMarco, and coming up, some more cool stuff from Olight O-Knife, the new Artisan Accelerator, new to me and I love it, and then, in a tribute to SCAB, my summer travel knife purse.
["The Knife Junkie Podcast Theme"] Welcome to the Knife Junkie Podcast, your weekly dose of knife news and information about knives and knife collecting.
Here's your host, Bob the Knife Junkie DeMarco. Well, my favorite comment from this past week came to me from 4449 John, and he was commenting on the Thursday night knives on self-defense carry.
He says, my carry depends on destination.
Living in the People's Republic of California, legal choices are limited in many locations.
Locals have laws which are in direct violation of state laws, this pretty much means you can't win.
I decline to state any particulars as I like you and your content, so if I told you, well, you know.
LOL. Shalom. Shalom to you, 4449 John. I love the comment. that hopefully someday the people of the Republic of California will be able to do that.
[1:19] Upgrades their knife laws. Who knows, I'm sure Doug Ritter and knife rights have been trying to chip away. But that's called preemption. That whole thing where local laws from one locality to the next you cross a county line and the knife laws are totally different. Yeah, they're, they're antiquated.
They're, they're built to screw you. And that's the kind of thing that knife rights has been changing state by state. So support knife rights for sure. And 4449. John, thank you so so much for your comment. I appreciate it. And thank you one and all for your comments across the week. They are greatly appreciated. Keep the dialogue going. All that being said, it's, time for a pocket check.
[2:05] Well, as today is a travel day, shortly after recording this, we're taking off for a short while. It's our annual trip. You know, I usually post videos from there. So knife in the front right pocket is the SOCOM Elite by Microtech.
This is my vaunted road trip knife. I love this thing and I've been carrying this every time I get in the car for any sort of extended period of time.
It's not a long trip, but I still consider it a road trip. So this is in the pocket.
I carry this, as you know, I'm sure you've heard this a thousand times at this point, but I carry this because, it's got a glass breaker and it was the first knife I ever had with a glass breaker.
So, it started a tradition. I'm somewhat of a traditional guy.
I'm somewhat of a, I don't want to say superstitious guy, but I'm a man of habits, a creature of habits.
And so, I keep a good thing going.
And I keep this amazing knife in my pocket every time we get up and go.
Not on an airplane, that is. Okay, so that is the SOCOM Elite.
That is in my front right pocket.
And loving that knife. Just a, that's one that I keep kind of looking for.
Exploring knife designs and preferences
[3:20] Other versions of it, not other versions, but I keep my eye on the secondary market.
These come and go, and the Elites are some of my favorites, so I definitely want to get my fill of these.
Okay, anyway, in my front left pocket, or due in the rounds, I should say, is the Venom Jack.
This is from Jack Wolf Knives. was their second release, a take on the GEC 47, the Viper, known as the Viper, colloquially, I guess.
And then this is a wharncliffe, you know, what's it called? Oh, a swayback, that's where it is.
But the back is not so swayed, which I like.
This is a design enhancement by Ben Belkin.
If you ask me, it's an enhancement.
Oftentimes, you'll see on this style of knife, that handle is much more curved.
And I gotta say, I just, I prefer this less curved handle.
[4:18] So.
Beautiful. I happy birthday. See that you always see the little notes I write to myself. It's not my birthday. And now I can't even remember who Oh, okay, I remember what that is. And I'll tell you in just a second. So yeah, I like that this is more of a flat handled blade instead of having it curved too much.
But this is great for pairing and this sort of edge in kind of action. But in my case, I just you know, I can't allow myself to carry knives of the same, of blades of the same type.
So I have a Tanto in one pocket, I got a Wharncliffe in another, and then in the waistband, I have a Bowie.
Today, I'm carrying the NoVA-1.
I've been rotating around a lot. You know, when I first got the Nova 1 prototype, I was carrying it every day, all the time.
And I have since calmed down a little bit on that and allowed myself to enjoy other knives.
I've been so into the TKEL knives and my new Pinkerton knife and my auxiliary manufacturing knife, and my Stroop push dagger that this has been.
[5:24] This has not been carried as much lately so today in Just to have my steadfast partner with me. I'm besides my wife. I'm throwing this in the waistband, and just seems appropriate.
I love that. Little bit of history in my waistband with this Bowie knife.
Okay, happy birthday, because today is my daughter Eden's birthday.
That's what that is for. I wanted to make a comment.
Happy birthday, Eden. She's entering her teenage years, and it's about to get difficult. Love you, baby.
All right, so in the pocket lastly, for emotional support was not a knife, actually.
Today it was the quill. This is the Wingard Wearables Quill.
I recently did a jute wrap on it with my patented aging technique I use on there and I love it.
You know, I didn't think I wanted to wrap this and then I went on a little jute kick, and was wrapping everything in sight.
And this one just seemed to make sense, actually, it fills the hand out a little bit better when you grab it for this kind of hammer fist usage or this sort of punch dagger usage.
[6:39] It doesn't move around in the hand at all because now it fills out. And I just think it looks cool too. To me, it looks like an ancient fish hook now, something out of Moana Alright, so that's what I had in my pocket today.
This is what I do have in my pocket today. The SOCOM Elite by Microtech.
The Jack Wolf Knives Venom Jack.
The NoVA-1 designed by me, and that blade designed by me, and produced, made by hand, by Hogtooth Knives, that is.
[7:11] And then the Wingard Wearables Quill. So, a bunch of sweet knives on me.
What do you have in your pocket today? what do you have in your waistband today?
Let me know, I always love to see what you guys are carrying.
Sometimes it inspires me to get some of the same.
So do check, do write it down below.
Giving away a knife package on Thursday Night Knives
[7:32] All right, so coming up on July 6th, Thursday Night Knives, you may notice it's two days after Independence Day.
So in celebration of that event, we will be giving this away on Thursday Night Knives to anyone who comes and enters and puts hashtag knife in the comment section.
This is all courtesy of oknife slash olight.
And it's a cool little package I put together. They sent me these three things, and I think they go well together. What are they?
First, you have a pocket organizer, EDC organizer here. You got a pocket on this side, pocket here for pens and lighters and stuff.
Flip it over you got the same thing and you have the velcro so you can put These kind of patches on I have a a couple extra. I'll pop on here, um Assuming I remember and then it comes with the eye. What is this?
I always forget what this is the e the i5. I think it is great little light two-stage light I got a bunch of them and was tempted to keep this for myself, but this isn't about me.
[8:38] Uh, and so it's got that great clip that I love that you can use as a pocket clip or also, put on your hat and have as a forward-facing light, headlamp that is, and then it comes with this great O-knife light, er, O-knife, O-knife knife called the Rubato 2, and the Rubato 2 has this incredible bar lock action. I'm not sure what they're, what they're calling their bar lock, but this is fidget all day long barlock. But also it's got a really nice thin, slicey, sheep's foot blade. 154CM blade steel coated as you can see and then the aluminum handle is beautifully anodized with Old Glory there. Just a really nice knife and really great action. Giving this away in honor of Independence Day on July 6th, a couple days after so as your hangover finally abates you can come join us on Thursday Night Knives and start a new one and put hashtag knife and win this for yourself. So I'm very excited to give this away I've had this for I think they sent this right after Memorial Day so I it didn't make sense to give it away until a little bit later and like I said I received a couple of extra patches at.
[10:04] At blade show. Oh, light is awesome. And they sent me some other stuff that we're going to check out. But the I did got to do that first giveaway in in good conscience to really get to this stuff. But let me show you anyway. Great knife. I love this knife. This is called the freeze. Again, 154 cm blade steel, right? Yeah, 154 cm blade steel, a wonderful wharncliffe blade I love that forward angle just beautiful reminiscent of the same of the wharncliffe's we all love like the yojimbo and the and the wharncliffe on I'm very um...
Hinderer knives and stuff just really nice. So it's about a three and a quarter inch, Really excellent action on this knife, Really nice to see it will be nice to see whoever gets this anyway The the snail trails appear on that blasted, Aluminum, I love the look of that.
[11:06] Something that I think I will be adopting myself for research purposes, so I can bring information to you, the people.
Is the Arkfeld light one that I've been lusting for, I mean, one that I need to do research on.
This one has a green laser, which is really cool.
Love that green laser.
It also has a four-stage light, so you can go boom, you can go from low, medium, high, high.
And a very cool light, the Arkfeld, I've been talking about this, we've been talking about this on Thursday Night Knives. I've been very curious due to the form factor.
I love that flat, sort of rectangular shape as opposed to the traditional round.
So we'll be getting into that. Also a Hank and this little mini light, that you can plug right into your USB, and then it gives you a nice little light.
It also has a cover that covers over that USB and then you put it on your keychain or something. So lots of great stuff from o night. O night. I think this is going to fill me O light and O night. Okay, and now they're even saying Oh, Hanks for their handkerchiefs. So anything with O in front of But it is from that company and it's cool stuff.
[12:25] Okay, coming up on the Knife Junkie podcast, we're gonna take a look at some knife life news. We've got some cool stuff, to see there and then after that we're gonna take a look at a really awesome folder that it took me too long to get, from ArtisanCutlery. Coming up right here on the Knife Junkie podcast.
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You're listening to the Knife Junkie Podcast. And now here's the Knife Junkie with the Knife Life News.
I was very excited to see this first story from WE Knife.
They have teamed up with Gus Cicchini, GTC Knives. He's a high-end premium custom folder maker out of Brazil who just makes some really beautiful, crazy-looking knives.
You can remember the Zero Tolerance 0055 based on the Airborne model.
Well, this is one that is also based on that model, loosely.
They're all kind of loosely based on the Airborne model.
[13:49] And this one has a really, really cool look. To me, this is a perfect matchup because We Knife has just been nailing it, on their execution and their design, and this has just kind of taken their stuff even further.
So, Gus Ciccini GTC Knives, he's known for these faceted designs with many sort of geometric facets to them, and they're big, beautiful knives that use an SLT mechanism.
That's a spring loaded tab that hides away on both sides of the knife.
That was kind of the USP of the 0055 from ZT.
[14:27] And we're seeing the same thing here. 3.8 inch 20CV blades, a nice big blade, lots of room to express the artistic lines of this thing.
And yeah, very, very happy to see. There you go, right there, that is that SLT tab.
So you can see, just pull it out with your finger, kind of flips the thing around similar to the kick stop which I think was which came after that this and it all flips around and then the SLT hides on the other side. So I'm sure WeKnife is going to absolutely, master this mechanism and that milling for that design.
[15:08] Beautiful stuff. All right, next up, Kershaw Iridium. This is one I keep threatening to buy.
Threatening meaning probably won't use it very much, but I really want to own it.
Seems like a great knife and I want to support Kershaw when they do great stuff.
And this year, with their upgraded knives and with their bar lock, this is a winner.
This is a winner. This one to me looks great, it's in the right size.
Aluminum and D2, but now they have a 20CV and TIE version.
[15:41] On their website. I think the MSRP was pretty high, but they're actually selling it for 169.
And it's a limited release. I'm not sure if they're finished with it yet, but this is definitely one to keep your eye on because it's a limited edition, addition so if you miss the drop like I probably will you'll have to look for it on the secondary market and I love the look of this Iridium knife and by all accounts their bar lock is really excellent and I'm not remembering what their bar lock is called but it's got a Dura-Lock that's what they're calling it the Dura-Lock so got to check this one out let me know if you have this and if you like it, and if you're going to try and get it in 20 cv. Next up from Bestech. Bestech always OEMing great knives for companies and then with their amazing in-house designers putting out some really cool stuff. And then thirdly licensing designs and this one is coming from Vulpex Knives.
It's called the VK Void and it is a beaut. I think this thing is beautiful.
[16:52] It's a wharncliffe long sort of sheep's foot pointy. What are we going to call that? This is more of a wharncliffe, kind of an elongated wharncliffe blade with a straight edge with a point up a little bit. I mean, like right down the center line, a very neutral handle. I'm not so sure how the ergonomics would feel for me personally, but I absolutely love how this looks.
And this is from Volpex, Volpex Designs, Volpex Knives, and this it's got 20 cv blade steel and sculpted titanium 3.9 3.39 ounces and it just hit dealers check it out it's a front flipper and you also have that hole there for, reverse flicking and all that. Reverse flicking almost sounds like like something that should be on a different podcast.
So check this one out from Bestech. Love Bestech, especially their high-end stuff. It's just beautiful.
[17:57] Next up is a cool one. This is from a little chunk of history.
[18:01] This is a sword that was discovered in Germany.
I have the name Nördlingen, Germany. And it is an octagonal hilt bronze sword, 3,000 years old.
And the crazy unique thing about this is the pristine shape it's in.
It's in. Now it was found in a burial site with a man, a woman, and a child and if you look at pictures of it that the bones are just scattered about, you know, time and tide has sort of ravaged the gravesite, but this sword laying there is the one thing that looks pristine. Look at that hilt! It is gorgeous, but it's the one thing that looks pristine and orderly in this gravesite.
That is, see that?
Look at all those bones scattered around, but there's that perfect, beautiful sword.
The ornate hilt is an overlay cast blade.
[19:05] Apparently overlay cast, and since there are no markings on the blade at all, it looks like it received no battle stress, so it's assumed that this was used for ceremony, and that kind of thing, but I love this.
We've shown off a number of ancient sword finds on this show, and this one by far is, it looks like, you know, it's out of the pages of Windlass Cutlery, or one of those reproduction houses, because it just looks perfect.
By the way, I love that Celtic hilt.
That looks like a Celtic hilt to me, and I think the whole thing is gorgeous.
So, there you go. 3,000 years old, these things we make today with super, that's bronze, you know, the stuff we make today with super steels and titanium, how old, how long do you think that's gonna last?
Okay, the mechanisms won't last if we're talking folders, but these things are gonna last forever, that we're carrying in our pockets if this bronze sword lasts 3,000 years and looks like it was made yesterday.
All right, last up before we dip out of Knife Life News, I just wanna remind you that the ultimate steel is open, and they have already shipped the first batch of the knives that you get when you.
[20:25] The early bird special thank you gift knives. But there are still knives that you can get just for donating.
There's the Terminus for $100, donation for a $400 donation.
There's the Hamster Folder, a knife I'm unfamiliar with. That's from QSP it looks like.
And then it looks like the others are, you donate a thousand bucks and you got a very special limited edition Damasteel Counter-Strike out the front, that's gone, the Cold Steel is gone, so you better jump in it.
Gotta get in it to win it. And this is how we get rid of those awful preemption laws like we heard about from 4449 John up in that comment in the People's Republic of California.
Yeah, it might be legal in this township, but go two miles that way and you're a felon.
So we want to get rid of that.
How do we do that? We support the ultimate steel and knife rights.
Okay, coming up on the Knife Junkie podcast, we're gonna take a look at, I finally get this artisan knife that I've been dying to check out.
And then we get to Summer Knife Travel Purse, a tribute to Scab.
[21:37] But first, if you want to help support the show, Now you can do so by going to Patreon, that's slash Patreon, or you can scan the QR code when it comes up on screen, which it does from time to time on the show, and that really helps support things.
So check us out there. You can also get exclusive content, you can be entered to win a knife, all of that.
All right. That being said, check us out on Patreon. Coming up on the Knife Junkie podcast, we'll check out the State of the Collection.
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And now that we're caught up with Knife Life News, let's hear more of the Knife Junkie podcast.
[22:45] Several months ago, when they announced it and released it, I was very excited to hear that Artisan Cutlery, a favorite of mine, they just keep picking great designs from great designers and they do a lot of cool in-house stuff too, that they teamed up with Mike Snody.
He's a guy that was a big time custom knife maker.
[23:07] Kind of in the earlier part of the tactical knife craze and really always resonated with his designs, always kind of a little, something artistic about him, something a little girty about him, something tactical about him.
I always really liked them. So I was excited when they announced the Accelerator.
And then I was even more excited when it showed up a couple of days ago.
I slept on this one for just a minute, and I'll be 100% honest, the reason I did was because Artisan Cutlery said They were gonna send me one, and then they never did, and that's fine.
They're not in the business of giving knives away, but they were gonna send one for review, because I guess they liked what I did with the Pyrite video.
But anyway, I ended up getting one myself because I think it's beautiful, and I am not sad that I bought it.
[24:03] What am I trying to say? I really, really like this knife.
It's got a big, nearly 4-inch harpoon drop point blade, two things that I'm usually not so excited about, drop point or harpoon, but in this case, both beautiful.
You've got big belly on that blade, still get the point relatively center line, and then you have this gorgeous micarta handle with these grip points here, these swales, perfect for the forefinger and the pinky, and then you have this area right here you You can ride up, put your thumb way up on the blade like this.
[24:40] You can also use this knife very effectively with that. Forward grip like this, choke back on it, what have you.
It's just a bad-ass knife, I think. And you know, I don't use that term too much because it's overused.
But in this case, it really is. It's just a big, but it's not overly big.
It fits in the pocket nicely. It carries nicely. It's not too heavy.
How heavy is it, Bob? I don't know. I haven't measured it or haven't weighed it.
There is no weight relief in the handle scales, but the handle scales are relatively thin from top to bottom.
So it doesn't feel heavy at all. It also doesn't feel blade heavy.
It's nicely balanced and it just arrived.
So I have not even used it, honestly, but I don't feel like it's gonna let me down.
AARPM9, Mike Snody design, and on the nice sculpted titanium clip there, You can see his dollar symbol, that's his logo.
[25:44] Really nice micarta canvas, micarta green next to the black blade looks so handsome. I do dig this knife.
So this is from Artisan Cutlery and like I said, it's just gotten here and it just keeps getting smoother and smoother.
Yes, it's on bearings and yes, that is a long and heavy blade.
So that does help with action, but that just means it's gonna break in even quicker.
I'm starting to see my finger, finger oil start to deposit on that micarta and I'm getting excited, about. All right, putting this one away. Let us get to my knife purse, my summer knife purse. Now, I say this is a tribute to Scab of Choir Boys Cutlery, Choir Boys Outdoor.
Introducing the Knife Purse for Outdoor Adventures
[26:29] And love that guy, Scab, got to meet him in person at Blade Show, him and Donnie B all day, two great guys, big dudes who love big knives and just big personalities, big hearts and Scab will occasionally talk about in his shorts or at least occasionally to me, I see him talk about his knife purse. He drives around, he just has a bunch of knives on him and he's got a job that requires knives so he uses them. Not only does he do those great test videos but he actually uses them for for work, cutting hoes and all sorts of stuff.
So it's cool to see what he has in his knife purse.
Well, as I say this, we're about to head out on a little week-long excursion.
And of course, I am bringing a knife purse. In past years, I've brought a bunch of folders and gone light on the fixed blades. This year, I'm doing the reverse.
I'm bringing a bunch of fixed blades and going somewhat light on the folders, only about eight folders coming with me.
[27:34] It's not that they're of no consequence, but I'm more excited to show you what's in the big knife purse.
Now, where we're going, there's a lot of woods, and on the West Coast, you'd call them hills.
On the East Coast, we'd call them mountains.
They're older mountains than yours. They're just worn down, okay, West Coast.
And so I'll have a chance to go up in the woods a little bit and carve up some wood, baton stuff, chop up some dead trees, stuff like that.
And I'm looking forward to doing that with some of these knives.
So let's get to it. First one is a knife I always bring on this trip.
This is one we do annually.
And I always bring this ever since I got it, which is three years, because it does double duty.
This is the Off-Grid Knives Grizzly. And here it is in its awesome kydex-like sheath.
[28:27] I've got the Tek-Lok on the back in case I have to run with it.
But this is a great outdoor and camp knife, but it's also a great kitchen knife.
The place where we go has a wonderful kitchen and a great setup, but we always bring our favorite pans and knives.
The one thing they don't have is a gas stove. You're working on electric, which is a buzzkill.
But what's worse are the knives. The bigger buzzkill are the knives they give you and the glass cutting board.
What's with glass cutting boards? Who ever invented that? Who thought of that idea?
A glass cutting board. It's absurd, but anyway.
[29:07] So we bring our own cutting board too. And this is what we end up using.
This is a great kitchen knife, and I don't end up using it in the kitchen, because I have some great kitchen knives in the kitchen.
But when we travel, this will do it. Why do I think this is great?
Because it's tall, it's thin, it's flat ground.
[29:26] And then you get the chopping action here, but then you get the scooping action here.
It's such a broad blade, you can scoop up your ingredients and have them on the blade.
So to me, that makes for a great kitchen knife. It's not only tall, thin, and slicey, but it actually acts as a palette knife, so you can scrape up a lot of stuff.
So, really digging that. That is the Off-Grid Knives Grizzly, and that is coming with Donna's trip.
Okay. Now, nextly, next up, this is a.
Strange Outdoor Knife: The Sow Catcher from Odinwolf.
[30:09] This might seem like a weird one, but I've been thinking of this ever since I saw this on, this was on Legion Tactical, on his site.
He got this knife and inspired me to get it.
He took it out and shopped with it in and did all sorts of, you know, woodcraft stuff with it. And to me, it's a big old tactical knife. So I'm going to bring it I'm going to try and see how it performs in that sort of in the woods, sort of way.
This is the sow catcher. I called it the hog catcher. But This is the sow catcher from Odinwald.
[30:47] And the reason it's strange as an outdoor knife is that it's double-edged.
Look at this beautiful double recurve dagger.
I really like this thing.
It's in D2. It's got a pretty nice and light feel to it.
It's got this injection molded handle, but there is a good bit of rubber in that handle, so it's nice and grippy.
And then it also has this knurling and this jimping these double quillions which are really comfortable in this sort of saber grip.
[31:21] But you can also if you grip it really hard and like a hammer grip like this, it's very very comfortable very secure and look at that I have medium-sized hands you could have massive hands and really grip this thing nicely and have a full forefinger grip very sharp on the edges I do love that it bellies out on both sides so this would make an excellent slasher as well as thruster something that I think a lot of daggers don't get right and that's because daggers can primarily be about about the thrust and you add belly you're adding a little bit of resistance even if that belly is very very sharp and is cutting through whatever you're doing whatever you're cutting because if you get it caught between hard things and then you try and extract it that belly can be a problem especially if it's sharp on the backside it can bite in on whatever you're pulling it out of there and that can become a problem but all of that is 100% theoretical thank God because I'm not using the thing for anything other than taking out into the woods and gonna be just seeing how it how it holds up.
[32:38] So, dig in this sow catcher.
[32:41] This one I might be prone to stabbing, doing a lot of stabbing with just to see how it works because it is a point-oriented design.
Okay, next up, this just showed up from Shed Knives. Jack Billings of Shed Knives sent this to me.
Thank you so much, Jack.
This is the Conquest, another beefy knife from Shed.
Now when I say big and beefy, it's not a big profile. It's a big slab of steel.
That is a thick slab of steel. It is a quarter inch of 10 of 154 CM blade steel, shallow hollow grind, shallow and short hollow grind.
Very robust, very sharp right now. We'll see how it does once I take out and bang on it.
Now I have the 2023 Tonto by Shed Knives and they do their models like car models.
So, the Tanto has gone through, every year it goes through changes.
This one is not called the Tanto.
The Tanto looks more like a wharncliffe to me. This one is a Tanto, it's called the Conquest.
[33:53] And, oh, like I was saying, every model year, there are little changes, little tweaks.
This one is very comfortable. It's got a big handle and that big thumb ramp, very nicely jimped, feels just great in the hand.
The last, the other shed knife that I have, I beat on it and it did great.
I beat on it meaning I did a lot of carving and a lot of batoning with it, and just kind of messing around in the backyard.
I'm sure other people have been harder on knives, but that's about as hard as I get on a knife, batoning and throwing it, and it did great.
So I expect this one will be doing just as well, but I look forward to trying it out this week because it's brand new and it hasn't seen any time.
I wanna see how that tip does. I bet that tip will obliterate whatever I smash it into.
Look at how thick and reinforced it is.
You can sort of see from this aspect fact that it is hollow ground.
[34:58] So, thanks Jack. Again, this is the green G10. My other one is a green G10.
It's an interesting look. It almost looks like raw G10 that's been colored or painted, but nothing comes off when you sweat holding it, so I don't think it's that.
SK Shed Knives 23. I like that they're dated.
All right, I'll be taking that one out, seeing how that does.
[35:24] Now, I'm saying I'm going to take these knives out and hard use them in the woods.
If that doesn't materialize because I'm just sitting around eating, I'll still show you videos of these.
That is highly likely. Now, I will be going for hikes and stuff, but will I get my camera girl out with me?
She does turn 13 today.
All right, next up is the Kudaman Bowie from Spain. I love this thing.
This is going to be in my summer travel purse for sure.
[35:59] This is another one that I actually got the idea to get from Legion Tactical.
Scruggs, you should check that channel out. I don't know him yet.
I have not introduced myself to him, but I like his videos, and he sounds like he could be an uncle of mine.
He sounds like an Italian guy from New Jersey. I'm not sure if he is either of those things, but that's the impression I get.
And he features some really cool knives, and I do like that he takes them out and abuses them.
I don't wanna say abuses them, but he tests them. He pounds them through treated wood.
He carves, he does all that kind of stuff.
So this knife has gone the distance with this crazy molybdenum vanadium steel that all the Spanish knife makers seem to use.
[36:55] Now, I think Kutum is... I think that's what this JBK stands for here on the blade. I think, that's Joker Bowie Knife-1, I think. You can let me know down below if you know anything about Spanish knives. I don't know much about them, but this, I think, is that.
What I mean by that is I think they are companies that work in tandem or work together.
I love the leather a lot.
In all knives, I tend to like leather, but especially in a bowie.
Give me a bowie knife and I like to see that.
I like when they have, what do you call it, like a little stud that sticks out that you can slide down in the belt.
That's cool for tactical use or if you want to pretend that you're a cowboy, but for really just walking through the woods and doing stuff, having this sort of belt loop, really works out the best.
So that is one knife that's coming in my purse, of my summer knife travel purse that is the Kudaman Bowie. Let me sheath this because I don't want to stab or slice myself. Good idea? I think so. I have a.
Introducing the Bowie Knife and its lineage
[38:22] Number of them. The big Bowie knives, too heavy. I'm also bringing some other Bowie knives so I decided to go with this. This is the boon to one of my favorites. This one is based on the sort of hunting knife that was popular in the United States in the early part of the 20th century and sort of became the precursor to the Ka-Bar knife. This one is in 3V. It's a little apple seed edge or a convex edge and you see that nice beautiful fuller in the blade and the antique stack leather handle just looking gorgeous there. Yeah, this one I could see carrying on the belt and just leaving there for a while. You know, like an old-school camp knife, like a dad from the 1930s at the campsite would be carrying something like this around. And then, sadly, it gets used the next generation as a war knife. And then the Ka-Bar isn't needed. So that's that's what this is, that's the sort of lineage of this knife and that's what I intend to use. It's one that I intend to use while I'm out there.
[39:38] Now, While I'm there, I'm going to have need for a fixed blade knife when I'm just hanging out around the villa or the place to stay, it's a villa.
And say I'm in light shorts, gym shorts, or maybe even in my PJs, what am I going to have on me just in case a bear comes through the window?
The window. Well, we have this. So far have been somewhat big, somewhat heavy and not not good for non belt carry. Well, this one is with the clip and the axle great in any sort of light pants, any sort of light shorts or anything like that. This is the Spartan knives Raider dagger did a design by Les George knives and produced by Spartan Blades.
This thing is an absolute beauty. It is based on another precursor knife to the Ka-Bar, the Marine Raider Stiletto.
And it was used for not much more than killing.
[40:51] Let's just say, with that stiff, double-edged blade. So stiff sometimes they would break when they fell, and we have it on good authority that sometimes this knife as well as the Fairbairn Sykes, they would actually pre-break them and make little sharp chisel tips so that the point didn't break off in use.
[41:13] The very, very sharp point can bite into bone and then the load after it, all of the pressure load after it could snap the blade.
But in any case, Spartan Blades has taken care of that in the time that the original Marine Raider Dagger was made.
They were inexpensive and not made with very good materials, so were prone to break, and that's not the case anymore.
This here is made in Taiwan, and I believe this is 1095 blade steel.
Really nicely injection-molded handle. You can see all of that jimping all over that handle. Just makes for a great grip, a way that these reused in the Ferebrand Scythes, were used in a lot of different ways, but one of them, and pull them into it, which is just efficient, but just sounds horrible and savage. But that is the kind of thing that happens, you know, in war and combat, and it's not pretty, but it's reality, and something like this may just pull something like that. So this will be my pajama. Maybe that's too much information. All right, next up, no trip would, be complete without a tomahawk. And yes, I have a car tomahawk, a Schrade spike tomahawk in the car. And it was a gift Father's that gift years and years ago, but.
[42:39] I have to bring a Wingard Wearables Tomahawk. So I'm gonna bring the Backripper.
Let me see if this knife cam is cooperating here.
The Wingard Wearables Backripper Tomahawk is, this is their signature Tomahawk.
This is the first one they came out with.
Zach Wingard, who was just on the show, just announced exclusively on the Knife Junkie podcast that they are releasing a knife soon, and it is cool.
A wearable knife, a large seven-inch blade that fits on your person easily.
That's his whole thing, figuring out how to wear tomahawks, how to wear even a pylon spear, different ways you can wear these implements for daily use.
[43:23] This back ripper tomahawk is 16 inches overall. It's got this beautiful American hickory handle, stained red and then branded with a red-hot file.
This makes it look good, also gives it a little bit of texture and gription there.
You have a forged 1075, I think it is, head here with a severely downward canted, inch and a half curved blade which just bites in due to that angle. The angle it's hung at is just wicked.
And it bites in and goes all the way, it's quite deep. Doesn't flare out too much because remember you still have to pull it out of whatever you put it into.
[44:10] It's hung here with cross wedges very traditional style cross wedge.
[44:17] Hanging there, and then it's got this Black natural epoxy under there, so it's really that head is really on there, and it's not going to slide down the half It's not that kind and then you have a curved flattened spike that's sharp on the bottom, So this is definitely for, um, uh, for.
[44:38] A fighting, it is for grabbing and for pulling and tearing and ripping and chopping. It is a nasty, nasty, bit of kit. But I've also heard that people use this for gardening. People love this for gardening.
You have a lot of reach with this 16 inches. You have a sharp inner hook here. You can grab, vines, you can grab, I don't know, whatever you're pruning and pull it towards you and either cut through it or, pull it towards you to reach it.
You've got this side, this is a pretty good axe. I mean, you don't want to use this for chopping wood, but you could chop live saplings and stuff like that.
You know, you could chop a little bit of dry wood in a pinch, it's just not really set up for that.
So, Winguard Wearables Back Ripper, coming with me, and then as are the Kydex covers for both of those.
Those Kydex covers are set up for in the waistband carry of this.
Yes, it's true, you really can. I don't, but some do.
And, but it's also just a great way to carry it around without getting poked or sliced.
[45:47] All right. So next up, I had to bring a tops. And it was really, it came down to.
[45:55] The Prather War Bowie, or this next one.
Now I already have a couple of bowies in this bag, so I should vary it a little bit.
So I brought this, and it's a, also, it's also a hog hunting knife, just like the sow catcher, the Odinwolf sow catcher, but this is the Topps Knives Wild Pig Hunter.
First of all, I have to show it in this sumptuous and beautiful leather sheath.
This would be like, if I had a Ferrari, I'd love seats made of this leather.
Maybe I'd want it a little softer, but I love the stitching, the white stitching.
So nice, I love when tops does leather. So much better than the nylon.
The Kydex is good, but.
So this is the Wild Pig Hunter, this is based on I believe a Russian military knife.
And I'm going to show you right here, it's got this setup here, where if you look at it in cross section, it's kind of like an I-beam.
So it is a super rigid knife set up for a charging pig. you're hunting a wild pig, that's what they use these for.
They have dogs who grab the pig and hold it down and then you go up and you stab it.
[47:19] You know, that's gotta be a stressful bit of business. So you can see here, you can see a homone, it is differentially heat treated.
So it's harder on the edge here and softer back here and on the spine.
So it can absorb some of that shock from the nasty work this is supposed to be doing.
But this also makes just a great knife for non-pigs.
Say you have to fight a human, this would be a great thing for that.
But I've also seen it used to great effect in the outdoors.
Let's face it, that's what these are gonna get used for mostly is outdoor use, and that edge, that really nice grind, and the perfect kydex, Kydex or not Kydex the perfect micarta handle will make this a pleasure to use out in the campsite you know. Plus something you see here are those double quillions really great for a forward thrust and let's face it this is a thrust oriented knife. Now you can do a whole lot with that super keen edge.
You know, carving and that kind of thing. But really this is thrust oriented and so those quillions are doing you a big favor. All right, that is the Topps Wild Pig Hunter.
[48:43] Second to last, on this trip my brother-in-law comes and we always do some bottle cutting and this one will impress him. So this is to impress the brother-in-law. Yes, I need this camera here because it's so big. This is the Pouzon Predator Hunter, by WorkTough Gear. I've shown this off a lot. Based on, inspired by, the big knife that everyone on the Predator team carried in the movie Predator, though Billy was the guy who really highlights it, cuts himself. And in the movie this This back is sharpened from here to here, but the real inspiration is the shape of the blade and that swedge and that sort of fast, not faceted, but geometric drop down as opposed to the swoop on a regular bowie.
But this isn't just big and ridiculously cool, it's also big and ridiculously useful.
[49:43] This finger guard gives you a nice choil to choke up on. Gives you a nice choil to choke up on that is chamfered really, really nicely.
So it feels good. It looks like, I mean, I remember when I saw this in pictures, I thought, oh, that's going to be a problem there.
But it feels good in hand. And so when you hold it like this and you're doing your up-close carving and close-up work, it feels like it's not even between your fingers, because it's nice and thin and everything is chamfered and rounded.
Of course, it's got this beautiful horse hoof pommel so that when you're chopping, centrifugal force doesn't pull the knife out of your hands.
You've got that bird's beak and the extended, I call it a horse hoof, it looks like a horse hoof, that extended bit here so that your palm, so it can bounce off of your palm in a chop.
This knife is heavy, but I find that using weights helps.
[50:48] So it feels good. The only thing I would change about this is maybe make this section of the handle a little less bulbous.
But to a very large hand, I'm sure that's not an issue. So I'm not gonna touch it, I'm gonna leave it as is.
But this will be some bottle chopping, And if we can find a discreet place to pull this out, because I would hate to be out on a trail and find a place that I think is secluded and start chopping with this and then someone walks by.
I'm like, that guy.
But that is the Pouzan Predator Hunter. I met Mr. Pouzan at the WorkTough gear booth.
Very nice guy and it was nice to compliment him on that knife and then the Pouzan Bowie, The Wilderness Bowie and all of his other designs were there and man, they are just awesome.
[51:42] Okay, lastly, this might not be a surprise to you, but I, you know, I don't go on this kind of trip without this knife.
And if I really, really, really need a knife in the wilderness, this is probably what I'm gonna grab because it is.
[51:58] Old and tried and true and it is my Trailmaster Bowie. Trailmaster Bowie by Cold Steel. This is, well, I've had this one a long time. This is probably my oldest Bowie in my collection, or the one that I've had the longest. And it has been on the most adventures with me, it's been, it's done the most batoning in the backyard, fire pit, it's done the most.
[52:27] Hard use of any knife that I have, whether it's a It's done a whole lot of work around here, so much so that the profile is actually a little more slender than your average trailmaster because I've had to resharpen it.
When I was at home, or it's not my home, when I was visiting my parents' home last summer, I compared my trailmaster to my dad's trailmaster that hasn't seen any action, you can see a notable difference in shape. This is thinner. I have always maintained that this would make an excellent fighting knife. It's not as flashy or sexy as some other fighting knives, but I think that the way it feels in the hand, its balance, its reach, the Kray-X handle, the coffin-shaped handle, the slenderness of that blade, and then the zero ground edge on that swedge, and.
[53:32] How quickly it moves around. This thing would make a an amazing knife fighting, bowie. Also you got a quarter inch on the back so it is it is official this thing is really a bowie and a fighting bowie. But it's called the Trailmaster and for a reason, because this thing is just stellar in the woods. And, I've always wondered, is the recon, you know, the the smaller version of this the recon? Oh, yeah, I think the call. How does How does that do, is that as good, is that as cool?
[54:06] All right, well, thank you so much for joining me on my summer travel purse tribute to Scab.
[54:13] I'm very excited to go away with the family for our neighbor. He stays here and we don't, he cleans up, let's just put it that way. But we know he has his friends over sometimes.
And that's fine. That's just fine. He watches the animals. It's all good.
So we're going to be heading out soon with knives in hand. So keep your eyes peeled, for out from posts from the outpost of what I'm carrying. Also, be sure to join us on Patreon and check out what we're gonna be giving away next month. For Jim working his magic behind the switcher, I'm Bob DeMarco saying unto you, don't take dull or an answer. Thanks for listening to the Ninth Junkie Podcast. If you enjoyed the show, please rate and review at For show notes for today's episode, additional resources and to listen to past episodes, visit our website You can also watch our latest videos on YouTube at slash YouTube. Check out some great knife photos on slash Instagram and join our Facebook group at slash Facebook. And if you have a question or comment, email them to Bob at or call our 24-7 listener line at 724-466-4487 and you may hear your comment or question answered on an upcoming episode of the Knife Junkie Podcast.
[55:34] Music.
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Knives, News and Other Stuff Mentioned in the Podcast
- We Knife Announces GTC Design for Release This Year
- Gotta Get This Kershaw
- Vulpex Knives Adds First Design to Bestech Corral this Year
- Remarkable Bronze Age Sword Found in Germany
- Give to Knife Rights During the Ultimate Steel!
- The Knife Junkie’s Patreon Group
Pocket Check
- Microtech SOCOM Elite
- JWK Venom Jack
- NoVA-1
- Wingard Wearables Quill (ESK)
State of the Collection
- Artisan Xcellerator
Summer Travel Knife Purse (A Tribute to Scab)
- Off-Grid Grizzly
- Odenwolf Sowcatcher
- Shed Conquest
- Cudeman Bowie
- Spartan Raider Dagger (pajama knife)
- BRK Boone 2
- Wingard Wearables Backripper
- TOPS Wild Pig Hunter
- WTG Puzon Predator Hunter Bowie
- Cold Steel Trail Master (the old stalwart)
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