Welcome to the first episode of The Knife Junkie Podcast … technically it’s the second show since our introduction was show 00. Anyway.
Hopefully you’ll enjoy episode 01 as Bob delves into what he calls the “modern tactical folders,” i.e. folding knives. Lots of great knives talked about on today’s show and some pretty good “walk and talk,” the sound a knife makes when its blade is opened and closed.

The walk describes the feel of the tang as it moves along the spring when the blade is opened. The talk refers to the sound of the knife when the blade is closed. A well adjusted knife “walks and talks” (has a nice strong snap and has blades that slide smoothly across the springs).
The main points of the discussion are about the three characteristics of all the knives that Bob and Jim talked about, the modern tactical folder. The Knife Junkie considers them to fall within this category if they have these three features:
- One handed open and close
- Pocket clip
- Locking mechanism
In addition, today’s show features the pocket check to see what The Knife Junkie is carrying today, and the Knife Life News and Tip of the Week segments.
Pocket Check
- Jim still has his trusty red Swiss Army Knife
- Bob has several knives (again)
- Pink Cold Steel Broken Skull
- Benchmade Proper
- Emerson Seax
Segment 1 – Knife Life News
- The Emerson “Low Rider” Deep Carry Pocket Clip
Main Show Segment
- Modern Tactical Folders

Segment 2 – Tip of the Week
- In the Waistband Carry
Show Wrap-up
The Knife Junkie is up for some spirited debate. Have a differing opinion? Then call The Knife Junkie listener line at 724-466-4467, leave your message and let us know. Also, be sure to subscribe to The Knife Junkie’s YouTube channel and help us reach 1,000 subscribers.
Key Points in the Show
:42 – Pocket Check
[1:12] – Bob has his normal three knives
[1:56] – Knife Life News – the Emerson “Low Rider” Deep Carry Pocket Clip
[2:52] – Utility wins over aesthetes
[3:16] – The most damning design flaw
[4:34] – The modern tactical folder
[5:07] – What does “modern tactical folder” mean
[6:11] – The Knife Junkie’s parlance
[6:29] – One handed open
[6:50] – What is a switch blade
[7:45] – Let’s get clear about the modern tactical folder
[8:06] – Spyderco Workman
[8:37] – Utility and Combat Knives lead to the modern tactical folder
[9:15] – Ernest Emerson
[9:27] – Lynn Thompson
[10:22] – Different brands share characteristics but do things differently
[10:46] – Chris Reeve and the frame lock
[11:02] – Michael Walker and the liner lock
[11:20] – Axis lock by Benchmade
[11:26] – Cold Steel
[12:02] – The Knife Junkie’s personal favorite type of tactical folders
[12:38] – Modern folders defined by The Knife Junkie
[13:10] – Recapping the three characteristics
[13:45] – Cold Steel Espada XL
[14:18] – Fixed blades are in our future
[14:50] – Tip of the Week – In the Waistband Carry
[16:18] – How does a kid’s concert fit in to the story?
[17:50] – Closing segment
[18:20] – Call the 24/7 Listener Line
[18:58] – Open for debate
[18:30] – Looking for the 1,000th YouTube subscriber
[19:55] – The Knife Junkie’s final word
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