TKT’s Rootkit, Emerson, Kizer, Cold Steel, Kershaw and the First Tool: Automatic Knives — The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 81)

On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast, Bob covers top stories in Knife Life News, including Todd Knife and Tool’s WE Knives Rootkit, the Emerson Mini Sheepdog, Kizer’s new releases at SHOT Show and the Cold Steel 4-Max Scout.

Bob also highlights his first week with his new Kershaw Launch 9 automatic knife, which leads into a “First Tool” segment covering highlights in the history of automatic knives. And Jim rounds out the show with a look at some of the upcoming knife shows.

TKT's Rootkit, Emerson, Kizer, Cold Steel, Kershaw and the First Tool: Automatic Knives all on The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode #81) Share on X

Knives, News and Other Stuff Mentioned in the Podcast

      Friday, February 28 – Sunday, March 1
      Westgate Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, NV
      Friday, March 6 – Saturday, March 7
      Miami County Fairgrounds, Troy, OH
      All knives displayed will be 100% custom/handmade!
    • TrackRock Hammer-In
      Friday, March 13 @ 9:00 am – Saturday, March 14 @ 5:00 pm
      Trackrock Campgrounds & Cabins, 141 Trackrock Camp Rd., Blairsville, GA
    • Tar Heel Cutlery Club Show — 45th Annual Tar Heel Knife Show & Auction
      Friday, March 20 – Saturday, March 21
      Yadkin VFW Building, 3047 US Hwy 21, Hamptonville, NC
      Free Admission!
    • The Arkansas Knife Show
      Saturday, March 21 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
      Statehouse Convention Center, 101 E Markham St., Little Rock, AR
      The Arkansas Knife Show is held at the Statehouse Convention Center in downtown Little Rock.
    • Dalton Georgia Knife Roadshow
      Friday, March 27 – Saturday, March 28
      North Georgia Trade and Convention Center, 2211 Dug Gap Battle Rd., Dalton, GA
    • Bunker Hill Knife Club Show
      Friday, March 27 – Saturday, March 28
      Alton-Wood River Sportsmen’s Club, 3109 Godfrey Rd., Godfrey, IL
      NEW Show location for 2020!

Knife show information courtesy of Knife Magazine.

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Announcer 0:03
Welcome to the Knife Junkie podcast your weekly dose of knife news and information about knives and knife collecting. Here's your hosts Jim Person and Bob The Knife Junkie DeMarco

Jim Person 0:16
Welcome to the Knife Junkie podcast episode number 81. I'm Jim Person

Bob DeMarco 0:21
and i Bob The Knife Junkie DeMarco Welcome to the podcast.

Jim Person 0:24
The Knife Junkie Podcast the place for knife newbies and Knife Junkie to learn about knives and knife collecting. This is our midweek supplemental edition of the podcast where we get to dive deep into some of the knife stories in the news, but also coming up this week we have a first tool segment and we'll also give it a preview or give some dates of upcoming knife shows at the end of this month, as well as February and looking into March a little bit. So Bob a a full show again this week on their supplemental

Bob DeMarco 0:55
indeed its supplemental is always a good excuse to kind of wax poetic about the new knives coming out that I just, I can't keep my eyes off or that I think are important

Jim Person 1:06
right now you can use any any new knives in your hands or future

Bob DeMarco 1:11
I do actually will I have both new knives in my hands and and I got the launch nine the Kershaw automatic the little diminutive automatic last week and it hasn't left my pocket in that time. I'll get to that in a second what I what I did want to mention in terms of new knives though, are new knives out on the market and come not quite out yet but coming from WE knives and Todd knife and tool is the root kit which is coming out this new knife the rootkit is so cool, it's got it's got sort of the leaf shaped blade of the recent of their most recent release but it has instead of that sort of wedge shaped handle. It has a contoured handle it still has sort of the futuristic lines to it milled in into the carbon fiber. But it just looks like an amazing kind of low profile, but sizable blade sort of carry in any case, we talked about that a bit. Thursday Night knives with Teryl, half of the design team of that Teryl Todd, you know him as Zelrick it's just, it's just a cool knife. I can't wait to get my hands on it.

Jim Person 2:27
That was last Thursday, January 23. edition of Thursday night knives which is The Knife Junkie live video show that you can see on both YouTube as well as The Knife Junkie Facebook page, where you can watch it on our website The Knife Junkie dot com slash live and on that page, The Knife Junkie dot com slash live you'll also find an archive of the past shows so if you happen to miss one, catch him right there on The Knife website.

Announcer 2:56
You're listening to the Knife Junkie podcast and now he The Knife Junkie with the nightlife news,

Bob DeMarco 3:03
as you know, this is SHOT Show season. And so a lot of knife makers are coming out with their new designs for 2020 and presenting them at SHOT Show. And a lot of that news is trickling back to our neck of the woods here. And there are, you know, I'm going to be talking about some of these new releases for weeks. But one that you know, I'm very excited for is the new Emerson releases, and they're only coming out with two new knives in 2020. And they're actually an expansion of an existing line, the sheepdog line. Those were the first knives that they came out with, there's a bow e version and a drop point version. Those were the first Emerson's to to have a flipper and I believe run on bearings. In any case, they were one of the first anyway. And so this this is an Emerson knife that has three ways of opening it. Of course you have the wave because it's an Emerson, you have the thumb disk You have the flipper. And what they're coming out with now is the sheep dog Mini. And these are mini versions of the sheep dog. As you may imagine they've been reduced

Jim Person 4:11
hence the name.

Bob DeMarco 4:11
Yeah, hence the name. They've been reduced in size to an overall of 7.1 inches. I believe they're three and a quarter inch blades. And I'm sitting here I'm staring at them and I never I got to be totally honest. I'm a huge Emerson fan as you know, never cared for the for the sheepdog line. Something about the lines on them didn't agree with my eye but I'm sitting here staring at the mini versions and they are both both the bully and the drop point are very compelling and look like awesome knives. And so maybe this will be how I did my feet in in the sheepdog line. But yeah, so you know, the real unique selling proposition of the of these knives are the three opening features same steel Same g 10. Same setup as usual, same titanium liners, but just small,

Jim Person 5:07
just less lines for you to look at. So maybe that's the reason you like it.

Bob DeMarco 5:10
Maybe that sometimes you know, you take a knife you stretch it out. It looks weird or you condense it. It looks weird. In this case condensing this knife made it look better in my opinion. And you know I'm just shallow and I care about looks.

Jim Person 5:23
You said it, not me.

Speaking of SHOT Show, Kizer. They also had some new releases.

Bob DeMarco 5:31
Yeah, yep. Well, you know, last week we talked about a couple of new kaisers one of them with the Lundquist the new Lundquist, what was that called the the airfoil or the or the something having to do with airplanes now I forget.

Jim Person 5:47
the mind is the first thing to go.

Bob DeMarco 5:49
It is indeed that went a while ago. So but now that SHOT Show has begun. We've seen everything that has is coming out with and there are some pretty cool ones and I just wanted to highlight a few of them. And the one that I think is getting the most press because it was first up on the knife news article and it seems to this image seems to be going around but it's the new inversion by Dirk Pinkerton, Dirk Pinkerton is going to be coming on the podcast sometime in the near future. He's got some really great designs from through Kaiser, and then others have his own custom shop. But this inversion is really cool because it's kind of kind of a call style knife. It looks like the blade is put in the handle backwards you have if you just look at the handle, you have the sort of typical contours and curves you'd see on the spine of modern tactical knife, you know kind of swells up and then there's a little dip for your thumb and then on the on the posterior side there's a big swell and then a groove. It just looks like a regular tactical knife. The blade comes out of the top and then suddenly you realize the handle is what's inverted. So when the subtly Hawk build beautifully wardenclyffe blade pops out of this titanium frame lock flipper and you hold it in the traditional manner with your finger and that finger groove the edge will be up instead of down. And this facilitates certain ways of really fighting I mean it's kind of like a an edge up call style of fighting or an edge in if you have it in reverse grip and you hold this knife the handle in the natural manner and you haven't reverse grip well the edge will be facing in and that's useful in some, you know, very specific kind of trapping and knife fighting techniques that I know from Philippines and I'm sure there are other reasons why that is practical. I just love it because it's a gorgeous knife. It's got this beautiful sort of stair stepped milled pattern and the blade is is a knockout, but useful. Not so sure. But great. Great for the design design category in my collection.

Jim Person 8:11
Okay, so like it for aesthetics and looks and you know maybe how it feels but for for usefulness low on the scale.

Bob DeMarco 8:21

Jim Person 8:22
at least for The Knife Junkie

Bob DeMarco 8:23
extremely useful in those knife fights I get in Oh Exactly, yes on a weekly basis. So if I keep it on man shop, I've lost count. So the theme this year with Kizer seems to be kind of dipping back into the stable and bringing back designers that they've had success with in the past and getting new knife knife designs from them, but also reaching out to some newer designers or other designers that they haven't worked with. Just going through the large list of new knives I have to say. And this is just kind of my gut reaction. I do like kaisers and I have a few I'm down to one And then a Tangra. But I do like kaisers. But they tend to start looking the same to me kind of like benchmade. Like after a while. I can't keep them all straight and they all kind of have a semi unique titanium frame lock look, but after a while, so this selection is kind of hopelessly Lizer to me a lot of unique designs, but they're like, Oh, yeah, okay, that makes sense. There's this one, the Raja by Sebastian Irwan, that looks really cool. This is what a standout design to me. It has a very Angular wardenclyffe blade, kind of in that stouts scout style of who's that custom maker that Alex t likes so much? Well, if you're listening to this, you probably know what I'm talking about. It's got a very Angular blade, but it's got a very curvy, ergonomic looking handle. So I like the juxtaposition of the curvy in the in the Angular. So that that's it that looks like a winner. There's a knife that looks like a totally looks like a folding kitchen knife actually called the slicer by Michael Yalovick that looks cool. Good night. Yeah, exactly. bunch of others. There's one by a designer they have five four new knives by this designer as Oh coming out and one of them called the Justice looks just like the big lighter just sort of reminds me of the very, very popular Kizer big lighter so it looks like it might be sitting on the same shelf with that. There's another one that came out that I wrote WTF next to and and it's by designer named Carlos else Elsner and it's a good looking blade. This is not a in any way in my impugning that this design, but it's called the assassin -- Oh my -- and it's 3.15 inches so to me there are a couple of problems with this first of all, you don't name a knife the assassin. It's just a little bit like n so sir, yes, Judge well What were you carrying on that evening? I was carrying a pocket knife, sir. What's that for? It's for work, sir. What's that knife called? It's called the assassins or it just doesn't look good. So three inches. Yeah, yeah. And it's only three inches so that assassins gonna have to work hard, right. So, but anyway Carlos Elsner did design a beautiful knife I just take exception to the name. So that's that's pretty much it from Kizer. Don't get me wrong, there are tons of other knives but those are the ones that really jumped out at me.

Jim Person 11:31
Well, maybe speaking about their design language that a lot of them look similar or have the same style or whatever, maybe, maybe that's intentional. Maybe they're good sellers. And so they want to kind of pattern other knives after them. Does that make sense?

Bob DeMarco 11:47
You know what, Jim? It does make sense. And actually, I think they were guilty of that earlier on maybe four years ago or so. Four or five years ago now. I mean, legitimately all of those knives look different. Some of them even have been Different handle material but to me, the difference is predictably Kaiser. I look at him like of course that's a Kizer knife if I had to guess I'd probably say, yes, that is different, but it's in a different in a Kizer kind of way. But you know, but

Jim Person 12:14
there's nothing wrong with that being able to kind of know who the maker is just my. Yeah, seeing certain things about it or styles or whatever. I'm here. Don't you do the same with some of your other knife brands?

Bob DeMarco 12:26
Well, yeah, for sure. Actually. I cannot disagree with you on that.

Jim Person 12:29
Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so the knife, the knife newbie is right.

Bob DeMarco 12:33
Yes. Mark it down. That's right. Well, we

Jim Person 12:36
will move we'll move on quickly. Before you find some way to get out of that one. Hey, Cold Steel. You want to mention that one really briefly?

Bob DeMarco 12:44
Oh, yeah. I just wanted to mention that I've seen a number of videos have you know, I know I've been talking Cold Steel to death because I'm so excited about their two new Kris blades coming out the Voyager XL and the Tilight six inch but I've been seeing a lot of the 4-max scout online especially Jimmy slash and a couple of other couple of other people. I've seen it Oh a cold steel video itself with Andrew demco on it anyway, as you know the formax is the beefiest folder on the in the lineup over there Cold Steel, they're plenty that are larger, but this is kind of the stoutest if you will, and it's got a four inch blade hence the name formax. But in watching this video with Andrew demco I learned that the max refers to the fact that it's a four inch blade, but you also get four inches of cutting edge that he doesn't waste space with the oil or any of that. And in order to make the knife that big, it's actually in at 10 XL. But it looks a little different because the the 8010 handle the sort of straight format doesn't really work with the size of the blade it starts to feel just weird so I had to curve the handle. In any case, the formax is kind of an out of reach. Huge Cold Steel for many of us, it's kind of a 350 ish dollar blade, I think it varies between, you know, it varies, I think it might be less expensive at this point but still kind of much for cold steel, maybe many of us feel and so this new one, the scout version comes in os 10 steel, which is a, which is a more budget friendly steel, and it comes with instead of titanium liners, it comes with stainless steel liners, and instead of G 10 It comes with Grivery. So, all of the materials remain as stout as the former materials with the exception of the steel you know, the steel isn't isn't quite as good but os 10 is a very tough steel apparently. So all in all, you're getting the same capabilities from the regular formax in a in a budget friendly package, and I gotta say, the formax I was always kind of on the fence about But now I think I know for you know, a third of the price of the original model, I could have this other one so I think I might get the scout version it's looking it's looking like that might happen.

Jim Person 15:14
Okay, so on the list but maybe not near the top of the list.

Bob DeMarco 15:18
Yes, I'd say in the cold steel list it's four or five. Oh wow, the cold steel 2020 Okay, got to get the two Kris knives first and then the Seaux have a cool like Viking seaux blade

Unknown Speaker 15:31
in addition to all the many other knives that are on your list. Yeah.

Bob DeMarco 15:35
It's getting a little ridiculous.

Announcer 15:37
And now that we're caught up with a knife life news, let's hear more of The Knife Junkie podcast

Jim Person 15:42
all right back on the Knife Junkie podcast that was a knife life news. But we teased that at the beginning of the show. your Kershaw launch nine automatic knife that you've had for what a week now or so yeah, weeks

Bob DeMarco 15:58
I got it last week and You know, I can't carry it outside of the house. So when I've been at home,

Jim Person 16:05
and why is that Bob?

Bob DeMarco 16:06
Well because of the law.

Jim Person 16:07

you're listening to the law now. The law. Yeah. In your older age.

Bob DeMarco 16:14
Yes, exactly as I age out and listening to the law, okay, so when I come home, I grabbed the launch nine and it lives on my person. And it is such a sweet little blade. It's it. This is my first experience with the famed launch series by Kershaw. They're American made automatic knives. They'll have 154 Cm blades and aluminum handles and they're all out the side and have fantastic action. This one, this little launch nine. I love the aesthetics. It's a beautiful little futuristic design. But the blade is small, it's about it's about two inches long, and it's very thin and then it's ground thin and then it's got a fat Which means this thing is like a scalpel. And it's kind of shaped like a scalpel actually the blade so it's just really had has me excited about automatic knives and also about checking out more Kershaw's these launch knives. Right? So I've had it for a week and it hasn't left my pocket. And that made me wonder, what is the history of switchblades

Jim Person 17:23
Alright, well we'll we'll get into that in just a second on our first tool segment, but I want to remind you to subscribe if you're not already to The Knife Junkie YouTube channel go to The Knife Junkie dot com slash YT Subscribe The Knife Junkie dot com slash y t subscribe,

Announcer 17:42
you're listening to the Knife Junkie podcast. Here's some cool knife history with The Knife Junkie's the first tool.

Bob DeMarco 17:48
So it turns out that switch blades kind of came into being in the mid 1800s in Europe, primarily It started in England and there were some knife makers. They're trying to do A number of things and one of those was bayonets that were spring loaded could rifles benefit from having a spring loaded bayonet. That and also, the marriage of spring loaded knives and work knives started to arrive in Europe at that time. So at this time switchblades kind of started developing a dual purpose in Europe. Sometimes they were used as worker tools. For those who needed a knife do bring a bring a blade to bear as quickly as possible. But others Made in Italy and Spain, were known for their sort of fancy embellishment on the handles and on the blades and on the bolsters and then different mechanisms for firing them and for locking them. So born of this idea of a spring loaded bayonet came the spring loaded knives for both gentlemen and for workers, just in looking through some some material on this I discovered that at one point in time, in the late 1800s, a word that was synonymous for switchblade was campobasso. And that was because incomparable campobasso Italy, they were making these knives and it just so happens that my grandmother's from campobasso Italy. So it's kind of a cool thing to read. Maybe, maybe my Knife Junkie dumb goes back further than I know. Yeah,

Jim Person 19:26
there you go. You got it, honestly.

Bob DeMarco 19:28
So back here in the states right after the Civil War. Okay, mind you, these are just bullet points. There is a very rich and complex history of switchblades. But these are just bullet points of history in researching this that really kind of stuck out to me. And one thing that was especially cool is in the United States after the Civil War, there were some pistol makers and some knife makers who were known for making pistols that had little switch blades at the end of them so essentially, they're right yeah. bayonets on the end of the pistol. Wow. So, you know, before repeaters were were very popular. In case you run out of ammunition when you're shooting, you flip out that knife and you start stabbing I presume, either that or you know, just like you and I are just like I another knife junkies buy knives that aren't necessarily practical or aren't necessarily have any specific purpose, but we buy them for the cool design and for the show off factor. Maybe back in the post Civil War days. That's what guys did show up. Hey, check out my pistol. Check this out, and then the Switchblade comes out, you know. So so maybe they were they were thought of as kind of novelties then interesting. So at the end is so 1892 a very familiar name to us. schrade that's George schrade. Knife maker in New York. starts the New York push button knife company. Producing automatic knives in a small shop, ironically in where New York City, so in the Yeah, well not only that, but the that's like the most prohibitive place on earth for knives, at least in this country. And, and the schrade knife company which started as the New York push button I've company started in New York City. And so they were they were known for making a number of different knives and at this time, a lot of American switch blades were designed like traditionals like, like slip joints, you know, to two bladed knives, right. So there was an interesting mechanism used at that point, you know, these were not thought of as weapons they were marketed for farm to farmers and for you know, outdoorsman and such. And that's why they took on the sort of outdoors he you know, slip joint pattern, but you would press down the pen blade, that's the smaller blade and the larger blade would flick out. So I thought that was kind of a cool, cool mechanism. You know, I wouldn't mind seeing Great Eastern cutlery come out with an automatic knife or the where the the main blade pops out when you push down on the secondary one.

Jim Person 22:13
Well, I can see that that function being extremely useful for tradesmen and workers and you know carpenters and you know, just just anybody kind of working in the field or in the trades as you would say it's a such a time, time saving, little little mechanism of trick, you know,

Bob DeMarco 22:30
exactly and think about it back then. There were no one handed opening pocketknives Spyderco hadn't invented the hole yet. You know, and the thumbstud hadn't been invented or the flipper. So if you were a tradesman and you were on a ladder and you were holding something up with one hand and needed to open your knife with the other hand. Having an automatic knife was damn valuable. So so that's where they took off. Now we're going to flash forward to the 30s and it's onset of World War Two, the Germans developed the phocion Yeager, which is a cool, cool name.

Jim Person 23:06
I'm sure you've got it right. I'm not even sure Jim Yeager.

Bob DeMarco 23:10
I think Yeager means jet like stag, you know, like, beer mail here.

Jim Person 23:17

Bob DeMarco 23:19
So they developed this beer I mean, this switch blade for paratroopers. And it was in case they, you know, they're they jump out of an airplane. they deploy their parachute they fall all the way to Earth only to land in a tree in there. They're hung up so now they have a switch blade, they pull it out, then cut themselves down. So it was a it was a big hit and the Americans decided the American armed forces the army, the US Army Air Force, needed a you know, suddenly had a requirement for one of those two schrade put in a bid. They put out what was later known as their civilian model, the presto which looks like a single blade of a single blade Barlow With that clip point blade, so this was accepted by the US Army and it had the catchy name as knife pocket. m two.

Jim Person 24:08
Sounds like the military.

Bob DeMarco 24:10
Yeah, exactly. So that was that was issued to paratroopers and apparently OSS Office of Strategic service guys that was the precursor to the CIA. So it kind of makes sense that they should have some cool automatic knife and then after world war two Italian stilettos became big in the United States and that's what you and I know as switch blades. That's what I got my my brother and father for Christmas that I was talking about that very traditional switch blade look. It's got the squillions it's got the long sort of bayonet ground blade long and slender and and it's got the the symmetrical handle it kind of looks like the medieval assassination weapons so they started calling them stilettos. But American GIs brought them back from Italy and they became kind of fashionable among the list desirables if you will, or at least that was the that was the narrative put out by the Media and the government, they did not take well to these knives, one or two news stories and it got blown up kind of like today, you know, one or two news stories, it gets blown up and suddenly, a politician finds a purpose and whips, whips the constituency into a lather, and something gets, you know, outlawed. In this case, it was switchblades. It was this guy, jack Harrison Pollock, who was actually he was a political operative, and he came out with a an article in a popular woman's magazine called woman's Home Companion. And he, he wrote this incredible screed about the Switchblade. But one of the things he, he said was designed for violence deadly as a revolver. That's the Switchblade the toys youngsters all over the country are taking up as a fad. Press the button on this new version of the pocket knife and the blade starts out like a snake's tongue. action against this killer could be taken now to backup his charges. Pollack quoted an unnamed juvenile court judge is saying it's only a short step from carrying a switchblade to gang warfare.

Jim Person 26:07
Oh My gosh,

Bob DeMarco 26:08
yeah. Yeah, I mean, jeez. And imagine you have no place else to go because it's 19 What was it? 1954. And, you know, there's not much media so you're reading whatever you get, and that you like, Oh, my God. As Doug Ritter mentioned when we've had him on the show, a lot of these anti knife laws came out of race hysteria, you know, like, it's the juvenile delinquents, the African Americans and the and the Latinos who are causing all this trouble. Hollywood did its part coming out with Rebel Without a Cause. Blackboard jungle crime in the streets. 12 Angry Men, the delinquents, high school confidential, West Side Story, all these knives. I mean, all of these movies helped to vilify the Switchblade. So a bunch of legislation came through a lot of the knife industry except for schrade kind of supported a lot of this stuff. And it was all in the excuse to gang violence in Chicago of all places. Imagine that. The switchblade act of 1958 So anyway, that's how it all started. That's how it all became illegal. Thank God we have people like Doug Ritter and knife rights out there who have slowly but surely changed the majority of states knife laws. In this country. There are a couple of holdouts, New York State, ironically is one of them ironically, because this is where a lot of it started, right. There's a lot of knife industry in that state. And also Virginia, which is just backwards.

Announcer 27:32
And that's this week's look at knife history with the first tool and now back to The Knife Junkie podcast.

Jim Person 27:38
Alright, pretty cool history lesson there on the first tool and Bob that's, that's one of my favorite segments that we used to do a whole lot more that I'm hoping we can start doing some more because I like that history and kind of learning some of the stuff about why things are and especially with knives as I'm learning more here.

Bob DeMarco 27:59
Yeah, you Yeah, me too. You know, you and I were talking recently about ancestry and how if you really think about it, you and I have ancestors that go back three and a half billion years, you know, to the dawn of life on this planet, literally you can trace a line straight back. Well, when we look at the first tool, and we talk about the history of knives, there is that same kind of lineage one thing leads to another leads to another leads to another and then sooner or later history is passed. And it's one straight line well or it's one wavy line, but it's all connected.

Jim Person 28:31
Yeah. Our podcast this week brought to you by g sweet if you want to start running your business like a business and look like a business with a professional email address, start using G Suite for free for 14 days. Start that free trial by going to The Knife slash g sweet. That's g SUIT The Knife Junkie. com slash g sweet after you start that trial email me Jim at The Knife Junkie calm email you a special code so that you can save 20% off your first year of G Suite. Either G Suite personal or the which was called the basic plan or G Suite business plan. The basic starts at $6 a month business plan just at $12 a month, but you're going to get like a whiteboard feature you're going to get G Suite key where you can organize and store your ideas. You're going to get slides for presentations sheets for spreadsheets, docs for your documents, forms, drive, secure file storage and sharing and so much more. That's g sweet start your 14 day free trial by going to The Knife slash G Suite. Bob as we start to get toward the end of the Knife Junkie podcast one of the things we wanted to try to do is promote some of the next shows coming up so I'm really get to that really quickly. This weekend. Last of January started February, which happens to be a leap year this year by the way the Gator cutlery show Friday, January 31. through Sunday, February 2, that's down in Lakeland, Florida Gator cutlery calm is where you can get more information. Lot of February shows including the Las Vegas custom knife maker show. That's Friday, February 28. through Sunday, March 1, that's at the Westgate Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. That'd be a nice place to be in the winter time. That's the the major show in March in February and then we look at March where we're starting to kind of get back into the busier knife show season so a lot of them going on. In March, the spirit of the blade custom knife show March six and seven. That's in Troy, Ohio. You got the track rock hammer and that's in blairsville, Georgia, the Tar Heel cutlery club show that's March 20. through March 21. That's a Friday and Saturday. That is in Hampton Ville, North Carolina. Then we move to Arkansas, the Arkansas knife show also Saturday, March 21. That's at the statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock, Arkansas. Then we kind of go back down south for the Dalton, Georgia knife road show Friday, March 27, to Saturday, March 28. That's in Dalton, Georgia. And then up to or out to Illinois, if you will. The Bunker Hill knife club show, Friday and Saturday, March 27. And March 28. Again, and Godfrey, Illinois and a note about that one that's a new location for this year at the Altonwood river sportsman's club in Godfrey, so a lot of great live shows coming up as we're getting ready coming off a SHOT Show and kind of leading the road down to the blade show.

Bob DeMarco 31:43
So Jim, in SHOT Show season, I'm I'm resolving to not get too excited about too many knives until they've been out for a while and I have a chance to have that cooling off period. I think this year I'm going to be slightly more disciplined in my mind.

Jim Person 32:01
Okay, so you're still still got that New Year's resolution and still kind of holding on to it.

Bob DeMarco 32:07
Yeah, yeah, I in spirit, I'm always there, but you know how things accumulate and then you have to purge it right? You know, it's just harder to do with these wonderful devices.

Jim Person 32:20
But we'll maybe get an update on an upcoming supplemental show, maybe talk a little bit about some of the new names you've bought, as well as some of the recent ones you've sold as you can kind of continue on that. Reduce and refine mantra, if you will. So maybe something to come up. Hey, really quickly before we head out of here tomorrow night, if you're listening to this podcast when it comes out on Wednesday, tomorrow, Thursday, January 30, the Thursday night knife show, which is the live show on YouTube and Knife Junkie Facebook page, so don't miss that. And then this coming Sunday, February 2, second, it's going to be Episode 82 of the Knife Junkie podcast. That's our week. can interview show and Baba another YouTube reviewer that you're going to have a chance to talk with.

Bob DeMarco 33:05
Yeah, I got a chance to talk with slicey dicey one of my new favorites from the last two years or so. And man his channel has caught on like wildfire.

Jim Person 33:14
good conversation so look for that in your podcast feed on Sunday February 20 February 2, if I can talk all right, I think that's going to do it for our midweek supplemental a lot of information here this week. Final Word from The Knife Junkie Bob before we wrap it up here on episode number 81

Bob DeMarco 33:32
keep them strapped.

Announcer 33:33
Thanks for listening to the Knife Junkie podcast. If you enjoyed the show, please rate review and review the podcast calm for show notes for today's episode additional resources and to listen to past episodes visit our website The Knife Junkie calm you can also watch our latest videos on YouTube at The Knife Junkie comm slash YouTube check out some great night photos on The Knife slash Instagram and join our Facebook group that's The Knife Junkie dot com slash Facebook and if you have a question or comment, email them to Bob at The Knife Junkie calm or call our 24 seven listener line at 724-466-4487 and you may hear your comment or question answered on an upcoming episode of the Knife Junkie podcast.


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