Colorful Folders: A Quick Survey – The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 329)
On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 329), Bob “The Knife Junkie” DeMarco looks at some of the colorful folders in his collection, including green, red, purple and pink, and blue handled knives. Find the list of all the knives shown in the show can be found below.
Bob starts the show with his “pocket check” of knives — the Cold Steel AD15, Off-Grid Black Mamba v2, [15:58] Knife Co. Revere and the Station IX No. 4 — while in Knife Life News, Terrain 365’s Invictus Bali gets the Terravantium treatment and there’s a new TOPS Sheep Creek, a winning employee design.
Meanwhile in his “State of the Collection,” Bob shows off his (finally) QSP Penguin.
Bob’s Favorite Comment of the Week
Red, Green, Blue and pink and purple folding knives. Colorful folders - that's my topic this week on episode 329 of #theknifejunkie #podcast. Do you have a favorite handle color? Share on XAutomated Transcript
Colorful Folders: A Quick Survey
The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 329)
Welcome to the Knife Junkie podcast.
The place for knife lovers to learn about knives and hear from the makers, manufacturers and reviewers that make the knife world go round.
I'm Bob DeMarco.
Coming up, I finally get the QSP Penguin, a new Tara Avantium, Bally song, and a survey of colorful folders.
Welcome to the Knife Junkie podcast.
Your weekly dose of knife news and information about knives and knife collecting.
Here's your host Bob the knife Junkie DeMarco.
Welcome back to the show.
I'm Bob DeMarco, my favorite comment from the week was from my good friend Shane Gables.
On the summer Wait Folders episode, he said Bob, I always say that if the knife is too heavy you just ask your wife to carry it in her purse and I saw that and it made me laugh for a couple of reasons.
First of all, almost no knife is too heavy now.
If you saw the Phil Harvey interview, maybe you would disagree with me, but.
I'd say almost no.
Knife is too heavy and too.
I've been doing that when we go to the pool, you know, I just go in my bathing suit, but I have to have my wallet for my insurance card and ID and that kind of thing and I have to have my phone, but I don't want him sitting out on the table when I'm swimming so honey, can you put these in the purse?
And to me it's like the great payback for all those years of being with girls who don't have pockets in their clothing.
And I was always the movable, you know, I was always the Sherpa because I had the pockets.
And it was basically put this my back.
Can you hear this?
Can you carry this can and now it's been reversed.
And and Shane.
I hear you buddy, that's what I've been doing and I think maybe you were making a a different kind of joke, but it's funny to me on several levels.
And yeah, that's me these days, honey, can I drop this in your purse?
All right next is a pocket check right here on the Knife Junkie podcast.
Let me tell you what I was carrying today.
I've been kind of well.
Geez, I was going to say I've been crushing on demco knives, but you know, and a lot of others.
But cold steels recently again.
Are rotating back into view just because I don't know they're consistently awesome and they have the new Engage series out which the lock the Atlas lock does interest me.
The engage knife itself does not.
I just don't see myself getting it.
I know that sounds crazy, but it has had me looking at all my other cold steels and so today I've been carrying one.
I really don't carry much at all and that's my 8015. Just a great design and knife from Andrew Demco.
It's got that scorpion lock on the back.
Works like this.
You just lift up on this titanium bar.
I think in this case it's aluminum on the on the cold steel.
It's aluminum I believe.
It also hinges slightly differently on the cold steel, but you just lift that up.
It pulls the pin out of the notch on the back of the blade there and you just close it.
And this has major fidget factor of course, but it's beefy.
Fidget if you will, because you are jamming your finger between these two things and and fighting against a tough spring to open that up.
At least mine is I I, I must admit, since I don't carry this much every time I do pick it up and open it up and use it, it takes a couple times to warm this knife up and I don't know if that's warming me up to the knife or the knife up to the world so.
Today I was carrying this 8015. Another great thing about this is that if you want this knife, it's either the cold steel or it's hunting down on the secondary market and 8015 for.
Who knows how much a lot and.
And by that I mean a demco you know, out of the demco shop 8015 they don't make these anymore.
I don't believe I. I believe it's now just in the hands of cold steel and the people who got them before cold steel when they came out of the demco shops.
But just a great knife and really, truly when you're gripping this knife and squeezing it shut, you are enhancing that lock.
People talk about the.
Frame lock being that way.
Meaning when you when you grip A-frame lock, you're reinforcing the lock here by holding it shut.
That is true, but even more so on this night where you have that big pin going through the back strap.
So Kerry this today such a great knife.
I'm going to start carrying it more.
I have the G10 behind the clip sanded down so now it's not.
Doesn't doesn't make me cringe when I remove it from my pocket.
I had another folder on me today, one I just can't put down.
This is the off grid knives.
Black Mamba version 2A beautiful.
I'll say it reverse tanto.
No it's not.
It's a bellied, worn Cliff and it's in this really nice golf ball dimpled sort of blackwash titanium package.
Made by best tech.
Just awesome, these awkwardness are so cool.
If I had one one.
Not beef, but suggestion for off grid knives.
It would be on some of your G10 versions.
Start adding color since they all have black blades.
It'd be so cool to start putting Jade G10 on those suckers, or maybe doing special runs on the folders with more micarta.
I I love these, I really love these off grid knives and this little sucker here is a. It's just beefy and it's got that perfect tip.
It's a nice little utility size at about 3:00 is this 3?
Yeah, uh, three 3.3 and a quarter or so inches long.
It's got a great point.
This is a great blend of EDC that you could push to, you know, push push comes to shove.
You could use this in a self defense sort of way to grate great effect.
No doubt it has a great grip, but really, it's just this beautiful titanium handle and this M390 blade that just well, so that's that.
Makes up the whole thing.
Great package.
A great deep carry pocket clip.
Everything about this knife is great, and it's fidget beyond belief and so this is a good one for when I'm editing video at work.
OK, uh, I also had in my pocket, almost forgot about this one because you drop it in and it's so light you almost forget about it.
But this is the station 9 #4 based on the old lapel daggers from the OSS and other clandestine organizations in World War Two.
I love these little things.
This is very sharp.
This is VG10 blade steel.
You've got very aggressive.
It looks like a field.
Ready to be harvest of Jimping ready to be harvested there?
See that let me get it in focus alright at this little tiny grip here offers quite a lot of gription you can really bear down on this, and of course I've added this little lanyard here for.
Putting around your finger so it's really short up in the hand I have.
We have we have a watermelon that is slated for destruction or a later today and I've been walking by it and just sort of taking pot shots with this little knife and stabbing at it.
And you can do a sewing machine thing with that with this little tiny blade really well into the tough hide of of that watermelon because it's so thin and diamond like and cross section.
And so sharp.
It's a really slashy type play.
I mean you could.
You can cut paper with it.
It's a really good little blade and it just slips in really, really well, so I don't know if anyone has noticed me doing that in the house, but it's it.
Must I know how it looks?
OK, but I'm just trying it out.
And no doubt that's not a super long knife, so if you were.
Well, I don't want to get into that, but it's not a super long knife, but you could cause some severe pain with it and you could definitely do some damage with it.
Lastly, today I had the 1558 Revere.
This is by master Bladesmith.
Josh oh gosh, I'm sorry.
I'm I'm I'm I'm spacing on his name and I'll get I'll get it in there I'll remember it in just a second Fisher and Josh Fisher.
Just a great gorgeous knife.
This is a he considers it a sort of hunter.
I consider it a sort of fighter.
Look at that recurve blade that point that long swedge down the back for would make for a great penetrator of you needed it as such.
And when you look at it from the top, you've got nice, swelled out, handle towards the ricasso, then and then two semi deep scoops towards the back where it flares back out.
Just a great you know for your smaller fingers back there it gives it a a tighter grip area.
You got the 1558 in the blade.
This is what is it?
52100 I believe 52100 Steel and micarta.
I love it, I'm I'm in love with this knife.
It is taking a while for this sheath.
It's hard with recurves and this sheath.
He put the grommets so close that it is taking a while to sort of.
Yeah, I'll say it.
Cut a path out of there so it was so I frequently stopped this knife just in case I'm dulling it with the kydex until it has a nice groove there.
All right.
So that's what I was carrying today.
What were you carrying today?
Let me know.
I had the 8015 from cold steel.
The off grid knives.
Black Mamba version 2 the station 9 #5 and or was that 4 #4 and the 1558 review.
I had the review on me.
What were you carrying?
Let me know.
Drop it in the comments or call the listener line 724-466-4487 let me know what you were carrying.
I always say it's a great way to open my eyes to knives I haven't considered possibly here's your fidget factor.
See that I failed in front of the camera.
All right, such a great knife.
Love that 8015. Though not for light shorts, not for light shorts, so I had to do a little wardrobe change.
So Speaking of wardrobe change, Speaking of changes coming up here in my state in two days on Friday, I will legally be able to carry this.
Well, maybe not this one because it's double edged actually, but I will be able to carry the hell out of this excuse the French.
This is the old TR 3 from Pro Tech.
It's an automatic knife.
I live in the state of Virginia and on Friday, July 1st, 2022 we will be legally allowed to carry our automatics, which I'm not even sure if we're legally allowed to own.
Is well by the time you're listening to this, you know I might be on the run.
Heaven forbid alright.
So another thing that I've been noticing you have been talking about cold steel it's I recently got the Voyager Excel drop point and what I've been noticing is the value of the Voyager and I got rid of my clip point and Tonto a couple of years back when I acquired my Excel recons and damn it, I wish
I didn't do that so now I think I'm in a stage of reacquiring those two, perhaps with serrations.
The clip point is now hard to find.
Don't know what you got till it's gone people.
But I did get this couple weeks back.
I showed it off.
This is the the drop point.
It's like a barong.
I love this thing.
The Voyager XL.
Well, I use this all this past weekend in clearing the vines.
The Virginia Creeper, the Grapevine, and the what is it English Ivy have been subsuming our property and.
You know it's not.
It's not a huge, vast swath of land, but it's enough that it's a pain, and it's always lunging, reaching for the house.
And I don't want my house to be.
Devoured, so this was the hewing tool.
Is that the right word hewing, hewing?
I was heading down, I don't know.
I was chopping down vines with this all weekend, and it's so great.
This August 10 A is great steel, now it was very soft, somewhat fibrous, but very soft material.
But still, this blade steel really worked great.
My other voyagers are in CTS.
XHP and OSS 8. I'm thinking I need to get the tanto reget the Tonto next, but I will get this one fully serrated.
I think.
I think there's a benefit to that, and I think I would actually use it like for years I used my Excel Vaquero Grande serrated back in the backyard.
I have kind of retired that I think that's more museum status at this point.
I remember when kind of piece, but yeah, don't ever forget how awesome cold steel.
Excells are and they're still still keeping them good, even though still still making them well, even though someone else is making them all right Next up.
The Knife Junkie podcast we're going to talk some knife, life news and state of the collection, but first I just want to say if you want to join us on Patreon and be a part of getting exclusive content and a monthly knife giveaway, you can do so right here by scanning that QR code or going to
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That's the knife,
You're listening to the Knife Junkie podcast.
And now.
Here's the knife junkie with the knife life news.
Yeah man, there's some sweet knives in that little interstitial.
I would like them all.
I will take them all.
Especially I don't know that bench made auto looked really cool.
I don't even know what that one called.
Anyway, let's do some knife life news Tara Vandium Taraval Antium at no.
It's not that it's not unobtainium from another planet, it is the dendritic cobalt alloy created by terrain 365. Now terrain 365 is a Patrick ma.
Uh company Patrick Ma is the guy who started the company.
Prometheus Blade works, uh before that he he started.
The the company that made the dauntless.
Which I'm spacing right now, but dauntless a great knife.
And some of those design cues from the dauntless carry over into the knives that he now makes with with terrain 365. Oh my gosh all right, having a senior moment here.
But anyway, the the real interesting part of this story is last year he came out with this incredible Invictus Bally song and taking the Invictus Knife so so beloved and turning it into a ballet song, you can see all of the design.
Use here, perfectly translated into the format, but now he's taking it from Prometheus Blade Works brought it into the terrain 365 line and in doing so terrain 360 fives USP is that it is all rust.
Proof super resistant.
I don't know how you wanna put it, but they use all titanium hardware and handling and and parts and non rusticle parts and then the blade steel is not steel, it's this dendritic cobalt alloy that they call Terra Vendome and so they have that Valley song.
Now in this format.
And who doesn't think that's cool?
I do, especially considering the history of the Valley song which was a nautical knife created.
By Filipino sailors to be used one handed when you're up in the rigging and you need to open up your knife.
So the fact that this thing can go out to sea and actually do that job without rusting, I find.
Closes the loop quite nicely.
Patrick ma.
He's an interesting guy and.
I don't know.
It's cool to see this thing come out.
I don't have any terrain 360, not 365 knives.
I was aiming to get the shoot knife the A TS, something something.
I can't remember the the designation of that, but I was looking to get his shoot knife.
It was a folding version of the Bob Lovelace Shoot Knife.
It was also in the Taraval Antium blade material.
Never got that, so maybe I should treat myself to this.
I don't know.
There's so many things I want to treat myself to, but I like the idea of a valley song that cannot rest because it it.
It loops back to the very beginning and and sort of improves on the initial.
Reason for making the thing in the 1st place all right Next up tops knives.
Every year since 2017 has had an employee contest.
It's a really cool idea.
An employee design contest where they will put out some requirements for the design and then ask the employees to.
Submit a design and then the winning design gets put into production and there been some cool knives done that way.
This year's knife is called the Sheep Creek.
They wanted an 8 inch or under fixed blade knife with a sheep's foot or worn Cliff blade.
Employee Dylan came up with this beauty here, so this is a really nice looking sheepsfoot blade.
It's got a very ergonomic handle and it presents that perfectly straight edge and that utility point.
It looks like it it.
It places it at a great angle to take full advantage of that straight edge.
Kind of angled downward off the knuckles.
I really like it, but then if you're coming up to use that tip for utility cuts, detailed utility cuts there is a gimped.
Swell right at the head of the right at the forward portion of the spine of the blade, and that not only looks cool.
Yes, I will grant you that, but it's a great place to put your forefinger or your thumb if you're reaching forward with a with a power tip cut utility cut on that so a cool looking knife.
Congratulations Dylan, you have a knife in production with one of the coolest blades out there.
Our coolest knife makers out there tops.
There you go.
Jim, thank you.
He he put up a really cool picture of how it fits.
In the hand and the way it you know, presents that straight edge at a nice angle and that tip at a very useful angle.
And now this one is presented in a new finish.
For them.
It's a distressed finish called rough terrain.
The rough terrain finish and this is 154 blade steel, which is a steel they use frequently on smaller, more EDC table fixed blade knives that I I guess they figure.
As a utility knife, you're gonna have it close to your person, possibly in the waistband maybe.
Or maybe I'm just being selfish and thinking they were thinking of me, but it's a great blade steel for not rusting.
And you know, if it's if you're carrying it close to your body and doing hard work, you can tend to sweat and even the evaporation of sweat can get through the kydex.
Get through the drainage holes of kydex, I should say and you know so 154 takes care of that.
So there you go.
The Sheep's Creek from tops.
The new, uh, the 2022 employee Design Contest winner.
Look forward to seeing that come out in production alright.
Still to come, we're going to take a look at the new knife I got this week.
One that's been a long time coming, no doubt, and then a quick survey of colorful folders right here on The Junkie podcast.
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I just want to personally thank Jeff Bezos and Amazon for reminding me that I really have always wanted the QSP Penguin.
It's been in my cart for a long time.
They keep telling me when the price goes up or the price goes down or it becomes available or not.
And finally I said OK. OK, maybe if I just buy this they'll leave me alone, so that's why he's got rocket ships and $700 million yachts.
So there you go and that's why I have this QSP Penguin.
This knife has gotten so much good press over the past 2 1/2 years or so and it.
It's no wonder why not QSP first came on my radar and probably most of ours with the parrot.
$20 little drop point that has a relatively generic and simple design, but is just an amazing $20 knife by by all accounts and they continue to make knives in various forms.
But then when this one came out it it sort of really got a lot of people's attention and I could be mistaken.
But that's so rare that I'm probably not, and I think that this was the 1st.
Iteration that came out in.
This is the D2 and denim I believe this thing first came out in denim micarta.
It's either that or it's the first time I ever heard of denim micarta one way or the other.
So don't take that as fact.
But anyway, a really, really great sheepsfoot blade here.
And yes, that denim micarta was the main draw and I love it.
I really love it.
I have.
One other denim micarta and that is the.
The petrified fish victor.
It's a. It's got a totally different look.
Totally different denim I gotta say.
The denim on top.
Is the denim you would see in hard working gear maybe a a train engineer?
Where's the denim on top the denim on bottom is on a you know beautiful young woman is how I see it.
It's that kind of denim.
This is the sort of work a day denim almost looks like it's got stripes in it and.
You you say, why does the denim matter so much?
Well, it's interesting because this knife has come out in countless iterations.
You can get this in a titanium frame lock version now with a premium steel.
You can get it in numerous different steels and hand materials like I'm sorry handle materials like brass and other metals, but you can also get other micarta das and G 10s and this thing is just a super collectible knife if that's.
If that's your thing, I know.
Some people find a knife and a design that they love, say like the Delica or the endura, and then they go to town on it or or the.
The PM two I love keeping up with cutlery lovers.
PM two addiction.
He's trying to get one in every single steel they've ever made it in and he's got.
I think all but one.
Same thing with this.
If you really love this design and you want to have a high value collection, I have a pretty sprawling high value collection.
But you want a high value collection of 1 knife in particular and it's this one you can get it a million different ways.
I do love that, but this has been.
This past weekend I installed a new screen door.
I know you heard me talk about that last year and my dog destroyed both doors because I got lazy and slept on a great idea.
I had to keep him from doing that, but still make it so he could come in and out at will.
And I just kind of slept on actually executing.
And so this year I'm doing a savior job.
And this was my unboxing.
Unpackaging clamshell and all you know.
Actually trimming plexiglass, which was a lovely job.
This did some of that scoring plexiglass.
This did some of that and I was hoping and it's hot as hell and humid this week and this past weekend and I was hoping that the micarta would get all funky from sweating and holding it and having it in my pocket.
And it's like it's brand new, so I'm wondering if they treated it or something.
Or maybe my sweat is just so refined that it takes more of it.
You know civilized sweat.
It takes more of it to tarnish this fine, fine material.
Yes, as you noticed I put a little snake snake knot fob on it.
I've been liking putting those on.
It's like my little ownership.
It's like a brand, you're mine and you're not going anywhere.
And for a while I was thinking this was going to be the junk drawer knife in the kitchen.
But it's really nice.
I'm I'm going to.
I'm going to keep using it and carrying it for now.
All right, that that is the knife of the week.
The QSP Penguin is the knife I got this week and I am digging it.
Thanks again to Amazon.
OK so I wanna take a look at some of the colorful folders I have and and I have to start as I usually do with a caveat.
Now I am.
I realized that wood is not a color, so I am not going to include these, but it it took me a minute.
I almost did.
This is the.
This is the.
Lion Steel Gitano beautiful olive wood handle.
Look at that.
Really nice blonde wood there.
Nice grains in there.
Gorgeous here is a. Sievi, I think this is Rosewood.
If not, I know for sure this is Rosewood.
This is the good ritis designed Boker that's beautiful.
Look at that.
That's the same material that a lot of guitars use for their fret boards.
Kind of a color here or or or definitely a handle theme, but I decided not.
I'm not doing that because I'm not showing in this.
I'm not showing natural my card.
I'm not showing black, I'm not showing some other sort of ho hum colors.
This is all about colored G10 and my card up.
So maybe that was just an excuse to show off some really cool wood knives.
I've been digging the sevii praxis so much with this wooden handle recently that I'm thinking thinking I might have to get a couple more wooden handled knives, or at least try and get some wooden scales for knives I already have.
Love those love.
I'm really digging it alright so here we go.
Colored knives green I'm going through four colors here and actually it's actually 5 but one color category contains 2 colors.
First is green.
Now we're going to start with the most neutral green possible here.
And that is Jade G10 or some people just call it natural G10 because it's uncolored and you can color it.
Basically you can make it any color but I have always loved.
The jade nature of it.
Who doesn't love Jade G10?
I know there are plenty of you out there that think it's terrifically ugly, but appreciate its value in its flexibility.
You know you can take this and diet and have whatever you want, but to me the jade is the thing, and I've had other jades different intensities.
This is the only jade I think I have right now.
I had a maxace in jade years ago that was a cool knife.
I shouldn't let go of, but that one had a really.
I don't know.
It was verging on teal but it was still that Jade G10 that you that I could have died but this is so neutral.
I love it.
Excuse me also, it reminds me of Randy Johnson's old.
3 inch worn Cliff hinderer which made me fall in love with hinderers back in the day.
Alright so that there's that OK so Next up is the the.
The term atom with this incredible.
G. Carta from GL.
Hanson and Sons.
It has the feel of I know we're talking about the look and the color, but it has the feel of cloth.
It really does feel just kind of luxurious and soft and.
But then you look at it and it's got.
This gorgeous green emerald, really an emerald green with.
A herring bone like a large herring bone.
That's not herring.
What is that hounds tooth?
Or herring bone?
I don't know.
It's got some striations here.
In a sort of a an organic Chevron pattern, concentric organic Chevron pattern in purple.
It's just it's stunning to me and it was a gift and I appreciate that gift.
And it's exactly what I wanted, you know?
So thank you, Marianne.
But that green, next to the black handle, and I think the DLC on the TRM are actually is actually really cool.
It's hard to look at.
It's hard to kind of see it looks kind of Gray.
Looks kind of silver.
Looks kind of black.
It's kind of what looking into a black hole must be like.
But OK, so there's that I'm not going to wax philosophical there on that DLC, but really love that green.
And then this is the ultimate green.
This is the TR or the I'm sorry.
The Monterey Bay Knives Turbo designed by Peter Carey and.
I had it modified by the knife motors in that high voltage green.
Let me see if I can.
Change the background a little so you so you might.
That doesn't really do it, but it is a. Beautiful electric green next to a black washed blade.
It is just stunning to me.
It reminds me a bit of the Statue of Liberty that's sort of that color that you get.
When you have that severe patina on bronze and copper and and those kind of materials that beautiful green, what is the blades deal on this?
I think this is M390.
Doesn't matter, it just looks really great in that black next to that green green is a difficult color for this show because I have that green background that's going to change shortly as my brother is working on a leather background for me leather and it'll be somewhat neutral and it will show off.
Color is better.
But for now, those are the green folders.
Alright, Next up is red.
I have some really.
I I have an affinity for, especially the darker red first, we're gonna start with the.
Demco Knives 8020 in Red G10.
This little honey is not so little actually.
I got this from rivers at river Edge cutlery in Ohio.
Lavender pants 26 helped me get this.
He sent me a message.
This is a two years ago now sent me a message saying I found this at my local knife shop and there there were eight of them or six of them.
And this red just drew me in the red.
And also I like the the non hole blade on this knife most eighty 20s have the hole there.
I like that this one doesn't.
I think it makes the blade look longer.
For what it's worth, and really, really excellent action, but that dark red just drew me in, and I've been tempted from time to time to take those scales off and lightly dye them blue and see if I could get some sort of a deep purple.
But I kind of don't want to mess up these red scales, and I'm not sure what will happen if I if I do, and I know you only know if you try and I would probably like the complexity and the layering of color if I could if I could.
To manage it.
But yeah, just beautiful dark red G10 and then.
So all of my Reds are dark.
That's not true.
I have a Finch in a bright red my my Finch devil's finger has a bright red handle, but I'm not looking at those.
I'm looking at this more maroon now that I'm looking now that I'm.
Qualifying it alright C JRB is next.
The scoria again, the color next to the black blade is what sells it to me I. I desperately love this knife.
I don't know what to say.
This is one of those kind of inexpensive knives.
I actually.
It's about 80 bucks, so it's not inexpensive, but it came to me inexpensively because it was a traded knife and I felt no pain in trading away this the sevii rifle.
Even though I did like that knife.
This has really won me over these contoured my car to handle scales that's canvas micarta.
They're very nice to the touch.
I love how they're contoured in this direction.
And this micarta you can see the some of that epoxy.
That's what makes it white, and it does really soak up your your oils like you can see on this side where it's gotten a lot more a touch and play, but those are it's darker, but these are also different cuts of my card.
I'm wondering if this is the inside of this cut.
No matter, I really like the handle.
I love the way it feels.
I love the way it looks next to the black, maroon and black were my high school colors.
I've always liked that color combination.
So I've that's not why I didn't get this because my high school colors, but that's kind of incidental love that color combination the black and the red.
Another great red Micarta knife is a custom job I had done by Tom Engelson.
If you don't know him, he goes by vantage point Blade works on Instagram, and I mean that's his company name and he specializes in Rehandling Emersons.
But he also does other knives and he does a beautiful job.
My card at G10.
Would you name it?
He does a beautiful job and this LV A is a special knife.
I've always thought so and I thought I had to get the the black G10 handles off of here so I did and I had Mr Engelson hook it up with these really nice canvas micarta.
Handles which he contoured and polished.
I think this is double dyed so it's got a really nice color to it and great feel it fattens up the handle a little bit, which is good for me because this is the kind of knife that if you're using it, you really want it locked in there securely.
I have a little modification here.
That I got from a dude on I can't remember his name that I got on.
Instagram if you message me.
I'll let you know who it is, but it waives open that blade.
Also it looks cool, but it waves open that blade that LVL.
That's definitely a fighting blade self defense knife.
You just kind of grip it tightly in the hand with the tip down and the edge in and you take advantage of the arching motions of your and the and the and the adrenaline and.
And you thwart your attacker.
But again, I felt like a knife like this deserves this beautiful.
There's something about deep red and maroon to me that has that sort of same sacred feel as like deep, deep purple.
It's sort of holy, sort of royal, sort of mysterious.
I don't know you're like, whatever Bob, I went to art school, so maybe I'm prone to that kind of thinking from time to time, all right last, up in the red category is the absolutely stunning.
The absolutely stunning grooved bone that you get in the night crawler bone on the Finch Knives 1929 great little knife.
Great little could be.
Fifth pocket could be back, pocket could be bottom of the pocket or just could be clipped to the top of your pocket, but that's those are the other ways I like to carry this little knife.
Great little knife with a little scalpelling, fully flat ground 154 CM blade with a great flipper.
Loved the flippers on the Finch knives.
Because they act as inverse troils.
That's what I call them.
Inverse chorals TM, where you can kind of place your finger there and choke up for for the kind of work you're doing.
But interestingly, and then I'm just discovering this now that I'm looking at the angle of that does present the blade downward in a nice way so that you can take full advantage of your blade angle and edge.
But really, what am I talking about?
This Nightcrawler bone here I'm going to close up the blade so I don't.
Cut myself that Nightcrawler bone.
Look at that it looks fleshy to me the way they died to that bone.
It looks fleshy.
It does look like a Nightcrawler an earthworm.
It's got.
Dimension and and you know the light and the dark.
It looks like there's blood flowing underneath it.
I love this and then they, of course they grooved it like a Nightcrawler, so it's kind of textured like it.
And then it's on both sides?
Uh, love it.
That's one thing I love about.
Dyed bone is the dimension you get.
You get depth.
I did this is, this is the only real bone here.
I didn't.
I decided not to bring any traditionals in because I have.
I have I have a lot of traditional knives and maybe that that's a different.
That's a different look at the handle scales of my traditional knives, but just had to talk about that.
That deep red?
Uh, it's so nice I, I highly recommend Finch Knives and one thing I love about them is the character.
The character of those knives is great because they are sort of importing or exporting.
They're importing into their flipper designs, the.
All the design cues and concepts of old knives.
Or you could reverse that and say they're designing old knives and bringing this modern bearing flipper.
Into it to change, improve, update and man I cannot keep up with them.
I'd love to have every single model and I need to.
I need to catch back up.
I've lost track with them in terms of buying like that Chernobyl Ant their new new ish.
They have a lot of models.
Their new ish flipper sodbuster so nice man they really they stretched out the sodbuster lines and made it a little bit more elegant.
And just as useful so.
Anyway, Finch knives, but those are the red knives.
My beloved red knives.
Next category is the pink and purple, now pink and purple.
These are knives that I've started.
I don't have too many of them, but they definitely have only been here in the last almost 12 years.
So since since my daughters have come around.
Purple and pink has shown up now and again in my knife collection and I I I. I've always loved purple as a color, but I've never liked pink and then I have grown to love it because there was no avoiding pink when my when my girls came along and it was funny because there was a trend in baby clothes
for girls.
When my first daughter came along this like Brown and muted mauve and and olive green and olive.
Like this totally androgynous look for girls.
Clothes and I and so at that point I was craving pink.
I'm like give me pink like I didn't give birth to an it.
I gave birth to a girl and I want people to know it and you know that's why they do the blue and the pink because when your baby's a little little baby no one can tell what the hell they are.
So you gotta you gotta dress them up in such a way that people have cute oh I love your little.
Girl you know I see the pink.
So anyway.
Pink and purple.
I'm gonna start with purple.
This was a knife given to me by my daughter.
Of course it wasn't.
It was picked out of a catalog and purchased by my wife, but this is a purple Delica.
Great knife, this is the Delica 4 fully flat ground that's VG10 blade all all the trimmings that you know from a traditional Delica.
4 but that really nice.
Multidirectional textured purple handle.
I love this.
At the time my daughter got this for me she was naming everything everything had had to have a name and she named my knives and so this one was named Sleepy Bear.
So this this particular Delica in purple will forever be sleepy.
Bear a great great utility knife.
This Delica this road in my back pocket for a long time with a I had a Gray fob on it for a while that just sort of got funky and I took it off but a great knife that is sleepy bear the purple Delica for next was a gift from the great and powerful Doug Ritter and this is his design, the.
Ritter Hogue, RSK Mark one mini.
This is the mini mark one in that beautiful purple G Mascus.
I love it.
It's purple, Gray and black.
G10 you know layer G10 and then it's sculpted and contoured and milled with that really awesome radiating concentric circle pattern and just look at that.
It is a thing to behold.
Actually this little one makes me want to get the big version of this or another of their G mascus's.
I love the way it looks it it has a semi organic feel.
It reminds me sort of of wood when you contour these.
Layered G 10s in my cardas.
But that radiating pattern that comes from the pivot really is the grip and it grips you in all directions because it's concentric circles radiating from the pivot and then also raise that emanate from from that if that makes sense.
And of course, you've got the beautiful 20 CV blade with that high height Sabre grind.
Very thin and slicy, just a great utility knife.
The whole concept behind the Ritter Griptilian and now Ritter Hogue RSK mark one by Doug Ritter, was to have a very high performing high end steel in a budget handle and so that it could be packed away.
And you could use it and carry it and get all of the high performance.
Out of a. Super Steel without carrying your sebenza around.
Basically because he had and loved sebenza's and wanted to carry something with that super steel, but kind of was nervous about taking his $400 knife into the field to bang around down or use as a survival tool so.
That was the genesis of the RSK Mark 1 slash Ritter Griptilian love that knife you gotta go to knife works it's a knife, works exclusive.
I don't know how they managed that but.
Great iterations in orange and black and different blades and different handle colors.
Check it out.
Next, we move into the pink.
I'm keeping pink and purple and there are one a separate category or what?
They're one unified category.
I should say.
Next up is another name to knife, but I named this one.
This was the first knife.
My daughters, my first daughter ever got for me?
This is the Ontario knives rat #2. Just an amazing I love this knife.
I love this knife much better than my large than my rat one.
This is the OSS 8 version.
This steel I have always been able to keep this razor sharp my my rat one has always been a problem.
I don't know if they jacked up the heat treat or whatever but I've never been able to get that one razor sharp.
This one I've always been able to keep razor sharp.
I love the black coating next to the pink.
That's how you sell me.
Pink is black and pink so this one is pinky tuscadero after the character Fonzie's girlfriend and happy days.
She always had like a pink skirt and a black jacket and and I always thought she was kind of hot.
I gotta say so.
This is Pinky Tuscadero you can see this has been used much much lay over the years that you can see lines in the marks in the blade.
Coding, I like that it it shows the history, but I also like how the GRN I love that this is one of the few GRN handles I really love.
Has remained pristine, it it's I guess it's easy to clean but I I feel like it hasn't picked up a lot of dirt and this I don't think I've ever cleaned it.
Got that little fob on there that'll always stay there.
It's sort of completes the package to me.
Alright, last up of the pink knives is the famous and infamous broken skull.
This is.
This is the one when I first started the Knife Junkie podcast in November of 2018 and for several years after that I was carrying this in my waistband everyday all the time and with the with the tag line there's no excuse not to have 4 inches of super steel.
On you at all times, because this thing is so thin.
I've had this in several iterations I had I had.
I had the this is the XHP version CTS XHP.
I also had this in the coyote tan or no no.
The the dark brown Earth I gave that to my brother Vic.
He loves his I've I think I've had two of these pink ones.
I think I lost.
The first pink one.
But anyway I bought the pink before we went away on a trip overseas.
Well over it was a it was in Punta Cana.
I'll say it, I guess I can never go back there.
No but I didn't want to go there without a knife and these days I don't.
I don't do that these days I'll go somewhere without a knife and.
I'll either pick one up there or I'll travel with something like an opinel or or Swiss army knife, but in those days I had to have 4 inches of locking super steel on me, so I took this and carried it the whole time, brought it back, and then we went two years later and I carried the same knife and
it actually is an excellent excellent utility.
This is a this is a great food knife.
I mean, it's really thin.
A fully flat ground.
You've got great edge geometry, super slicy.
Works great as a food knife.
That's primarily what it was used for.
Also got carried in the waistband because they didn't want to show the clip.
And then I got one of these snaggle tooth MF's on there.
This is a an aluminum 1 anodized pink, perfectly pretty much perfectly matching the pink of this G10.
Though it's dirty on this side because it, you know was up against denim so much it just sort of stained the G10.
But if you look at it on the show side.
It's perfectly matched.
Great knife, I love this knife and I don't think you can get this anymore.
The pink broken skull you can still now they have now.
They call it the range boss and it's in a cheaper steel I think.
But it's the same layout with the four inch clip point blade and the and the thin.
It was originally the.
It was originally in the All steel version with the fake Stag handles.
It was called.
Called the Lone Star Hunter I think, and then and then it became the broken skull with the thingy 10 and the XHP steel.
And now it's in the 4116 I think, and GRN, but it's the same layout, so they're getting a lot of a lot of mileage out of this profile here.
So those are the pink and purple knives, and last are probably I don't know.
I don't know if I want to call him my favorite, but they were.
The blue was the first color in my.
Collection and but I'm not showing you that knife.
I'm showing you these four here because these mean more to me right now.
First up, the arcona nettle.
Really, really love this one.
This is a front flipper designed by Ivan Bragg, Anetz of Russia, and this was imported by Lavon of the Knife Nuts Podcast and from Russia with Lavon.
It's got a great K110 blade.
K110 Steel is equivalent to D2.
Very sharp slicey blade on this great front flipper.
Never missed front flipper action here, but look at that blue handle to me stunning.
It is a very fine weave like a linen micarta, alternating blue and black but it was cut on a bias.
It appears to have been.
I take that back.
That's just it just appears that way due to the contouring, but you can see.
The Black, revealed through the blue as its contoured and curved in this direction.
Also it's got these cool slots milled in it.
And has a really nice effect that the bright blue with the deep black together just make for a sort of midnight blue appearance.
What that shiny blade?
I just find it fetching beyond belief.
OK, Next up is a recent acquisition that I I really like this knife.
This is the Towser Kay.
I was waiting for this to come back.
Came out to much applause and much a plum.
I guess.
No, no, no no, that's not the right word.
It came out to much applause I guess.
And people love this knife.
And I slept on it and didn't end up getting it again.
Don't know what you got until it's gone.
I thought I had the I thought Ohh Kaiser's just making this now and that it would be but they sold out of their initial run of it and they had to make more.
They came back.
I finally snagged 169 bucks and you can get it in this blue rich light or you can get it in red canvas micarta that also looks cool but I I I don't have any rich light.
I had to get this rich light is kind of a micarta like material but the layers are instead of fabric.
They're more paper like and it's compressed under high heat and pressure and epoxy or with epoxy and it's used for countertops and other applications similar to my Carta.
But I'd love that deep blue, deep deep Gray, blue.
And then you have those alternating hexagons.
Kind of carved in there.
It reminds me of illustrations I've seen of the what do they call that the?
The the boson Hicks field you know, and I'm not even gonna try and explain it, but it's a thing and it's in advanced physics.
I guess it's in what does that?
People are yelling at their screen or their radios.
Right now it's it's quantum physics you ******* but it's it reminds me of the pattern of the Higgs boson that I've seen illustrated.
So I kind of like that.
It's trippy.
What can I say?
Very nice.
Contouring on the handle.
Presenting that sheepsfoot blade at just the perfect angle for all sorts of utility applications, and you can use that tip in a pinch, you could use that tip for sure.
Definitely for going through those tough kind of clamshell packages so we have this linen micarta contoured.
We have flat rich light with engraving in it that I really like.
Next up my favorite color blue in G10 Thunder.
That blue thunderhead.
That's what I'm calling it TM.
Thunderhead blue TM.
This is the kyubi vagrant, one of two blade designs.
They have a sheep's foot and a worn Cliff.
This is the worn Cliff.
Really love this modified wharncliffe you've got.
It's all belly there and you've got that nice scoop out of the top.
A great place to place your finger if you're going to use it for utility cuts.
Great place for a forward thumb for real pressure for a forward cut like that.
Or you can use that great jumping, but love that blade shape.
It's dramatic, it's useful.
It has a point, but you still get that sort of sheep's foot kind of edge geometry, but look at that.
I I'm sorry edge profile.
I meant look at that gorgeous handle.
I love the handle scale scales not only the color.
Which is what we're talking about here, but also, man.
It's it's perfectly sculpted.
It's a great ergonomic knife.
I do recommend this knife highly.
This is the one that got me to really perk up my ears to Cuba, even though everyone was talking about him for years.
You know me?
I'm always kind of a late adopter.
It's congenital, but.
This thing fits perfectly and it's got that Thunder head blue that I'm so crazy about.
Thunder Head Blue is a color that I have that I have trademarked.
I haven't trademarked it.
I've coined it.
I love that grey blue color that you see as soon as you cross the border from Pennsylvania into Ohio.
And every time I drive home to Ohio to visit my folks, it's always beautiful for my stay.
But when I arrive, it rains.
It's always this dark dark Gray blue over the.
Over this beautiful bright golden ochre field.
I love that color combination and that's what this kind of handle scale reminds me of, and I see it a lot out there and I love it all right.
Lastly, I can't talk about blue without talking about denim micarta.
Before I was talking to you about this work.
Work a day denim micarta with the lines in it almost reminds me of something you'd see in like workwear or an engineer.
A train engineers overalls or something like that.
But I want to show this one.
This is the beautiful petrified fish victor.
Beautiful in many ways.
I think the K 110 Bowie blade is stunning.
It is a gorgeous clip point blade, almost a trailing point clip point, but you'd still keeps the point.
Kind of center line and you've got that nice curved.
Sweeping swedge there for drama.
And also penetration ohh, what did I rub?
I just rubbed something nasty into the blade whilst I was trying to do the opposite.
I'll have to clean that later but just a beautiful blade.
Great action on this just falls shut.
This is petrified fish.
You know it's such a funny name.
Petrified fish, you know.
I used to live or I didn't live, but I had a studio in Chinatown in Philadelphia and Petrified Fish.
Sounds like it might be one of the weird.
They had a lot of restaurants with just very weird names, delicious food.
I mean, it was a great place to work by because lunch was always delicious, but there were weird named restaurants in petrified fish could easily have been one of them.
But look at the denim micarta they put on this.
Wow Lee gosh Gee gosh golly it is gorgeous.
Looks it's.
It's like deep blue canvas micarta but it's that it's.
It's where denim meets canvas.
You know what I mean?
Some denims are thicker weave and that's what this is and it's got that bright blue color.
It's just beautiful royal blue and the more I use it the deeper it gets.
And I have not.
I have not done anything to accelerate it, and I'm not going to.
I'm just gonna see how this one turns out.
Just beautiful.
And you got the blue backspacer here that handle material even in pictures sold this knife for me.
The petrified Fish Victor Clip Point blade.
You can also get this one.
It's also very handsome in the black blade and green micarta.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, thanks for coming down this this little colorful trip down this colorful Rd with me.
A quick survey survey just glancing glancing at them to survey what I have in terms of the colorful knives.
I do have a lot of silver knives.
I do have a lot of tan knives.
I I fancy the natural, my cardas and the and the and the coyote G 10s and that kind of thing.
And yes those are colors but I meant something a little bit more.
Striking then those kind of natural earth tones.
So there you have it.
Ladies and gentlemen, put some color in your knife collection and see where it takes you all right.
Join me on Sunday for the next great interview and also tomorrow night for Thursday Night Knives.
That's 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
And remember, if you live in Virginia on Friday, you can carry a switchblade.
You can carry an automatic knife on July 1st so the law changes here.
I'm very excited and.
I'm going to wrap with this so for Jim working his magic behind the Switcher, I'm Bob DeMarco, saying until next time.
Please don't take doll for an answer.
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Knives, News and Other Stuff Mentioned in the Podcast
- Terrain 365’s Invictus Bali gets the Terravantium Treatment
- New TOPS Sheep Creek a Winning Employee Design
- Patrick Ma of Prometheus Design Werx – The Knife Junkie Podcast Episode 166
- The Knife Junkie’s Patreon Group
Pocket Check
- Cold Steel AD15
- Off-Grid Black Mamba v2
- [15:58] Knife Co. Revere
- Station IX No. 4
State of the Collection
- QSP Penguin
Colorful Folders: A Quick Survey
- TRM Atom (Green Gcarta)
- Hinderer XM (Jade G10)
- MBK Turbo / Knifemodders (High-voltage Green Ano)
- Demko AD20 (Red G10)
- CJRB Scoria (Maroon Micarta)
- Finch 1929 (Night Crawler Bone)
- Emerson Eliva (Custom Maroon Micarta Scales by Vantagepoint)
Pink & Purple
- Spyderco Delica aka “Sleepy Bear” (Purple GRN)
- Ritter/Hogue RSK M1 Mini (Purple G-mascus)
- Ontario Rat 2 aka “Pinkie Tuscadero” (Pink FRN)
- Cold Steel Broken Skull (Pink G10)
- Arkona Nettle (Blue/Black Micarta)
- Kizer Towzer-K (Blue Richlite)
- Kubey Vagrant (Thunderhead Blue G10)
- Petrified Fish (Denim Micarta)
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