Overseas Budget Folder Favorites – The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 408)
On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 408), Bob “The Knife Junkie” DeMarco looks at his favorite overseas budget folders, including the Kizer Mad Tanto, B’yond EDC Nighthorse and the Kubey Royal among others.
Bob starts the show with his favorite comment of the week, followed by his “pocket check” of knives — the Two Sun TS336, Jack Wolf Knives Little Bro Jack, the JB Knife & Tool Ditch Pick, and the CJRB Pyrite (Emotional Support Knife).
In Knife Life News, Ken Onion Facet Premium is released, the Buck Budgie looks like a bird, a compact Voxnaes design new MKM EDC, and Boker and Poltergeist team up on a new Balisong.
Meanwhile in his “State of the Collection,” Bob shows off his new Jack Wolf Knives Big Bro Jack and CM Designs Tonic by Bestech. He also shows off a Steve Calari Custom kitchen paring knife he bought for a friend’s 50th birthday party.
Find the list of all the knives shown in the show and links to the knife life news stories below.
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Perhaps a polarizing topic, but this week I'm talking a look at my favorite overseas budget folders on episode 408 of #theknifejunkie #podcast. Do you have any, and if so, what are they? Share on XOverseas Budget Folder Favorites - The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 408)
The Knife Junkie Podcast is the place for knife newbies and knife junkies to learn about knives and knife collecting. Twice per week Bob DeMarco talks knives. Call the Listener Line at 724-466-4487; Visit https://theknifejunkie.com.
©2023, Bob DeMarco
The Knife Junkie Podcast
[0:00] Welcome to the Knife Junkie podcast, the place for blade lovers to learn about knives and hear from the makers, manufacturers and reviewers that make the knife world go round.
I'm Bob DeMarco and coming up, we're going to take a look at the Gentleman Junkie giveaway knife this month. We're going to take a look at a buck, fun looking buck in the Knife Life News and then overseas budget folder favorites right here on on the Knife Junkie Podcast.
Welcome to the Knife Junkie Podcast, your weekly dose of knife news and information about knives and knife collecting.
Here's your host, Bob the Knife Junkie DeMarco.
Welcome back to the show. My favorite comment from last week was from Lone Wolf.
He says, questions, sir, what is a mamalook?
And a mamalook is a dunce, is the dunce in Italian. And what about another Nova knife with a crisp blade or a sax blade?
A lot of people have mentioned wharncliffe's, that's because I have mentioned wharncliffe's, that is the blade I intend the Nova 2 to be. It's just that I have not designed the right one yet, I haven't zeroed in on it, but that indeed, lone wolf, is what it's going to be. A crisp blade, I do like a crisp blade, but I do want to keep it short.
[1:26] And there's not a lot of room in 3 1⁄4 inches.
I know that's ordinarily below my, well, in 3 1⁄2 inches, not a lot of room for too many curves, but I hadn't thought of a crisp.
So that is definitely food for thought. Lone Wolf, thanks for the comment, and thanks one and all for watching and commenting.
Greatly appreciated, gets the juices flowing, that's for sure.
All right, all that being said, I think it's time for a pocket check.
♪♪ Today I was carrying this Tucson Knives knife.
This is kind of what inspired the subject of today's discourse.
And I've been kind of, well, honestly, I was trying to sell a bunch of my high value overseas produced folders and was finding it difficult because this one not included, they just were maybe a little less expensive than is almost economical to sell and ship.
[2:31] Without bundling and I've always had difficulty in bundling.
So anyway, it got me to take a look at some of these knives and a second look and I've been using them and carrying them a bit more.
And this one and the other Tucson that's on my list later, I have been marveling at.
They are inexpensive, very well built with very high quality materials like titanium and 14C, and other better blade steels than that, my Karta. This one is such a great design.
This is the knife I've wanted to carry for years and years and years.
It kind of hits the realistic yet mall ninja aesthetic that still has me since I was a young boy.
And I love this thing.
It's a great cutter too. Used it a lot for boxes today. So a great cutter is that.
[3:26] That recurve really helps trap the material in the cut and just accelerates what you're doing.
Love that thing. Tucson TS-336.
Also, in my pocket, in anticipation of something new, I was carrying the Little Bro Jack from Jack Wolf Knives.
Their boys knife, this is like the GEC No. 15 in size and character.
It's that sleeve board pattern.
Neutral, extremely comfortable, usable handle in any grip, obviously. It is just the perfect, slip joint handle. And then paired with the perfect slip joint blade, that really nice long swoop, deep bellied clip point with the high hollow ground, in this case M390 blade steel. The blade steels have changed to S90V. I think we're three knives in with the new steel.
To me it's tomato, tomato. They're all way more steel than I deserve.
[4:31] But I'm happy to have them, especially in their hollow ground nature. I do love the little bro .
[4:39] Next up on me, I'm falling back in love with this knife as I have been beginning to appendix carry my fixed blade knives, and this one fits great with how I carry it kind of on the right side appendix.
This is the JB Knife and Tool Ditch Pick.
They are out of Texas, as you can see from the proud logo star there.
That is the lone star of Tejas.
Beautiful, double-edged. This is a pical knife, so originally the pick or the ditch pick in this case, ditch referring to the 16th of an inch thick or thin, you might say, blade stock.
So all of their ditch models are in that thin blade stock.
This run he was offering full double-edged, single-edged pical or bayonet-edged pical, meaning the outer edge coming up halfway, which I gotta say looks wicked wicked cool but I gotta I also have to say that, I would I knew I would have regretted not getting a full double-edge you know what I'm talking about people you hear me Cleveland that's like the best way to get applause in Iraq Iraq but in any case double-edge is the way to go with this and I'm very glad I did because it's almost can't tell if it's an upswept, you know, Persian style double-edged small knife or is it a Pakal knife, you know.
[6:06] With a full double-edged. Anyway, I love that knife and JB Knife and Tool, they are awesome.
[6:13] Go check them out. Instagram, I think, is the place to do that. And lastly, this little knife, has been hard to get out of my rear left pocket. The CJRP Pyrite, so fidgety and so strong, actually button lock and the perfect set depth for the button easy to get without having to do too much manipulation in pushing that button in and great for fidget but also it happens to be a tough little bugger and I haven't had it happen yet where I accidentally engaged the lock with my finger and the toughest thing I've done with this is go through cardboard but still you know after a little while you might end up changing grips and stuff and I did not find the line an issue.
[7:08] And no chance of it failing, I don't think, under normal use with the sharp pocket that that plunge lock sits in, as opposed to that conical shape that most of them have.
All right, so this is what I had in my pocket today, the Tucson TS-336, the Little Bro Jack from Jack Wolf Knives, the JB Knife and Tool Ditch Pick, double-edge, and the CJRB Button Lock Pyrite, a definite fidget-friendly knife there.
What were you guys carrying? Drop it down there in the comments, let me know.
I like to find out what everyone carries.
Sometimes it offers inspiration, other times it just makes me say.
[7:47] You know, I got a classy audience, and I like that. So that's what I had on me.
Gentleman Junkie Knife Giveaway is coming up real soon, and we're gonna be giving away this right here.
This was given to us by Kerry of Off Grid Knives. He sent this and two others, The Coyote and the All Black, and I claimed the Coyote.
It had the, they all have great action, but to me it was the one that required maybe a little bit of break in.
So I took that one for myself, and very, very generous move on my part, you know, to break that in.
But this one is butter smooth right out of the box, super sharp, and you got that tumbled finish, very handsome knife. I love the center line point on the tanto blade.
I must admit, I was never a fan of it in terms of how it looks.
I always liked the upswept nature of say a cold steel tanto.
[8:49] But having this and using it with that point in the center, I love it.
And I think it's also kind of dagger-like too.
But it's very easy to use that tip without having to crank your wrist at all.
So very, very nice blade and very nice 154CM edge. You've got that awesome file work and jimping, kind of a double jimping effect on the spine.
Really great knife. Thank you, Kerry. And I'm going to pass along that good fortune to Gentleman's Junkie this month, April, 2023.
All that being said, I wanna go over a couple of new knives that are coming out and that I spotted on KnifeNews.
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You're listening to the Knife Junkie Podcast. And now, here's the Knife Junkie with the Knife Life news!
CRKT has always been known for taking design chances and doing a lot of sort of audacious and innovative stuff for a pretty relatively low price point.
[10:18] And you know this is we're talking high innovation in big big box stores sometimes some of the great nights they had on offer over the years lots of great designers.
Making budget knives through CRKT. Ken Onion has been one of them.
He's made part of his career with CRKT knives.
And recently CRKT has been pushing to up the game for those of us knife aficionados and knife junkies out there who appreciate the designers they bring on board but want little more in terms of build, and that kind of thing.
So they've had a couple of knives that they've partnered with Hogue to put out some American knives.
And now they have the great Ken Onion with two knives of a same series called the Facet Series.
[11:10] With knives coming out through Lionsteel.
Beaded by DRKT, being built by Lionsteel. And I gotta say, this is okay.
3.3 reverse Tanto M390 titanium.
Two different themes. the facet, this is the facet viral, and then there's the facet rivet, which looks like the side of a piece of military materiel.
I gotta say Ken Onions, I'm not speaking directly to Mr. Onion himself about this design, but I gotta say I'm very underwhelmed by the design.
And I know that Ken Onion is known for a certain curvaceous and very organic looking knife.
And you know, throughout, that look throughout many, many, many of his designs.
And I know he's been evolving out of that and breaking that and doing different stuff.
But to me, they're just not as exciting as some of his older designs.
So this one, to me, feels like, oh, it's too bad that they went with this one because Ken Onion, I don't know.
[12:17] The designs that he's really, the look that he's really known for, I think, is probably should've gone.
This is, I don't know.
I don't know, what do you think? Let me know. Am I being too harsh?
I like the idea that they have LionSteel doing it, but that also could possibly cause a problem or two.
Anyway, this is what we have coming from CRKT. I like it because they're trying to pull out the stops and 500 pieces only and making them collectible. I just, I'm not so sure about this design.
All right, let's move on. Next is from Buck, another American company, doing something weird also.
Their buck budgie is a great little knife came out in 2021 steel frame lock G10 on the show side featuring S35VN for under a hundred bucks. That was the budgie.
That was its USP. Well, here they have a Cerakoted version. That's an aluminum show side so that they could Cerakote it, and a steel lock bar side and a Cerakoted blade.
This is all about the high material, the S35VN but also making it look like a budgie.
A budgeridgery, what did they call that? Yeah, a parakeet.
Is that.
Shortened name for it, I think in native something, something.
All right, that's where I'm going to leave that. But the budgie, what do you think of this?
It's cute, right?
[13:45] This is a cool little thing to do. I don't know, S35VN, that's a Paul Boss Heat Treat, 825 pieces.
I say, why not? It's the mango bird. I could see, you're living in a tropical climate, you want a cheerful knife.
This will do the trick. Anyway, I like that Buck is doing things.
All right, next from Maniago Knife Makers, that's MKM.
[14:14] Another Jesper Voxnaes design. He, I love his designs. This one here looks a little, you know, it's part, it's the same but different.
You can see the Vox design in it, but it's not so Vox up in your face.
A compact, so they got a lock back.
N690, that ubiquitous European blade steel, and that's a 2.83 inch drop point hollow ground blade.
I think it's fetching little, what do you want to call it, like Delica replacement, lock back FRN point and that there's wire clip.
I think that's a pretty cool little knife, I gotta say.
And I think that coloration in particular catches my fancy. Now, the question is with that lozenge shaped opening hole, are you flipping it open? Are you reverse flicking that?
I think a lot of new knives, lock back knives out there are flippable, even some triad locks.
So be interesting to see about that with this.
All right, lastly in knife life news, Boker and Poltergeist.
I love Poltergeist blade works.
Jacob and I don't know how to pronounce his last name, but Jacob W over there, the man behind Poltergeist Blade Works.
[15:35] Have done a couple of collaborations as have a few other companies like Real Steel.
He's just got a very cool design aesthetic. He has his take of the Valley song, it's called The Faction.
Look at that. You can see the pivots are those big, oversized pivots that are part of Jacob's designs.
[16:01] And those titanium handles are gonna be nice and light, they're on bearings, and then you have that really cool S35VN drop point.
And as is traditional for a bally song, it's a big blade, even though it's not the full four and a quarter inch, it's 3.74 inches, so about a half an inch short of the traditionally large size.
Drop point, beautiful. titanium tip-up right-hand loop over clip.
Which is something I like to see. That's kind of one thing I wish they put on the lucha, the Kershaw lucha is a clip, because that's something I would like to carry a little more often.
So that is the news, all the news that's fit to cut.
And right here in a minute we're going to take a look at the state of the collection and also some overseas budget favorites.
[16:57] And now that we're caught up with KnifeLife News, let's hear more of the KnifeJunkie Podcast.
This just came in yesterday and it is the Big Bro Jack.
I love this artwork here. Let me show you the sticker.
The sticker might do it more, better justice here.
You can see it says family there and then you see a big bro, big barrel chested wolf, and then in front of him a scrawny wolf. That was me, the scrawny wolf, and I have an awesome big bro.
So this, I carried the little bro today knowing that the big bro was going to be showing up.
So just to remind you, this is the little bro sleeve board, the boy's knife there, and, then this right here.
I'll do this in front of the mic so you can hear it and then I'll show it.
Such walk and talk.
[17:50] This is the big bro. This knife has already seen more action and more like, well, more cardboard action, big thick cardboard boxes than any of my other jackwolves.
I've babied them, I must admit, especially the wharncliffs and the ones with the very delicate tips.
But today I got this and I just felt moved. I also had a bunch of boxes to dispatch and I was trying out a couple and this just slipped, right through all sorts of cardboard.
And a way that I really like to cut cardboard, it's probably dangerous and not advised, but I like to pull the knife towards me, just exactly how I'm not supposed to.
Actually, it's more like I'm pulling the cardboard away, but you can kind of guide your cut and watch it cut.
[18:39] And this thing just did a great job at that. This neutral handle, it gives you a lot to hold on to.
I believe that's a four inch handle, three and a quarter, three and three quarters inch handle.
Don't quote me, obviously. You got a nice bushing notch. You could sharpen this a long time, get a lot of life out of that edge.
And then this run, this Big Bro Jack, is the last knife of the Jack Wolf knives to feature my Carta.
And I wanna show it next to the Little Bro and show you how great this looks.
[19:15] Look at those beauties. That big one, really, you do feel like you can do a lot of great work with that knife and feel pretty confident with it in hand.
So this is the new Big Bro Jack. Very excited about this.
And this will be available on Friday.
Alright, so putting that down. This comes with all the usual swag. I will set that aside.
Next up, I wanted to show last week, I showed you Kalarka's paring knife.
Well, I got another one.
He made it lickety split for my buddy's 50th birthday.
I got it just in time for his birthday and then it ends up, his wife spirited him away to Jamaica.
Didn't get a chance to give this to him on his birthday, but in a pinch and with not very much time, Steve knocked one of these out for me and got it to me for his birthday. I can't wait to give it to him.
[20:13] You can see that olive drab canvas micarta and black, red and black liners. So beautiful.
And just thin as the day is long and slicey as as you can imagine. These knives are awesome.
So I just wanted to show that off. It's a black micarta pins. Show it off because it's in my possession for longer than I expected. So a very nice knife and should definitely consider getting a custom-made kitchen knife because I would venture to say you use your kitchen knives probably more than anything else, more consistently than anything else. So getting a custom kitchen knife, something not too fancy maybe, something you're not afraid to bang around, you know, not just when you have guests over and yeah, you should do that. I highly recommend it and I can highly recommend Steve Kolari custom knives. All right. Next up, this was sent to me to check out by the designer Colin Maison Pierre. This is his tonic. We were talking before about fidgety, the fidgety nature, or lack thereof, of certain kind of folders and in this case, the.
[21:29] Back lock and some, as I mentioned before, some back lock knives like some of the Kayad locks are quite ditty. They give you plenty of room on the ricasso to catch the blade with your forefinger without cutting yourself when closing it and they're smooth and they oftentimes pop open. But what's different about this knife is something that Colin Maison Pierre designed into this. He put on the lock, you can see the lock face here for the for the back lock, has a ball bearing on it. So when you're opening it.
[22:08] The ball bearing is what's dragging across the circular part of the tang, not the full lock bar.
So the resistance is less and you can pop it open. And it is, man, this is such a great knife.
I was kind of afraid to receive it because I really like it a lot.
There's this milling that runs through the handle, these grooves that run through the handle.
It's got titanium bolsters, very nice and thin that you get from a back lock like this, and just a perfect lineup and everything about this. This is high end Bestech and high end design. And I, Bestech is going to feature in the, in my overseas budget favorite folders.
They do a lot of great OEM stuff and they design, license a lot of great designs, but.
[23:03] But there are really high-end stuff like this and some others like the Kohn's craft knives, I really have to check out more of because I think Best Tech is right up there, and this design is awesome.
That blade is so nice.
This would benefit also from a size up. I would love to see this in a three and a half or a 3.75 inch bladed version, but you know, dare we dream, that's probably not what sells.
All right, so let's take a look at some of these overseas budget folder favorites.
Now, it's kind of like saying some of my favorite Chinese knives, but some of these are designed by.
[23:46] Some of these are licensed designs by designers and makers, as opposed to designers and makers using these companies as OEMs.
There are plenty of those also, I just didn't include them in this list.
First up, though, is from a great designer. This is Ostop Hel, and this is his Bestek Behai.
[24:09] And it's part of his Bouquet series. I always wanna say boutique, Bouquet series.
So these are knives that have a very organic looks to them, and they are all inspired by various flowers, exotic flowers and hence the bouquet line sort of moniker.
This one came out not too long ago and won my heart. It's not as easy for me to manipulate with my left hand as it is my right. But it is small and very useful. And I like to think of it as quite a wicked little knife, but it's also very, useful. My youngest daughter used this to cut out a.
[24:53] Project pieces of paper on a cutting mat that was going to be mounted to a poster board.
And this was a perfect size and that very utilitarian hawk tip blade there was great for following dotted lines.
You know, as soon as kids can use knives instead of scissors, I'm all for it.
Scissors are kind of imprecise, I think.
But with a knife, a project looks so much better. This of course is a front flipper and they did a great job with these.
They fall shut even though they're tiny, they fall shut like nothing.
So great, great little blade fall and shut.
Okay, next up, this is a classic. This is a current iteration of a classic and that is the Savivi Praxis.
One of the three models that came out.
[25:45] If you remember back when the Praxis first came out, you had your choice of of like blue anodized liners or gold anodized liners, all shiny, and I just thought they were tacky, but I always loved the design.
And Civivi, you know, changed and kind of got with it real quick in terms of some of the finishing touches and making them look more like people like us like.
And this version of this knife, I think is stunning with that wood.
I think that's coca-bolo. It's a very nice wood.
And next to the D2, that's coated and tumbled, coated black and tumbled. It just looks great.
[26:27] Very thin and tall, flat grind on that leaf-shaped blade. You've got a full finger choil there.
And excellent, excellent liner lock action, deep carry pocket clip.
So this is a Civivi in-house design, and I love it.
Nearly four inches. This is going to be one of my favorites from them.
Next, this one is one that I've talked about a lot recently.
This is the Sencut Wachwaga.
Sencut is the budget brand for Civivi, which is the budget brand for WE. this is This is Wee's grandchild hanging out in the basement, doing, making cool designs.
I feel like SenCut is where it's at. Civi also, with the less expensive knives and less expensive productions, they're willing to take more design chances.
And I think this SenCut was very popular right out of the gate.
This watch with that very nice wharncliffe blade and the button lock action.
We can see it now echoed through the more expensive WE productions.
Great blade, again, very thin, like WE and SenCut does, very thin and very slicey.
[27:54] Great cutting action. And then very, very nice action in terms of opening and closing.
It is to have a slightly less convex, I'm sorry, concave button.
I understand they don't want it accidentally actuated, but for me it's not a problem.
What's more of a problem is really having to dig your finger in there to get it to close.
But again, problem, first world problem. Nice fuller action as well. You can flip it over using that fuller.
Nice micarta, the whole nine yards. I love this thing, but as I mentioned, there is a bit of really digging in the thumb to get that to close.
But not this next one and these two I kind of keep on the same shelf next to each other.
This is the Mad Tonto from Kaiser. I was very excited about this damned design coming out.
I like damned designs a lot. It had a very consistent design language in his folders and one of those things are is this handle with those very broad fullers to the broad to the point that they make the whole handle feel contoured.
[29:10] Hollow ground, flat ground, tanto, they're just beautiful, beautiful knife, and a great working blade, very thin, very slicey. And that button is for it's like those cell phones that have the really big numbers, you know, for the elderly and hard of seeing. And this button is kind of like that it's it stands way proud and you don't have to do much to get it to close.
So maybe, maybe with hard work and gripping it a certain way, you might be able to accidentally actuate that lock easier than some others like the one I just had, the SenCut.
But I don't care. That's not me.
And I like the added benefit of a button that sits proud. Where is it?
Where is it, Sonny? How do you unlock this thing? Oh, here it is.
You know? Yeah. Also, again, great micarta. I do love Kaiser's micarta.
They put some great stuff on their knives, as does Sencut Civivi.
Okay, next is one of my favorite designers and knife makers with a licensed design to EDC.
I'm sorry, Beyond EDC.
[30:24] And he's got he's got them licensed here at the Beyond EDC line, which is this was a $30 knife and amazing. They're probably the best 30 bucks I've spent in the knife hobby. No joke. This is an exclusive through Smoky Mountain knife works and it's beyond EDC production and Dirk Pinkerton design and it's a Navaja buttery buttery smooth. I mean insanely smooth and a a great 14 c 28 and blade very, very sharp. As a matter of fact, I have the titanium version of this with the s 35. And this came sharper, it's sticky sharp, it's amazing. And for 30 bucks, you can get the black, the tan and the green version and have, some leftover for coffee afterward. Just a really awesome knife. Now, beyond EDC, and there are other two lines, I I think they're doing great stuff.
They're making these really, really well-built knives a very low price point.
[31:34] And so this is one of them and I'm really happy that they did this exclusive with, with Smoky Mountain knife works if you're wondering where to get these awesome Navajos go check those out over there at Smoky Mountain, next up this is a This is one designed also by Colin Maison Pierre. This is a Kubi and, Kubi knives man are very very well done I bought one to have as my throwaway knife that I would travel to blade show with.
And it's a great knife. Really, really like it to the point where I got a couple of others.
And this is the other one that I got from or one of the other ones.
This is a CM design, and it's the Royal.
[32:24] And it's a very nice utilitarian blade, but also very, I don't know, It's got a lot of panache.
I love the long opening hole. That's D2 blade steel coated.
I love the black next to the JG10. I've done a lot of work with this knife in particular because I've had it on me a lot.
And when things come up, I've been using this quite a bit.
The JG10 is very nice. And I also get neutral enough that it will take a, it'll do well if I decide to dye this.
But every time I get one of these JG10 knives with the aim of dying them, I end up just liking the color and sticking with it.
So action on this is amazing.
KUBI knives really has my attention. And they have a knife, well, I'm not sure if I'm gonna be getting it, so I'm not gonna talk about that one yet.
But this is the KUBI Royal. Next up, Artisan Cutlery. Now, I have Artisan and CJRB in this list.
CJRB is the budget line.
[33:33] But this thing, man, I'm a huge, huge fan of this knife here.
This is the Sirius by Ray Laconico. It is such a sleek and beautiful piece.
Kind of perfect design. This one is slender and light and thin. It's got the sculpted, titanium handles and, or not handle, but clip and contoured handles with a fuller groove down the middle. It's very comfortable, very slender, sleek and light, but that's a three and a half inch blade, so a nice capable size. This is a great suit knife, like you have light slacks on and you, and you want a very capable knife over 3 1⁄2 or at 3 1⁄2 inches, this is a great, great knife.
It comes in this AR RPM9, their proprietary powdered steel, or you can get a more expensive version with the Coral Micarta and S35VN tumbled.
[34:37] And either way you get it, it's sleek and beautiful. You could pull it out at a dinner party or at a work function and use it to cut something and people wouldn't freak out.
It's so, I don't think they would.
Look at it, it's so clean and it's got such a nice gentlemanly design.
I don't know what to call it, but it's a very nice looking knife.
So I love this, I love the artisan knives in general. I have a couple of other proponents.
I'm a particular proponent of the mini proponent, So great knives coming out of ArtisanCutlery.
Next is from CJRB, their sister brand, their cheaper brand, let's say.
[35:24] So this is the Scoria. Huge fan of this CJRB Scoria.
I think the Pyrite is coming up behind this knife right quick, but I've had this one for longer.
I got this in a trade from a listener, and he got the riffle.
He got the riffle. I traded this for the Civivi Riffle.
And I love the black and maroon. That really gets me.
Very nice contoured micarta handle. It's nice and thin.
This is a great in the waistband knife for me in the summertime when I'm wearing shorts or that kind of thing.
[36:00] A swimsuit, though I've avoided carrying this right after swimming because I don't want the micarta to be bleached and that happened to one of my other knives.
But a great, great working blade, nice and thin, thinly ground, saber ground.
That's a very thin grind. Very nice for all sorts of duty around the house.
Great choil there. And every once in a while I will carry this just for the beauty.
I think it's actually a very pretty blade. A pretty knife all around.
Whether you're looking just at the silhouette of it, or this one in particular with that maroon and black.
Very nice looking knives.
Okay, so that is that. And then next up is the, oh, this is a nice one, the Vasteed, the Vasteed Nightshade.
This one has that audaciously downward curved leaf-shaped blade, And man, is that a great setup for work because it's it acts like a recurve.
You're accelerating the cut as you just pull against whatever the medium is you're cutting.
Looks a little bit like a kukri, looks a little bit like a barang.
[37:22] I love the leaf shape, though. Full height, crowned spine, full height, flat ground, crowned spine, jimping, really nice, buttery action.
And contoured handle scales. This one now comes with an opening hole and no flipper.
So either way, you win. Just a very cool knife. And like I said, a great worker.
And it reminds me of the Lum, the Bob Lum Chinese folder, I think it was called.
It was a leaf-shaped knife that he did for Spyderco that had a similar sort of handle to blade angle and a similar leaf shape blade.
This is the Vosteed Nightshade and Man Alive.
Isn't it a sweet one?
Okay, next up, speaking of which, is the Petrified Victor. Now the Petrified Vish, sorry, Petrified Fish Victor.
[38:20] I was looking for the Beluga. I wanted to get the Beluga. I had one on loan from, uh who did i have that one hero sticks i really liked it and i was looking for one, and came across the victor and it was right before it kind of drop tier, no problem getting it. And you could get it in this denim micarta with the satin blade or the coated blade with the green micarta.
And now that I think about it, I should have gotten both.
Should have gotten both. Just a beautiful bowie blade with that upswept swedge, and that point is still remaining midline, but you have a nice curve in that swedge curve in that swedge and a good straightaway there. This is D2, isn't it? Oh no, this is K110. So, a steel analogous to D2 but not D2 itself. Very nice action. That micarta has really taken on a funk which I love and is patinaed nicely. You can see this milled out pocket on the backside or it depends if you're a lefty on the front side, you can slow roll it using that or you can use it to Spidey flick.
So, designed by a knife lover no doubt and a Bowie lover also because that blade shape is just gorgeous. You can see the, the grind lines in there too.
[39:50] Very, very nice. Yeah, Petrified Fish, weird name. They make some really, really great things.
Very, very nice knives.
Again, for a song.
Second to last in this list is the TS-301, the Tucson. This one really won my heart.
I had seen them for a long time and really loved, to say like Jared Neves is enthusiasm for Tucson earlier on.
[40:21] What can you just but there was never a design that really got me until I saw this one. This one really did get me that up trail up swept clip point blade. The high high flat grind knew it was going to be a great slicer. And then this faux bolster handle with the carbon fiber meeting the my card and then shadow box by the titanium just a great and beautiful knife and a workhorse. Also, it's a bit of a bolster lock I guess you could say even though well I don't know what do you call this it's it's a bit like a frame lock just with overlays so, So maybe we'll call it that.
But amazing action. This one has D2 blade steel. The original one had 14C28.
And this brand also features other higher end steels and still for a pretty good, you know, a very good deal.
Look at the sharpening choil on this one. You could sharpen that for quite a while with the plunge grind I gave you.
Yeah, this is just a great, great knife and the action is great.
It feels really, melts into the hand.
You can do a lot of work with this knife and not really get fatigued.
But all that being said, they're very artful and beautiful. Here's the...
[41:48] When i was carrying today these are the only two i have and i'm not constantly on the hunt for for new ones a lot of them design wise a lot of these two sun knives are just too many notes for me personally but these two show a restraint that i love okay lastly in this list this is a big.
[42:08] Big favorite of mine because it's coming from concept who i love and this is dirk pinkerton also a designer and maker that I love. And this one is the main street. They had one called the mini Main Street. And this one was labeled as such the little Main Street. I'm sorry, when, these came out, the big ones got labeled little ones. So this is a historic run and I could get millions of dollars for this if I were to sell it, but I'm not going to because it is a great, great EDC. This is the one that I did bleach by throwing in my wet swimsuit pocket. This had a nicely patinaed show side. This clip side has retained some of that patina, but this side really has. So it's kind of like having a brand new knife. But I've done a lot of work with this knife, and this spent a lot of time in the waistband when I was I was kind of in a period of not carrying my fixed blades, on a daily basis.
So this one has nice bearing action, but it's just thumb stud, which I love.
And then it has that run of Pinkerton style jimping, which is the half cups engraved on either side.
[43:30] Gives you a nice length for your thumb to rest on and that nice, long, straight, flat edge, which is great for utility and great for self-defense.
And that's something Dirk Pinkerton is always paying attention to with all of his knife designs, is is it utilitarian and is it good for self-defense?
And I appreciate that sentiment.
[43:53] Well, that about does it for my list of overseas budget folder favorites. And I have a bunch of others, but you get the idea. I, think I had one from each of the major companies here. I can't believe there are 12. And I didn't have we didn't didn't have a Riyadh, which I could have, but I did. Maybe next time. Those ones aren't so budget, I guess. Alright, so be sure to join us on Sunday for Eddie macho Diaz of monkeys, his He's got a couple licensed with Kaiser, and he's doing some really cool custom stuff and has quite an amazing mentor that he hangs out with and learns knife making from.
So definitely check that out right here on the Knife Junkie Podcast.
For Jim, working his magic behind the switcher, I'm Bob DeMarco saying until next time, don't take dull for an answer.
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[45:10] And if you have a question or comment, email them to Bob at theknifejunkie.com or call, Call our 24-7 listener line at 724-466-4487 and you may hear your comment or question answered on an upcoming episode of the Knife Junkie Podcast.
[45:25] Music.
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Knives, News and Other Stuff Mentioned in the Podcast
- Ken Onion Facet Premium Releases
- Buck Budgie Looks Like a Bird
- Compact Voxnaes Design New MKM EDC
- Boker and Poltergeist Team up for New Balisong
- The Knife Junkie’s Patreon Group
Pocket Check
- Two Sun TS336
- JWK Little Bro Jack
- JB Knife & Tool Ditch Pick
- CJRB Pyrite (ESK)
State of the Collection
- Jack Wolf Knives Big Bro Jack
- SCC Paring Knife
- CM Designs Tonic by Bestech
Overseas Budget Folder Favorites
- Bestech Bihai
- Civivi Praxis
- Sentcut Watauga
- Kizer Mad Tanto
- B’yond EDC Nighthorse
- Kubey Royal
- Artisan Cutlery Sirius
- CJRB Scoria
- Vosteed Nightshade
- Petrified Fish Victor
- Two Sun TS 301
- Kansept Main Street

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