  • Sig/Hogue K320, SRM 9201, American Blade Works Model 1 V5 and More - The Knife Junkie Podcast Episode 169
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Sig/Hogue K320, SRM 9201, American Blade Works Model 1 V5 and More – The Knife Junkie Podcast Episode 169

On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (Episode #169), Bob “The Knife Junkie” DeMarco takes a look at several knives, including the Sig/Hogue K320, SRM 9201 and the American Blade Works Model 1 V5.

In addition, we get an update on “No New Knife November,” a couple of stories in Knife Life News, and some time to reflect on the question posed by YouTube’s Alex’s Knifebox about whether we all should be watching more YouTube knife videos.

Links to stories, podcast episodes mentioned and the knives covered in the podcast can be found below.

I'm talking Sig/Hogue K320, SRM 9201, American Blade Works Model 1 V5 and More on episode 169 of #theknifejunkie #podcast. Won't you join me? Share on X

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