  • The Knife Junkie's Most Carried Modern Tactical Knives of 2020 - The Knife Junkie Podcast Episode 171
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The Knife Junkie’s Most Carried Modern Tactical Knives of 2020 – The Knife Junkie Podcast Episode 171

On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (Episode #171), Bob “The Knife Junkie” DeMarco takes a look at his most carried modern tactical knives in 2020 — 10 in fact, along with three runners-up. Scroll down the page if you want to read the list — but be sure to watch the video to see the knives!

The Knife Junkie also covers some Knife Life News, a Tip of the Week, and in his “State of the Collection,” it’s the GEC #14 from Rob Bixby/Apostle P’s Thursday night sale, a Klein Tools Drywall Dagger and the new Micarta handle on on his Emerson Elvia as done by blades_n_such.

Links to stories, podcast episodes mentioned and the knives covered in the podcast can be found below.

It's The Knife Junkie's most carried modern tactical knives of 2020 -- and more -- all on episode 171 of #theknifejunkie #podcast. If you like knives, you'll love this one! Share on X

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Knives, News and Other Stuff Mentioned in the Podcast


MY 10 Most Carried Modern Tactical Knives In 2020

Runners Up

  • Off-Grid Scorpion
  • American Blade Works Model 1
  • Strider SMF CC


  • A2D Mk1
  • TOPS Rapid Strike
  • ZT 0640
  • Spyderco Spydiechef (modified by Mike Emler)
  • Hinderer XM-18 No-choil Wharnie (DLT exclusive)
  • Benchmade Bugout
  • Microtech Troodon D/E
  • Emerson Seax
  • Kopis/Ed Calderone L-Via
  • Spartan Harsey Folder


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Please call the listener line at 724-466-4487 or email bob@theknifejunkie.com with any comments, feedback or suggestions on the show, and let us know who you’d like to hear interviewed on an upcoming edition of The Knife Junkie Podcast.

To listen to past episodes of the podcast, visit theknifejunkie.com/listen.


Today’s podcast in sponsored in part by Send a Card Online.  Send a Card Online is a website where you can create a beautiful greeting card, thank you card, sympathy or get well card, graduation card, “thinking of you” card, birthday or anniversary card, or any type of greeting card that you’d like to mail to someone you care about. Cards come in either postcard style, large oversize, or traditional two-panel and three-panel cards. You can also choose from a card catalog of pre-made cards, or create your own with your own pictures and text. The cards are printed in full color, stuffed in an envelope, sealed, stamped and mailed — NOT email — to your recipient. And right now, you can get a FREE greeting card just by visiting sendacard.online. Don’t miss that upcoming birthday or anniversary or special occasion! Go to Send a Card Online right now!


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