WE Kitefin, ZT 0357, Emerson’s New Collaboration, Cold Steel Voyager Kris, Coated Aluminum SnaggletoothMFs and More — The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 93)

On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (Episode #93), Bob covers several stories in Knife Life News — the WE Kitefin, ZT’s EDC-friendly 0357, Emerson’s New Collaboration with Counter-narco Agent Ed Calderon and how the coronavirus (COVID-19) is already affecting knife shows — as well as provides updates to his collection with the Cold Steel Voyager Kris and the new coated aluminum SnaggletoothMFs from Snaggletooth Tactical.

Links to stories, podcast episodes mentioned and the knives covered in the podcast can be found below.

WE Kitefin, ZT 0357, Emerson's New Collaboration, Cold Steel Voyager Kris, Coated Aluminum SnaggletoothMFs and More -- The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 93). Share on X

Knives, News and Other Stuff Mentioned in the Podcast

Please call the listener line at 724-466-4487 or email bob@theknifejunkie.com with any comments, feedback or suggestions on the show, and let us know what you’d like to hear covered next week on The Knife Junkie Podcast Supplemental edition.

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Announcer 0:03
Welcome to the Knife Junkie podcast your weekly dose of knife news and information about knives and knife collecting here's your hosts Jim Person and Bob The Knife Junkie DeMarco

Jim Person 0:17
Hello Knife Junkie and welcome to episode number 93 of the knife junkie podcast. I'm Jim Person

Bob DeMarco 0:23
and I'm Bob DeMarco Welcome to the show.

Jim Person 0:25
Welcome to the knife junkie Podcast the place for knife newbies and Knife Junkie is to learn about knives and knife collecting and Bob maybe you can tell my voice is a little different. I don't know

Bob DeMarco 0:36
it's it's sounding a little deeper and richer today Jim okay, but also maybe a little nasal. I'm sorry to hear you're under the weather.

Jim Person 0:43
Yeah, a little nasal. He definitely so I'm not going to be talking too much this time, as I normally do. But but but less talkative this time but some nice life news coming up in this show. We also want to give you a chance to talk about the cold steel Chris and our buddies do who was able to come through in a pinch for you to satisfy that need that you had also promote a knife show up there that Steve's going to be involved in. As well as update on the state of the collection from Knife Junkie as we mentioned the cold steel Voyager Chris that'll be in there but also some talk about some snaggletooth em F's that we're gonna let Bob bloviate about

Announcer 1:25
you're listening to the knife junkie podcast, It's time now for the latest knife life news.

Bob DeMarco 1:31
So I was talking to Terrell Todd last week one half of Todd knife and tool and Zell Rick 42 on YouTube, he co hosts often co hosts Thursday night knives. And we were talking about this new way knife drop called the kite fin another unique name from we knives I like the way they've turned away from the the numbering and have gone towards names any case. I introduced the the knife as a topic of conversation and I said What's up with this name Kate Finn. Emily's weird names, and Zell says, well actually I named it and I was like, Oh, I like it. What's a kite fin and actually it's a certain kind of shark. And when you look at this knife, it has definitely has the shark like lines. It's very simple and sort of neutral etc. With a with a 3.25 inch blade. It's got a drop point with a beautiful, long running swedge on top. It's hollow ground. It's kind of a continuous curve with a choil finger choil in front of the flipper, and you have a neutral handle. at first blush. It's not a very unique knife but then you you look at it and you look at some of the specs and it comes with eight different handle styles. The real trick to this knife is how you put it together. They have the the one I'm looking at right now is a titanium scale with a sort of spiral graphic etched pattern, but they also have carbon fiber inlays they have different anodizing with it with The channel cut into it. So there are a number of different ways you can get this knife coming in at 180 bucks. This thing is meant to be sort of a well for we knives and for this for this part of the market and more affordable, more sensible, etc. Seems to me, like, you know, people give EDC size or range from three to three and a half inches. To me it comes in squarely right in the middle at three and a quarter. It seems like everything that that comes out at three and a quarter is meant for that. But that's just my own personal observation. Yojimbo to I guess would be an exception. In any case, the weak kite fin looks like a really, really nice knife. The blade is reminiscent of the new CVV whose name I just can't remember. It's a weird one. And I look forward to seeing this thing thing. Go through the YouTube hands. See if it tempts me away from 180 bucks.

Jim Person 3:55
All right, well, you talk about EDC that transitions nicely in To the next story and knife life news with the zero tolerance zt announcing a new EDC friendly model 0357 as we get our our name, our number of models,

Bob DeMarco 4:13
right, we're getting our numbers back and actually, you look at it, you look at the specs of this and the specs of the we that I just mentioned. And they are in the same ballpark that we I forgot to mention is S 35. The new zero tolerance, the 0357, which is a three and a quarter inch drop point. Again, it's well it's a harpoon style, it's got a lot of style, it's pretty menacing looking, but again, we're coming in at three and a quarter. And this is something that they're putting out there specifically as an EDC as a gateway EDC into the zero tolerance line coming in at 185 bucks much like the V kite fin. It's it's meant to sort of, you know, it's it's, it isn't expensive, it's not an inexpensive knife, but for the ZTE line, it's it is an entry model and it's meant to pull people in That being said, this is why when speaking was Elric he thinks they decided to make this a assisted open. I couldn't figure it out. I'm like, everyone knows no one wants to cyst it open, you know, so why wouldn't they just put it on bearings. But Zell mentioned Well, if you have people who have been lifelong Kershaw owners and they're gonna take the jump to z t, you might want to put something in it that they recognize and that is something that they've grown to like, which is the speed safe opening mechanism to draw them in and then once they have a zero tolerance, and they see you know, the quality and the fit and finish and the feel of it, they might want to get another CT and that others et is most definitely going to be on bearings and and they're you've brought another one into the fold. So I thought that was a very interesting way to look at it. The new CT, like most of them now are 20 is 20 cv steel. It's got a deep carry pocket clip. This is a G 10 liner lock, which is something they haven't done in a little while, but being in the three fold series. I guess that's where most of their liner locks have existed in their three series. So it's an exciting new drop. I won't be getting one if I love the design of it. If it were unassisted and closer to four inch blade, I'd be all over it. It's very cool.

Jim Person 6:16
Well, I don't think I have the corona virus. I haven't been to China. I did not. But I did eat some Chinese food for lunch the other day. But anyway, so maybe it's just the cold or a flu. But you know, a lot of businesses, a lot of events, a lot of organizing things, a lot of sports, saw a soccer match the other day and an empty and empty stadium. So a lot of places are considering canceling events. And that's trickled into the knife world as well, Bob.

Bob DeMarco 6:49
Yeah, yeah, it has. We have. We have Broadway tickets coming up this weekend and a whole weekend planned with it with the kids in New York. I don't know if that's gonna happen every day. It's like bigger and bigger deal. I just saw that the Iowa outdoor classics, that's the big European outdoor show, you know that has the kind of that has knife exhibitors that will be postponed until no one knows when and then the big Spyderco. Amsterdam meet. There's a huge European contingent of Spyderco collectors. And they meet in Amsterdam every year to check out the new products. It's a big thing and a lot of products are announced there or first seen there that's just outright canceled this year. So yeah, I want Nuremberg is postponed and the Spyderco meet in Amsterdam cancelled it. Of course it makes us wonder about blade show. This is going to be our first year and we're excited and looking forward to it. But you know, hopefully, hopefully by June, everything's good to go. And we'll be seeing everyone there.

Jim Person 7:48
Right. Well, we'll wait and see and see how it goes.

Bob DeMarco 7:51
This one wasn't on your list, Jim but I just saw this from one of our one of our friends and listeners Edwin on callow PR he is an An Emerson a Holic at 131 Emerson knives, I would say he qualifies. He sent me a message via Instagram. To say that the this crazy new pic call style knife from Emerson is a go and it's live on the website and you can pre order it. It's it's an Emerson knife. That's a collaboration which is a very rare thing. For Ernest Emerson. It's a collaboration with a with a an old friend of his Ed Calderon. That name may sound familiar, because Ed Calderon is a counter narco agent who was working in Mexico and was recently on the Joe Rogan podcast and told some real harrowing stories. Some really sobering eye opening stories about what's happening on the border and and in Mexico. And as a field agent, he always carried a knife as his backup, you know from he carry a long rifle and a pistol and then he had this backup knife, but the knife was a knife that his mother used and carried For when he was a kid, and this thing was a utility knife, a kitchen knife, and she used it to save the family from from street thugs that were jumping her. And so he always carried this knife as his ultimate backup. And recently came to Ernest Emerson and said, Can you make a folding version of this knight? And so that's what they've done. And when you look at it, it looks a lot like it's it's reminiscent of like the new Pinkerton version, or any number of call style that the Spyderco pick call knife and he sort of put call style knife where it looks like the edge is facing in. But you have to go to the Emerson website and look up, Elvia, that was the name of that is the name of Ed Calderon's mother. The knife is named after her. And look at it it's it's a little mind boggling the design it is very cool and it looks like the kind of knife you hold in your hand edge and pair with like you peel an apple with or you know, peel an onion with So you look at this knife, it's very menacing, it looks very effective as a tactical knife, but you can also see its lineage back to utility kitchen knife hand paring knife. And it just looks very cool. So, anyone who's a Emerson guy, Emerson girl, go to the site, check it out. It is a very unique knife get on the list if you're interested.

Announcer 10:21
And now that we're caught up with a knife life news, let's hear more of the knife junkie podcast.

Jim Person 10:26
All right back on episode number 93 of the knife junkie podcast, it's time for the state of the collection with The Knife Junkie, but before we kind of dive into that, as you're gonna kind of talk about your cold steel, Voyager, Chris, a little backstory there about how you've been wanting to try to get it but our good buddies do comes through for you.

Bob DeMarco 10:46
That's right, I ordered a new, extra large Voyager Chris from the knife center. And I had the ominous message. Oh, this will take two to three days to ship. And then I got the email saying well actually it's actually on backorder so is going to take longer and then I got the call saying Well, we've canceled your order but when it comes in, you'll be the first to get it. And this this had me a little upset. My brother already had one and was I don't want to say showing it off. He's been very gracious about it. But in any case, I was getting a little envious and I had He's like, you have to get one just go to the cold steel website. And I was about to do that. When I got a message from our good friend Stu up in Vermont. He owns stone and steel. It's a knife purveyor up in New England, they go to gun shows and sell it a lot of outdoor shows up there. He says we have one in stock, I can have it to you. For a wasn't a fraction of the price but it was less than less than I would have gotten it from knife center. And it arrived at my door and thank you Stu this knife is really cool. And before I go on to gush about it, let me just say that stone and steel stews company will be at the 2020 outdoor gun and outdoor sportsmen show up in Essex junction, Vermont. That'll be March 21 and 22nd. That's the weekend. So definitely go check them out for some great knives and great deals over there. So the Voyager Chris is more than I expected. From pictures, it seemed like, Huh, I want to see how this feels in real life with this with this blade. Is it an awkward shaped blade to have in that handle? And I'm here to tell you no, it is not. It fits like a glove. This knife comes in very sharp. I still can't quite figure out how they get such an even grind these tight waves here, but they managed to do it. That's their business. So one of the first things I did, after having this in hand, was test out the sharpness on paper and it is that weird, sort of glide through as if it's not their effect. It is very sharp. But the interesting thing is how The undulations stutter the the move through the paper and stutter and accelerate the move through the paper which which just goes to show me that when used on you know if you were to use this against a person or a rabid coyote or something, those waves really come in handy for accelerating the cut and and really using those five and a half inches to you know, really maximizing those five and a half inches of Austin a so no experience with os 10 A and I really don't think that my time with this Voyager will give me much information on the steel because I don't plan on you know taking it out back and using it. This is just a collection piece and and then an occasional carry piece. I immediately put on the snaggletooth mF so that I could wave it out of my pocket but also on this blade. I really like the way the snaggletooth mF looks because it harkens back to the traditional Chris the traditional Chris has, has a big sort of lobe at the bottom of the blade. That's sort of a guard and it's also sort of a symbolic thing. I next week show I have a bunch of information on the Chris that I want to synthesize and talk about because the Chris is not just a novelty, this wavy bladed shape is not just a novelty, it is a, it has a real tactical advantage. When pushing forward it it will widen a wound, and when slashing, it will it will saw. So it is a very interesting shape and it has a symbolic, various symbolic meanings from the different cultures that employed it. Malaysia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, and that whole area down there. So I highly recommend you get your hands on a voyager Chris. I'm going to be I'm going to be looking for a four inch version of this and a four inch version of the taillight Chris, because it'd be interesting to see how they condense and compress the waves. Will there be fewer waves, the same size or there be as many or more more tightly packed, it'd be interesting to see and very difficult to sharp. In any case I mentioned I'm going to segue right into the new snaggletooth mF products that are in the offing. They are not out yet but Rob Pena, our good friend over there at snaggletooth tactical in New Jersey, sent me a prototype of of their new snaggletooth mF that's a an aftermarket pocket opener you know, like a wave. You you put it on a knife that has removable thumb studs, and it it acts as a a thumb ramp and a thumb stop and or I should say a as a wave opener and be as a thumb ramp and thumb stop. They are now making them out of aluminum. They were they were made. They are currently made out of high tensile plastic like God And, but they will be making them out of aluminum and I got to try one out and it's awesome. He sent me a pink one to go with my pink broken skull that I carry. frequently. It's pink coated, really thick coated with a beautiful shade that pretty much matches my knife. Now my knife is a little grungy, and it's never coming back. It's just, it's perma groans on that pink but in the spots that are pristine, the snaggletooth matches. Now they're going to come out with a number of other colors to match different models of cold steel and different models of I believe benchmade because they're making a smaller version that will fit the benchmade bug out and the mini bug out. So aluminum, check it out. snaggletooth tactical now what I'm gonna it's not out yet but but be looking for it. What I'm going to be looking for is they're going to have a raw tumbled version of it too. So it will blend into the knife blade. You know it'd be the same color as the knife blade. So yeah very excited about this. This new version of classic snaggletooth tactical product

Jim Person 17:07
can we look forward to seeing a video on The Knife Junkie, his YouTube channel about the

Bob DeMarco 17:12
snaggletooth yes we can we can indeed actually. Yes. Coming up very shortly that's the next one on my list or Well, I mean, I've had it for a week now so I want Rob to see that I've been using it and I want him to hear what I think about it. Okay. Here's a little spoiler I like it.

Jim Person 17:29
Okay, if you want to see the video when it comes out The Knife Junkie his YouTube channel is The Knife Junkie comm slash YouTube. If you are not yet a subscriber to The Knife Junkie his YouTube channel go to The Knife Junkie. COMM slash why to subscribe. That way you'll be subscribed to get the latest videos when they come out. Be sure to click that little bell notification so that you'll get notified when new videos come out. All right, Bob. Gonna do a little promotion for next week's interview show a big guest that you had pleasure to talk to you that you want to promote as well as some other such you want to go ahead and kind of mention that are coming up.

Bob DeMarco 18:04
Yeah, well, let's see. We just had Eugene Kwan great guy. He's a YouTube reviewer. I had a great time talking to him. I really like his his videos, he breaks things down in such a calm and rational way. And so it was great to talk to him. I'd like to have him like others come, you know, rotate back in. I want to hear what they think of new knives as they come out. So be looking for more. Hopefully, Eugene will want to come back on the show. coming up this week, Ernest Emerson, I was gonna try and build it up. But I don't know what else to say. Ernest Emerson, someone I've been wanting to speak to for 20 years, came on the show. And what a great guy we had a long conversation. Look for a nice long podcast. And he regaled me with stories of the past and and also aims for the future and just from your philosophy and stuff. What a great guy Ernest Emerson. I'd love to hang out with him. And then Coming up, we have Rob Bixby. He's the apostle Pete you know him from YouTube. He's also an extremely talented and sharpener. He's got he basically left his day job to sharpen knives, which is amazing to me. But he also sells knives weekly on YouTube. He has the most regular, most, most watched and most successful YouTube knife sale video every every Thursday night. He goes live, love him. He's going to be on and then I'm going to be talking to Brian Thai next week. And then that'll be a show that comes up a few weeks after that. So really looking forward to talking to all of these interesting people. And I'm man, I feel blessed and honored that I got a chance to talk to Ernest Emerson, and that it was in a unrushed and no technical difficulties. No, nothing to worry about. We just got a chance to dig in. It was great.

Jim Person 19:55
All right, looking forward to that interview. As Bob said, that's coming up this weekend on the interview show of The Knife Junkie podcast we do two shows a week this midweek is the chance where Bob gets to you know talk about knives a little more in depth new product drops updates us hit on his collection kind of goes behind the scenes to talk about knives and then the Sunday interview show is where Bob has a chance to again talk to knife makers, knife designers, manufacturers YouTube knife reviewers anybody in the knife community and kind of hear from them kind of go kind of go deep and learn their story and some hopefully some behind the scenes stuff that people don't know about those guests. So if you would like to be a guest or you know someone that you think would be a great guest on The Knife Junkie podcast, call the listener line at 724-466-4487 leave us a suggestion or shoot Bob an email at Bob at The Knife junkie.com and Bob you mentioned the apostle P and his knife sales I last weekend was able to purchase some knives and in knife auction. And so I was thinking maybe put one or two of those up over the next several weeks on Thursday night knives.

Bob DeMarco 21:10
I think that'd be a great idea. And if any of them need a little, well, you know what I could I could give them a little spa treatment and make a video of it.

Jim Person 21:19
Well, that was my, that was my plan. Oh, I just told you about it.

Bob DeMarco 21:24
Oh, I like that plan. Gonna put you to work really, really brilliant minds think alike. Absolutely brilliant. Absolutely.

Jim Person 21:31
Well, I'll put a spoiler out. I remember there was a cold steel taillight. There was a little buck knife that you had talked to me about. Unfortunately, the auction picture which was online didn't show the other side. And it has somebody did hand scrawling initials on one side of the handle so I was like, ah, darn it all. But anyway.

Bob DeMarco 21:54
Hey, well, you know what? I told you any way that I was gonna probably buy that knife that doesn't that won't stop me. To me that makes it even kind of cool. Oh girl, you know, but we'll see. So one last thing I want to mention to you a little behind the scenes action going on with Alex too. So, looks like I'm gonna buy two knives from Alex. And I'm very excited, because, you know, he always dotes over his knives. But after talking with Ernest Emerson, the iron dragon, which actually we didn't talk about, but we talked about Richard bustillo, his his g kundo, teacher, and JKD Collie teacher, he made the iron dragon after him. And he's a legend in that art, and I've always wanted that knife. So I'm going to be getting that from Alex, as well as my first Medford. So you'll be hearing about those upcoming weeks that I still need to sell a couple of knives. But he's, he's granted me a couple of weeks to to get it together. So okay,

Jim Person 22:54
so I look forward to look forward to that. Bob is on his pre blade show. Nice Buying extravaganza.

Bob DeMarco 23:02
Yeah, that's so stupid. Why am I doing this?

Jim Person 23:05
Because they're the knives you want and they're available now. That's right. Yeah. Let's just plus as I said the other week, it's a leap year. So you got a leap year I kept

Bob DeMarco 23:15
forgetting about that. And by the way, leap day the 29th of February was my Chris Reeve sebenza his birthday. So this this is either a four year old knife or a one year old knife depending on how you look at it and there you go.

Jim Person 23:28
All right, that's gonna do it for this episode of the Knife Junkie podcast episode number 93. You can find show notes and other stuff at The Knife Junkie. COMM slash nine three and as I always do, I let The Knife Junkie get the final word. So what is it this week, Bob?

Bob DeMarco 23:42
Okay, so this week, sell a knife. See how good it feels?

Unknown Speaker 23:47
You got to take your own advice.

Bob DeMarco 23:49
Yes, I will. I promise.

Jim Person 23:50
Okay. We'll find out next week if Bob put something up for sale. Thanks for joining us, everybody. For Bob The Knife Junkie DeMarco, I'm Jim the knife newbie person. Thanks so much for Joining us

Announcer 24:00
thanks for listening to the Knife Junkie podcast If you enjoyed the show please rate and review it review the podcast comm for show notes for today's episode additional resources and to listen to past episodes visit our website The Knife Junkie calm you can also watch our latest videos on YouTube at The Knife Junkie comm slash YouTube check out some great night photos on The Knife Junkie calm slash Instagram and join our Facebook group but The Knife Junkie calm slash Facebook and if you have a question or comment, email them to Bob at The Knife Junkie calm or call our 24 seven listener line it's 724-466-4487 and you may hear your comment or question answered on an upcoming episode of Knife Junkie podcast.


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